804 research outputs found

    Viewfinder: final activity report

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    The VIEW-FINDER project (2006-2009) is an 'Advanced Robotics' project that seeks to apply a semi-autonomous robotic system to inspect ground safety in the event of a fire. Its primary aim is to gather data (visual and chemical) in order to assist rescue personnel. A base station combines the gathered information with information retrieved from off-site sources. The project addresses key issues related to map building and reconstruction, interfacing local command information with external sources, human-robot interfaces and semi-autonomous robot navigation. The VIEW-FINDER system is a semi-autonomous; the individual robot-sensors operate autonomously within the limits of the task assigned to them, that is, they will autonomously navigate through and inspect an area. Human operators monitor their operations and send high level task requests as well as low level commands through the interface to any nodes in the entire system. The human interface has to ensure the human supervisor and human interveners are provided a reduced but good and relevant overview of the ground and the robots and human rescue workers therein

    Contributions to Intelligent Scene Understanding of Unstructured Environments from 3D lidar sensors

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    Además, la viabilidad de este enfoque es evaluado mediante la implementación de cuatro tipos de clasificadores de aprendizaje supervisado encontrados en métodos de procesamiento de escenas: red neuronal, máquina de vectores de soporte, procesos gaussianos, y modelos de mezcla gaussiana. La segmentación de objetos es un paso más allá hacia el entendimiento de escena, donde conjuntos de puntos 3D correspondientes al suelo y otros objetos de la escena son aislados. La tesis propone nuevas contribuciones a la segmentación de nubes de puntos basados en mapas de vóxeles caracterizados geométricamente. En concreto, la metodología propuesta se compone de dos pasos: primero, una segmentación del suelo especialmente diseñado para entornos naturales; y segundo, el posterior aislamiento de objetos individuales. Además, el método de segmentación del suelo es integrado en una nueva técnica de mapa de navegabilidad basado en cuadrícula de ocupación el cuál puede ser apropiado para robots móviles en entornos naturales. El diseño y desarrollo de un nuevo y asequible sensor lidar 3D de alta resolución también se ha propuesto en la tesis. Los nuevos MBLs, tales como los desarrollados por Velodyne, están siendo cada vez más un tipo de sensor 3D asequible y popular que ofrece alto ratio de datos en un campo de visión vertical (FOV) limitado. El diseño propuesto consiste en una plataforma giratoria que mejora la resolución y el FOV vertical de un Velodyne VLP-16 de 16 haces. Además, los complejos patrones de escaneo producidos por configuraciones de MBL que rotan se analizan tanto en simulaciones de esfera hueca como en escáneres reales en entornos representativos. Fecha de Lectura de Tesis: 11 de julio 2018.Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Resumen tesis: Los sensores lidar 3D son una tecnología clave para navegación, localización, mapeo y entendimiento de escenas en vehículos no tripulados y robots móviles. Esta tecnología, que provee nubes de puntos densas, puede ser especialmente adecuada para nuevas aplicaciones en entornos naturales o desestructurados, tales como búsqueda y rescate, exploración planetaria, agricultura, o exploración fuera de carretera. Esto es un desafío como área de investigación que incluye disciplinas que van desde el diseño de sensor a la inteligencia artificial o el aprendizaje automático (machine learning). En este contexto, esta tesis propone contribuciones al entendimiento inteligente de escenas en entornos desestructurados basado en medidas 3D de distancia a nivel del suelo. En concreto, las contribuciones principales incluyen nuevas metodologías para la clasificación de características espaciales, segmentación de objetos, y evaluación de navegabilidad en entornos naturales y urbanos, y también el diseño y desarrollo de un nuevo lidar rotatorio multi-haz (MBL). La clasificación de características espaciales es muy relevante porque es extensamente requerida como un paso fundamental previo a los problemas de entendimiento de alto nivel de una escena. Las contribuciones de la tesis en este respecto tratan de mejorar la eficacia, tanto en carga computacional como en precisión, de clasificación de aprendizaje supervisado de características de forma espacial (forma tubular, plana o difusa) obtenida mediante el análisis de componentes principales (PCA). Esto se ha conseguido proponiendo un concepto eficiente de vecindario basado en vóxel en una contribución original que define los procedimientos de aprendizaje “offline” y clasificación “online” a la vez que cinco definiciones alternativas de vectores de características basados en PCA

    System of Terrain Analysis, Energy Estimation and Path Planning for Planetary Exploration by Robot Teams

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    NASA’s long term plans involve a return to manned moon missions, and eventually sending humans to mars. The focus of this project is the use of autonomous mobile robotics to enhance these endeavors. This research details the creation of a system of terrain classification, energy of traversal estimation and low cost path planning for teams of inexpensive and potentially expendable robots. The first stage of this project was the creation of a model which estimates the energy requirements of the traversal of varying terrain types for a six wheel rocker-bogie rover. The wheel/soil interaction model uses Shibly’s modified Bekker equations and incorporates a new simplified rocker-bogie model for estimating wheel loads. In all but a single trial the relative energy requirements for each soil type were correctly predicted by the model. A path planner for complete coverage intended to minimize energy consumption was designed and tested. It accepts as input terrain maps detailing the energy consumption required to move to each adjacent location. Exploration is performed via a cost function which determines the robot’s next move. This system was successfully tested for multiple robots by means of a shared exploration map. At peak efficiency, the energy consumed by our path planner was only 56% that used by the best case back and forth coverage pattern. After performing a sensitivity analysis of Shibly’s equations to determine which soil parameters most affected energy consumption, a neural network terrain classifier was designed and tested. The terrain classifier defines all traversable terrain as one of three soil types and then assigns an assumed set of soil parameters. The classifier performed well over all, but had some difficulty distinguishing large rocks from sand. This work presents a system which successfully classifies terrain imagery into one of three soil types, assesses the energy requirements of terrain traversal for these soil types and plans efficient paths of complete coverage for the imaged area. While there are further efforts that can be made in all areas, the work achieves its stated goals

