84 research outputs found


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    Este estudo tem o propĂłsito de discutir o perfil e o desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias dos professores da Educação a DistĂąncia (EAD). Para o atingimento do objetivo, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo interpretativo bĂĄsico. Onze professores vinculados a Universidade Federal do Vale do SĂŁo Francisco (UNIVASF) e com atuação na EAD responderam as entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados coletados foram examinados pela anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo proposta por Bardin (2011) com auxĂ­lio de software especĂ­fico para pesquisa qualitativa, o Atlas.Ti. Disponibilidade tecnolĂłgica e interação entre os participantes foram as competĂȘncias mais importantes citadas pelos professores. O desenvolvimento de tais competĂȘncias, no entanto, acontece mediante o aprendizado com as prĂłprias experiĂȘncias profissionais (sejam elas docentes ou nĂŁo) ou trocando experiĂȘncias com seus pares. Sugere-se, para pesquisas futuras, a anĂĄlise do contexto organizacional em que as necessidades e desafios especĂ­ficos sĂŁo definidos e em que a competĂȘncia individual Ă© desenvolvida, analisando a interferĂȘncia das condiçÔes institucionais das InstituiçÔes de Ensino Superior no desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias eletrĂŽnicas dos professores

    eCompetence Development Measures for Faculty in Higher Education - A Comparative International Investigation

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    The dissertation defines for the first time with a holistic design the meaning of eCompetence in the context of technology-driven innovation in higher education. eCompetence is treated in the current scientific discussion as one element in the wider strategic objective of universities to sustainably implement eLearning into their institutional structures and work processes. The study develops a theoretical framework for the concept of eCompetence, and it investigates principles for the methodical design of competence development measures for academic staff. This theoretical framework is validated by the comparative analysis of ICT-related competence development concepts and measures in a number of universities. A specific research focus of this study is placed on innovative competence development concepts and measures which go beyond traditional training for academic staff in universities. The study makes two key assumptions on technology-driven innovation in higher education. First, it assumes that a university as organisation can only successfully steer and implement technology-driven innovation, if its individual members are aware on the need to adapt their work culture to the changing environment, and if they make persistent use of the potential of ICT. The human factor is one important aspect within technology-driven innovation in higher education. Faculty staff plays a decisive role in the strategy of a university to improve and to extend its educational services with help of technology, as academic teachers determine and manage most educational processes within the institution. Second, this study assumes that the development of new competences for academic staff is not primarily achieved by training programs for individual teachers, but relies on wider organisational contexts and conditions. This study applies a qualitative research design. The methodology includes a desktop study of research literature and a systematic analysis and interpretation of empirical project data. Qualitative and interpretative research instruments are used to provide answers to the main research questions and to judge the validity of the key assumptions. The research design chapter includes the main research questions and describes in detail the methodical steps which are taken in each part of this study. The theoretical part discusses in-depth concepts of competence and proposes a conceptualisation for eCompetence. The empirical data is an offspring of the European eCompetence Initiative (http://ecompetence.info/), which has collected competence development measures from 23 European and International higher education institutions. The study applies an interdisciplinary and multi-perspective approach, taking into account research from educational sciences and psychology for the competence and eCompetence parts of the manuscript (chapters 4 and 5), and research from organisational development and business science for the change and HRM measures parts of the manuscript (chapters 6 and 7). The development of ICT competences for academic staff is one important element in strategic plans for organisational change and innovation in universities. Post-graduate training models for young researchers, who enter an academic career, as well as staff development measures for advanced academic teachers need to reflect the growing importance of competences and skills that relate to the proper understanding and application of the potential of ICT as one innovative factor in a changing higher education system.Ziel der Arbeit ist eine international vergleichende Untersuchung von Massnahmen zur Kompetenzentwicklung fĂŒr akademische Lehrende an europĂ€ischen Hochschulen, die den Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Hochschullehre fördern. Grundlage fĂŒr diese Arbeit ist das von der EuropĂ€ischen Union geförderte Forschungsprojekt "European eCompetence Initiative for Academic Staff", an dem sich 23 UniversitĂ€ten beteiligt haben und das vom Hochschuldidaktischen Zentrum der UniversitĂ€t Dortmund koordiniert worden ist. Die Einleitung stellt die Relevanz und den aktuellen Forschungsstand zur eCompetence dar und verortet das Thema in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion zum eLearning. Die Studie wendet ein qualitatives Forschungsdesign an. Die Kernfrage der Arbeit lautet: Welche organisationalen Konzepte und Massnahmen werden in UniversitĂ€ten geplant und umgesetzt, um die individuellen Kompetenzen der akademischen Lehrenden in der Anwendung neuer Technologien zu fördern? Die zwei Kernannahmen dieser Arbeit lauten: (1) Eine UniversitĂ€t kann als Organisation nur dann erfolgreich technologiegetriebene Innovation steuern und implementieren, wenn ihre individuellen Mitglieder ein Bewußtsein fĂŒr die Notwendigkeit entwickeln, Ihre Arbeitskultur der sich wandelnden Umgebung anzupassen, und wenn sie das Potential der neuen Technologien nachhaltig einsetzen. (2) Die Entwicklung neuer Kompetenzen akademischer Lehrender wird vorrangig nicht durch direkte Trainingsmassnahmen fĂŒr individuelle Lehrende erreicht, sondern ist von weiteren organisationalen Kontexten und Bedingungen abhĂ€ngig. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit gliedert sich zwei Teile: der erste Teil liefert einen konzeptionellen Rahmen, in dem die theoretischen Perspektiven und Elemente erörtert werden, die fĂŒr die Konstruktion eines eCompetence - Konzepts im Hochschulbereich relevant sind. Der konzeptionelle Teil mĂŒndet in einer theoretisch begrĂŒndeten Typologie von Massmahmen der eCompetence - Entwicklung; der zweite Teil nimmt auf Basis der theoretischen Annahmen, welche fĂŒr das Konzept der eCompetence und fĂŒr die Typologie der Massnahmen fĂŒr den Gebrauch von neuen Technologien gemacht werden, eine Analyse der gegebenen Projektdaten vor. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Datenanalyse dienen im Abschlußteil der Arbeit dazu, die ValiditĂ€t der zwei Kernannahmen sowie der theoretischen Annahmen im Konzept der eCompetence zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen. Die Typologie der Massnahmen wird einer kritischen Beurteilung unterzogen und es werden Fragen und Perspektiven fĂŒr weitere Forschungschritte zur Thematik der technologiebezogenen Kompetenzentwicklung von akademischen Lehrenden in UniversitĂ€ten entwickelt


