41 research outputs found

    Perbaikan Kualitas Kardus Kemasan Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma Di Pt. Anugrah Jaya Packindo

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    PT. Anugrah Jaya Packindo merupakan perusahan manufaktur yang bergerak dalam bidang Corrugated Carton Box Packaging. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah kardus kemasan. Konsumen dari PT. Anugrah Jaya Packindo adalah perusahaan garment, furniture, dan lain-lain. Hasil obsevarsi dan wawancara dalam kegiatan produksi, perusahaan memiliki batas maksimum toleransi persentase jumlah produk cacat sebesar 1% dari jumlah produksi. Pada bulan November 2016 – Januari 2017 dilakukan pengambilan data sebagai sumber data dalam penelitian. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan dan analisis, persentase yang dihasilkan sebesar 2,26%. Hal ini disebabkan karena produk yang dihasilkan tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi dari pesanan konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kualitas produk berdasarkan hasil sebelum dan sesudah implementasi perbaikan, memberi rekomendasi usulan tindakan, serta mengevaluasi tingkat pencapaian level nilai sigma sebelum dan sesudah implementasi perbaikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode six sigma DMAIC untuk memperbaiki kualitas produk kemasan kardus. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan terdapat 5 jenis produk cacat (CTQ) yaitu posisi cetak label kardus (cetakan lari tidak sesuai posisi pada master card), kualitas cetak label kardus (cetakan blobor atau membayang), kelengkapan huruf dan angka pada label kardus, posisi dan jarak coak, serta kualitas coak (potongan coak tidak rapi atau berserabut). Pada tahap measure berdasarkan perhitungan diperoleh persentase cacat sebesar 2,37% dan level pencapaian 3,89 sigma. Implementasi yang dilakukan berdasarkan analisis PFMEA adalah memperjelas pembagian kerja antara helper dan operator mesin long way, memberikan pelatihan untuk operator cara menggunakan alat ukur yang benar, dan membuat checklist harian dan jadwal perawatan mesin long way. Implementasi yang dilakukan menghasilkan persentase jumlah produk cacat menurun menjadi 0,96% dan persentase cacat sebesar 0,97% serta level pencapaian 4,24 sigma

    Methodology of Using an Integrated Averaging Technique and MAUT Method for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

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    The conventional Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) which is popularly used for prioritizing risk of failure modes of industrial products has limitations such as the inability of the technique to utilize imprecise ratings from experts. These limitations impact negatively on its effectiveness in prioritizing risk. This paper presents a technique that integrates Averaging technique with Multi Attribute Utility Theory method for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. The objective is to develop an alternative tool that avoids the limitations of the conventional FMEA such that risk of failure mode is prioritized more efficiently. The suitability of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a case study of the rotor blades of an aircraft turbine. The results show that the proposed approach is more flexible and effective for practical application than the conventional FMEA

    FMEA - Melhoria da Fiabilidade de uma Linha de Produção de Embalagens

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    Sendo a fiabilidade dos sistemas uma condição obrigatória nas empresas que pretendem acompanhar a competitividade do mercado, a utilização da ferramenta Failure Mode and Effect Analisys/ Failure Mode and Effect Critical Analisys (FMEA/FMECA) introduz uma grande vantagem na análise e antecipação de falhas nos produtos, processos e equipamentos, estando a sua eficácia demonstrada nas indústrias de topo tais como aeroespacial, aeronáutica, automóvel e militar. Com este trabalho pretende-se numa primeira fase efetuar uma revisão da literatura para entender o atual estado da arte e posteriormente a introdução desta ferramenta na indústria do cartão e das embalagens de cartão, mais precisamente numa linha de produção de caixas. A análise será feita ao equipamento Emba, aplicando a metodologia FMEA. O objetivo será reduzir as paragens, através da identificação dos modos de falha de cada função, a identificação das possíveis causas e a implementação de ações que permitam baixar ou eliminar o risco de falha.Since the system reliability is a mandatory condition for companies that intend to keep up with market competitiveness, the use of the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis/ Failure Mode and Effect Critical Analysis (FMEA/FMECA) tool introduces a great advantage in the analysis and anticipation of failures in products, processes and equipment, with its effectiveness demonstrated in top industries such as aerospace, aeronautics, automotive and military. This work intends, in a first phase, to carry out a literature review to understand the current state of the art and subsequently the introduction of this tool in the cardboard and cardboard packaging industry, more precisely in a box production line. The analysis will be performed on the Emba equipment, applying the FMEA methodology. The aim will be to reduce stoppages by identifying the failure modes of each function, identifying possible causes and implementing actions to lower or eliminate the risk of failure

