49,279 research outputs found

    Proximate factors underpinning receiver responses to deceptive false alarm calls in wild tufted capuchin monkeys: is it counterdeception?

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    Previous research demonstrates that tufted capuchin monkeys use terrestrial predator alarm calls in a functionally deceptive manner to distract conspecifics when feeding on contestable resources, although the success of this tactic is limited because listeners frequently ignore these calls when given in such situations. While this decreased response rate is suggestive of a counterstrategy to deception by receivers, the proximate factors underpinning the behavior are unclear. The current study aims to test if the decreased response rate to alarm calls in competitive contexts is better explained by the perception of subtle acoustic differences between predator-elicited and deceptive false alarms, or by receivers varying their responses based on the context in which the signal is received. This was tested by first examining the acoustic structure of predator-elicited and deceptive false alarms for any potentially perceptible acoustic differences, and second by comparing the responses of capuchins to playbacks of each of predator-elicited and false alarms, played back in noncompetitive contexts. The results indicate that deceptive false alarms and predator-elicited alarms show, at best, minimal acoustic differences based on the structural features measured. Likewise, playbacks of deceptive false alarms elicited antipredator reactions at the same rate as did predator-elicited alarms, although there was a nonsignificant tendency for false alarms to be more likely to elicit escape reactions. The lack of robust acoustic differences together with the high response rate to false alarms in noncompetitive contexts suggests that the context in which the signal is received best explains receiver responses. It remains unclear, however, if listeners ascribe different meanings to the calls based on context, or if they generally ignore all signals in competitive contexts. Whether or not the decreased response rate of receivers directly stems from the deceptive use of the calls cannot be determined until these latter possibilities are rigorously tested

    Control of ELT false alarms

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    The statistics of emergency locator transmitter (ELT) alarms are presented. The primary sources of data include ELT Incident Logs, Service Difficulty Reports, and Frequency Interference Reports. The number of reported and unreported alarms is discussed, as are seasonal variations, duration of ELT transmissions, and cost of silencing. Origin, causes, and possible strategies for reducing the impact of alarms on the aviation community are considered

    Recognition of false alarms in fall detection systems

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    Falls are a major cause of hospitalization and injury-related deaths among the elderly population. The detrimental effects of falls, as well as the negative impact on health services costs, have led to a great interest on fall detection systems by the health-care industry. The most promising approaches are those based on a wearable device that monitors the movements of the patient, recognizes a fall and triggers an alarm. Unfortunately such techniques suffer from the problem of false alarms: some activities of daily living are erroneously reported as falls, thus reducing the confidence of the user. This paper presents a novel approach for improving the detection accuracy which is based on the idea of identifying specific movement patterns into the acceleration data. Using a single accelerometer, our system can recognize these patterns and use them to distinguish activities of daily living from real falls; thus the number of false alarms is reduced

    Conservative Thirty Calendar Day Stock Prediction Using a Probabilistic Neural Network

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    We describe a system that predicts significant short-term price movement in a single stock utilizing conservative strategies. We use preprocessing techniques, then train a probabilistic neural network to predict only price gains large enough to create a significant profit opportunity. Our primary objective is to limit false predictions (known in the pattern recognition literature as false alarms). False alarms are more significant than missed opportunities, because false alarms acted upon lead to losses. We can achieve false alarm rates as low as 5.7% with the correct system design and parameterization

    Repetition increases false recollection in older people

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    Aging is accompanied by an increase in false alarms on recognition tasks, and these false alarms increase with repetition in older people (but not in young people). Traditionally, this increase was thought to be due to a greater use of familiarity in older people, but it was recently pointed out that false alarms also have a clear recollection component in these people. The main objective of our study is to analyze whether the expected increase in the rate of false alarms in older people due to stimulus repetition is produced by an inadequate use of familiarity, recollection, or both processes. To do so, we carried out an associative recognition experiment using pairs of words and pairs of images (faces associated with everyday contexts), in which we ana- lyzed whether the repetition of some of the pairs increases the rate of false alarms in older people (compared to what was found in a sample of young people), and whether this increase is due to familiarity or recollection (using a remember-know paradigm). Our results show that the increase in false alarms in older people due to repetition is produced by false recollection, calling into question both dual and single-process models of recognition. Also, older people falsely recollect details of never studied stimuli, a clear case of perceptual illusions. These results are better explained in terms of source- monitoring errors, mediated by peopleÂżs retrieval expectations


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    thesisThe purpose of this study was to determine how often a false electrocardiogram (ECG) alarm occurred in an intensive care unit (ICU) or coronary care unit (CCU). Nine patients were monitored for 12-1/2 hours. The false alarms that occurred were documented and the cause was noted. Five patients were male with a mean age of 64 years, and four were female with a mean age of 57. Two patients were studied in the Respiratory (RICU), two in the Thoracic (TICU), and five in the CCU. The investigator studied whether a monitor could be developed that would be able to decrease the false alarm frequency by using a multiple ECG signal system, or a multiple physiologic signal system with the addition of an arterial pressure waveform. Fourteen false alarms occurred during the monitoring period with one true alarm. The frequency of false alarms was 4.2 in the RICU, 12.6 in the TICU, and 10.5 in the CCU; showing a much higher rate of false alarms per patient in the RICU. The frequency of false alarms could have been reduced by 60% with the addition of a multiple ECG signal system. Use of a multiple physiologic signal system however, would eliminate all of the false alarms and, therefore, would be a better system. No monitor that utilizes such a system has been developed, but it would be a great benefit to reduce the stress and noise level in the ICU/CCU
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