9 research outputs found

    Supply chain risk assessment approach for process quality risks

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    Purpose- The purpose of the paper is to proactively analyse and mitigate root causes of the process quality risks. The case study approach examines the effectiveness of the fuzzy logic approach for assessing the product and process related failure modes within global supply chain context. Design/Methodology/approach- The case study of a printed circuit board company in China is used as a platform for conducting the research. Using data triangulation, the data is collected and analysed through interviews, questionnaires, expert opinions and quantitative modelling for drawing useful insights. Findings- The fuzzy logic approach to FMEA provides a structured approach for understanding complex behaviour of failure modes and their associated risks for products and processes. Supply Chain Managers should conduct robust risk assessment during the design stage to avoid product safety and security risks. Research Limitations/implications- The research is based on a single case study. Multiple cases from different industry sectors may support in generalising the findings. Originality/Value- The study attempts to mitigate the root causes of product and processes using fuzzy approach to FMEA in supply chain network


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    On the backdrop of lower transportation cost, outsourcing paved the way for borderless production activities and ushered in the era of Supply Chain Management (SCM). For many organizations, achieving the goals of their Supply Chain (SC) is constantly threatened by increased competition and disruption. In this study, the aim is to identify, and rank, SC threats in a developing country using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) with Fuzzy Logic (FL). FMEA parameters were derived for 44 supply chain threats (SCT1 – SCT44) and their Risk Priority Number (RPN) determined. Subsequently, the Mamdani Fuzzy Inference system was utilized to arrive at a Fuzzy-RPN with 125 rules using severity as a determining factor. The rules were ranked to prioritize SC threats. From the conventional FMEA, demand variation (SCT42) and long-distance sourcing (SCT27) had the highest and lowest RPN, respectively. After fuzzification and defuzzification, Fuzzy-RPN identified raw material delay (SCT1), government policy (SCT11), poor transport infrastructure (SCT18) and political instability (SCT19) as threats with the highest Fuzzy-RPN (210) and product recalls (SCT28) with the lowest Fuzzy-RPN (99). Based on these results, it is concluded that a Fuzzy-FMEA approach can identify and rank SC threats with the use of an RPN devoid of sentiments and inaccuracies

    Intuitionistic fuzzy-based model for failure detection

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    Kumaş boyama sürecinde çok sayıda fiziksel ve kimyasal işlem uygulanmaktadır. Ürün özelliklerine göre belirlenmesi gereken malzeme reçetelerinin ve sıcaklık, devir hızı, pH gibi parametrelerin doğru ayarlanmaması hatalara sebep olmaktadır. Bu hataların bir kısmı yeniden işleme ile giderilebilse bile operasyonel maliyetleri arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Bursa’da tekstil sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir işletmenin boyama süreçlerinde karşılaşılan hataları belirlemek, risklerini değerlendirmek ve önceliklendirmek amacıyla bulanık TOPSIS ile Hata Türü ve Etkileri Analizi (HTEA) uygulanmaktadır. Bulanık mantık, hataların dilsel değişkenler kullanılarak değerlendirilmesini; TOPSIS ise şiddet, olasılık ve saptanabilirlik kriterlerine farklı ağırlıklar verilmesini mümkün kılmaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda hataları azaltabilecek önleyici tedbirler değerlendirilmektedir

    Hybrid-fuzzy techniques with flexibility and attitudinal parameters for supporting early product design and reliability management

