25 research outputs found

    A review on use of social media in teaching and learning

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    Online learning are rapidly evolving in educational uses through social media. Previous research has identified the problem occured where the guidance for appropriate use of social media is needed so that can embark more effective and efficient learning environment. Social media has been shown to have a positive impact towards learner hence making the process of teaching and learning more meaningful. This is because social networking tools can provide opportunities for students to find information, collect their own material, communicate and interact towards each other. Therefore, this concept paper reviews the use of online learning through social media conducted by previous researchers. Besides, the advantages and disadvantages of implementing social media in teaching and learning also beeing reviewed. This review paper describe the use of online learning through social media and also its pros and cons compared to traditional media. As the conclusion, results from the previous research shows that, online learning through social media have a good feedback and advantages that can inline in education purposes

    A New Educational Pattern in Response to New Technologies and Sustainable Development. Enlightening ICT Skills for Youth Employability in the European Union

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    [Abstract]: The so-called fourth revolution is underway and its impact is appreciated in societies and in the way of life of people, particularly due to its effects on the labor market. The disruption generated by the fast changes point out to the immediacy of the needed changes in higher education for responding the new and changing world. The millenarians or digital natives are already used to living with technology, but the technological changes are so fast that if they do not prepare to face them, they will become obsolete soon. Hence the importance of continuous training and the need for institutions and companies to promote training courses for their employees. The Higher Education institutions have a key role on the promotion of knowledge and on the innovation, but this new scenario is an unexpected challenge that is difficult to face. Incorporating teaching of information and communications technology in universities within the curriculum, as a cross-training topic, is a difficult but necessary challenge for preparing students for success in labor market. In this paper, the importance of training in ICTs to get a job is raised. An empirical study with EUROSTAT data is carried out and is limited to young people between 16 and 24 years old. Structural Equation Modelling is the applied method. The results indicate that informal ICTs training favors employment and training in computer management

    Aprendizaje conectado en redes sociales

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    En el marco del proyecto Análisis de pedagogías digitales: Comunicación, Redes Sociales y nuevas narrativas (CoReN) se ponen en marcha distintas propuestas pedagógicas digitales. En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo de un modelo de aprendizaje conectado en redes sociales. Se llevan a cabo varios debates académicos en Twitter en el marco de distintas asignaturas. Posteriormente, se evalúan los resultados obtenidos a través del desarrollo de diferentes grupos de discusión realizados con los estudiantes. El análisis de datos es cualitativo, basado en el análisis de contenido de los grupos de discusión. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes valoran muy positivamente la puesta en marcha de propuestas innovadoras en los estudios oficiales. Se concluye que la participación de carácter académico a través de Twitter ha mejorado el proceso comunicación e interacción y también el aprendizaje de los estudiantes

    The influence of mobile phone use on students’ academic behavior in higher education

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    Smartphones have become an inextricable element of life in the twenty-first century. Since there is little research on the relationship between mobile phone use and academic behavior among students in local universities, hence, the current study sought to study the relationship between these two variables in the context of Malaysian higher education. The data from 435 students who answered an online Google Form of survey sent through a WhatsApp link was collected and analyzed using a descriptive correlational research approach. The results indicated that male students displayed a higher level of mobile phone use than female students in higher education. The study also found that negative phone use had a negative relationship with academic behavior, and positive phone use contributed to positive academic behavior. Regression analysis confirmed that excessive mobile phone use and mobile addiction had a higher impact on academic behavior, however, proper mobile use has a positive impact on academic behavior among the students in higher education. The study implies that all the universities need to have better guidelines to regulate the use of mobile phone in the classroom. Overall, the findings are useful in facilitating the monitoring of the proper use of mobile phone for enhancement of learning in tertiary institutions

    Persepsi Kesesuaian dan Kepuasan Penggunaan Media Sosial pada Perkuliahan: Pengujian Model