    FlowSort-GDSS:a novel group multi-criteria decision support system for sorting problems with application to FMEA

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    Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a well-known approach for correlating the failure modes of a system to their effects, with the objective of assessing their criticality. The criticality of a failure mode is traditionally established by its risk priority number (RPN), which is the product of the scores assigned to the three risk factors, which are likeness of occurrence, the chance of being undetected and the severity of the effects. Taking a simple "unweighted" product has major shortcomings. One of them is to provide just a number, which does not sort failures modes into priority classes. Moreover, to make the decision more robust, the FMEA is better tackled by multiple decision-makers. Unfortunately, the literature lacks group decision support systems (GDSS) for sorting failures in the field of the FMEA. In this paper, a novel multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method named FlowSort-GDSS is proposed to sort the failure modes into priority classes by involving multiple decision-makers. The essence of this method lies in the pair-wise comparison between the failure modes and the reference profiles established by the decision-makers on the risk factors. Finally a case study is presented to illustrate the advantages of this new robust method in sorting failures


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    Analisis pohon kegagalan dipakai untuk mengevaluasi kinerja sistem keselamatan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir. Analisis ini memerlukan ketersediaan data kegagalan komponen. Karena keandalan komponen dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan kerjanya maka perlu digunakan data kegagalan komponen yang berasal dari sistem yang sedang dievaluasi. Namun kenyataannya, data ini sangat sulit diperoleh sehingga penggunaan data jenerik menjadi tak terhindarkan. Penggunaan data jenerik tentunya akan menyebabkan ketidakpastian pada hasil analisis. Simulasi Monte Carlo sering dipakai untuk mengkuantifikasi ketidakpastian ini. Namun sebenarnya metode ini kurang tepat untuk mengevaluasi ketidakpastian apabila jumlah data yang dimiliki sangat terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan sebuah metode analisis pohon kegagalan baru yang menerapkan konsep fuzzy untuk kuantifikasi ketidakpastian. Dalam metode baru ini, probabilitas fuzzy dipakai untuk merepresentasikan probabilitas kejadian dasar, antara serta puncak dan hukum kombinasi fuzzy dipakai untuk mengevaluasi ketidakpastian hasil analisis. Kebolehjadian gagalnya sistem injeksi akumulator AP1000 telah dievaluasi dengan menggunakan metode baru ini dan diperoleh ketidakpastian kegagalan pada interval 8,87E-12 – 8,87E-8 dengan nilai titik tengah 8,87E-10. Hasil ini membuktikan bahwa analisis pohon kegagalan dengan pendekatan fuzzy ini layak dipakai apabila yang menjadi fokus evaluasi adalah ketidakpastian karena keterbatasan data kegagalan yang dimiliki.Kata kunci: Analisis pohon kegagalan, analisis ketidakpastian, probabilitas fuzzy, hukum kombinasi fuzzy Fault tree analysis has been applied to evaluate nuclear power plant safety systems. To perform this analysis, component reliabilities need to be provided well in advance. Since working environment can affect component reliability, it is necessary to directly collect such data from the safety system being evaluated. However, due to lack of resources, such data may be unattainable. Hence, the use of generic data cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, generic data will add uncertainty to the analysis. Monte Carlo simulation has been performed to evaluate such uncertainty. However, this method is not appropriate when components do not have probability distributions of their lifetime to failures. The aim of this study is to propose a new fault tree analysis method which implements fuzzy concepts for quantifying such uncertainty. In the proposed method, fuzzy probabilities represent basic, intermediate as well as top event probabilities and fuzzy combination rules are used to evaluate the overall uncertainty of the fault tree. The proposed method has been performed to evaluate failure probability of the AP1000 accumulator injection system and generate a probability distribution between 8.87E-12 and 8.87E-8 with the point median value of 8.87E-10. This result confirms that the proposed method is feasible to evaluate system fault tree when uncertainty raised by the lack of reliability data is the main focus of the analysis.Keywords: Fault tree analysis, uncertainty analysis, fuzzy probabilities, fuzzy combination rule


