41 research outputs found

    A tutorial on the characterisation and modelling of low layer functional splits for flexible radio access networks in 5G and beyond

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    The centralization of baseband (BB) functions in a radio access network (RAN) towards data processing centres is receiving increasing interest as it enables the exploitation of resource pooling and statistical multiplexing gains among multiple cells, facilitates the introduction of collaborative techniques for different functions (e.g., interference coordination), and more efficiently handles the complex requirements of advanced features of the fifth generation (5G) new radio (NR) physical layer, such as the use of massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO). However, deciding the functional split (i.e., which BB functions are kept close to the radio units and which BB functions are centralized) embraces a trade-off between the centralization benefits and the fronthaul costs for carrying data between distributed antennas and data processing centres. Substantial research efforts have been made in standardization fora, research projects and studies to resolve this trade-off, which becomes more complicated when the choice of functional splits is dynamically achieved depending on the current conditions in the RAN. This paper presents a comprehensive tutorial on the characterisation, modelling and assessment of functional splits in a flexible RAN to establish a solid basis for the future development of algorithmic solutions of dynamic functional split optimisation in 5G and beyond systems. First, the paper explores the functional split approaches considered by different industrial fora, analysing their equivalences and differences in terminology. Second, the paper presents a harmonized analysis of the different BB functions at the physical layer and associated algorithmic solutions presented in the literature, assessing both the computational complexity and the associated performance. Based on this analysis, the paper presents a model for assessing the computational requirements and fronthaul bandwidth requirements of different functional splits. Last, the model is used to derive illustrative results that identify the major trade-offs that arise when selecting a functional split and the key elements that impact the requirements.This work has been partially funded by Huawei Technologies. Work by X. Gelabert and B. Klaiqi is partially funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-0) under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101073265. Work by J. Perez-Romero and O. Sallent is also partially funded by the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No. 101096034 (VERGE project) and No. 101097083 (BeGREEN project) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under ARTIST project (ref. PID2020-115104RB-I00). This last project has also funded the work by D. Campoy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Performance evaluation and implementation complexity analysis framework for ZF based linear massive MIMO detection

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    This paper discusses a framework for algorithm-architecture synergy for (1) performance evaluation and (2) FPGA implementation complexity analysis of linear massive MIMO detection techniques. Three low complexity implementation techniques of the zero-forcing (ZF) based linear detection are evaluated, namely, Neumann series expansion (NSE), Gauss–Seidel (GS) and a proposed recursive Gram matrix inversion update (RGMIU) techniques. The performance analysis framework is based on software-defined radio platform. By extrapolating the real data measured average error vector magnitude versus a number of served single-antenna user terminals, GS and RGMIU are showing no performance degradation with respect to ZF with direct matrix inversion. It is shown that under high load regime NSE and GS require more processing iterations at the expense of increased processing latency. We, therefore, consider a unified approach for field-programmable gate array based implementation complexity analysis and discuss the required baseband processing resources for real-time transmission. Due to the wide differences of NSE, GS and RGMIU in terms of performance, processing complexity and latency, practical deployment and real-time implementation insights are derived

