1,080 research outputs found

    Fast Fuzzy Inference in Octave

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    Fuzzy relations are simple mathematical structures that enable a very general representation of fuzzy knowledge, and fuzzy relational calculus offers a powerful machinery for approximate reasoning. However, one of the most relevant limitations of approximate reasoning is the efficiency bottleneck. In this paper, we present two implementations for fast fuzzy inference through relational composition, with the twofold objective of being general and efficient. The two implementations are capable of working on full and sparse representations respectively. Further, a wrapper procedure is capable of automatically selecting the best implementation on the basis of the input features. We implemented the code in GNU Octave because it is a high-level language targeted to numerical computations. Experimental results show the impressive performance gain when the proposed implementation is used

    Fast and robust image feature matching methods for computer vision applications

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    Service robotic systems are designed to solve tasks such as recognizing and manipulating objects, understanding natural scenes, navigating in dynamic and populated environments. It's immediately evident that such tasks cannot be modeled in all necessary details as easy as it is with industrial robot tasks; therefore, service robotic system has to have the ability to sense and interact with the surrounding physical environment through a multitude of sensors and actuators. Environment sensing is one of the core problems that limit the deployment of mobile service robots since existing sensing systems are either too slow or too expensive. Visual sensing is the most promising way to provide a cost effective solution to the mobile robot sensing problem. It's usually achieved using one or several digital cameras placed on the robot or distributed in its environment. Digital cameras are information rich sensors and are relatively inexpensive and can be used to solve a number of key problems for robotics and other autonomous intelligent systems, such as visual servoing, robot navigation, object recognition, pose estimation, and much more. The key challenges to taking advantage of this powerful and inexpensive sensor is to come up with algorithms that can reliably and quickly extract and match the useful visual information necessary to automatically interpret the environment in real-time. Although considerable research has been conducted in recent years on the development of algorithms for computer and robot vision problems, there are still open research challenges in the context of the reliability, accuracy and processing time. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is one of the most widely used methods that has recently attracted much attention in the computer vision community due to the fact that SIFT features are highly distinctive, and invariant to scale, rotation and illumination changes. In addition, SIFT features are relatively easy to extract and to match against a large database of local features. Generally, there are two main drawbacks of SIFT algorithm, the first drawback is that the computational complexity of the algorithm increases rapidly with the number of key-points, especially at the matching step due to the high dimensionality of the SIFT feature descriptor. The other one is that the SIFT features are not robust to large viewpoint changes. These drawbacks limit the reasonable use of SIFT algorithm for robot vision applications since they require often real-time performance and dealing with large viewpoint changes. This dissertation proposes three new approaches to address the constraints faced when using SIFT features for robot vision applications, Speeded up SIFT feature matching, robust SIFT feature matching and the inclusion of the closed loop control structure into object recognition and pose estimation systems. The proposed methods are implemented and tested on the FRIEND II/III service robotic system. The achieved results are valuable to adapt SIFT algorithm to the robot vision applications

    Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing

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    Bridging cultures that have often been distant, Julia combines expertise from the diverse fields of computer science and computational science to create a new approach to numerical computing. Julia is designed to be easy and fast. Julia questions notions generally held as "laws of nature" by practitioners of numerical computing: 1. High-level dynamic programs have to be slow. 2. One must prototype in one language and then rewrite in another language for speed or deployment, and 3. There are parts of a system for the programmer, and other parts best left untouched as they are built by the experts. We introduce the Julia programming language and its design --- a dance between specialization and abstraction. Specialization allows for custom treatment. Multiple dispatch, a technique from computer science, picks the right algorithm for the right circumstance. Abstraction, what good computation is really about, recognizes what remains the same after differences are stripped away. Abstractions in mathematics are captured as code through another technique from computer science, generic programming. Julia shows that one can have machine performance without sacrificing human convenience.Comment: 37 page

    Novel implementation technique for a wavelet-based broadband signal detection system

