15,176 research outputs found

    Fairness of components in system computations

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    In this paper we provide a simple characterization of (weak) fairness of components as defined by Costa and Stirling. The study is carried out at system specification level by resorting to a common process description language. This paper follows and exploits similar techniques as those developed in an earlier paper -- where fairness of actions was taken into account and was contrasted to the PAFAS timed operational semantics -- but the characterization of fair executions is based on a new semantics for PAFAS; it makes use of only two copies of each basic action instead of infinitely many and allows for a simple and finite representation of fair executions by using regular expressions. The new semantics can also be understood as describing timed behaviour of systems with upper time bounds. The paper discusses in detail how this new semantics differs from the old one, and why theses changes are necessary to properly capture fairness of components

    Explicit fairness in testing semantics

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    In this paper we investigate fair computations in the pi-calculus. Following Costa and Stirling's approach for CCS-like languages, we consider a method to label process actions in order to filter out unfair computations. We contrast the existing fair-testing notion with those that naturally arise by imposing weak and strong fairness. This comparison provides insight about the expressiveness of the various `fair' testing semantics and about their discriminating power.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, appeared in LMC

    PLTL Partitioned Model Checking for Reactive Systems under Fairness Assumptions

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    We are interested in verifying dynamic properties of finite state reactive systems under fairness assumptions by model checking. The systems we want to verify are specified through a top-down refinement process. In order to deal with the state explosion problem, we have proposed in previous works to partition the reachability graph, and to perform the verification on each part separately. Moreover, we have defined a class, called Bmod, of dynamic properties that are verifiable by parts, whatever the partition. We decide if a property P belongs to Bmod by looking at the form of the Buchi automaton that accepts the negation of P. However, when a property P belongs to Bmod, the property f => P, where f is a fairness assumption, does not necessarily belong to Bmod. In this paper, we propose to use the refinement process in order to build the parts on which the verification has to be performed. We then show that with such a partition, if a property P is verifiable by parts and if f is the expression of the fairness assumptions on a system, then the property f => P is still verifiable by parts. This approach is illustrated by its application to the chip card protocol T=1 using the B engineering design language

    Verification and Synthesis of Symmetric Uni-Rings for Leads-To Properties

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    This paper investigates the verification and synthesis of parameterized protocols that satisfy leadsto properties R⇝QR \leadsto Q on symmetric unidirectional rings (a.k.a. uni-rings) of deterministic and constant-space processes under no fairness and interleaving semantics, where RR and QQ are global state predicates. First, we show that verifying R⇝QR \leadsto Q for parameterized protocols on symmetric uni-rings is undecidable, even for deterministic and constant-space processes, and conjunctive state predicates. Then, we show that surprisingly synthesizing symmetric uni-ring protocols that satisfy R⇝QR \leadsto Q is actually decidable. We identify necessary and sufficient conditions for the decidability of synthesis based on which we devise a sound and complete polynomial-time algorithm that takes the predicates RR and QQ, and automatically generates a parameterized protocol that satisfies R⇝QR \leadsto Q for unbounded (but finite) ring sizes. Moreover, we present some decidability results for cases where leadsto is required from multiple distinct RR predicates to different QQ predicates. To demonstrate the practicality of our synthesis method, we synthesize some parameterized protocols, including agreement and parity protocols
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