8 research outputs found

    Factors to be considered in Cloud computing adoption

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    Technology plays an important role in helping organizations control quality and costs, and take advantage of opportunities in a highly competitive and increasingly complex business environment. Cloud computing offers greater access to computing power, storage, software, and remote data centres through the web. This research aims to confirm the factors to be considered for cloud computing adoption in Australian regional municipal governments. The research involved data from interviews with IT managers from selected regional municipal governments, and survey data from 480 IT staff across 47 regional municipal governments. The major factors to be considered for the adoption of cloud computing in regional municipal governments were identified as Internet connectivity, Internet speed, availability, reliability, data storage location, security, data sovereignty, cost, integration, data backup, provider dependability, employees’ knowledge, and transportability. The findings of this research may help managers increase their awareness about factors to be considered when regional municipal governments planning to adopt cloud computing

    Bulut hizmet sağlayıcısı seçimi için ROC ve CODAS tekniklerinin uygulanması

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    Due to the widespread use of cloud services, the choice of cloud service providers has become an important problem for companies. It is a strategic decision-making problem for companies to determine the most suitable service provider that can meet their expectations and needs. Choosing the most effective service provider for a firm depends on numerous criteria based on the firm's strategies, needs and resources. Therefore, in the present study, an integrated decision model based on Rank Order Centroid (ROC) and Combinative Distance-Based Assessment (CODAS) techniques has been developed. In the first stage of the application, the criteria were evaluated using the ROC method, and the service providers were listed using the CODAS technique in the second stage. The effectiveness of the proposed model has been tested by a software company that wants to select a cloud service provider. The results of the research are expected to contribute to service providers and firms that want to select cloud service providers that can meet their needs.Bulut hizmetlerinin yaygınlaşması nedeniyle, bulut hizmet sağlayıcılarının seçimi firmalar için önemli bir sorun haline gelmiştir. Firmaların kendi beklenti ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilecek en uygun hizmet sağlayıcısını belirleyebilmeleri stratejik bir karar verme problemidir. Bir firma için en etkili hizmet sağlayıcının seçilmesi, firmanın stratejilerine, ihtiyaçlarına ve kaynaklarına dayanan çok sayıda kritere bağlıdır. Bu yüzden mevcut çalışmada Rank Order Centroid (ROC) ve Combinative Distance-Based Assessment (CODAS) tekniklerine dayalı entegre bir karar modeli geliştirilmiştir. Uygulamanın birinci aşamasında ROC yöntemi aracılığıyla kriterler değerlendirilmiş, ikinci aşamasında CODAS tekniği kullanılarak hizmet sağlayıcıları sıralanmıştır. Önerilen modelin etkinliği bulut hizmet sağlayıcısı seçmek isteyen bir yazılım şirketinde test edilmiştir. Yapılan araştırmada elde edilen sonuçların hizmet sağlayıcılarına ve gereksinimlerini karşılayabilecek bulut hizmet sağlayıcılarını seçmek isteyen kuruluşlara katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir

    The perceived benefits of cloud computing technology for regional municipal governments and barriers to adoption

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    Cloud computing is becoming increasingly important in Information Technology (IT) as an enabler for improved productivity, efficiency and cost reduction. It is expected to offer benefits for public sector organisations and government agencies. Cloud computing has the potential to improve the reliability and scalability of IT systems, which in turn allows organisations such as regional municipal governments to focus on their core business and strategy development and implementation. Research about the use of cloud computing in the public sector in general is limited. There is a lack of exploratory studies that provide an in-depth and holistic investigation of the factors that influence the adoption of cloud computing. To date there is a lack of empirical studies about the factors that influence the adoption of cloud computing in Australia. This research explores the potential for value creation that can be derived from cloud computing through its use by Australian regional municipal governments; to identify factors that are likely to influence its adoption including factors that need to be considered when planning to adopt cloud computing, current policy settings for cloud computing adoption, the anticipated benefits of cloud computing adoption, and the challenges and issues that the adoption of cloud creates. The research model was based on a combination of two theories derived from the literature: the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework and the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory. This research aims to improve understanding of the factors that influence cloud computing adoption decision making by regional municipal governments. This research has employed a mixed method approach (qualitative and quantitative). In-depth interviews with Australian local government councils’ IT managers were conducted with the aim of providing insights into the factors that were perceived to be those likely to influence their adoption of cloud computing; including factors that need to be considered when planning to adopt cloud computing, current policy settings that affect cloud computing adoption, the anticipated benefits of cloud computing adoption, and the challenges and issues that are faced by those seeking to adopt cloud computing. Survey data from 480 IT staff across 47 local government councils were collected to confirm the findings of the exploratory stage. The factors that were examined included: compatibility, complexity, cost, security concern, organisation size, and anticipated benefit which were found to have a positive and significant influence on intention to adopt cloud computing in Australian regional municipal governments. The findings of this research can be used to assist decision-making about investment in adopting cloud computing

    Evaluating the factors that influence cloud technology adoption�comparative case analysis of health and non-health sectors: A systematic review

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    Cloud technology has brought great benefits to the health industry, including enabling improvement in the quality of services. The objective of this review study is to investigate the reported factors affecting the adoption of cloud in the health sector by comparing studies in the health and non-health sectors. This article is a systematized review of studies conducted in 2018. From 541 articles, 47 final articles were selected and classified into two categories: health and non-health studies; conclusions were drawn from the two sectors by comparing their effective factors. Based on the results of this review, the factors were categorized as technological, organizational, environmental, and individual. The results of this review study could be a beneficial guide to the health empirical research on cloud adoption. Individual domains have not been examined in health sector studies. Since the process of adoption of new technologies in organizations is time-consuming, due to the lack of managerial knowledge about the efficient factors, recognition of these factors by decision-makers while planning for cloud adoption becomes of great importance. The findings of this review study aim to help health decision-makers by increasing their awareness of the cloud and of the factors that impact decisions at both the organizational and individual levels. © The Author(s) 2019

    An Investigation of the Main Factors to be Considered in Cloud Computing Adoption in Australian Regional Local Councils

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    Technology plays an important role in helping organisations control quality and costs, and taking advantage of opportunities in a highly competitive and increasingly complex business environment. Cloud computing offers greater access to computing power, storage, software, and remote data centres through the web. This research aims to investigate the  factors to be considered  for cloud computing  adoption by Australian regional councils. The research employed in-depth interviews with IT managers from selected local government  councils. The major factors to be considered for the adoption of cloud computing were identified as Internet connectivity, data storage location, cost, integration, data back-up, provider dependability,  employees’ knowledge, and transportability. The findings of this research may help managers increase their awareness about  factors  to  be  considered when planning to adopt cloud computing

    An investigation of the main factors to be considered in cloud computing adoption in Australian regional local councils

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    Technology plays an important role in helping organisations control quality and costs, and taking advantage of opportunities in a highly competitive and increasingly complex business environment. Cloud computing offers greater access to computing power, storage, software, and remote data centres through the web. This research aims to investigate the factors to be considered for cloud computing adoption by Australian regional councils. The research employed in-depth interviews with IT managers from selected local government councils. The major factors to be considered for the adoption of cloud computing were identified as Internet connectivity, data storage location, cost, integration, data back-up, provider dependability, employees’ knowledge, and transportability. The findings of this research may help managers increase their awareness about factors to be considered when planning to adopt cloud computing