542 research outputs found

    Single View Reconstruction for Human Face and Motion with Priors

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    Single view reconstruction is fundamentally an under-constrained problem. We aim to develop new approaches to model human face and motion with model priors that restrict the space of possible solutions. First, we develop a novel approach to recover the 3D shape from a single view image under challenging conditions, such as large variations in illumination and pose. The problem is addressed by employing the techniques of non-linear manifold embedding and alignment. Specifically, the local image models for each patch of facial images and the local surface models for each patch of 3D shape are learned using a non-linear dimensionality reduction technique, and the correspondences between these local models are then learned by a manifold alignment method. Local models successfully remove the dependency of large training databases for human face modeling. By combining the local shapes, the global shape of a face can be reconstructed directly from a single linear system of equations via least square. Unfortunately, this learning-based approach cannot be successfully applied to the problem of human motion modeling due to the internal and external variations in single view video-based marker-less motion capture. Therefore, we introduce a new model-based approach for capturing human motion using a stream of depth images from a single depth sensor. While a depth sensor provides metric 3D information, using a single sensor, instead of a camera array, results in a view-dependent and incomplete measurement of object motion. We develop a novel two-stage template fitting algorithm that is invariant to subject size and view-point variations, and robust to occlusions. Starting from a known pose, our algorithm first estimates a body configuration through temporal registration, which is used to search the template motion database for a best match. The best match body configuration as well as its corresponding surface mesh model are deformed to fit the input depth map, filling in the part that is occluded from the input and compensating for differences in pose and body-size between the input image and the template. Our approach does not require any makers, user-interaction, or appearance-based tracking. Experiments show that our approaches can achieve good modeling results for human face and motion, and are capable of dealing with variety of challenges in single view reconstruction, e.g., occlusion

    Coupled Deep Learning for Heterogeneous Face Recognition

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    Heterogeneous face matching is a challenge issue in face recognition due to large domain difference as well as insufficient pairwise images in different modalities during training. This paper proposes a coupled deep learning (CDL) approach for the heterogeneous face matching. CDL seeks a shared feature space in which the heterogeneous face matching problem can be approximately treated as a homogeneous face matching problem. The objective function of CDL mainly includes two parts. The first part contains a trace norm and a block-diagonal prior as relevance constraints, which not only make unpaired images from multiple modalities be clustered and correlated, but also regularize the parameters to alleviate overfitting. An approximate variational formulation is introduced to deal with the difficulties of optimizing low-rank constraint directly. The second part contains a cross modal ranking among triplet domain specific images to maximize the margin for different identities and increase data for a small amount of training samples. Besides, an alternating minimization method is employed to iteratively update the parameters of CDL. Experimental results show that CDL achieves better performance on the challenging CASIA NIR-VIS 2.0 face recognition database, the IIIT-D Sketch database, the CUHK Face Sketch (CUFS), and the CUHK Face Sketch FERET (CUFSF), which significantly outperforms state-of-the-art heterogeneous face recognition methods.Comment: AAAI 201

    Robust arbitrary-view gait recognition based on 3D partial similarity matching

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    Existing view-invariant gait recognition methods encounter difficulties due to limited number of available gait views and varying conditions during training. This paper proposes gait partial similarity matching that assumes a 3-dimensional (3D) object shares common view surfaces in significantly different views. Detecting such surfaces aids the extraction of gait features from multiple views. 3D parametric body models are morphed by pose and shape deformation from a template model using 2-dimensional (2D) gait silhouette as observation. The gait pose is estimated by a level set energy cost function from silhouettes including incomplete ones. Body shape deformation is achieved via Laplacian deformation energy function associated with inpainting gait silhouettes. Partial gait silhouettes in different views are extracted by gait partial region of interest elements selection and re-projected onto 2D space to construct partial gait energy images. A synthetic database with destination views and multi-linear subspace classifier fused with majority voting are used to achieve arbitrary view gait recognition that is robust to varying conditions. Experimental results on CMU, CASIA B, TUM-IITKGP, AVAMVG and KY4D datasets show the efficacy of the propose method

    Automatic construction of robust spherical harmonic subspaces

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    In this paper we propose a method to automatically recover a class specific low dimensional spherical harmonic basis from a set of in-the-wild facial images. We combine existing techniques for uncalibrated photometric stereo and low rank matrix decompositions in order to robustly recover a combined model of shape and identity. We build this basis without aid from a 3D model and show how it can be combined with recent efficient sparse facial feature localisation techniques to recover dense 3D facial shape. Unlike previous works in the area, our method is very efficient and is an order of magnitude faster to train, taking only a few minutes to build a model with over 2000 images. Furthermore, it can be used for real-time recovery of facial shape

    Automatic construction of robust spherical harmonic subspaces

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    In this paper we propose a method to automatically recover a class specific low dimensional spherical harmonic basis from a set of in-the-wild facial images. We combine existing techniques for uncalibrated photometric stereo and low rank matrix decompositions in order to robustly recover a combined model of shape and identity. We build this basis without aid from a 3D model and show how it can be combined with recent efficient sparse facial feature localisation techniques to recover dense 3D facial shape. Unlike previous works in the area, our method is very efficient and is an order of magnitude faster to train, taking only a few minutes to build a model with over 2000 images. Furthermore, it can be used for real-time recovery of facial shape

    Unifying the Visible and Passive Infrared Bands: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multi-Spectral Face Recognition

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    Face biometrics leverages tools and technology in order to automate the identification of individuals. In most cases, biometric face recognition (FR) can be used for forensic purposes, but there remains the issue related to the integration of technology into the legal system of the court. The biggest challenge with the acceptance of the face as a modality used in court is the reliability of such systems under varying pose, illumination and expression, which has been an active and widely explored area of research over the last few decades (e.g. same-spectrum or homogeneous matching). The heterogeneous FR problem, which deals with matching face images from different sensors, should be examined for the benefit of military and law enforcement applications as well. In this work we are concerned primarily with visible band images (380-750 nm) and the infrared (IR) spectrum, which has become an area of growing interest.;For homogeneous FR systems, we formulate and develop an efficient, semi-automated, direct matching-based FR framework, that is designed to operate efficiently when face data is captured using either visible or passive IR sensors. Thus, it can be applied in both daytime and nighttime environments. First, input face images are geometrically normalized using our pre-processing pipeline prior to feature-extraction. Then, face-based features including wrinkles, veins, as well as edges of facial characteristics, are detected and extracted for each operational band (visible, MWIR, and LWIR). Finally, global and local face-based matching is applied, before fusion is performed at the score level. Although this proposed matcher performs well when same-spectrum FR is performed, regardless of spectrum, a challenge exists when cross-spectral FR matching is performed. The second framework is for the heterogeneous FR problem, and deals with the issue of bridging the gap across the visible and passive infrared (MWIR and LWIR) spectrums. Specifically, we investigate the benefits and limitations of using synthesized visible face images from thermal and vice versa, in cross-spectral face recognition systems when utilizing canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and locally linear embedding (LLE), a manifold learning technique for dimensionality reduction. Finally, by conducting an extensive experimental study we establish that the combination of the proposed synthesis and demographic filtering scheme increases system performance in terms of rank-1 identification rate
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