114 research outputs found

    Fact-aware Sentence Split and Rephrase with Permutation Invariant Training

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    Sentence Split and Rephrase aims to break down a complex sentence into several simple sentences with its meaning preserved. Previous studies tend to address the issue by seq2seq learning from parallel sentence pairs, which takes a complex sentence as input and sequentially generates a series of simple sentences. However, the conventional seq2seq learning has two limitations for this task: (1) it does not take into account the facts stated in the long sentence; As a result, the generated simple sentences may miss or inaccurately state the facts in the original sentence. (2) The order variance of the simple sentences to be generated may confuse the seq2seq model during training because the simple sentences derived from the long source sentence could be in any order. To overcome the challenges, we first propose the Fact-aware Sentence Encoding, which enables the model to learn facts from the long sentence and thus improves the precision of sentence split; then we introduce Permutation Invariant Training to alleviate the effects of order variance in seq2seq learning for this task. Experiments on the WebSplit-v1.0 benchmark dataset show that our approaches can largely improve the performance over the previous seq2seq learning approaches. Moreover, an extrinsic evaluation on oie-benchmark verifies the effectiveness of our approaches by an observation that splitting long sentences with our state-of-the-art model as preprocessing is helpful for improving OpenIE performance.Comment: AAAI 202

    Aplicação de técnicas de Clustering ao contexto da Tomada de Decisão em Grupo

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    Nowadays, decisions made by executives and managers are primarily made in a group. Therefore, group decision-making is a process where a group of people called participants work together to analyze a set of variables, considering and evaluating a set of alternatives to select one or more solutions. There are many problems associated with group decision-making, namely when the participants cannot meet for any reason, ranging from schedule incompatibility to being in different countries with different time zones. To support this process, Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) evolved to what today we call web-based GDSS. In GDSS, argumentation is ideal since it makes it easier to use justifications and explanations in interactions between decision-makers so they can sustain their opinions. Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is a subfield of Argument Mining closely related to Natural Language Processing. It intends to classify opinions at the aspect level and identify the elements of an opinion. Applying ABSA techniques to Group Decision Making Context results in the automatic identification of alternatives and criteria, for example. This automatic identification is essential to reduce the time decision-makers take to step themselves up on Group Decision Support Systems and offer them various insights and knowledge on the discussion they are participants. One of these insights can be arguments getting used by the decision-makers about an alternative. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a methodology that uses an unsupervised technique, Clustering, and aims to segment the participants of a discussion based on arguments used so it can produce knowledge from the current information in the GDSS. This methodology can be hosted in a web service that follows a micro-service architecture and utilizes Data Preprocessing and Intra-sentence Segmentation in addition to Clustering to achieve the objectives of the dissertation. Word Embedding is needed when we apply clustering techniques to natural language text to transform the natural language text into vectors usable by the clustering techniques. In addition to Word Embedding, Dimensionality Reduction techniques were tested to improve the results. Maintaining the same Preprocessing steps and varying the chosen Clustering techniques, Word Embedders, and Dimensionality Reduction techniques came up with the best approach. This approach consisted of the KMeans++ clustering technique, using SBERT as the word embedder with UMAP dimensionality reduction, reducing the number of dimensions to 2. This experiment achieved a Silhouette Score of 0.63 with 8 clusters on the baseball dataset, which wielded good cluster results based on their manual review and Wordclouds. The same approach obtained a Silhouette Score of 0.59 with 16 clusters on the car brand dataset, which we used as an approach validation dataset.Atualmente, as decisões tomadas por gestores e executivos são maioritariamente realizadas em grupo. Sendo assim, a tomada de decisão em grupo é um processo no qual um grupo de pessoas denominadas de participantes, atuam em conjunto, analisando um conjunto de variáveis, considerando e avaliando um conjunto de alternativas com o objetivo de selecionar uma ou mais soluções. Existem muitos problemas associados ao processo de tomada de decisão, principalmente quando os participantes não têm possibilidades de se reunirem (Exs.: Os participantes encontramse em diferentes locais, os países onde estão têm fusos horários diferentes, incompatibilidades de agenda, etc.). Para suportar este processo de tomada de decisão, os Sistemas de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo (SADG) evoluíram para o que hoje se chamam de Sistemas de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo baseados na Web. Num SADG, argumentação é ideal pois facilita a utilização de justificações e explicações nas interações entre decisores para que possam suster as suas opiniões. Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) é uma área de Argument Mining correlacionada com o Processamento de Linguagem Natural. Esta área pretende classificar opiniões ao nível do aspeto da frase e identificar os elementos de uma opinião. Aplicando técnicas de ABSA à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo resulta na identificação automática de alternativas e critérios por exemplo. Esta identificação automática é essencial para reduzir o tempo que os decisores gastam a customizarem-se no SADG e oferece aos mesmos conhecimento e entendimentos sobre a discussão ao qual participam. Um destes entendimentos pode ser os argumentos a serem usados pelos decisores sobre uma alternativa. Assim, esta dissertação propõe uma metodologia que utiliza uma técnica não-supervisionada, Clustering, com o objetivo de segmentar os participantes de uma discussão com base nos argumentos usados pelos mesmos de modo a produzir conhecimento com a informação atual no SADG. Esta metodologia pode ser colocada num serviço web que segue a arquitetura micro serviços e utiliza Preprocessamento de Dados e Segmentação Intra Frase em conjunto com o Clustering para atingir os objetivos desta dissertação. Word Embedding também é necessário para aplicar técnicas de Clustering a texto em linguagem natural para transformar o texto em vetores que possam ser usados pelas técnicas de Clustering. Também Técnicas de Redução de Dimensionalidade também foram testadas de modo a melhorar os resultados. Mantendo os passos de Preprocessamento e variando as técnicas de Clustering, Word Embedder e as técnicas de Redução de Dimensionalidade de modo a encontrar a melhor abordagem. Essa abordagem consiste na utilização da técnica de Clustering KMeans++ com o SBERT como Word Embedder e UMAP como a técnica de redução de dimensionalidade, reduzindo as dimensões iniciais para duas. Esta experiência obteve um Silhouette Score de 0.63 com 8 clusters no dataset de baseball, que resultou em bons resultados de cluster com base na sua revisão manual e visualização dos WordClouds. A mesma abordagem obteve um Silhouette Score de 0.59 com 16 clusters no dataset das marcas de carros, ao qual usamos esse dataset com validação de abordagem

