939 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran citra diri fanboy musik Korea yang tergabung dalam komunitas fandom. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah lima orang yang didapatkan dari teknik purposive sampling dan observasi di beberapa komunitas fandom di Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur dan dianalisis dengan teknik analisis tematik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasikan lima tema utama, yaitu pengalaman menjadi fanboy, citra diri sebagai fanboy, konflik citra diri yang dialami, upaya mengatasi konflik, dan penerimaan diri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fanboy memiliki banyak pengalaman tidak menyenangkan karena menyukai KPOP yang menyebabkan mereka sulit untuk mengekspresikan diri sesuai keinginan mereka. Fandom sebagai komunitas penggemar memberikan lingkungan yang positif untuk fanboy sehingga mereka merasa lebih nyaman dan bisa mengekspresikan diri sesuai dengan citra diri yang dimiliki Kata Kunci : Citra Diri, Penggemar Laki-laki, KPOP     Abstract This study aims to provide an overview about self image of KPOP fanboy who are members of fandom community. This study used a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The participants in this study was five people who were obtained from purposive sampling technique and observation in several fandom communities in Surabaya and its surroundings. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. Based on the results of data analysis, this study has identified five main themes, namely the experience of being a fanboy, self-image as a fanboy, experienced self-image conflicts, efforts to overcome conflicts, and self-acceptance. The results showed that fanboys had a lot of unpleasant experiences because they liked KPOP which made it difficult for them to express themselves as they wish. Fandom as a fan community provides a positive environment for fanboys so that they feel more comfortable and able to express themselves accordingly. Keywords :  Self-Image, Fanboy, KPO

    The Rise of Marvel and DC\u27s Transmedia Superheroes: Comic Book Adaptations, Fanboy Auteurs, and Guiding Fan Reception

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    This thesis highlights the industrial strategy of Marvel Studios and DC Entertainment in adapting their comic book properties to the screen, engaging in an analysis of how these studios appeal to a mainstream audience by harnessing the enthusiasm of comic book fans. It proposes that the studios’ branding strategies were based in establishing their products as authentic representations of the source texts, strategically employing what Suzanne Scott calls “fanboy auteurs” – filmmakers with strong connections to the comic material – in order to lend credibility to their franchises. Situating the comic book films of Joss Whedon and Christopher Nolan as exemplary case studies, it proposes that these figures mediate fan interests and studio authority. Finally, this thesis traces how this industrial strategy has changed to accommodate unofficial modes of fan activity inherent to participatory culture


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    This study aims to provide an overview toward fanboys’ self-disclosure. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The present research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Besides interviewing four informants, the researchers describe the forms of self-disclosure they show in social media such as Instagram and WhatsApp status. The results of the present study shows that by becoming K-Pop fans, teenage boys feel happy doing fanboying activities. The informants reveal their identities as fanboys and develop their thoughts and feelings liking the BTS boyband on social media. By posting on social media, these teenage boys say that they feel better and people do not think that being a fanboy is deviant


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    This research is entitled "Korean Girlband Fanboy Communication Behavior (Study on PF Entertainment Dance Cover Community in Palembang)" which aims to determine the communication behavior of K-pop girl band fanboys and the effects that occur after liking the K-pop girl band. This type of research uses qualitative methods. Collection techniques the data in this study were collected using interviews, observation, and documentation. The primary data source of this study was interviews with members of the PF Entertainment dance cover community in Palembang. Secondary data sources from this study consisted of books, journals, previous theses, and websites related to this research. This study uses Social Learning Theory, which explains that human behavior can be formed from observing and then the behavior is studied. This research results in a change in communication behavior towards K-pop girl band fanboys. The behavior change is carried out continuously so that the behavior generated continues and becomes a habit. The behavior in question can be in the form of two things, namely verbal communication behavior and nonverbal communication behavior. This sustainable behavior occurs because the influence caused by K-pop girl groups is well received so this sustainable behavior continues to be applied in everyday lif

    Towards a folk taxonomy of popular new media marketing terms

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    Word of Mouth and Brand Community Marketing terms have emerged to describe particular people and their effectiveness in promoting messages, particularly with the emergence of social media. The development of the terms and their use are concurrent in academic literature, industry literature and popular culture. Furthermore, it is common for these terms to converge, borrowing meanings, connotations and subtexts. This paper explores five key community marketing terms−Geek, Maven, Alpha User, Evangelist and Fanboy−and develops term classifications and relationships into a folk taxonomy. Tourism and hospitality practitioners and academics can use the taxonomy for word of mouth activities and research

