37 research outputs found

    Model kemahiran komunikasi tempat kerja (KKTK) Pelajar Kejuruteraan Awam Politeknik Malaysia

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    Kemahiran komunikasi merupakan isu yang kritikal di Malaysia. Industri masa kini menganggap kemahiran teknikal sahaja tidak mencukupi dan mengharap institusi pengajian tinggi mempersiapkan pelajar dengan kemahiran komunikasi yang menyamai dengan kemahiran komunikasi di tempat kerja. Namun, kegagalan pelajar membangunkan kemahiran komunikasi tempat kerja menyebabkan mereka menjadi tidak efektif semasa menjalani latihan industri dan ketika bekerja. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangun dan mengesahkan Model Kemahiran Komunikasi Tempat Kerja (KKTK) pelajar Kejuruteraan Awam di politeknik. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan kaedah gabungan dengan reka bentuk exploratory sequential mixed method yang melibatkan fasa kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Sampel kajian sebenar terdiri daripada 372 orang pelajar Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam di 15 buah politeknik. Dapatan fasa pertama kajian ini telah mengenal pasti empat konstruk (komunikasi lisan, komunikasi bertulis, komunikasi visual dan komunikasi interpersonal) serta 36 elemen KKTK sebelum dianalisa menggunakan kaedah Cohen Kappa yang menggugurkan tiga elemen. Daripada 33 elemen, hasil dapatan menggunakan analisis faktor penerokaan (EFA) telah menyingkirkan 11 elemen yang menjadikan elemen akhir sebanyak 22 elemen. Peringkat terakhir adalah pengesahan model yang telah dibangunkan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Model Persamaan Berstruktur (SEM) melalui prosedur analisis pengesahan faktor (CFA), analisis mendapati kesemua empat konstruk dan 22 elemen KKTK memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan, bersifat unidimensi serta sepadan dengan data. Model KKTK telah berjaya dibangun dan disahkan. Terdapat dua elemen unik yang baharu terhasil dari kajian ini iaitu elemen penulisan pengiraan kerja binaan, dan kemahiran merujuk katalog. Sumbangan utama kajian ini ialah pelajar dapat menjadikan model ini sebagai panduan dalam membangunkan kemahiran komunikasi yang seiring dengan komunikasi yang diperlukan di industri sebelum, semasa dan selepas menjalani latihan industri


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    Word-of-mouth (WOM) is recognized as an effective communication channel among consumers. The Internet provides consumers with richer sales information and more online associates than do brick-and-mortar stores but makes complex the assessment of the shaping of electronic WOM (eWOM) intention and return on eWOM. Thus, we will conduct two experiments to examine the shaping of eWOM intention and return on eWOM. The first experiment explore the eWOM broadcasting from the perspective of eWOM senders in a laboratory setting, and the second experiment will validate the eWOM model from the perspective of both message senders and receivers. The first experiment will allow us to control for variables that are difficult to control in the field and examine the mechanisms behind eWOM intention. The preliminary validation of the research model will increase its explanatory power in the field and allow us examine the value of eWOM associated with eWOM intention

    Cross-cultural electronic word-of-mouth: a systematic literature review

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    Purpose: Global adoption of the internet and mobile usage results in a huge variation in the cultural backgrounds of consumers who generate and consume electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). Unsurprisingly, a research trend on cross-cultural eWOM has emerged. However, there has not been an attempt to synthesize this research topic. This paper aims to bridge this gap. Methodology: This research paper conducts a systematic literature review of the current research findings on cross-cultural eWOM. Journal articles published from 2006 to 2021 are included. This study then presents the key issues in the extant literature and suggests potential future research. Findings: The findings show that there has been an upward trend in the number of publications on cross-cultural eWOM since the early 2010s, with a relatively steeper increase toward 2020. The findings also synthesize cross-cultural eWOM research into four elements and suggest potential future research avenues. Value: To the best of the authors' knowledge, there is currently no exhaustive/integrated review of cross-cultural eWOM research. This research fills the need to summarize the current state of cross-cultural eWOM literature and identifies research questions to be addressed in the future.Comment: 18 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure

    Impact of Consumer Attitude and Online Video Advert Characteristics on Consumer Purchase Decision in Nuremberg Germany

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    Background: The global increased internet penetration has resulted in a shift in the way people do business. Similarly, marketers and companies have changed from traditional offline advertisements to online advertisement to increase their product reach and tap into new tech-survey customers who spend many hours online. Online Video Advertisement (OVA) is one of the forms of online advertisement that has witnessed tremendous growth over the last decade. With Germany being one of the countries with high internet penetration and high volumes of e-commerce, high internet and social media users, many companies have embraced OVA to reach this population with their brands. However, the consumers' knowledge, attitude, and perceptions of OVA have rarely been explored. It remains largely unknown how the OVA characteristics and consumer attitude on the OVA affect their purchase intention and purchase decision. In this study, we sought to assess the knowledge, attitude, and perceptions on OVA among consumers in Nuremberg, Germany and determine the influence of the OVA characteristics and consumer attitude on their purchase intention and decision. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among conveniently selected Nuremberg adult residents. A semi-structured questionnaire administered online was used for data collection using Google forms. The data was imported into Excel for cleaning before being imported into IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.0 for analysis. For descriptive analysis, frequencies and percentages were used for categorical variables, while for the Likert scale data, mean and standard deviation were used. The reliability of the Likert scales was assessed using Cronbach alpha. Pearson's correlation was used to determine the association between the different scales, while Linear and multiple linear regression were used to quantify the association between perceptions on OVA influence of the OVA characteristics and consumer attitude (explanatory variables) and purchase intention and decision (outcome variable). Results: Of the 206 participants, 128 (62.1%) were male. Most (135; 65.5%) had frequently seen OVA, 194 (94.2%), saw it in the last one month, 169 (82.0%) on YouTube, 13 (6.3%) on Facebook, and 7 (3.4%) on Instagram. A total of 195 (94.7%) preferred OVA with the skip option. More than half (104; 50.5%) agreed that OVA reinforce product familiarity. There was a strong significant positive correlation between attitude towards OVA (r=0.622; P-value<0.001) and content and quality of OVA (r=0.602; P-value<0.001) and purchase intention. In the multiple regression analysis, attitude towards OVA, invasiveness of OVA, and OVA quality and content were significantly associated with intention to purchase and purchase decision for the advertised product (P value<0.001). Conclusion: The positive attitude of the consumer on OVA, and its content and quality are key aspects that influence consumers to purchase the advertised product while invasiveness of the OVA seems to put them off. This has implication for marketers as these are key aspects that they need to consider in designing OVA to ensure that they result in improved sales hence value for money invested in OVA advertisements. Keywords: Online Video Advertisement, Consumer decision, consumer purchase, marketing. DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/81-01 Publication date:August 31st 202

    What characterizes Vacationers’ eWOM sharing behaviours? Unbundling Entertainment and Information Motives in Brand-related Social Media Sites

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    eWOM has increasingly become one of the sources of information relied on by vacationers to decide on where to go and where to stay. This article examines the influence of motivation on electronic word of mouth (eWOM) behaviour among vacationers in Tanzania. Four motivation variables from motivational psychology literature (information, altruism, social integration and entertainment) and the Uses and Gratification Theory are examined along three eWOM dimensions, namely giving, seeking and passing. Data for this study were collected using a structured questionnaire at three airports in Tanzania from 278 vacationers who had used social media for their trip. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling. The overall results indicate that vacationers’ eWOM behaviours are positively related to entertainment motivation. Alongside entertainment, eWOM giving and seeking behaviours are positively related to information and social integration, respectively while eWOM passing is positively related to altruistic motivation. Thus, the study concludes that entertainment motivation is the main driver of social media eWOM behaviours, hence a deviation from the past research that associated people’s participation in eWOM with information motives