    Autoencoders for natural language semantics

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    Les auto-encodeurs sont des réseaux de neurones artificiels qui apprennent des représentations. Dans un auto-encodeur, l’encodeur transforme une entrée en une représentation, et le décodeur essaie de prédire l’entrée à partir de la représentation. Cette thèse compile trois applications de ces modèles au traitement automatique des langues : pour l’apprentissage de représentations de mots et de phrases, ainsi que pour mieux comprendre la compositionnalité. Dans le premier article, nous montrons que nous pouvons auto-encoder des définitions de dictionnaire et ainsi apprendre des vecteurs de définition. Nous proposons une nouvelle pénalité qui nous permet d’utiliser ces vecteurs comme entrées à l’encodeur lui-même, mais aussi de les mélanger des vecteurs distributionnels pré-entraînés. Ces vecteurs de définition capturent mieux la similarité sémantique que les méthodes distributionnelles telles que word2vec. De plus, l’encodeur généralise à un certain degré à des définitions qu’il n’a pas vues pendant l’entraînement. Dans le deuxième article, nous analysons les représentations apprises par les auto-encodeurs variationnels séquence-à-séquence. Nous constatons que les encodeurs ont tendance à mémo- riser les premiers mots et la longueur de la phrase d’entrée. Cela limite considérablement leur utilité en tant que modèles génératifs contrôlables. Nous analysons aussi des variantes architecturales plus simples qui ne tiennent pas compte de l’ordre des mots, ainsi que des mé- thodes basées sur le pré-entraînement. Les représentations qu’elles apprennent ont tendance à encoder plus nettement des caractéristiques globales telles que le sujet et le sentiment, et cela se voit dans les reconstructions qu’ils produisent. Dans le troisième article, nous utilisons des simulations d’émergence du langage pour étudier la compositionnalité. Un locuteur – l’encodeur – observe une entrée et produit un message. Un auditeur – le décodeur – tente de reconstituer ce dont le locuteur a parlé dans son message. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que faire des phrases impliquant plusieurs entités, telles que « Jean aime Marie », nécessite fondamentalement de percevoir chaque entité comme un tout. Nous dotons certains agents de cette capacité grâce à un mechanisme d’attention, alors que d’autres en sont privés. Nous proposons différentes métriques qui mesurent à quel point les langues des agents sont naturelles en termes de structure d’argument, et si elles sont davantage analytiques ou synthétiques. Les agents percevant les entités comme des touts échangent des messages plus naturels que les autres agents.Autoencoders are artificial neural networks that learn representations. In an autoencoder, the encoder transforms an input into a representation, and the decoder tries to recover the input from the representation. This thesis compiles three different applications of these models to natural language processing: for learning word and sentence representations, as well as to better understand compositionality. In the first paper, we show that we can autoencode dictionary definitions to learn word vectors, called definition embeddings. We propose a new penalty that allows us to use these definition embeddings as inputs to the encoder itself, but also to blend them with pretrained distributional vectors. The definition embeddings capture semantic similarity better than distributional methods such as word2vec. Moreover, the encoder somewhat generalizes to definitions unseen during training. In the second paper, we analyze the representations learned by sequence-to-sequence variational autoencoders. We find that the encoders tend to memorize the first few words and the length of the input sentence. This limits drastically their usefulness as controllable generative models. We also analyze simpler architectural variants that are agnostic to word order, as well as pretraining-based methods. The representations that they learn tend to encode global features such as topic and sentiment more markedly, and this shows in the reconstructions they produce. In the third paper, we use language emergence simulations to study compositionality. A speaker – the encoder – observes an input and produces a message about it. A listener – the decoder – tries to reconstruct what the speaker talked about in its message. We hypothesize that producing sentences involving several entities, such as “John loves Mary”, fundamentally requires to perceive each entity, John and Mary, as distinct wholes. We endow some agents with this ability via an attention mechanism, and deprive others of it. We propose various metrics to measure whether the languages are natural in terms of their argument structure, and whether the languages are more analytic or synthetic. Agents perceiving entities as distinct wholes exchange more natural messages than other agents


