27 research outputs found

    Why University Students Fail in Most Computer Programming Courses: The Case of Wachemo University-Student-Teacher Perspective

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    In this research, a study was conducted to investigate and explore the views of students for the failure and difficulties they faced in learning fundamental programming courses. There are many factors that influence the high rate of failure of students in most computer programming courses. This paper focuses on the teaching and learning methodologies and strategies that are implemented in teaching of all computer programming courses. This is a major factor for consideration; hence an investigation into the causes of failure of students in most computer programming courses from all perspectives with regard to the teaching methodology used by teachers to teach these courses is relevant and very important concept. Most computer programming courses form part of the core concentration areas for students especially studying in school of computing and informatics as an undergraduate degree program. All computer programming students are expected to prove capabilities in the principles of programming and logic that are being taught in the courses; even though some of these concepts are highly intellectual and multifaceted. Their opinions to the usefulness of the teaching methods being implemented in computer programming courses were required for. The needs and concerns about the teaching and learning methods are highlighted in the study and discussed thereby leading to the making of suggestions about the ways to improve the teaching and learning methods that are used in computer programming courses in order to advance understanding of computer programming, when studied by students thereby minimizing failure rates of those students. Keywords: Computer programming; Failure; School of Computing and Informatics; Student and Teacher Perspective DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/11-2-02 Publication date: February 29th 2020

    A preliminary study on teaching programming at Malaysian school

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    This paper presents a study on teaching and learning programming in a Malaysian school.The study attempts to identify all possible relations of student’s background and attitudes towards learning programming.The motivations for this study comes from the fact that introductory programming in Higher Learning Institutes face a high rate of under achievers.Since the feeder to these institutions are schools, it is felt that if the teaching and learning of programming in schools are strengthen the above mentioned problem can too be greatly reduced. This study attempts to find all possible relations that would help in proposing a more effective method of teaching and learning programming in school and at Higher Learning Institution

    Predicting Student Failure in an Introductory Programming Course with Multiple Back-Propagation

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    One of the most challenging tasks in computer science and similar courses consists of both teaching and learning computer programming. Usually this requires a great deal of work, dedication, and motivation from both teachers and students. Accordingly, ever since the first programming languages emerged, the problems inherent to programming teaching and learning have been studied and investigated. The theme is very serious, not only for the important concepts underlying computer science courses but also for reducing the lack of motivation, failure, and abandonment that result from students frustration. Therefore, early identification of potential problems and immediate response is a fundamental aspect to avoid student’s failure and reduce dropout rates. In this paper, we propose a machine-learning (neural network) predictive model of student failure based on the student profile, which is built throughout programming classes by continuously monitoring and evaluating student activities. The resulting model allows teachers to early identify students that are more likely to fail, allowing them to devote more time to those students and try novel strategies to improve their programming skills

    Factors Affecting Student Performance in Intermediate Programming Courses: A Mixed Method Study

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    There is increasing demand for computing professionals in the United States and too few college graduates to fill the projected need. While extant research has explored a wide variety of student and course attributes to predict student success in introductory programming courses, similar studies focused on intermediate and advanced courses is lacking. Our study aims to explore and identify student and course attributes impacting student performance in intermediate programming courses. Using mixed methods, we provide insights for instructors and instructional designers in developing courses to facilitate the successful completion of course learning objectives for more students, leading to more students who graduate and are able to fill IT-related roles in the future

    Enhanced Learning Using Mutimedia-Interactive Systems: An Experimental Study

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    The education field is in a process of change driven by new developments in multimedia technology, which is being used as a complementary alternative for teaching purposes. This paper describes a thesis project developed through an exploratory study comparing the effects of using three different teaching approaches: traditional teacher-led instruction, web page instruction and a multimedia-interactive system. The principal objective is to find out whether the use of a prototype multimedia-interactive delivers better outcomes in teaching complex subjects such as data structures, than web page and traditional teacher-led instruction approaches. Information Systems Design Theory was used to develop a multimediainteractive tool. Students were taught to use binary trees to compare the three teaching methods. Pilot test results show that there are significant differences in performance of students who used the multimedia-interactive tool. It is concluded that the multimedia-interactive system prototype can effectively be used to help students learn binary trees

    Exploring core cognitive skills of Computational Thinking

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    Although still innovative and not largely disseminated, Computational Thinking is being considered as a critical skill for students in the 21st century. It involves many skills, but programming abilities seem to be a core aspect since they foster the development of a new way of thinking that is key to the solution of problems that require a combination of human mental power and computing power capacity. This paper presents an exploratory study developed to select psychological assessment tests that can be used to identify and measure Computational Thinking cognitive processes, associated to the programming component, so that strategies can be developed to promote it. After the literature review, we identified four central cognitive processes implied in programming, therefore important to Computational Thinking, and accordingly selected a set of four tests that were administered to a sample of 12 introductory programming students. Our results suggest that spatial reasoning and general intelligence are crucial dimensions for introductory programming, being also correlated to the students’ academic success in this area. However, arithmetic reasoning and attention to detail tests did not correlate. Based on these results, directions for future research have been defined in order to effectively identify and develop the core cognitive processes of programming, ergo, to help develop Computational Thinking.University of Susse

    Student success model in programming course: A case study in UUM

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    The complexity and difficulty ascribed to computer programming has been asserted to be the causes of its high rate of failure record and attrition. It is opined that programming either to novice, middle learner, and the self-branded geeks is always a course to be apprehensive of different studies with varying findings. Studies on factors leading to the success of programming course in higher institution have been carried out. The record at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) shows that 38% of semester one undergraduate students failed the programming course in 2013. This really motivates this study, which aims at investigating the practical factors affecting the success of programming courses, and to position its’ theoretically findings to complement the existing findings. Data were gathered using a quantitative approach, in which a set of questionnaire were distributed to 282 sampled respondents, who are undergraduate and postgraduate students of Information Technology (IT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Having screened and cleaned the data, which led to the deletion of four outlier records, independent T-test, correlation, and regression were run to test the hypotheses. The results of Pearson correlation test reveal that teaching tools, OOP concepts, motivation, course evaluation, and mathematical aptitude are positively related to academic success in programming course, while fear is found to be negatively related. In addition, the regression analysis explains that all the elicited independent variables except fear are strongly related. Besides, the independent T-test also discovers no deference between groups with and without previous programming experience

    An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Using a Hybrid PBL Approach in the Teaching of the Java Programming Language to First Year Third Level

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    First year students on third level Computing courses find Software Development difficult: learner outcomes are poor, with high failure rates and low learner retention. A number of research studies have shown that novice programmers have low intrinsic motivation and low programming self-efficacy. One of the other possible explanations for the difficulties many learners have with Software Development is that it may be a Threshold Concept in Computing. The literature suggests that Problem-Based Learning (PBL) can improve the teaching of difficult concepts, and it has been promoted by professional and funding bodies as a teaching strategy that can improve learner outcomes and bring about positive changes in learner behaviour. The main aim of this research study was to establish the impact on learner behaviour of a Hybrid PBL approach used in the teaching of an introductory Software Development module at an Irish third level institution. Learners on the Software Development module are characterised by low prior attainment in State college entry examinations, and the majority are from low income socio-economic backgrounds. Learner behaviours were investigated over four cohorts of learners using a large range of data sources. A randomised controlled experimental design was used to measure changes in attainment, programming self-efficacy, motivation, approaches to study and preferences for types of teaching. Questionnaires, data mining of learner activity and attendance logs were used to provide additional information about learner behaviour, and further analysis was undertaken using qualitative techniques such as classroom observations and interviews. Both qualitative and quantitative measures were used to confirm, cross-validate and corroborate findings. The study made significant discoveries about the strengths and limitations of the Problem-Based Learning approach in the teaching of Software Development to low attainment learners. The implications for instructional practice an