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    Um novo panorama educacional caracterizado por emergente paradigma de utilização de tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs) provoca transformaçÔes nos costumes da sociedade, reestruturando aspectos metodolĂłgicos relativos ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O uso das TICs viabiliza inĂșmeras novas atividades na educação, e verifica-se, impacto nĂŁo somente nas instituiçÔes de ensino superior, como tambĂ©m no trabalho do professor. O novo cenĂĄrio de ensino-aprendizagem envolve, sobretudo, mudança de competĂȘncias e de formação do professor do ensino superior: desenvolvimento acadĂȘmica sĂłlido, experiĂȘncia profissional e competĂȘncia pedagĂłgica. Este ensaio discute possĂ­veis relaçÔes entre avanços e democratização das tecnologias (nos Ășltimos 20 anos) e alteração do perfil e competĂȘncias dos professores de ensino superior no Brasil. A partir desta discussĂŁo foi possĂ­vel compreender que os professores devem ser capazes de reconhecer as limitaçÔes e o potencial das tecnologias com fins pedagĂłgicos, bem como as melhores tĂ©cnicas de mediação do conhecimento por meio das TICs, reformulando prĂĄticas pedagĂłgicas de modo a possibilitar a criação de novas experiĂȘncias didĂĄticas. Logo, isto instiga desenvolvimento de novas competĂȘncias profissionais dada a complexidade do perfil do professor contemporĂąneo

    An investigation into learning organisation maturity & the integration of ICT into teaching, learning & assessing in the Institute of Technology sector in the Republic of Ireland

