537 research outputs found

    Visual anomaly detection using deep learning

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    Detecting Adversarial Examples by Measuring their Stress Response

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    abstract: Machine learning (ML) and deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved great success in a variety of application domains, however, despite significant effort to make these networks robust, they remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks in which input that is perceptually indistinguishable from natural data can be erroneously classified with high prediction confidence. Works on defending against adversarial examples can be broadly classified as correcting or detecting, which aim, respectively at negating the effects of the attack and correctly classifying the input, or detecting and rejecting the input as adversarial. In this work, a new approach for detecting adversarial examples is proposed. The approach takes advantage of the robustness of natural images to noise. As noise is added to a natural image, the prediction probability of its true class drops, but the drop is not sudden or precipitous. The same seems to not hold for adversarial examples. In other word, the stress response profile for natural images seems different from that of adversarial examples, which could be detected by their stress response profile. An evaluation of this approach for detecting adversarial examples is performed on the MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. Experimental data shows that this approach is effective at detecting some adversarial examples on small scaled simple content images and with little sacrifice on benign accuracy.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    On Deep Machine Learning Methods for Anomaly Detection within Computer Vision

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    This thesis concerns deep learning approaches for anomaly detection in images. Anomaly detection addresses how to find any kind of pattern that differs from the regularities found in normal data and is receiving increasingly more attention in deep learning research. This is due in part to its wide set of potential applications ranging from automated CCTV surveillance to quality control across a range of industries. We introduce three original methods for anomaly detection applicable to two specific deployment scenarios. In the first, we detect anomalous activity in potentially crowded scenes through imagery captured via CCTV or other video recording devices. In the second, we segment defects in textures and demonstrate use cases representative of automated quality inspection on industrial production lines. In the context of detecting anomalous activity in scenes, we take an existing state-of-the-art method and introduce several enhancements including the use of a region proposal network for region extraction and a more information-preserving feature preprocessing strategy. This results in a simpler method that is significantly faster and suitable for real-time application. In addition, the increased efficiency facilitates building higher-dimensional models capable of improved anomaly detection performance, which we demonstrate on the pedestrian-based UCSD Ped2 dataset. In the context of texture defect detection, we introduce a method based on the idea of texture restoration that surpasses all state-of-the-art methods on the texture classes of the challenging MVTecAD dataset. In the same context, we additionally introduce a method that utilises transformer networks for future pixel and feature prediction. This novel method is able to perform competitive anomaly detection on most of the challenging MVTecAD dataset texture classes and illustrates both the promise and limitations of state-of-the-art deep learning transformers for the task of texture anomaly detection

    A Survey of Deep Learning Solutions for Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos

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    Deep learning has proven to be a landmark computing approach to the computer vision domain. Hence, it has been widely applied to solve complex cognitive tasks like the detection of anomalies in surveillance videos. Anomaly detection in this case is the identification of abnormal events in the surveillance videos which can be deemed as security incidents or threats. Deep learning solutions for anomaly detection has outperformed other traditional machine learning solutions. This review attempts to provide holistic benchmarking of the published deep learning solutions for videos anomaly detection since 2016. The paper identifies, the learning technique, datasets used and the overall model accuracy. Reviewed papers were organised into five deep learning methods namely; autoencoders, continual learning, transfer learning, reinforcement learning and ensemble learning. Current and emerging trends are discussed as well

    Composite Score for Anomaly Detection in Imbalanced Real-World Industrial Dataset

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    In recent years, the industrial sector has evolved towards its fourth revolution. The quality control domain is particularly interested in advanced machine learning for computer vision anomaly detection. Nevertheless, several challenges have to be faced, including imbalanced datasets, the image complexity, and the zero-false-negative (ZFN) constraint to guarantee the high-quality requirement. This paper illustrates a use case for an industrial partner, where Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) images are first reconstructed with a Vector Quantized Generative Adversarial Network (VQGAN) trained on normal products. Then, several multi-level metrics are extracted on a few normal and abnormal images, highlighting anomalies through reconstruction differences. Finally, a classifer is trained to build a composite anomaly score thanks to the metrics extracted. This three-step approach is performed on the public MVTec-AD datasets and on the partner PCBA dataset, where it achieves a regular accuracy of 95.69% and 87.93% under the ZFN constraint

    End-to-end Sinkhorn Autoencoder with Noise Generator

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    In this work, we propose a novel end-to-end sinkhorn autoencoder with noise generator for efficient data collection simulation. Simulating processes that aim at collecting experimental data is crucial for multiple real-life applications, including nuclear medicine, astronomy and high energy physics. Contemporary methods, such as Monte Carlo algorithms, provide high-fidelity results at a price of high computational cost. Multiple attempts are taken to reduce this burden, e.g. using generative approaches based on Generative Adversarial Networks or Variational Autoencoders. Although such methods are much faster, they are often unstable in training and do not allow sampling from an entire data distribution. To address these shortcomings, we introduce a novel method dubbed end-to-end Sinkhorn Autoencoder, that leverages sinkhorn algorithm to explicitly align distribution of encoded real data examples and generated noise. More precisely, we extend autoencoder architecture by adding a deterministic neural network trained to map noise from a known distribution onto autoencoder latent space representing data distribution. We optimise the entire model jointly. Our method outperforms competing approaches on a challenging dataset of simulation data from Zero Degree Calorimeters of ALICE experiment in LHC. as well as standard benchmarks, such as MNIST and CelebA
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