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    Penerimaan teknologi merupakan faktor penting, untuk keberlanjutan penggunaan sebuah teknologi. Model-model pengukuran telah banyak dikembangkan, namun belum mempertimbangkan kesesuaian dan kepuasan dalam penggunaan teknologi berkelanjutan. Pada penelitian yang sebelumnya penulis telah mengembangkan model kepuasan dan kesesuaian (Task-fit and Satisfaction Model) untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi dosen terhadap kesesuaian dan kepuasan penggunaan facebook sebagai sarana komunikasi dan informasi pada perkuliahan, namun belum diuji. Artikel ini menyajikan proses pengujian terhadap model tersebut. Responden penelitian ini adalah dosen di indonesia khususnya yang menggunakan facebook. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode survey online. Metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dan Partial Least Square (PLS) digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil pengujian hipotesis memperlihatkan perceived task-fit, utilization dan satisfaction secara signifikan mempengaruhi continuance intention. Pengujian juga memperlihatkan bahwa Perceived task fit , confirmation, dan Service quality secara signifikan mempengaruhi satisfaction. Terdapat korelasi positif perceived task-fit terhadap utilization, dan service quality terhadap confirmation. Sedangkan pengujian coefficient of determination (R2), memperlihatkan continuance intention memperoleh nilai R2= 0.723, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perentasi besarnya kemampuan model dalam memprediksi persepsi kesesuaian dan kepuasan dosen terhadap penggunaan facebook dalam perkuliahan sebesar 72.3%.   Abstract Acceptance of technology is an important factor, for the continued use of a technology. Measurement models have been developed, but not many consider perceived of fitness and satisfaction in receiving technology. In the previous research the authors has developed a Task-fit and Satisfaction Model to identify lecturers' perceptions of the suitability and satisfaction of facebook usage as a means of communication and information on lectures, the model have not test yet. This paper aim to present the testing process for this model. Responden this research is a lecturer in Indonesia especially who use facebook. Data collected by online survey method. SEM with PLS approach used to data analysis. The results of hypothesis testing show that perceived task-fit, utilization and satisfaction significantly influence continuance intention. The results also show that Perceived task fit, confirmation, and Service quality significantly affect satisfaction. There is a positive correlation of perceived task-fit to utilization, and service quality to confirmation. While the coefficient of determination test, shows continuance intention obtained the value of R2 = 0.723, This shows that the magnitude of the model's ability to predict perceptions of fitness and lecturer satisfaction towards the use of Facebook in lectures is 72.3%

    Model Persepsi Penggunaan Media Sosial pada Perkuliahan dengan Modifikasi Task Technology Fit dan Expectation Confirmation Theory

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    Penerimaan teknologi informasi di bidang pendidikan menjadi hal yang menarik untuk dibahas. Keberhasilan implementasi teknologi informasi untuk mendukung pembelajaran tergantung pada penggunaan berkelanjutan. Diyakini bahwa ini dipengaruhi oleh kepuasan dan pemilihan  teknologi yang digunakan. Facebook adalah media sosial paling populer di kalangan para siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan model kepuasan dan task-fit perceptions dari penggunaan media sosial dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membahas tentang kerangka teori, identifikasi faktor, mengembangkan model dan instrumen penelitian. Studi ini mengusulkan model yang dikembangkan dengan mengadopsi Task Technology Fit dan Expectation-Confirmation Theory. Untuk membangun model itu, lima konstruk telah dipilih seperti persepsi kesesuaian tugas, pemanfaatan, kualitas layanan, kepuasan dan konfirmasi atas niat untuk terus menggunakan teknologi. Selain itu, mendasari teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini beberapa hipotesis telah dirumuskan


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    This study investigates university students’ perceptions of using Facebook for English language learning based on gender and ethnicity. A survey was used for data collection, in which all 622 participants reported to having at least one Facebook account which they frequently accessed multiple times a day. The findings show that the students possessed positive attitudes, motivation, self-confidence in using Facebook to learn English language. They also reported to have acquired new English words and sentence structures from their engagement with Facebook. In terms of gender and ethnicity, it is the female students, and Indian respondents who illustrated highly positive perceptions of English language acquisition, motivation, attitudes, and self-confidence, when engaging with Facebook. The awareness of these differences may assist the creation of more suitable learning strategies especially with the integration of Facebook and other social media. Keywords: Facebook, English language learning, gender, ethnicity, attitudes, motivation, self-confidence, acquisitionCite as: Kasuma, S.A.A. (2017). Using Facebook for English language learning: The differences among gender and ethnicity. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(1), 177-193