    Resistensi Fanboy K-Pop Menghadapi Stigma Banci di Purwokerto

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    Fenomena Korean Wave saat ini merupakan salah satu fenomena populer yang terkenal di seluruh dunia, salah satunya di Indonesia. Fenomena populer Korean Wave ini terdiri dari beberapa budaya-budaya asal Korea Selatan diantaranya yaitu makanan, drama korea (k-drama), film korea, budaya tradisional Korea Selatan, dan musik K-Pop. Musik K-Pop merupakan salah satu bentuk fenomena Korean Wave yang populer saat ini di Indonesia. Munculnya budaya musik K-Pop di Indonesia tentunya akan memunculkan kelompok penggemar. Kelompok penggemar musik K-Pop tersebut dikenal sebagai K-Popers. Masuknya fenomena Korean Wave ke Indonesia tentunya akan memunculkan kelompok masyarakat yang dapat menerima budaya baru, dan masyarakat yang mempertahankan budaya lama. Munculnya perbedaan perspektif ini ternyata menyebabkan timbulnya stereotip atau pelabelan negatif terhadap K-Popers atau masyarakat yang menyukai budaya musik K-Pop di Indonesia, salah satunya di wilayah Purwokerto. Stereotip yang muncul tersebut diantaranya yaitu stereotip yang menyatakan bahwa fanboy K-Pop adalah banci. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana fanboy K-Pop di Purwokerto menghadapi stereotip banci yang diberikan kepada mereka, serta bagaimana persepsi fanboy K-Pop mengenai makna banci itu sendiri. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan sasaran penelitian fanboy K-Pop yang tinggal di Purwokerto. Teknik penentuan informan yang digunakan yaitu teknik purposive, metode pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, serta metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu metode analisis interaktif atau on going analysis Miles dan Huberman. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu adanya beberapa stereotip yang ditujukan kepada K-Popers terutama fanboy K-pop. Antara lain yaitu nge-fans dengan ‘plastik’, dan label banci yang diberikan kepada fanboy K-Pop. Pemberian stereotip banci yang ditujukan kepada fanboy K-Pop ini menimbulkan bentuk perlawanan atau resistensi dari beberapa fanboy K-Pop salah satunya di wilayah Purwokerto karena beberapa dari mereka menolak diberikan stereotip tersebut. Bentuk perlawanan yang dilakukan kebanyakan dilakukan secara tertutup karena saat ini fanboy K-Pop termasuk kedalam kelompok minoritas. Serta adanya beberapa pendapat menurut fanboy K-Pop mengenai makna banci itu sendiri

    [Review of] \u3cem\u3eFake Geek Girls: Fandom, Gender, and the Convergence Culture Industry\u3c/em\u3e, by Suzanne Scott

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    Review of Suzanne Scott, Fake geek girls: fandom, gender, and the convergence culture industry. New York: NYU Press, 2019, paperback, $30 (304p) ISBN 978-1479879571

    Reversal Of Roles: Stars As Fan-Protagonists in Filipino Movies

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    One key aspect of Filipino cinema during its 100-year history is its attempt at self-reflexivity. Films that revolve around films have been made repeatedly, exploring the morality of the industry, the highs and lows of actors, or the passions of fans. Fandom, in particular, is depicted at length in films like Bona (Lino Brocka, 1980), Bituing Walang Ningning [Lackluster Star] (Emmanuel Borlaza, 1985), Konorang Itim [Black Crown] (Jose Mari Avellana, 1994), and Fangirl Fanboy (Barry Gonzalez, 2017). Each features a narrative centered on the life of a fan in relation to a film or a music idol. Do such movies value and appreciate their highest patrons? In what ways are representations of fan practices and behaviors in such movies affirming or contesting of fan stereotypes? How do fan representations affect the movie industry’s attitude, more broadly, toward its audiences? These are only some of the questions the paper shall address in order to identify an iconographic understanding of fans, based on movies that directly recognize their existence and narrate their experiences


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    Abstrak   Fenomena musik Korea di tahun 2011 di Indonesia menyebabkan banyak boyband dan girlband yang sangat digandrungi khususnya oleh remaja Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Super Junior. Nama penggemar Super Junior itu sendiri adalah Everlasting Friends/E.L.F. Para E.L.F di Indonesia tersebar keseluruh wilayah termasuk di kota Surabaya. Di Surabaya memiliki sebuah komunitas yang dibuat untuk tempat dimana para E.L.F Surabaya dan sekitarnya bisa berkumpul. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Interaksionisme Simbolik dari George Herbert Mead  dan teori dramaturgi dari Erfing Goffman. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan interaksionisme simbolik untuk membongkar dramaturgi, panggung depan dan panggung belakang adalah ketika para E.L.F berada di komunitas E.L.F Surabaya. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis Spardley, yaitu key informan sebagai penentu subyek selanjutnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya interaksi simbolik; pertama adanya penggunaan bahasa atau istilah-irtilah seperti penyebutan kakak-adik, penyertaan nama fandom bias dalam mengenalkan diri, dan istilah dari arti nama bias. Kedua,  penggunaan atribut sebagai identitas diri yang digolongkan dengan tiga, yaitu  yang ber ID card, tidak memiliki ID card, dan para admin. Ketiga adalah fashion   Keywords : Everlasting Friends/E.L.F, komunitas, Dramaturgi, interaksi simbolik.   Abstract   Korean music phenomenon in 2011 in Indonesia, causing many boyband and girlband very loved, especially by teenagers Indonesia, one of which is Super Junior. The name Super Junior fan is Everlasting Friends/E.L.F. The ELF in Indonesia spread throughout the region, including in the city of Surabaya. In Surabaya has a community that is made for the place where the ELF Surabaya and surrounding areas could be gathered. This study used Symbolic interactionism theory of George Herbert Mead and dramaturgical theory of Erfing Goffman Methods of research using qualitative methods of symbolic interactionism to dismantle dramaturgy, stage front and rear stage is c when the E.L.F in E.L.F community Surabaya. Data collection techniques acquired through observation, in-depth interviews (depth interview) by using the interview guide. Data were analyzed using analysis techniques Spardley, is key informants as a determinant of subsequent subjects. The results showed the presence of symbolic interaction: the first, the use of language or terminology such irtilah mention of brother and sister, the inclusion of the name of fandom bias in introducing ourselves. And the terms of the meaning of the name of bias. Second, which have an ID card, o not have an ID card and the admin. Third is fashion.   Keywords :Everlasting Friends/E.L.F , community, dramaturgi, symbolic interaction