    Systems with Massive Number of Antennas: Distributed Approaches

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    As 5G is entering maturity, the research interest has shifted towards 6G, and specially the new use cases that the future telecommunication infrastructure needs to support. These new use cases encompass much higher requirements, specifically: higher communication data-rates, larger number of users, higher accuracy in localization, possibility to wirelessly charge devices, among others.The radio access network (RAN) has already gone through an evolution on the path towards 5G. One of the main changes was a large increment of the number of antennas in the base-station. Some of them may even reach 100 elements, in what is commonly referred as Massive MIMO. New proposals for 6G RAN point in the direction of continuing this path of increasing the number of antennas, and locate them throughout a certain area of service. Different technologies have been proposed in this direction, such as: cell-free Massive MIMO, distributed MIMO, and large intelligent surface (LIS). In this thesis we focus on LIS, whose conducted theoretical studies promise the fulfillment of the aforementioned requirements.While the theoretical capabilities of LIS have been conveniently analyzed, little has been done in terms of implementing this type of systems. When the number of antennas grow to hundreds or thousands, there are numerous challenges that need to be solved for a successful implementation. The most critical challenges are the interconnection data-rate and the computational complexity.In the present thesis we introduce the implementation challenges, and show that centralized processing architectures are no longer adequate for this type of systems. We also present different distributed processing architectures and show the benefits of this type of schemes. This work aims at giving a system-design guideline that helps the system designer to make the right decisions when designing these type of systems. For that, we provide algorithms, performance analysis and comparisons, including first order evaluation of the interconnection data-rate, processing latency, memory and energy consumption. These numbers are based on models and available data in the literature. Exact values depend on the selected technology, and will be accurately determined after building and testing these type of systems.The thesis concentrates mostly on the topic of communication, with additional exploration of other areas, such as localization. In case of localization, we benefit from the high spatial resolution of a very-large array that provides very rich channel state information (CSI). A CSI-based fingerprinting via neural network technique is selected for this case with promising results. As the communication and localization services are based on the acquisition of CSI, we foresee a common system architecture capable of supporting both cases. Further work in this direction is recommended, with the possibility of including other applications such as sensing.The obtained results indicate that the implementation of these very-large array systems is feasible, but the challenges are numerous. The proposed solutions provide encouraging results that need to be verified with hardware implementations and real measurements

    A White Paper on Broadband Connectivity in 6G

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    Executive Summary This white paper explores the road to implementing broadband connectivity in future 6G wireless systems. Different categories of use cases are considered, from extreme capacity with peak data rates up to 1 Tbps, to raising the typical data rates by orders-of-magnitude, to support broadband connectivity at railway speeds up to 1000 km/h. To achieve these goals, not only the terrestrial networks will be evolved but they will also be integrated with satellite networks, all facilitating autonomous systems and various interconnected structures. We believe that several categories of enablers at the infrastructure, spectrum, and protocol/algorithmic levels are required to realize the intended broadband connectivity goals in 6G. At the infrastructure level, we consider ultra-massive MIMO technology (possibly implemented using holographic radio), intelligent reflecting surfaces, user-centric and scalable cell-free networking, integrated access and backhaul, and integrated space and terrestrial networks. At the spectrum level, the network must seamlessly utilize sub-6 GHz bands for coverage and spatial multiplexing of many devices, while higher bands will be used for pushing the peak rates of point-to-point links. The latter path will lead to THz communications complemented by visible light communications in specific scenarios. At the protocol/algorithmic level, the enablers include improved coding, modulation, and waveforms to achieve lower latencies, higher reliability, and reduced complexity. Different options will be needed to optimally support different use cases. The resource efficiency can be further improved by using various combinations of full-duplex radios, interference management based on rate-splitting, machine-learning-based optimization, coded caching, and broadcasting. Finally, the three levels of enablers must be utilized not only to deliver better broadband services in urban areas, but also to provide full-coverage broadband connectivity must be one of the key outcomes of 6G

    Heterogeneous Acceleration for 5G New Radio Channel Modelling Using FPGAs and GPUs

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    Design and Implementation of Efficient Algorithms for Wireless MIMO Communication Systems