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    Analisis pohon kegagalan dipakai untuk mengevaluasi kinerja sistem keselamatan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir. Analisis ini memerlukan ketersediaan data kegagalan komponen. Karena keandalan komponen dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan kerjanya maka perlu digunakan data kegagalan komponen yang berasal dari sistem yang sedang dievaluasi. Namun kenyataannya, data ini sangat sulit diperoleh sehingga penggunaan data jenerik menjadi tak terhindarkan. Penggunaan data jenerik tentunya akan menyebabkan ketidakpastian pada hasil analisis. Simulasi Monte Carlo sering dipakai untuk mengkuantifikasi ketidakpastian ini. Namun sebenarnya metode ini kurang tepat untuk mengevaluasi ketidakpastian apabila jumlah data yang dimiliki sangat terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan sebuah metode analisis pohon kegagalan baru yang menerapkan konsep fuzzy untuk kuantifikasi ketidakpastian. Dalam metode baru ini, probabilitas fuzzy dipakai untuk merepresentasikan probabilitas kejadian dasar, antara serta puncak dan hukum kombinasi fuzzy dipakai untuk mengevaluasi ketidakpastian hasil analisis. Kebolehjadian gagalnya sistem injeksi akumulator AP1000 telah dievaluasi dengan menggunakan metode baru ini dan diperoleh ketidakpastian kegagalan pada interval 8,87E-12 – 8,87E-8 dengan nilai titik tengah 8,87E-10. Hasil ini membuktikan bahwa analisis pohon kegagalan dengan pendekatan fuzzy ini layak dipakai apabila yang menjadi fokus evaluasi adalah ketidakpastian karena keterbatasan data kegagalan yang dimiliki.Kata kunci: Analisis pohon kegagalan, analisis ketidakpastian, probabilitas fuzzy, hukum kombinasi fuzzy Fault tree analysis has been applied to evaluate nuclear power plant safety systems. To perform this analysis, component reliabilities need to be provided well in advance. Since working environment can affect component reliability, it is necessary to directly collect such data from the safety system being evaluated. However, due to lack of resources, such data may be unattainable. Hence, the use of generic data cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, generic data will add uncertainty to the analysis. Monte Carlo simulation has been performed to evaluate such uncertainty. However, this method is not appropriate when components do not have probability distributions of their lifetime to failures. The aim of this study is to propose a new fault tree analysis method which implements fuzzy concepts for quantifying such uncertainty. In the proposed method, fuzzy probabilities represent basic, intermediate as well as top event probabilities and fuzzy combination rules are used to evaluate the overall uncertainty of the fault tree. The proposed method has been performed to evaluate failure probability of the AP1000 accumulator injection system and generate a probability distribution between 8.87E-12 and 8.87E-8 with the point median value of 8.87E-10. This result confirms that the proposed method is feasible to evaluate system fault tree when uncertainty raised by the lack of reliability data is the main focus of the analysis.Keywords: Fault tree analysis, uncertainty analysis, fuzzy probabilities, fuzzy combination rule

    An Overview of Sustainability of Transportation Systems: A Quality Oriented Approach

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    Sustainable transportation system-structure is crucial for the population of mega countries. This system aims to provide better and more qualified alternatives of supplying specific and household requirements while decreasing the ecological and social effects of present mobility applications. The objective of this study is to investigate the risk factors of substantial transportation arrangement in the ordinary railway system and highway transportations. According to the basic issue, which is indicated in this study, the purpose of this research is to define improvements, which can support flexible transportation and control the traffic jams and properties of the proposed structure for the populations in the system. This research supports a conventional review for transportation systems in environmental conditions, pollutions, and forestlands. To address this topic, a quality-oriented implementation was applied to evaluate the failure modes and effect analysis and the significant factors were determined via Pareto Analysis to control and prevent the probable failures in the transportations systems

    Potential risks and their analysis in the application of geographic based engineering projects