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    The ability to learn meaningful representations of complex, high-dimensional data like image and text for various downstream tasks has been the cornerstone of the modern deep learning success story. Most approaches that succeed in meaningful representation learning of the input data rely on prior knowledge of the underlying data structure to inject appropriate inductive biases into their frameworks. Prime examples of which range from the convolutional neural network (CNN) for images, to the recurrent neural network (RNN) for sequences, and to the recent trend of attention-based models (e.g. transformers) for incorporating relational information. However, most of the traditional approaches focus on a learning setup where there is a single input (and a single output if in a supervised setting). With the rapidly growing varieties of data being collected and the increasing complexity of the structures that underlie them, approaches that are able to take advantage of the additional data structures for better representation learning are needed. To this end, we introduce frameworks to learn better representations of complex data with additional structures in four arenas, where we gradually shift from supervised learning, to ``pseudo-supervised'' learning, and lastly to unsupervised learning. More specifically, we first propose a supervised approach that exploits relational-information among set elements for learning representations of set-structured data. We then propose a clustering approach that utilizes side-information, i.e. information that is related to the final clustering goal but not directly indicative of the clustering results (hence ``pseudo-supervised'' learning), for learning representations that are better for clustering. Next we introduce another clustering approach that leverages the structural assumption that data samples in each cluster form a trajectory. Lastly, we propose a general representation learning framework for learning interpretable representations of multimodal data.Doctor of Philosoph

    Fact-Aware Sentence Split and Rephrase with Permutation Invariant Training

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    Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2023)

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    This volume gathers the papers presented at the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2023 Workshop (DCASE2023), Tampere, Finland, during 21–22 September 2023

    Mathematics teachers’ work with resources: four cases of secondary teachers using technology

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    This study examines teachers’ work with paper-based, technology and social resources with the use of two theoretical frameworks: the Documentational approach and the Knowledge Quartet. The former affords looking at teachers’ resources and resource systems and how these are utilized under schemes of work. The latter affords a closer look at teachers’ work during lessons and at their knowledge-in-action. Specifically, the study investigates how four upper secondary teachers use, re-use and balance their resources by looking at their schemes of work in class, through lesson observations; and, by reflecting on the details of their work and knowledge-in-action in pre- and post-observation interviews. Analysis examines five themes in relation to teachers’ work. First, teachers use students’ contributions as a resource during lessons. Second, teachers connect (or not) different resources. Third, institutional factors, such as examinations requirements and school policy, have impact on teachers’ decisions and on how they balance their resource use. Fourth, when mathematics-education software is used, teacher knowledge of the software comes into play. Fifth, there is ambiguity in the identification of contingency moments, particularly regarding whether these moments were anticipated (or not) or provoked by the teacher. These five themes also suggest theoretical findings. In relation to the Knowledge Quartet, the findings indicate the potency of adding a few new codes or extending existing codes. This is especially pertinent in the context of teaching upper secondary mathematics with technology resources. In relation to the Documentational approach, this study introduces two constructs: scheme-in-action and re-scheming. A scheme-in-action is the scheme followed in class and documented from the classroom. Re-scheming is scheming again or differently from one lesson to another. Finally, the study discusses implications for practice and proposes the use of key incidents extracted from classroom observations towards the development of teacher education resources (e.g. for the MathTASK programme)
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