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    En la última década, uno de los avances tecnológicos más importantes que han hecho culminar la nueva generación de banda ancha inalámbrica es la comunicación mediante sistemas de múltiples entradas y múltiples salidas (MIMO). Las tecnologías MIMO han sido adoptadas por muchos estándares inalámbricos tales como LTE, WiMAS y WLAN. Esto se debe principalmente a su capacidad de aumentar la máxima velocidad de transmisión , junto con la fiabilidad alcanzada y la cobertura de las comunicaciones inalámbricas actuales sin la necesidad de ancho de banda extra ni de potencia de transmisión adicional. Sin embargo, las ventajas proporcionadas por los sistemas MIMO se producen a expensas de un aumento sustancial del coste de implementación de múltiples antenas y de la complejidad del receptor, la cual tiene un gran impacto sobre el consumo de energía. Por esta razón, el diseño de receptores de baja complejidad es un tema importante que se abordará a lo largo de esta tesis. En primer lugar, se investiga el uso de técnicas de preprocesado de la matriz de canal MIMO bien para disminuir el coste computacional de decodificadores óptimos o bien para mejorar las prestaciones de detectores subóptimos lineales, SIC o de búsqueda en árbol. Se presenta una descripción detallada de dos técnicas de preprocesado ampliamente utilizadas: el método de Lenstra, Lenstra, Lovasz (LLL) para lattice reduction (LR) y el algorimo VBLAST ZF-DFE. Tanto la complejidad como las prestaciones de ambos métodos se han evaluado y comparado entre sí. Además, se propone una implementación de bajo coste del algoritmo VBLAST ZF-DFE, la cual se incluye en la evaluación. En segundo lugar, se ha desarrollado un detector MIMO basado en búsqueda en árbol de baja complejidad, denominado detector K-Best de amplitud variable (VB K-Best). La idea principal de este método es aprovechar el impacto del número de condición de la matriz de canal sobre la detección de datos con el fin de disminuir la complejidad de los sistemasRoger Varea, S. (2012). Design and Implementation of Efficient Algorithms for Wireless MIMO Communication Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16562Palanci

    Ondas milimétricas e MIMO massivo para otimização da capacidade e cobertura de redes heterogeneas de 5G

