229 research outputs found

    Virtuaalse proovikabiini 3D kehakujude ja roboti juhtimisalgoritmide uurimine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneVirtuaalne riiete proovimine on ĂŒks pĂ”hilistest teenustest, mille pakkumine vĂ”ib suurendada rĂ”ivapoodide edukust, sest tĂ€nu sellele lahendusele vĂ€heneb fĂŒĂŒsilise töö vajadus proovimise faasis ning riiete proovimine muutub kasutaja jaoks mugavamaks. Samas pole enamikel varem vĂ€lja pakutud masinnĂ€gemise ja graafika meetoditel Ă”nnestunud inimkeha realistlik modelleerimine, eriti terve keha 3D modelleerimine, mis vajab suurt kogust andmeid ja palju arvutuslikku ressurssi. Varasemad katsed on ebaĂ”nnestunud pĂ”hiliselt seetĂ”ttu, et ei ole suudetud korralikult arvesse vĂ”tta samaaegseid muutusi keha pinnal. Lisaks pole varasemad meetodid enamasti suutnud kujutiste liikumisi realistlikult reaalajas visualiseerida. KĂ€esolev projekt kavatseb kĂ”rvaldada eelmainitud puudused nii, et rahuldada virtuaalse proovikabiini vajadusi. VĂ€lja pakutud meetod seisneb nii kasutaja keha kui ka riiete skaneerimises, analĂŒĂŒsimises, modelleerimises, mÔÔtmete arvutamises, orientiiride paigutamises, mannekeenidelt vĂ”etud 3D visuaalsete andmete segmenteerimises ning riiete mudeli paigutamises ja visualiseerimises kasutaja kehal. Selle projekti kĂ€igus koguti visuaalseid andmeid kasutades 3D laserskannerit ja Kinecti optilist kaamerat ning koostati nendest andmebaas. Neid andmeid kasutati vĂ€lja töötatud algoritmide testimiseks, mis peamiselt tegelevad riiete realistliku visuaalse kujutamisega inimkehal ja suuruse pakkumise sĂŒsteemi tĂ€iendamisega virtuaalse proovikabiini kontekstis.Virtual fitting constitutes a fundamental element of the developments expected to rise the commercial prosperity of online garment retailers to a new level, as it is expected to reduce the load of the manual labor and physical efforts required. Nevertheless, most of the previously proposed computer vision and graphics methods have failed to accurately and realistically model the human body, especially, when it comes to the 3D modeling of the whole human body. The failure is largely related to the huge data and calculations required, which in reality is caused mainly by inability to properly account for the simultaneous variations in the body surface. In addition, most of the foregoing techniques cannot render realistic movement representations in real-time. This project intends to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings so as to satisfy the requirements of a virtual fitting room. The proposed methodology consists in scanning and performing some specific analyses of both the user's body and the prospective garment to be virtually fitted, modeling, extracting measurements and assigning reference points on them, and segmenting the 3D visual data imported from the mannequins. Finally, superimposing, adopting and depicting the resulting garment model on the user's body. The project is intended to gather sufficient amounts of visual data using a 3D laser scanner and the Kinect optical camera, to manage it in form of a usable database, in order to experimentally implement the algorithms devised. The latter will provide a realistic visual representation of the garment on the body, and enhance the size-advisor system in the context of the virtual fitting room under study

    Object and feature based modelling of attention in meeting and surveillance videos

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    MPhilThe aim of the thesis is to create and validate models of visual attention. To this extent, a novel unsupervised object detection and tracking framework has been developed by the author. It is demonstrated on people, faces and moving objects and the output is integrated in modelling of visual attention. The proposed approach integrates several types of modules in initialisation, target estimation and validation. Tracking is rst used to introduce high-level features, by extending a popular model based on low-level features[1]. Two automatic models of visual attention are further implemented. One based on winner take it all and inhibition of return as the mech- anisms of selection on a saliency model with high- and low-level features combined. Another which is based only on high-level object tracking results and statistic proper- ties from the collected eye-traces, with the possibility of activating inhibition of return as an additional mechanism. The parameters of the tracking framework thoroughly investigated and its success demonstrated. Eye-tracking experiments show that high- level features are much better at explaining the allocation of attention by the subjects in the study. Low-level features alone do correlate signi cantly with real allocation of attention. However, in fact it lowers the correlation score when combined with high-level features in comparison to using high-level features alone. Further, ndings in collected eye-traces are studied with qualitative method, mainly to discover direc- tions in future research in the area. Similarities and dissimilarities between automatic models of attention and collected eye-traces are discusse

    Robust object detection in the wild via cascaded DCGAN

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    This research deals with the challenges of object detection at a distance or low resolution in the wild. The main intention of this research is to exploit and cascade state-of-the-art models and propose a new framework for enabling successful deployment for diverse applications. Specifically, the proposed deep learning framework uses state-of-the-art deep networks, such as Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) and Single Shot Detector (SSD). It combines the above two deep learning models to generate a new framework, namely DCGAN-SSD. The proposed model can deal with object detection and recognition in the wild with various image resolutions and scaling differences. To deal with multiple object detection tasks, the training of this network model in this research has been conducted using different cross-domain datasets for various applications. The efficiency of the proposed model can further be determined by the validation of diverse applications such as visual surveillance in the wild in intelligent cities, underwater object detection for crewless underwater vehicles, and on-street in-vehicle object detection for driverless vehicle technologies. The results produced by DCGAN-SSD indicate that the proposed method in this research, along with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), outperforms every other application concerning object detection and demonstrates its great superiority in improving object detection performance in diverse testing cases. The DCGAN-SSD model is equipped with PSO, which helps select the hyperparameter for the object detector. Most object detectors struggle in this regard, as they require manual effort in selecting the hyperparameters to obtain better object detection. This research encountered the problem of hyperparameter selection through the integration of PSO with SSD. The main reason the research conducted with deep learning models was the traditional machine learning models lag in accuracy and performance. The advantage of this research and it is achieved with the integration of DCGAN-SSD has been accommodated under a single pipeline

    Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society

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    This book features the manuscripts accepted for the Special Issue “Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society—Sensing Systems and Pervasive Intelligence” of the MDPI journal Sensors. Most of the papers come from a selection of the best papers of the 2019 edition of the “Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society” (APPLEPIES) Conference, which was held in November 2019. All these papers have been significantly enhanced with novel experimental results. The papers give an overview of the trends in research and development activities concerning the pervasive application of electronics in industry, the environment, and society. The focus of these papers is on cyber physical systems (CPS), with research proposals for new sensor acquisition and ADC (analog to digital converter) methods, high-speed communication systems, cybersecurity, big data management, and data processing including emerging machine learning techniques. Physical implementation aspects are discussed as well as the trade-off found between functional performance and hardware/system costs

    Designing energy-efficient computing systems using equalization and machine learning

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    As technology scaling slows down in the nanometer CMOS regime and mobile computing becomes more ubiquitous, designing energy-efficient hardware for mobile systems is becoming increasingly critical and challenging. Although various approaches like near-threshold computing (NTC), aggressive voltage scaling with shadow latches, etc. have been proposed to get the most out of limited battery life, there is still no “silver bullet” to increasing power-performance demands of the mobile systems. Moreover, given that a mobile system could operate in a variety of environmental conditions, like different temperatures, have varying performance requirements, etc., there is a growing need for designing tunable/reconfigurable systems in order to achieve energy-efficient operation. In this work we propose to address the energy- efficiency problem of mobile systems using two different approaches: circuit tunability and distributed adaptive algorithms. Inspired by the communication systems, we developed feedback equalization based digital logic that changes the threshold of its gates based on the input pattern. We showed that feedback equalization in static complementary CMOS logic enabled up to 20% reduction in energy dissipation while maintaining the performance metrics. We also achieved 30% reduction in energy dissipation for pass-transistor digital logic (PTL) with equalization while maintaining performance. In addition, we proposed a mechanism that leverages feedback equalization techniques to achieve near optimal operation of static complementary CMOS logic blocks over the entire voltage range from near threshold supply voltage to nominal supply voltage. Using energy-delay product (EDP) as a metric we analyzed the use of the feedback equalizer as part of various sequential computational blocks. Our analysis shows that for near-threshold voltage operation, when equalization was used, we can improve the operating frequency by up to 30%, while the energy increase was less than 15%, with an overall EDP reduction of ≈10%. We also observe an EDP reduction of close to 5% across entire above-threshold voltage range. On the distributed adaptive algorithm front, we explored energy-efficient hardware implementation of machine learning algorithms. We proposed an adaptive classifier that leverages the wide variability in data complexity to enable energy-efficient data classification operations for mobile systems. Our approach takes advantage of varying classification hardness across data to dynamically allocate resources and improve energy efficiency. On average, our adaptive classifier is ≈100× more energy efficient but has ≈1% higher error rate than a complex radial basis function classifier and is ≈10× less energy efficient but has ≈40% lower error rate than a simple linear classifier across a wide range of classification data sets. We also developed a field of groves (FoG) implementation of random forests (RF) that achieves an accuracy comparable to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) under tight energy budgets. The FoG architecture takes advantage of the fact that in random forests a small portion of the weak classifiers (decision trees) might be sufficient to achieve high statistical performance. By dividing the random forest into smaller forests (Groves), and conditionally executing the rest of the forest, FoG is able to achieve much higher energy efficiency levels for comparable error rates. We also take advantage of the distributed nature of the FoG to achieve high level of parallelism. Our evaluation shows that at maximum achievable accuracies FoG consumes ≈1.48×, ≈24×, ≈2.5×, and ≈34.7× lower energy per classification compared to conventional RF, SVM-RBF , Multi-Layer Perceptron Network (MLP), and CNN, respectively. FoG is 6.5× less energy efficient than SVM-LR, but achieves 18% higher accuracy on average across all considered datasets

    Machine learning methods for sign language recognition: a critical review and analysis.

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    Sign language is an essential tool to bridge the communication gap between normal and hearing-impaired people. However, the diversity of over 7000 present-day sign languages with variability in motion position, hand shape, and position of body parts making automatic sign language recognition (ASLR) a complex system. In order to overcome such complexity, researchers are investigating better ways of developing ASLR systems to seek intelligent solutions and have demonstrated remarkable success. This paper aims to analyse the research published on intelligent systems in sign language recognition over the past two decades. A total of 649 publications related to decision support and intelligent systems on sign language recognition (SLR) are extracted from the Scopus database and analysed. The extracted publications are analysed using bibliometric VOSViewer software to (1) obtain the publications temporal and regional distributions, (2) create the cooperation networks between affiliations and authors and identify productive institutions in this context. Moreover, reviews of techniques for vision-based sign language recognition are presented. Various features extraction and classification techniques used in SLR to achieve good results are discussed. The literature review presented in this paper shows the importance of incorporating intelligent solutions into the sign language recognition systems and reveals that perfect intelligent systems for sign language recognition are still an open problem. Overall, it is expected that this study will facilitate knowledge accumulation and creation of intelligent-based SLR and provide readers, researchers, and practitioners a roadmap to guide future direction