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    Pada tahun 2021-2023 ini fintech payment berkembang dengan inovasi seperti pembayaran menggunakan biometrik dan integrasi dengan e-commerce. Kepercayaan masyarakat pada pembayaran digital mendorong adopsi layanan fintech payment. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana model peningkatan intention to use eWOM di SNS sebagai media sosial dalam konteks produk fintech payment (Gopay, OVO, dan LinkAJA) pada SNS di Indonesia dengan pembahasan variabel dan sub variabel lebih komprehensif menggunakan pendekatan theory acceptance model (TAM 3). Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif dan verifikatif. Populasi penelitian 1300 pengguna produk fintech payment (Gopay, OVO, dan LinkAJA) pada SNS di Indonesia, sehingga unit analisis menggunakan teori Hair 1:10 dari 59 item pertanyaan kuisioner sebagai instrument penelitian yaitu 590 responden. Teknik analisis data untuk mengetahui hubungan korelatif dalam penelitian ini menggunakan IBM SPSS AMOS versi 26. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Behavioral Intention dengan sub variabel dominan yaitu penggunaan praktis dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh Perceived Ease of Use dengan sub variabel dominan yaitu beralih pada fintech. Selanjutnya Perceived of Usefullness dengan sub variabel dominan yaitu kemudahan transaksi dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh Perceived Ease of Use dengan sub variabel dominan yaitu beralih pada fintech dan Perceived Ease of Use dengan sub variabel dominan yaitu beralih pada fintech dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh Perceived Enjoyment & Objective Usability dengan sub variabel dominan yaitu kemudahan fitur. Sehingga edukasi pengguna, penambahan fitur interaktif, peningkatan user interface (UI) dan user experience (UX), dorongan ulasan positif, program peningkatan keterampilan pengguna, kolaborasi dengan pihak ketiga, dan ketentuan privasi yang jelas menjadi implikasi penelitian ini. Between years 2021 and 2023, fintech payment has witnessed growth through innovations such as biometric-based payments and integration with e-commerce. The public's trust in digital payments has fueled the adoption of fintech payment services. This study aims to understand how to enhance the intention to use eWOM on SNS as a social media platform in the context of fintech payment products (Gopay, OVO, and LinkAJA) in Indonesia, with a more comprehensive discussion of variables and sub-variables using the Theory of Acceptance Model (TAM 3) approach. The research methodology employs a quantitative approach with descriptive and verification research. The study population consists of 1300 users of fintech payment products (Gopay, OVO, and LinkAJA) on SNS platforms in Indonesia, with the analysis unit applying the Hair's theory of 1:10, resulting in 590 respondents for the questionnaire's 59 items. Data analysis techniques to explore correlational relationships in this study employ IBM SPSS AMOS version 26. Based on the research findings, it is evident that Behavioral Intention, with the dominant sub-variable being practical usage, is significantly influenced by Perceived Ease of Use, with the dominant sub-variable being the switch to fintech. Furthermore, Perceived Usefulness, with the dominant sub-variable being transactional ease, is significantly influenced by Perceived Ease of Use, with the dominant sub-variable being the switch to fintech. Additionally, Perceived Ease of Use, with the dominant sub-variable being the switch to fintech, is significantly influenced by Perceived Enjoyment & Objective Usability, with the dominant sub-variable being feature ease. Consequently, the implications of this research encompass user education, the addition of interactive features, enhancement of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), encouragement of positive reviews, user skill enhancement programs, collaborations with third parties, and clear privacy policies

    Determinants of eWOM on hospitality CSR issues. In Facebook we trust?

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    Social media has emerged asa powerfuland successfultooltodisseminate information relating to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in different industries, including the hospitality context. Similarly, the media plays a major role in the domain of CSR since news media materializes corporate goals regarding CSR issues. However, no prior studies have explored the main factors that influence electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on CSR issues covered by the media through social media. This research incorporates the characteristics of information (specific) and individuals? informational predisposition (general) into an integrative model to examine the key predictors of intention to share and comment on negative CSR news covered by a specific media outlet on a particular social networking site (SNS): Facebook. To empirically test the proposed model, 208 Facebook users were surveyed in Spain. The results show that information value, Facebook trust and self-disclosure have a positive impact on eWOM intentions. It also confirmed that source credibility has a positive impact on information value. However, neither significant relationship was found between Facebook trust and privacy concerns, nor between this variable and intentions to share and comment. Finally, theoretical conclusions, managerial implications, and limitations are discussed