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    The main aim of the research work presented in this thesis is to define and develop novel Hybrid Fuzzy-based techniques for supporting aspects of product development engineering, specifically product reliability at the early phase of product design under the design for reliability philosophy and concept designs assessment problems when the required information is rough and incomplete. Thus, to achieve the above-stated aim, which has been formulated in the effort to filling the identified gaps in the literature which comprise of the need for a holistic, flexible and adjustable method to facilitate and support product design concept assessment and product reliability at the early product design phase. The need for the incorporation of the attitudinal character of the DMs into the product reliability and design concept assessment and finally, the need to account for the several interrelated complex attributes in the product reliability and design concept assessment process. A combination of research methods has been employed which includes an extensive literature review, multiple case study approach, and personal interview of experts, through which data were, collected that provided information for the real-life case study. With the new Hybrid Fuzzy-based techniques (i.e. the intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS model which is based on an exponential-related function (IF-TOPSISEF) and the Multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) method which is based on a generalized triangular intuitionistic fuzzy geometric averaging (GTIFGA) operator), a more robust method for the product reliability and design concepts assessment respectively have been achieved as displayed in the comparative analysis in the thesis. The new methods have provided a more complete and a holistic view of the assessment process, by looking at the product reliability and design concept assessment from different scenario depending on the interest of the DMs. Using the above methods, the thesis has been able to evaluated some complex mechanical systems in literature and in real-life including Crawler Crane Machine and Forklift Truck for design change with the purpose of gaining appropriate reliability knowledge and information needed at the early product design phase, and that can subsequently aid and improve the product design concepts after all such useful information have been added into the new design. With the application of the new methods, and their proven feasibility and rationality as displayed in the assessment results of the complex mechanical systems in literature and that of the real-life case studies, this thesis, therefore, can conclude that the Hybrid Fuzzy-based techniques proposed, has provided a better and a novel alternative to existing product reliability and design concepts assessment methods

    Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Risk Analysis Review: Application within the Scope of the Wind Turbine

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    Failure mode effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) is an important probabilistic reliability model and an appropriate tool for future failures problem-solving. MIL-STD-1629A is one of the most popular FMECA standards from the U.S. Department of Defense. The following paper presents the results a Risk Priority Numbers (RPN) conducted for wind turbine assembly. This methodology is performed on the functional modes of the wind turbine components to perceive its performance, and determine its critical failures. The ranking of the failure modes criticality is realized based on the data collected from experts and decision-makers working in the renewable energy production area in Morocco. Further, the findings demonstrate that the generator and power electrical system are the two most critical components in the wind turbine system. Furthermore, the adopted methodology will help the decision-makers to improve the design of the critical components that require more attention and at the same time eliminate the inherent risks and deliver a system that respects the production standards.  

    An integrated decision-making method for selecting machine tool guideways considering remanufacturability

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    As one of the most important components of machine tool, guideway has an important driving force to comprehensively improve the remanufacturability of machine tools. To select optimal guideway for machine tool remanufacturing, an integrated multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach that combines improved analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and connection degree-based technique of ranking preferences by similarity to the ideal solution (CD-TOPSIS) method is proposed. The improved AHP is employed to calculate the weights of each criterion and the CD-TOPSIS is adapted to complete the task of sorting; finally, the comprehensive evaluation of the alternatives is carried out. A case study, i.e. eight types of guideways, is illustrated to verify the proposed MCDM method. In addition, comparison with existing methods is performed to validate the effective and reliability for the proposed hybrid approach. Also, sensitivity analysis is provided to evaluate the robustness of the method. The final result shows the method provides reliable decision support for the selection of machine tool guideways for remanufacturing

    Risk analysis of petroleum transportation using fuzzy rule-based Bayesian reasoning

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    Petroleum transportation systems (PTSs) play a critical role in the movement of crude oil from its production sites to end users. Such systems are complex because they often operate in a dynamic environment. Safe operations of the key components in PTSs such as port and shipping are vital for the success of the systems. Risk assessment is a powerful tool to ensure the safe transportation of crude oil. This paper applies a mathematical model to identify and evaluate the operational hazards associated with PTSs, by incorporating a fuzzy rule-based (FRB) method with Bayesian networks (BNs). Its novelty lies in the realisation of risk analysis and prioritisation of the hazards in PTSs when historical failure data is not available. This hybrid model is capable of assisting decision-makers in measuring and improving the PTSs' safety, and dealing with the inherent uncertainties in risk data