21 research outputs found

    Wavelength-Resolution SAR Incoherent Change Detection Based on Image Stack

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    Space/time/frequency methods in adaptive radar

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    Radar systems may be processed with various space, time and frequency techniques. Advanced radar systems are required to detect targets in the presence of jamming and clutter. This work studies the application of two types of radar systems. It is well known that targets moving along-track within a Synthetic Aperture Radar field of view are imaged as defocused objects. The SAR stripmap mode is tuned to stationary ground targets and the mismatch between the SAR processing parameters and the target motion parameters causes the energy to spill over to adjacent image pixels, thus hindering target feature extraction and reducing the probability of detection. The problem can be remedied by generating the image using a filter matched to the actual target motion parameters, effectively focusing the SAR image on the target. For a fixed rate of motion the target velocity can be estimated from the slope of the Doppler frequency characteristic. The problem is similar to the classical problem of estimating the instantaneous frequency of a linear FM signal (chirp). The Wigner-Ville distribution, the Gabor expansion, the Short-Time Fourier transform and the Continuous Wavelet Transform are compared with respect to their performance in noisy SAR data to estimate the instantaneous Doppler frequency of range compressed SAR data. It is shown that these methods exhibit sharp signal-to-noise threshold effects. The space-time radar problem is well suited to the application of techniques that take advantage of the low-rank property of the space-time covariance matrix. It is shown that reduced-rank methods outperform full-rank space-time adaptive processing when the space-time covariance matrix is estimated from a dataset with limited support. The utility of reduced-rank methods is demonstrated by theoretical analysis, simulations and analysis of real data. It is shown that reduced-rank processing has two effects on the performance: increased statistical stability which tends to improve performance, and introduction of a bias which lowers the signal-to-noise ratio. A method for evaluating the theoretical conditioned SNR for fixed reduced-rank transforms is also presented

    All-Weather Sense and Avoid (SAA) Radar Clutter Modeling and Control

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    The background of this thesis is related to the enhancement and optimization of the Pulsed-Doppler Radar sensor for the need of Detect and Avoid (DAA), or Sense and Avoid (SAA), for both weather and air-traffic (collision aircraft) detection and monitoring. Such radars are used in both manned and unmanned aircraft for the situation awareness of pilot navigation operations. The particular focus of this study is to develop a simulation model that is based on MATLAB's phased array toolbox and use that simulation model to predict the performance of an end-to-end radar signal processing chain for all-weather, multi-mission DAA. To achieve this goal, we developed an airborne system model based on MATLAB toolboxes, NASA’s airborne radar flight test data, and NEXRAD radar data. The measured data from airborne and ground-based radars are used as the “truth field” for the weather. During the modeling and verification process, we primarily investigated the impact of ground or surface clutters on the radar outputs and results, which include the testing of the constant-gamma model using actual measured radar data and improved system and sensor modeling based on the clutter geometry. Evaluation of various moving target indication (MTI) techniques were tested with the simulation model

    Deep learning-based change detection in remote sensing images:a review

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    Images gathered from different satellites are vastly available these days due to the fast development of remote sensing (RS) technology. These images significantly enhance the data sources of change detection (CD). CD is a technique of recognizing the dissimilarities in the images acquired at distinct intervals and are used for numerous applications, such as urban area development, disaster management, land cover object identification, etc. In recent years, deep learning (DL) techniques have been used tremendously in change detection processes, where it has achieved great success because of their practical applications. Some researchers have even claimed that DL approaches outperform traditional approaches and enhance change detection accuracy. Therefore, this review focuses on deep learning techniques, such as supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised for different change detection datasets, such as SAR, multispectral, hyperspectral, VHR, and heterogeneous images, and their advantages and disadvantages will be highlighted. In the end, some significant challenges are discussed to understand the context of improvements in change detection datasets and deep learning models. Overall, this review will be beneficial for the future development of CD methods

    An Approach to Ground Moving Target Indication Using Multiple Resolutions of Multilook Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    Ground moving target indication (GMTI) using multiple resolutions of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images to estimate the clutter scattering statistics is shown to outperform conventional sample matrix inversion space-time adaptive processing GMTI techniques when jamming is not present. A SAR image provides an estimate of scattering from nonmoving targets in the form of a clutter scattering covariance matrix for the GMTI optimum processor. Since the homogeneity of the scattering statistics are unknown, using SAR images at multiple spatial resolutions to estimate the clutter scattering statistics results in more confidence in the final detection decision. Two approaches to calculating the multiple SAR resolutions are investigated. Multiple resolution filter bank smoothing of the full-resolution SAR image is shown to outperform an innovative approach to multilook SAR imaging. The multilook SAR images are calculated from a single measurement vector partitioned base on synthetic sensor locations determined via eigenanalysis of the radar measurement parameters

    Airborne Radar Interference Suppression Using Adaptive Three-Dimensional Techniques

