929 research outputs found

    A Survey of Word Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation: Computational Models and Language Phenomena

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    Word reordering is one of the most difficult aspects of statistical machine translation (SMT), and an important factor of its quality and efficiency. Despite the vast amount of research published to date, the interest of the community in this problem has not decreased, and no single method appears to be strongly dominant across language pairs. Instead, the choice of the optimal approach for a new translation task still seems to be mostly driven by empirical trials. To orientate the reader in this vast and complex research area, we present a comprehensive survey of word reordering viewed as a statistical modeling challenge and as a natural language phenomenon. The survey describes in detail how word reordering is modeled within different string-based and tree-based SMT frameworks and as a stand-alone task, including systematic overviews of the literature in advanced reordering modeling. We then question why some approaches are more successful than others in different language pairs. We argue that, besides measuring the amount of reordering, it is important to understand which kinds of reordering occur in a given language pair. To this end, we conduct a qualitative analysis of word reordering phenomena in a diverse sample of language pairs, based on a large collection of linguistic knowledge. Empirical results in the SMT literature are shown to support the hypothesis that a few linguistic facts can be very useful to anticipate the reordering characteristics of a language pair and to select the SMT framework that best suits them.Comment: 44 pages, to appear in Computational Linguistic

    Chunk-Based Bi-Scale Decoder for Neural Machine Translation

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    In typical neural machine translation~(NMT), the decoder generates a sentence word by word, packing all linguistic granularities in the same time-scale of RNN. In this paper, we propose a new type of decoder for NMT, which splits the decode state into two parts and updates them in two different time-scales. Specifically, we first predict a chunk time-scale state for phrasal modeling, on top of which multiple word time-scale states are generated. In this way, the target sentence is translated hierarchically from chunks to words, with information in different granularities being leveraged. Experiments show that our proposed model significantly improves the translation performance over the state-of-the-art NMT model.Comment: Accepted as a short paper by ACL 201

    CCG-augmented hierarchical phrase-based statistical machine translation

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    Augmenting Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems with syntactic information aims at improving translation quality. Hierarchical Phrase-Based (HPB) SMT takes a step toward incorporating syntax in Phrase-Based (PB) SMT by modelling one aspect of language syntax, namely the hierarchical structure of phrases. Syntax Augmented Machine Translation (SAMT) further incorporates syntactic information extracted using context free phrase structure grammar (CF-PSG) in the HPB SMT model. One of the main challenges facing CF-PSG-based augmentation approaches for SMT systems emerges from the difference in the definition of the constituent in CF-PSG and the ‘phrase’ in SMT systems, which hinders the ability of CF-PSG to express the syntactic function of many SMT phrases. Although the SAMT approach to solving this problem using ‘CCG-like’ operators to combine constituent labels improves syntactic constraint coverage, it significantly increases their sparsity, which restricts translation and negatively affects its quality. In this thesis, we address the problems of sparsity and limited coverage of syntactic constraints facing the CF-PSG-based syntax augmentation approaches for HPB SMT using Combinatory Cateogiral Grammar (CCG). We demonstrate that CCG’s flexible structures and rich syntactic descriptors help to extract richer, more expressive and less sparse syntactic constraints with better coverage than CF-PSG, which enables our CCG-augmented HPB system to outperform the SAMT system. We also try to soften the syntactic constraints imposed by CCG category nonterminal labels by extracting less fine-grained CCG-based labels. We demonstrate that CCG label simplification helps to significantly improve the performance of our CCG category HPB system. Finally, we identify the factors which limit the coverage of the syntactic constraints in our CCG-augmented HPB model. We then try to tackle these factors by extending the definition of the nonterminal label to be composed of a sequence of CCG categories and augmenting the glue grammar with CCG combinatory rules. We demonstrate that our extension approaches help to significantly increase the scope of the syntactic constraints applied in our CCG-augmented HPB model and achieve significant improvements over the HPB SMT baseline

    N-gram-based statistical machine translation versus syntax augmented machine translation: comparison and system combination

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    In this paper we compare and contrast two approaches to Machine Translation (MT): the CMU-UKA Syntax Augmented Machine Translation system (SAMT) and UPC-TALP N-gram-based Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). SAMT is a hierarchical syntax-driven translation system underlain by a phrase-based model and a target part parse tree. In N-gram-based SMT, the translation process is based on bilingual units related to word-to-word alignment and statistical modeling of the bilingual context following a maximumentropy framework. We provide a stepby- step comparison of the systems and report results in terms of automatic evaluation metrics and required computational resources for a smaller Arabic-to-English translation task (1.5M tokens in the training corpus). Human error analysis clarifies advantages and disadvantages of the systems under consideration. Finally, we combine the output of both systems to yield significant improvements in translation quality.Postprint (published version

    Predicting Linguistic Structure with Incomplete and Cross-Lingual Supervision

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    Contemporary approaches to natural language processing are predominantly based on statistical machine learning from large amounts of text, which has been manually annotated with the linguistic structure of interest. However, such complete supervision is currently only available for the world's major languages, in a limited number of domains and for a limited range of tasks. As an alternative, this dissertation considers methods for linguistic structure prediction that can make use of incomplete and cross-lingual supervision, with the prospect of making linguistic processing tools more widely available at a lower cost. An overarching theme of this work is the use of structured discriminative latent variable models for learning with indirect and ambiguous supervision; as instantiated, these models admit rich model features while retaining efficient learning and inference properties. The first contribution to this end is a latent-variable model for fine-grained sentiment analysis with coarse-grained indirect supervision. The second is a model for cross-lingual word-cluster induction and the application thereof to cross-lingual model transfer. The third is a method for adapting multi-source discriminative cross-lingual transfer models to target languages, by means of typologically informed selective parameter sharing. The fourth is an ambiguity-aware self- and ensemble-training algorithm, which is applied to target language adaptation and relexicalization of delexicalized cross-lingual transfer parsers. The fifth is a set of sequence-labeling models that combine constraints at the level of tokens and types, and an instantiation of these models for part-of-speech tagging with incomplete cross-lingual and crowdsourced supervision. In addition to these contributions, comprehensive overviews are provided of structured prediction with no or incomplete supervision, as well as of learning in the multilingual and cross-lingual settings. Through careful empirical evaluation, it is established that the proposed methods can be used to create substantially more accurate tools for linguistic processing, compared to both unsupervised methods and to recently proposed cross-lingual methods. The empirical support for this claim is particularly strong in the latter case; our models for syntactic dependency parsing and part-of-speech tagging achieve the hitherto best published results for a wide number of target languages, in the setting where no annotated training data is available in the target language

    Combined Spoken Language Translation

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    EU-BRIDGE is a European research project which is aimed at developing innovative speech translation technology. One of the collaborative efforts within EU-BRIDGE is to produce joint submissions of up to four different partners to the evaluation campaign at the 2014 International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT). We submitted combined translations to the German→English spoken language translation (SLT) track as well as to the German→English, English→German and English→French machine translation (MT) tracks. In this paper, we present the techniques which were applied by the different individual translation systems of RWTH Aachen University, the University of Edinburgh, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Fondazione Bruno Kessler. We then show the combination approach developed at RWTH Aachen University which combined the individual systems. The consensus translations yield empirical gains of up to 2.3 points in BLEU and 1.2 points in TER compared to the best individual system

    Statistical Machine Translation Features with Multitask Tensor Networks

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    We present a three-pronged approach to improving Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), building on recent success in the application of neural networks to SMT. First, we propose new features based on neural networks to model various non-local translation phenomena. Second, we augment the architecture of the neural network with tensor layers that capture important higher-order interaction among the network units. Third, we apply multitask learning to estimate the neural network parameters jointly. Each of our proposed methods results in significant improvements that are complementary. The overall improvement is +2.7 and +1.8 BLEU points for Arabic-English and Chinese-English translation over a state-of-the-art system that already includes neural network features.Comment: 11 pages (9 content + 2 references), 2 figures, accepted to ACL 2015 as a long pape

    Modeling Language Variation and Universals: A Survey on Typological Linguistics for Natural Language Processing

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    Linguistic typology aims to capture structural and semantic variation across the world's languages. A large-scale typology could provide excellent guidance for multilingual Natural Language Processing (NLP), particularly for languages that suffer from the lack of human labeled resources. We present an extensive literature survey on the use of typological information in the development of NLP techniques. Our survey demonstrates that to date, the use of information in existing typological databases has resulted in consistent but modest improvements in system performance. We show that this is due to both intrinsic limitations of databases (in terms of coverage and feature granularity) and under-employment of the typological features included in them. We advocate for a new approach that adapts the broad and discrete nature of typological categories to the contextual and continuous nature of machine learning algorithms used in contemporary NLP. In particular, we suggest that such approach could be facilitated by recent developments in data-driven induction of typological knowledge

    English-Latvian SMT: the challenge of translating into a free word order language

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    This paper presents a comparative study of two approaches to statistical machine translation (SMT) and their application to a task of English-to-Latvian translation, which is still an open research line in the field of automatic translation. We consider a state-of-the-art phrase-based SMT and an alternative N-gram-based SMT systems. The major differences between these two approaches lie in the distinct representations of bilingual units, which are the components of the bilingual model driving translation process and in the statistical modeling of the translation context. Latvian being a rather free word order language implies additional difficulties to the translation process. We contrast different reordering models and investigate how well they deal with the word ordering issue. Moving beyond automatic scores of translation quality that are classically presented in MT research papers, we contribute presenting a manual error analysis of MT systems output that helps to shed light on advantages and disadvantages of the SMT systems under consideration and identify the most prominent source of errors typical for both SMT systems.Postprint (published version