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    This thesis reports on the design, simulation and implementation of a novel Implementation for a Wavelet-based Broadband Signal Detection System. There is a strong interest in methods of increasing the resolution of sonar systems for the detection of targets at sea. A novel implementation of a wideband active sonar signal detection system is proposed in this project. In the system the Continuous Wavelet Transform is used for target motion estimation and an Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy inference System (ANFIS) is adopted to minimize the noise effect on target detection. A local optimum search algorithm is introduced in this project to reduce the computation load of the Continuous Wavelet Transform and make it suitable for practical applications. The proposed system is realized on a Xilinx University Program Virtex-II Pro Development System which contains a Virtex II pro XC2VP30 FPGA chip with 2 powerPC 405 cores. Testing for single target detection and multiple target detection shows the proposed system is able to accurately locate targets under reverberation-limited underwater environment with a Signal-Noise-Ratio of up to -30db, with location error less than 10 meters and velocity estimation error less than 1 knot. In the proposed system the combination of CWT and local optimum search algorithm significantly saves the computation time for CWT and make it more practical to real applications. Also the implementation of ANFIS on the FPGA board indicates in the future a real-time ANFIS operation with VLSI implementation would be possible

    jFuzzyLogic: a Java Library to Design Fuzzy Logic Controllers According to the Standard for Fuzzy Control Programming

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    Fuzzy Logic Controllers are a specific model of Fuzzy Rule Based Systems suitable for engineering applications for which classic control strategies do not achieve good results or for when it is too difficult to obtain a mathematical model. Recently, the International Electrotechnical Commission has published a standard for fuzzy control programming in part 7 of the IEC 61131 norm in order to offer a well defined common understanding of the basic means with which to integrate fuzzy control applications in control systems. In this paper, we introduce an open source Java library called jFuzzyLogic which offers a fully functional and complete implementation of a fuzzy inference system according to this standard, providing a programming interface and Eclipse plugin to easily write and test code for fuzzy control applications. A case study is given to illustrate the use of jFuzzyLogic.McGill Uninversity, Genome QuebecSpanish Government TIN2011-28488Andalusian Government P10-TIC-685

    Experimental Study on 164 Algorithms Available in Software Tools for Solving Standard Non-Linear Regression Problems

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    In the specialized literature, researchers can find a large number of proposals for solving regression problems that come from different research areas. However, researchers tend to use only proposals from the area in which they are experts. This paper analyses the performance of a large number of the available regression algorithms from some of the most known and widely used software tools in order to help non-expert users from other areas to properly solve their own regression problems and to help specialized researchers developing well-founded future proposals by properly comparing and identifying algorithms that will enable them to focus on significant further developments. To sum up, we have analyzed 164 algorithms that come from 14 main different families available in 6 software tools (Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Regression Trees, Rule-Based Methods, Stacking, Random Forests, Model trees, Generalized Linear Models, Nearest Neighbor methods, Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, Bagging, Boosting, and other methods) over 52 datasets. A new measure has also been proposed to show the goodness of each algorithm with respect to the others. Finally, a statistical analysis by non-parametric tests has been carried out over all the algorithms and on the best 30 algorithms, both with and without bagging. Results show that the algorithms from Random Forest, Model Tree and Support Vector Machine families get the best positions in the rankings obtained by the statistical tests when bagging is not considered. In addition, the use of bagging techniques significantly improves the performance of the algorithms without excessive increase in computational times.This work was supported in part by the University of Córdoba under the project PPG2019-UCOSOCIAL-03, and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grant TIN2015- 68454-R and Grant TIN2017-89517-P

    Road classification for two-wheeled vehicles

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    This publication presents a three-part road classification system that utilises the vehicle's onboard signals of two-wheeled vehicles. First, a curve estimator was developed to identify and classify road curves. In addition, the curve estimator continuously classifies the road curviness. Second, the road slope was evaluated to determine the hilliness of a given road. Third, a modular road profile estimator has been developed to classify the road profile according to ISO 8608, which utilises the vehicle's transfer functions. The road profile estimator continuously classifies the driven road. The proposed methods for the classification of curviness, hilliness, and road roughness have been validated with measurements. The road classification system enables the collection of vehicle-independent field data of two-wheeled vehicles. The road properties are part of the customer usage profiles which are essential to define vehicle design targets