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    This research advances adaptive interference suppression techniques for airborne radar, addressing the problem of target detection within severe interference environments characterized by high ground clutter levels, levels, noise jammer infiltration, and strong discrete interferers. Two-dimensional (2D) Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) concepts are extended into three-dimensions (3D) by casting each major 2D STAP research area into a 3D framework. The work first develops an appropriate 3D data model with provisions for range ambiguous clutter returns. Adaptive 3D development begins with two factored approaches, 3D Factored Time-Space (3D-FTS) and Elevation-Joint Domain Localized (Elev-JDL). The 3D adaptive development continues with optimal techniques, i.e., joint domain methods. First, the 3D matched Filter (3D-MF) is derived followed by a 3D Adaptive Matched Filter (3D-AMF) discussion focusing on well-established practical limitations consistent with the 2D case. Finally, a 3D-JDL method is introduced. Proposed 3D Hybrid methods extend current state-of-the-art 2D hybrid methods. The initial 3D hybrid, a functional extension of the 2D technique, exhibits distinct performance advantages in heterogeneous clutter. The final 3D hybrid method is virtually impervious to discrete interference

    Comunicacions aeroportuàries

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    Sistemes de Comunicacions; Antenes, Radioenllaços i propagació d'ones electromagnètiques; Sistemes de modulació analògica i digital; Tecnologia i sistemes de radiofreqüència; Els equips i sistemes radioelèctrics aeroportuaris, en especial les Instal·lacions de comunicacions aeronàutiques terra-aire en aeroports, els sistemes de radiogoniometria i sistemes VDF; els sistemes i equips de vigilància aeroportuària: radar primari i secundari, mode S i sistemes de multilateració, sistema ADS; els equips i instal·lacions aeroportuàries de radioajudes a la navegació: sistemes NDB, DME, VOR, DVOR, TACAN i VORTAC; els equips i sistemes de guiat en l'aterratge: ILS; els sistemes de guiat i de navegació per satèl·lit GNSS, i els sistemes d'augmentació SBAS i GBAS.2021/202

    Adaptive Sensing Techniques for Dynamic Target Tracking and Detection with Applications to Synthetic Aperture Radars.

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    This thesis studies adaptive allocation of a limited set of sensing or computational resources in order to maximize some criteria, such as detection probability, estimation accuracy, or throughput, with specific application to inference with synthetic aperture radars (SAR). Sparse scenarios are considered where the interesting element is embedded in a much larger signal space. Policies are examined that adaptively distribute the constrained resources by using observed measurements to inform the allocation at subsequent stages. This thesis studies adaptive allocation policies in three main directions. First, a framework for adaptive search for sparse targets is proposed to simultaneously detect and track moving targets. Previous work is extended to include a dynamic target model that incorporates target transitions, birth/death probabilities, and varying target amplitudes. Policies are proposed that are shown empirically to have excellent asymptotic performance in estimation error, detection probability, and robustness to model mismatch. Moreover, policies are provided with low computational complexity as compared to state-of-the-art dynamic programming solutions. Second, adaptive sensor management is studied for stable tracking of targets under different modalities. A sensor scheduling policy is proposed that guarantees that the target spatial uncertainty remains bounded. When stability conditions are met, fundamental performance limits are derived such as the maximum number of targets that can be tracked stably and the maximum spatial uncertainty of those targets. The theory is extended to the case where the system may be engaged in tasks other than tracking, such as wide area search or target classification. Lastly, these developed tools are applied to tracking targets using SAR imagery. A hierarchical Bayesian model is proposed for efficient estimation of the posterior distribution for the target and clutter states given observed SAR imagery. This model provides a unifying framework that models the physical, kinematic, and statistical properties of SAR imagery. It is shown that this method generally outperforms common algorithms for change detection. Moreover, the proposed method has the additional benefits of (a) easily incorporating additional information such as target motion models and/or correlated measurements, (b) having few tuning parameters, and (c) providing a characterization of the uncertainty in the state estimation process.PHDElectrical Engineering-SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/97931/1/newstage_1.pd

    NASA Tech Briefs, May 1996

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    Topics include: Video and Imaging;Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences; Books and Report

    Mismatched Processing for Radar Interference Cancellation

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    Matched processing is a fundamental filtering operation within radar signal processing to estimate scattering in the radar scene based on the transmit signal. Although matched processing maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the filtering operation is ineffective when interference is captured in the receive measurement. Adaptive interference mitigation combined with matched processing has proven to mitigate interference and estimate the radar scene. A known caveat of matched processing is the resulting sidelobes that may mask other scatterers. The sidelobes can be efficiently addressed by windowing but this approach also comes with limited suppression capabilities, loss in resolution, and loss in SNR. The recent emergence of mismatch processing has shown to optimally reduce sidelobes while maintaining nominal resolution and signal estimation performance. Throughout this work, re-iterative minimum-mean square error (RMMSE) adaptive and least-squares (LS) optimal mismatch processing are proposed for enhanced signal estimation in unison with adaptive interference mitigation for various radar applications including random pulse repetition interval (PRI) staggering pulse-Doppler radar, airborne ground moving target indication, and radar & communication spectrum sharing. Mismatch processing and adaptive interference cancellation each can be computationally complex for practical implementation. Sub-optimal RMMSE and LS approaches are also introduced to address computational limitations. The efficacy of these algorithms is presented using various high-fidelity Monte Carlo simulations and open-air experimental datasets