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    Mnogo je različitih problema na koje se može naići kod podataka vezanih uz projekte ili uz projektne radove nastale na osnovu tih podataka tijekom realizacije geografski utemeljenih tehničkih projekata (GBEP). Među takvim greškama su greške nastale zbog projekata vezanih uz horizontalan ili vertikalan položaj i implementaciju GBEPa, greške zbog nezadovoljavajuće definicije o odgovarajućem korištenju zemljišta, problema stabilnosti vezanih uz područje implementacije projekta itd. Kako bi se ovi problemi riješili bitno je provesti odgovarajuće geometrijske provjere na svakom stadiju projekata kao i analizu i upravljanje rizicima osnovnih elemenata koji dovode do tih problema. U našem se članku te potencijalne greške i rizici pokušavaju analizirati metodom analize utjecaja posljedica kvara (FMEA) i Pareto tablicama.Numerous different problems can be encountered either on project linked data or on the design works that are generated on the basis of these data during the realization of geographic based engineering projects (GBEP). Among the failures in this regard are failures originating from the horizontal and vertical position relevant design and implementation for the realized GBEP, failures relevant to project due to insufficient definition of land usage suitability, stability problems that are relevant to the implementation field of the Project, etc. For the solution of these problems it is essential to carry out necessary geometric controls at each stage of these projects, as well as to do risk management in an appropriate way for the basic elements that are causing these problems. In our article, it is attempted to analyze these potential failures and risks with Failure Mode Effect Analysis method and Pareto Charts


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    Nutmeg oil from South Aceh is one of the main commodities in Indonesian essential oils trading. Specially, 70-80% Indonesian nutmeg oil trading origin is from South Aceh. On the other hand, a business risk of nutmeg oil is on collectors district, so these actors to be critical point in nutmeg oil production. The objectives of this research were to determine risk factors and to design risk mitigation in nutmeg oils supply chain on South Aceh. The technique used was Failure Mode and Effective Critically Analysis (FMECA). Data collecting according to expert’s survey and background and qualification of experts were academicians, researcher, and practitioners. Academicians and researchers were PhD holders with 10 years experience in agriculture development, practitioners graduate minimally, practitioners were bachelor degree holders with 15 years experience. The result of the study showed that on farmers, the highest risks were on pest and disease attack and price fluctuation, meanwhile on agro-industry actors, the highest risks were on quality product fulfillment and price fluctuation. To arrange over supply, policy analysis was needed for the establishment of business units initiated by local governments.Keywords: nutmeg oils, South Aceh, FMEC

    Description of failures and risks that are emerged from landslide measurement activities in infrastructure deformations

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    Učestalost pojave odrona zemlje koji se smatraju prirodnim opasnostima i dalje se povećava i njihove negativne posljedice utječu na ljudski život, okoliš i gradsku infrastrukturu. S obzirom na odrone zemlje koji među prirodnim nesrećama završavaju značajnim destruktivnim posljedicama, važnost tehničkih mjerenja i izračuna u geodetskoj mreži koja se izrađuje u područjima s odronima od velikog je značaja. Među velikim brojem čimbenika koji djeluju na točnost tehničkih mjerenja i proračuna, metode Failure Mode Effect Analize (FMEA) i Pareto Analize su učinkoviti alati u otkrivanju tih čimbenika i ublažavanju njihovih rizika poduzimanjem odgovarajućih mjera predostrožnosti. Tim je metodama moguće gotovo potpuno smanjiti rizike u tehničkim mjerenjima i proračunima relevantnim za parametre odrona. Pokušali smo ublažiti propuste nastale tehničkim mjerenjima i poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere predostrožnosti primjenom FMEA i Pareto analize.The occurrence of frequency of landslides that are considered parts of natural hazards continues to increase and their negative consequences affect human life, environment and urban infrastructures. In consideration of landslides that have remarkable destructive effects among the natural hazards, the importance of the engineering measurements and calculations in the geodetic network that is constructed in the landslide area plays an important role. A lot of factors affect the accuracy of the engineering measurements and calculations. Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Pareto Analysis methods are the effective tools in revealing these factors and alleviating their risks by taking relevant precautions. It may be possible to alleviate the risks to a minimum in the engineering measurements and calculations relevant to landslide parameters by these methods.We have attempted to alleviate failures and to take relevant precautions with FMEA and Pareto Analyses for the failures resulted in engineering measurements