    Synaptic plasticity in a recurrent neural network for versatile and adaptive behaviors of a walking robot

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    Walking animals, like insects, with little neural computing can effectively perform complex behaviors. They can walk around their environment, escape from corners/deadlocks, and avoid or climb over obstacles. While performing all these behaviors, they can also adapt their movements to deal with an unknown situation. As a consequence, they successfully navigate through their complex environment. The versatile and adaptive abilities are the result of an integration of several ingredients embedded in their sensorimotor loop. Biological studies reveal that the ingredients include neural dynamics, plasticity, sensory feedback, and biomechanics. Generating such versatile and adaptive behaviors for a walking robot is a challenging task. In this study, we present a bio-inspired approach to solve this task. Specifically, the approach combines neural mechanisms with plasticity, sensory feedback, and biomechanics. The neural mechanisms consist of adaptive neural sensory processing and modular neural locomotion control. The sensory processing is based on a small recurrent network consisting of two fully connected neurons. Online correlation-based learning with synaptic scaling is applied to adequately change the connections of the network. By doing so, we can effectively exploit neural dynamics (i.e., hysteresis effects and single attractors) in the network to generate different turning angles with short-term memory for a biomechanical walking robot. The turning information is transmitted as descending steering signals to the locomotion control which translates the signals into motor actions. As a result, the robot can walk around and adapt its turning angle for avoiding obstacles in different situations as well as escaping from sharp corners or deadlocks. Using backbone joint control embedded in the locomotion control allows the robot to climb over small obstacles. Consequently, it can successfully explore and navigate in complex environments

    Development of track-driven agriculture robot with terrain classification functionality / Khairul Azmi Mahadhir

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    Over the past years, many robots have been devised to facilitate agricultural activities (that are labor-intensive in nature) so that they can carry out tasks such as crop care or selective harvesting with minimum human supervision. It is commonly observed that rapid change in terrain conditions can jeopardize the performance and efficiency of a robot when performing agricultural activity. For instance, a terrain covered with gravel produces high vibration to robot when traversing on the surface. In this work, an agricultural robot is embedded with machine learning algorithm based on Support Vector Machine (SVM). The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Support Vector Machine in recognizing different terrain conditions in an agriculture field. A test bed equipped with a tracked-driven robot and three types o f terrain i.e. sand, gravel and vegetation has been developed. A small and low power MEMS accelerometer is integrated into the robot for measuring the vertical acceleration. In this experiment, the vibration signals resulted from the interaction between the robot and the different type of terrain were collected. An extensive experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of SVM. The results in terms of accuracy of two machine learning techniques based on terrain classification are analyzed and compared. The results show that the robot that is equipped with an SVM can recognize different terrain conditions effectively. Such capability enables the robot to traverse across changing terrain conditions without being trapped in the field. Hence, this research work contributes to develop a self-adaptive agricultural robot in coping with different terrain conditions with minimum human supervision

    The GOGIRA System: An Innovative Method for Landslides Digital Mapping

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    Landslide mapping techniques have had many improvements in recent decades, the main field of development has been on traditional cartographic techniques and to a lesser extent on indirect numerical cartography. As for Direct Numerical Cartography (DNC), only a few improvements have been made due to the complexity and economic cost of the new technologies. To meet this lack in DNC techniques GOGIRA (Ground Operative-system for GIS Input Remote-data Acquisition), a new system following the GIS (Geographic Information System) scheme, was developed. It is a suite of hardware and software tools, algorithms, and procedures for easier and cheaper DNC. Initial tests conducted on the Quincinetto landslide system (north-western Italy) demonstrated good results in terms of morphometric coherence and precision. A geomorphological map made with GOGIRA was compared with a highly detailed geomorphological map developed with modern tested methods. In conclusion GOGIRA proved to be a valid system for geomorphological DNC when applied to a complex landslide system, considering the early stage of developing results for linear and point mapping was excellent, as for polygonal elements more studies must be conducted to improve accuracy and precision

    Compact Modeling Technique for Outdoor Navigation

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    16 pages, 46 figures.In this paper, a new methodology to build compact local maps in real time for outdoor robot navigation is presented. The environment information is obtained from a 3-D scanner laser. The navigation model, which is called traversable region model, is based on a Voronoi diagram technique, but adapted to large outdoor environments. The model obtained with this methodology allows a definition of safe trajectories that depend on the robot's capabilities and the terrain properties, and it will represent, in a topogeometric way, the environment as local and global maps. The application presented is validated in real outdoor environments with the robot called GOLIAT.This work was supported by the Spanish Government through the MICYT project DPI2003-01170.Publicad

    Unmanned Ground Robots for Rescue Tasks

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    This chapter describes two unmanned ground vehicles that can help search and rescue teams in their difficult, but life-saving tasks. These robotic assets have been developed within the framework of the European project ICARUS. The large unmanned ground vehicle is intended to be a mobile base station. It is equipped with a powerful manipulator arm and can be used for debris removal, shoring operations, and remote structural operations (cutting, welding, hammering, etc.) on very rough terrain. The smaller unmanned ground vehicle is also equipped with an array of sensors, enabling it to search for victims inside semi-destroyed buildings. Working together with each other and the human search and rescue workers, these robotic assets form a powerful team, increasing the effectiveness of search and rescue operations, as proven by operational validation tests in collaboration with end users

    Lidar for Biomass Estimation

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