164 research outputs found

    Hardware-software co-design for low-cost AI processing in space processors

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    In the recent years there has been an increasing interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The advantages of such applications are widespread across many areas and have drawn the attention of different sectors, such as aerospace. However, these applications require much more performance than the one provided by space processors. In space the environment is not ideal for high-performance cutting-edge processors, due to radiation. For this reason, radiation hardened or radiation tolerant processors are required, which use older technologies and redundant logic, reducing the available die resources that can be exploited. In order to accelerate demanding AI applications in space processors, this thesis presents SPARROW, a low-cost SIMD accelerator for AI operations. SPARROW has been designed following a hardware-software co-design approach by analyzing the requirements of common AI applications in order to improve the efficiency of the module. The design of such module does not use any existing vector extension and instead has in its portability one of the key advantages over other implementations. Furthermore, SPARROW reuses the integer register file of the processor avoiding complex managing of the data while reducing significantly the hardware cost of the module, which is specially interesting in the space domain due to the constraints in the processor area. SPARROW operates with 8-bit integer vector components in two different stages, performing parallel computations in the first and reduction operations in the second. This design is integrated within the baseline processor not requiring any additional pipeline stage nor a modification of the processor frequency. SPARROW also includes swizzling and masking capabilities for the input vectors as well as saturation to work with 8 bits without overflow. SPARROW has been integrated with the LEON3 and NOEL-V space-grade processors, both distributed by Cobham Gaisler. Since each of the baseline processors has a different architecture set, software support for SPARROW has been provided for both SPARC v8 and RISC-V ISAs, showing the portability of the design. Software support been developed using two well established compilers, LLVM and GCC allowing for a comparison of the cost of developing support for each of them. The modifications have included the SPARROW instructions in the assembly language of each architecture and with the use of inline assembly and macros allow a programming model similar to SIMD intrinsics. LEON3 and NOEL-V extended with SPARROW have been implemented on a FPGA to evaluate the performance increase provided by our proposal. In order to compare the performance with the scalar version of the processor, different AI related applications have been tested such as matrix multiplication and image filters, which are essential building blocks for convolutional neural networks. With the use of SPARROW a speed-ups of 6x and up to 15x have been achieved

    NTX: An Energy-efficient Streaming Accelerator for Floating-point Generalized Reduction Workloads in 22 nm FD-SOI

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    Specialized coprocessors for Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) intensive workloads such as Deep Learning are becoming widespread in SoC platforms, from GPUs to mobile SoCs. In this paper we revisit NTX (an efficient accelerator developed for training Deep Neural Networks at scale) as a generalized MAC and reduction streaming engine. The architecture consists of a set of 32 bit floating-point streaming co-processors that are loosely coupled to a RISC-V core in charge of orchestrating data movement and computation. Post-layout results of a recent silicon implementation in 22 nm FD-SOI technology show the accelerator\u2019s capability to deliver up to 20 Gflop/s at 1.25 GHz and 168 mW. Based on these results we show that a version of NTX scaled down to 14 nm can achieve a 3 7 energy efficiency improvement over contemporary GPUs at 10.4 7 less silicon area, and a compute performance of 1.4 Tflop/s for training large state-of-the-art networks with full floating-point precision. An extended evaluation of MAC-intensive kernels shows that NTX can consistently achieve up to 87% of its peak performance across general reduction workloads beyond machine learning. Its modular architecture enables deployment at different scales ranging from high-performance GPU-class to low-power embedded scenario

    UNIFICO: Thread Migration in Heterogeneous-ISA CPUs without State Transformation

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    Heterogeneous-ISA processor designs have attracted considerable research interest. However, unlike their homogeneous-ISA counterparts, explicit software support for bridging ISA heterogeneity is required. The lack of a compilation toolchain ready to support heterogeneous-ISA targets has been a major factor hindering research in this exciting emerging area. For any such compiler “getting right” the mechanics involved in state transformation upon migration and doing this efficiently is of critical importance. In particular, any runtime conversion of the current program stack from one architecture to another would be prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we design and develop Unifico, a new multi-ISA compiler that generates binaries that maintain the same stack layout during their execution on either architecture. Unifico avoids the need for runtime stack transformation, thus eliminating overheads associated with ISA migration. Additional responsibilities of the Unifico compiler backend include maintenance of a uniform ABI and virtual address space across ISAs. Unifico is implemented using the LLVM compiler infrastructure, and we are currently targeting the x86-64 and ARMv8 ISAs. We have evaluated Unifico across a range of compute-intensive NAS benchmarks and show its minimal impact on overall execution time, where less than 6% overhead is introduced on average. When compared against the state-of-the-art Popcorn compiler, Unifico reduces binary size overhead from ∌200% to ∌10%, whilst eliminating the stack transformation overhead during ISA migration

    Computing the fast Fourier transform on SIMD microprocessors

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    This thesis describes how to compute the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of a power-of-two length signal on single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) microprocessors faster than or very close to the speed of state of the art libraries such as FFTW (“Fastest Fourier Transform in the West”), SPIRAL and Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP). The conjugate-pair algorithm has advantages in terms of memory bandwidth, and three implementations of this algorithm, which incorporate latency and spatial locality optimizations, are automatically vectorized at the algorithm level of abstraction. Performance results on 2- way, 4-way and 8-way SIMD machines show that the performance scales much better than FFTW or SPIRAL. The implementations presented in this thesis are compiled into a high-performance FFT library called SFFT (“Streaming Fast Fourier Trans- form”), and benchmarked against FFTW, SPIRAL, Intel IPP and Apple Accelerate on sixteen x86 machines and two ARM NEON machines, and shown to be, in many cases, faster than these state of the art libraries, but without having to perform extensive machine specific calibration, thus demonstrating that there are good heuristics for predicting the performance of the FFT on SIMD microprocessors (i.e., the need for empirical optimization may be overstated)

    Trace-based Performance Analysis for Hardware Accelerators

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    This thesis presents how performance data from hardware accelerators can be included in event logs. It extends the capabilities of trace-based performance analysis to also monitor and record data from this novel parallelization layer. The increasing awareness to power consumption of computing devices has led to an interest in hybrid computing architectures as well. High-end computers, workstations, and mobile devices start to employ hardware accelerators to offload computationally intense and parallel tasks, while at the same time retaining a highly efficient scalar compute unit for non-parallel tasks. This execution pattern is typically asynchronous so that the scalar unit can resume other work while the hardware accelerator is busy. Performance analysis tools provided by the hardware accelerator vendors cover the situation of one host using one device very well. Yet, they do not address the needs of the high performance computing community. This thesis investigates ways to extend existing methods for recording events from highly parallel applications to also cover scenarios in which hardware accelerators aid these applications. After introducing a generic approach that is suitable for any API based acceleration paradigm, the thesis derives a suggestion for a generic performance API for hardware accelerators and its implementation with NVIDIA CUPTI. In a next step the visualization of event logs containing data from execution streams on different levels of parallelism is discussed. In order to overcome the limitations of classic performance profiles and timeline displays, a graph-based visualization using Parallel Performance Flow Graphs (PPFGs) is introduced. This novel technical approach is using program states in order to display similarities and differences between the potentially very large number of event streams and, thus, enables a fast way to spot load imbalances. The thesis concludes with the in-depth analysis of a case-study of PIConGPU---a highly parallel, multi-hybrid plasma physics simulation---that benefited greatly from the developed performance analysis methods.Diese Dissertation zeigt, wie der Ablauf von Anwendungsteilen, die auf Hardwarebeschleuniger ausgelagert wurden, als Programmspur mit aufgezeichnet werden kann. Damit wird die bekannte Technik der Leistungsanalyse von Anwendungen mittels Programmspuren so erweitert, dass auch diese neue ParallelitĂ€tsebene mit erfasst wird. Die BeschrĂ€nkungen von Computersystemen bezĂŒglich der elektrischen Leistungsaufnahme hat zu einer steigenden Anzahl von hybriden Computerarchitekturen gefĂŒhrt. Sowohl Hochleistungsrechner, aber auch Arbeitsplatzcomputer und mobile EndgerĂ€te nutzen heute Hardwarebeschleuniger um rechenintensive, parallele Programmteile auszulagern und so den skalaren Hauptprozessor zu entlasten und nur fĂŒr nicht parallele Programmteile zu verwenden. Dieses AusfĂŒhrungsschema ist typischerweise asynchron: der Skalarprozessor kann, wĂ€hrend der Hardwarebeschleuniger rechnet, selbst weiterarbeiten. Die Leistungsanalyse-Werkzeuge der Hersteller von Hardwarebeschleunigern decken den Standardfall (ein Host-System mit einem Hardwarebeschleuniger) sehr gut ab, scheitern aber an einer UnterstĂŒtzung von hochparallelen Rechnersystemen. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht, in wie weit auch multi-hybride Anwendungen die AktivitĂ€t von Hardwarebeschleunigern aufzeichnen können. Dazu wird die vorhandene Methode zur Erzeugung von Programmspuren fĂŒr hochparallele Anwendungen entsprechend erweitert. In dieser Untersuchung wird zuerst eine allgemeine Methodik entwickelt, mit der sich fĂŒr jede API-gestĂŒtzte Hardwarebeschleunigung eine Programmspur erstellen lĂ€sst. Darauf aufbauend wird eine eigene Programmierschnittstelle entwickelt, die es ermöglicht weitere leistungsrelevante Daten aufzuzeichnen. Die Umsetzung dieser Schnittstelle wird am Beispiel von NVIDIA CUPTI darstellt. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Darstellung von Programmspuren, welche Aufzeichnungen von den unterschiedlichen ParallelitĂ€tsebenen enthalten. Um die EinschrĂ€nkungen klassischer Leistungsprofile oder Zeitachsendarstellungen zu ĂŒberwinden, wird mit den parallelen Programmablaufgraphen (PPFGs) eine neue graphenbasisierte Darstellungsform eingefĂŒhrt. Dieser neuartige Ansatz zeigt eine Programmspur als eine Folge von ProgrammzustĂ€nden mit gemeinsamen und unterchiedlichen AblĂ€ufen. So können divergierendes Programmverhalten und Lastimbalancen deutlich einfacher lokalisiert werden. Die Arbeit schließt mit der detaillierten Analyse von PIConGPU -- einer multi-hybriden Simulation aus der Plasmaphysik --, die in großem Maße von den in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Analysemöglichkeiten profiert hat


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    Memory mapping has traditionally been an important optimization problem for high-performance parallel systems. Today, these issues are increasingly affecting a much wider range of platforms. Several techniques have been presented to solve bank conflicts and reduce memory access latency but none of them turns out to be generally applicable to different application contexts. One of the ambitious goals of this Thesis is to contribute to modelling the problem of the memory mapping in order to find an approach that generalizes on existing conflict-avoiding techniques, supporting a systematic exploration of feasible mapping schemes

    Integrated Programmable-Array accelerator to design heterogeneous ultra-low power manycore architectures

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    There is an ever-increasing demand for energy efficiency (EE) in rapidly evolving Internet-of-Things end nodes. This pushes researchers and engineers to develop solutions that provide both Application-Specific Integrated Circuit-like EE and Field-Programmable Gate Array-like flexibility. One such solution is Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Array (CGRA). Over the past decades, CGRAs have evolved and are competing to become mainstream hardware accelerators, especially for accelerating Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications. Due to the over-specialization of computing architectures, the focus is shifting towards fitting an extensive data representation range into fewer bits, e.g., a 32-bit space can represent a more extensive data range with floating-point (FP) representation than an integer representation. Computation using FP representation requires numerous encodings and leads to complex circuits for the FP operators, decreasing the EE of the entire system. This thesis presents the design of an EE ultra-low-power CGRA with native support for FP computation by leveraging an emerging paradigm of approximate computing called transprecision computing. We also present the contributions in the compilation toolchain and system-level integration of CGRA in a System-on-Chip, to envision the proposed CGRA as an EE hardware accelerator. Finally, an extensive set of experiments using real-world algorithms employed in near-sensor processing applications are performed, and results are compared with state-of-the-art (SoA) architectures. It is empirically shown that our proposed CGRA provides better results w.r.t. SoA architectures in terms of power, performance, and area

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe embedded system space is characterized by a rapid evolution in the complexity and functionality of applications. In addition, the short time-to-market nature of the business motivates the use of programmable devices capable of meeting the conflicting constraints of low-energy, high-performance, and short design times. The keys to achieving these conflicting constraints are specialization and maximally extracting available application parallelism. General purpose processors are flexible but are either too power hungry or lack the necessary performance. Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICS) efficiently meet the performance and power needs but are inflexible. Programmable domain-specific architectures (DSAs) are an attractive middle ground, but their design requires significant time, resources, and expertise in a variety of specialties, which range from application algorithms to architecture and ultimately, circuit design. This dissertation presents CoGenE, a design framework that automates the design of energy-performance-optimal DSAs for embedded systems. For a given application domain and a user-chosen initial architectural specification, CoGenE consists of a a Compiler to generate execution binary, a simulator Generator to collect performance/energy statistics, and an Explorer that modifies the current architecture to improve energy-performance-area characteristics. The above process repeats automatically until the user-specified constraints are achieved. This removes or alleviates the time needed to understand the application, manually design the DSA, and generate object code for the DSA. Thus, CoGenE is a new design methodology that represents a significant improvement in performance, energy dissipation, design time, and resources. This dissertation employs the face recognition domain to showcase a flexible architectural design methodology that creates "ASIC-like" DSAs. The DSAs are instruction set architecture (ISA)-independent and achieve good energy-performance characteristics by coscheduling the often conflicting constraints of data access, data movement, and computation through a flexible interconnect. This represents a significant increase in programming complexity and code generation time. To address this problem, the CoGenE compiler employs integer linear programming (ILP)-based 'interconnect-aware' scheduling techniques for automatic code generation. The CoGenE explorer employs an iterative technique to search the complete design space and select a set of energy-performance-optimal candidates. When compared to manual designs, results demonstrate that CoGenE produces superior designs for three application domains: face recognition, speech recognition and wireless telephony. While CoGenE is well suited to applications that exhibit a streaming behavior, multithreaded applications like ray tracing present a different but important challenge. To demonstrate its generality, CoGenE is evaluated in designing a novel multicore N-wide SIMD architecture, known as StreamRay, for the ray tracing domain. CoGenE is used to synthesize the SIMD execution cores, the compiler that generates the application binary, and the interconnection subsystem. Further, separating address and data computations in space reduces data movement and contention for resources, thereby significantly improving performance compared to existing ray tracing approaches

    Identifying Compiler Options to Minimise Energy Consumption for Embedded Platforms

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    This paper presents an analysis of the energy consumption of an extensive number of the optimisations a modern compiler can perform. Using GCC as a test case, we evaluate a set of ten carefully selected benchmarks for five different embedded platforms. A fractional factorial design is used to systematically explore the large optimisation space (2^82 possible combinations), whilst still accurately determining the effects of optimisations and optimisation combinations. Hardware power measurements on each platform are taken to ensure all architectural effects on the energy consumption are captured. We show that fractional factorial design can find more optimal combinations than relying on built in compiler settings. We explore the relationship between run-time and energy consumption, and identify scenarios where they are and are not correlated. A further conclusion of this study is the structure of the benchmark has a larger effect than the hardware architecture on whether the optimisation will be effective, and that no single optimisation is universally beneficial for execution time or energy consumption.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure