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    Today's Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) networks cannot support the exponential growth in mobile traffic forecast for the next decade. By 2020, according to Ericsson, 6 billion mobile subscribers worldwide are projected to generate 46 exabytes of mobile data traffic monthly from 24 billion connected devices, smartphones and short-range Internet of Things (IoT) devices being the key prosumers. In response, 5G networks are foreseen to markedly outperform legacy 4G systems. Triggered by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) under the IMT-2020 network initiative, 5G will support three broad categories of use cases: enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) for multi-Gbps data rate applications; ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC) for critical scenarios; and massive machine type communications (mMTC) for massive connectivity. Among the several technology enablers being explored for 5G, millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication, massive MIMO antenna arrays and ultra-dense small cell networks (UDNs) feature as the dominant technologies. These technologies in synergy are anticipated to provide the 1000_ capacity increase for 5G networks (relative to 4G) through the combined impact of large additional bandwidth, spectral efficiency (SE) enhancement and high frequency reuse, respectively. However, although these technologies can pave the way towards gigabit wireless, there are still several challenges to solve in terms of how we can fully harness the available bandwidth efficiently through appropriate beamforming and channel modeling approaches. In this thesis, we investigate the system performance enhancements realizable with mmWave massive MIMO in 5G UDN and cellular infrastructure-to-everything (C-I2X) application scenarios involving pedestrian and vehicular users. As a critical component of the system-level simulation approach adopted in this thesis, we implemented 3D channel models for the accurate characterization of the wireless channels in these scenarios and for realistic performance evaluation. To address the hardware cost, complexity and power consumption of the massive MIMO architectures, we propose a novel generalized framework for hybrid beamforming (HBF) array structures. The generalized model reveals the opportunities that can be harnessed with the overlapped subarray structures for a balanced trade-o_ between SE and energy efficiently (EE) of 5G networks. The key results in this investigation show that mmWave massive MIMO can deliver multi-Gbps rates for 5G whilst maintaining energy-efficient operation of the network.As redes LTE-A atuais não são capazes de suportar o crescimento exponencial de tráfego que está previsto para a próxima década. De acordo com a previsão da Ericsson, espera-se que em 2020, a nível global, 6 mil milhões de subscritores venham a gerar mensalmente 46 exa bytes de tráfego de dados a partir de 24 mil milhões de dispositivos ligados à rede móvel, sendo os telefones inteligentes e dispositivos IoT de curto alcance os principais responsáveis por tal nível de tráfego. Em resposta a esta exigência, espera-se que as redes de 5a geração (5G) tenham um desempenho substancialmente superior às redes de 4a geração (4G) atuais. Desencadeado pelo UIT (União Internacional das Telecomunicações) no âmbito da iniciativa IMT-2020, o 5G irá suportar três grandes tipos de utilizações: banda larga móvel capaz de suportar aplicações com débitos na ordem de vários Gbps; comunicações de baixa latência e alta fiabilidade indispensáveis em cenários de emergência; comunicações massivas máquina-a-máquina para conectividade generalizada. Entre as várias tecnologias capacitadoras que estão a ser exploradas pelo 5G, as comunicações através de ondas milimétricas, os agregados MIMO massivo e as redes celulares ultradensas (RUD) apresentam-se como sendo as tecnologias fundamentais. Antecipa-se que o conjunto destas tecnologias venha a fornecer às redes 5G um aumento de capacidade de 1000x através da utilização de maiores larguras de banda, melhoria da eficiência espectral, e elevada reutilização de frequências respetivamente. Embora estas tecnologias possam abrir caminho para as redes sem fios com débitos na ordem dos gigabits, existem ainda vários desafios que têm que ser resolvidos para que seja possível aproveitar totalmente a largura de banda disponível de maneira eficiente utilizando abordagens de formatação de feixe e de modelação de canal adequadas. Nesta tese investigamos a melhoria de desempenho do sistema conseguida através da utilização de ondas milimétricas e agregados MIMO massivo em cenários de redes celulares ultradensas de 5a geração e em cenários 'infraestrutura celular-para-qualquer coisa' (do inglês: cellular infrastructure-to-everything) envolvendo utilizadores pedestres e veiculares. Como um componente fundamental das simulações de sistema utilizadas nesta tese é o canal de propagação, implementamos modelos de canal tridimensional (3D) para caracterizar de forma precisa o canal de propagação nestes cenários e assim conseguir uma avaliação de desempenho mais condizente com a realidade. Para resolver os problemas associados ao custo do equipamento, complexidade e consumo de energia das arquiteturas MIMO massivo, propomos um modelo inovador de agregados com formatação de feixe híbrida. Este modelo genérico revela as oportunidades que podem ser aproveitadas através da sobreposição de sub-agregados no sentido de obter um compromisso equilibrado entre eficiência espectral (ES) e eficiência energética (EE) nas redes 5G. Os principais resultados desta investigação mostram que a utilização conjunta de ondas milimétricas e de agregados MIMO massivo possibilita a obtenção, em simultâneo, de taxas de transmissão na ordem de vários Gbps e a operação de rede de forma energeticamente eficiente.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    A Survey of Beam Management for mmWave and THz Communications Towards 6G

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    Communication in millimeter wave (mmWave) and even terahertz (THz) frequency bands is ushering in a new era of wireless communications. Beam management, namely initial access and beam tracking, has been recognized as an essential technique to ensure robust mmWave/THz communications, especially for mobile scenarios. However, narrow beams at higher carrier frequency lead to huge beam measurement overhead, which has a negative impact on beam acquisition and tracking. In addition, the beam management process is further complicated by the fluctuation of mmWave/THz channels, the random movement patterns of users, and the dynamic changes in the environment. For mmWave and THz communications toward 6G, we have witnessed a substantial increase in research and industrial attention on artificial intelligence (AI), reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), and integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). The introduction of these enabling technologies presents both open opportunities and unique challenges for beam management. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on mmWave and THz beam management. Further, we give some insights on technical challenges and future research directions in this promising area.Comment: accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial