86,343 research outputs found

    Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions Based on Deep Covariance Trajectories

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach for facial expression recognition using deep covariance descriptors. The solution is based on the idea of encoding local and global Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) features extracted from still images, in compact local and global covariance descriptors. The space geometry of the covariance matrices is that of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices. By conducting the classification of static facial expressions using Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a valid Gaussian kernel on the SPD manifold, we show that deep covariance descriptors are more effective than the standard classification with fully connected layers and softmax. Besides, we propose a completely new and original solution to model the temporal dynamic of facial expressions as deep trajectories on the SPD manifold. As an extension of the classification pipeline of covariance descriptors, we apply SVM with valid positive definite kernels derived from global alignment for deep covariance trajectories classification. By performing extensive experiments on the Oulu-CASIA, CK+, and SFEW datasets, we show that both the proposed static and dynamic approaches achieve state-of-the-art performance for facial expression recognition outperforming many recent approaches.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in "Otberdout N, Kacem A, Daoudi M, Ballihi L, Berretti S. Deep Covariance Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition, in British Machine Vision Conference 2018, BMVC 2018, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK, September 3-6, 2018. ; 2018 :159." arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1805.0386

    Convolutional Neural Network With Batch Normalization for Classification of Emotional Expressions Based on Facial Images

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    Emotion recognition through facial images is one of the most challenging topics in human psychological interactions with machines. Along with advances in robotics, computer graphics, and computer vision, research on facial expression recognition is an important part of intelligent systems technology for interactive human interfaces where each person may have different emotional expressions, making it difficult to classify facial expressions and requires training data. large, so the deep learning approach is an alternative solution., The purpose of this study is to propose a different Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model architecture with batch normalization consisting of three layers of multiple convolution layers with a simpler architectural model for the recognition of emotional expressions based on human facial images in the FER2013 dataset from Kaggle. The experimental results show that the training accuracy level reaches 98%, but there is still overfitting where the validation accuracy level is still 62%. The proposed model has better performance than the model without using batch normalization

    Face Recognition Using Morphological Analysis of Images

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    Face recognition from still and motion image has been an active and emerging research area in the field of image processing, pattern recognition and so on in the recent years . The challenges associated with discriminant face recognition can be attributed to the following factors such as pose, facial expression, occlusion, image orientation, image condition, presence or absence of structural component and many more. In this paper, we have tried to emphasize on the morphological analysis of images based on the behavior of the intensity value. Firstly images with various situations of a person are selected as training images. Based on the min, max and average characteristics of images, the training model has been built. Morphological analysis like binary image processing, erosion and dilation play the important role to identify the facial portion of an image from the whole one. Finally face recognition has been made for input images based on their intensity value measurement. The training images collected from various database such as YALE, ORL, and UMIST and others. The algorithm performed well and showed 80 percent accuracy on face predictio

    Loughborough University Spontaneous Expression Database and baseline results for automatic emotion recognition

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    The study of facial expressions in humans dates back to the 19th century and the study of the emotions that these facial expressions portray dates back even further. It is a natural part of non-verbal communication for humans to pass across messages using facial expressions either consciously or subconsciously, it is also routine for other humans to recognize these facial expressions and understand or deduce the underlying emotions which they represent. Over two decades ago and following technological advances, particularly in the area of image processing, research began into the use of machines for the recognition of facial expressions from images with the aim of inferring the corresponding emotion. Given a previously unknown test sample, the supervised learning problem is to accurately determine the facial expression class to which the test sample belongs using the knowledge of the known class memberships of each image from a set of training images. The solution to this problem building an effective classifier to recognize the facial expression is hinged on the availability of representative training data. To date, much of the research in the area of Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is still based on posed (acted) facial expression databases, which are often exaggerated and therefore not representative of real life affective displays, as such there is a need for more publically accessible spontaneous databases that are well labelled. This thesis therefore reports on the development of the newly collected Loughborough University Spontaneous Expression Database (LUSED); designed to bolster the development of new recognition systems and to provide a benchmark for researchers to compare results with more natural expression classes than most existing databases. To collect the database, an experiment was set up where volunteers were discretely videotaped while they watched a selection of emotion inducing video clips. The utility of the new LUSED dataset is validated using both traditional and more recent pattern recognition techniques; (1) baseline results are presented using the combination of Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis (FLDA) and their kernel variants Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis (KFDA) with a Nearest Neighbour-based classifier. These results are compared to the performance of an existing natural expression database Natural Visible and Infrared Expression (NVIE) database. A scheme for the recognition of encrypted facial expression images is also presented. (2) Benchmark results are presented by combining PCA, FLDA, KPCA and KFDA with a Sparse Representation-based Classifier (SRC). A maximum accuracy of 68% was obtained recognizing five expression classes, which is comparatively better than the known maximum for a natural database; around 70% (from recognizing only three classes) obtained from NVIE

    Dynamic Emotional Faces Generalise Better to a New Expression but not to a New View

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    Prior research based on static images has found limited improvement for recognising previously learnt faces in a new expression after several different facial expressions of these faces had been shown during the learning session. We investigated whether non-rigid motion of facial expression facilitates the learning process. In Experiment 1, participants remembered faces that were either presented in short video clips or still images. To assess the effect of exposure to expression variation, each face was either learnt through a single expression or three different expressions. Experiment 2 examined whether learning faces in video clips could generalise more effectively to a new view. The results show that faces learnt from video clips generalised effectively to a new expression with exposure to a single expression, whereas faces learnt from stills showed poorer generalisation with exposure to either single or three expressions. However, although superior recognition performance was demonstrated for faces learnt through video clips, dynamic facial expression did not create better transfer of learning to faces tested in a new view. The data thus fail to support the hypothesis that non-rigid motion enhances viewpoint invariance. These findings reveal both benefits and limitations of exposures to moving expressions for expression-invariant face recognition