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    This study is set in an era of changing management styles, shifts in the role of the educator, increasing competition, evolving student cohorts and rapidly changing modes of delivery, in the presence of change drivers such as the ubiquity of computing systems, in higher education in the Institute of Technology (IOT) sector in Ireland. The study may be described as deductive (Bryman & Bell 2007) in its approach to the examination of the alignment of practice in integrating information and communications technology (ICT) into teaching learning and assessing (TL&A), against a strategic framework based on the idea of a measure of learning organization maturity in the IOT sector in Ireland. The literature review found that throughout the evolution of strategic thinking, higher education institutes (HEIs) have endeavoured to adopt many of the strategic models, associated with the wider business community, which have emerged over the latter half of the 20th century. However differences in governance, organizational structure, decision making mechanisms and expectation have led to resistance to and rejection of many of these strategic approaches. As part of this study, strategic initiatives supporting ICT integration are examined from different stakeholder perspectives such as those of management and academic staff. The study then moves on to exploration of the idea of learning organization maturity to ascertain its suitability as a strategic framework for the purposes of this study. The study poses the research question: Is it possible to correlate, the identification of learning organization maturity, with the level of integration of ICT into TL&A in the IOT sector in Ireland? To seek answers to this question and derivative questions the management (both academic and non-academic) and the academic staff cohorts within the subject institutes were surveyed online using a learning organization profile (LOP) tool, adapted from the work of Marquardt (2002), and a new ICT integration level investigative tool developed by the writer. Findings were statistically analysed to establish whether differences exist in learning organizational profiles (LOP) for different cohorts and category variables. Where practicable comparative analyses with similar studies unearthed in the literature review were undertaken. Next correlation between learning organization maturity and ICT integration levels is examined. Finally conclusions are drawn where they emerged and recommendations for possible follow up studies are outlined.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    eCompetence for social work

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    Julkaistu versi

    Exploring the Relevancy of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A Caribbean University Approach

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    The challenge of Information and Communication Technology Management within the Caribbean university system remains daunting. On the surface there exists constant need to revisit infrastructure, system architecture, software and relevant hardware in keeping with the myriad number of changes across the global technology landscape. However, a greater challenge is emerging rapidly forcing universities across the globe to re-evaluate their strategic direction as it relates to course delivery. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) represent the next frontier for open and distance education; allowing for dispersion of courses (free of charge) to participants with a diverse array of digital content spanning the sciences, arts, humanities and business. MOOCs represent a new thinking for content design/delivery rooted in the transformation of production and knowledge sharing Tapscott & Williams, (2007). University systems regionally as traditional gatekeepers of knowledge must now become au courant to ensure currency and competitiveness. This paper examines MOOCs as a new digital content frontier, their relevance to Caribbean higher education institutions and the challenges that universities face as they become more prevalent. It will also provide insights into the potential strategies for adoption of MOOCs within the Caribbean university system. Key Words: MOOC, Disruptive Technologies, E-Learning, Technology Adoption, Content Strategies, Disruptive Innovatio


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    A EAD surge como modelo ideal em virtude dos inĂșmeros apelos socioeconĂŽmicos e tecnolĂłgicos do sistema educacional. O interesse sobre o desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias em TIC (e-competĂȘncias) Ă© destaque estratĂ©gico na Agenda Digital da Europa 2020 dada a sua importĂąncia para as atividades profissionais na atualidade. O presente estudo buscou descrever o perfil de competĂȘncias eletrĂŽnicas dos professores no cenĂĄrio especĂ­fico da UFAL, bem como identificar a relação entre gestĂŁo universitĂĄria e as opçÔes individuais de formação e desenvolvimento de e-competĂȘncias dos mesmos para atuação na EAD. Como estratĂ©gia de pesquisa qualitativa, optou-se pelo estudo qualitativo interpretativo bĂĄsico, como locus para a realização do estudo de caso qualitativo optou-se pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL). A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante pesquisa documental e entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado. Quanto a anĂĄlise de dados, utilizou-se a anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo. Ficou evidenciado que a maior parte da construção do perfil de e-competĂȘncias dos docentes da UFAL se dĂĄ mais pela prĂĄtica do dia-a-dia e pela necessidade dos docentes de possuir o conhecimento e a desenvoltura para lecionar na EAD, sem esperar pelas melhorias das condiçÔes apresentadas pela UFAL. Observa-se que a instituição ainda apresenta lacunas em sua gestĂŁo universitĂĄria que precisam ser revistas e trabalhadas para que realmente venha a contribuir de forma significativa para o desenvolvimento das e-competĂȘncias de seu corpo docente para atuação na EAD

    'E-tivities from the front line': a community of inquiry case study analysis of educators’ blog posts on the topic of designing and delivering online learning

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    Designing and implementing successful online learning has been at the forefront of institutional agendas since digital learning increased in market demand over the last decade. However there is still ongoing debate as to the 'how' of this arduous task. The Community of Inquiry (CoI) is one learning design method that has seen potential in the field, but practical implementation of designing for the important components of Social, Cognitive and Teaching Presence have yet to be fully realised. This paper researches an e-learning design strategy called E-tivities as a suggested possible method for designing for CoI components. The research explored recent online blog posts of experienced learning designers’ and educators’ experience in designing successful online learning using E-tivities. Results suggest the E-tivities do have the potential to cater for all Presences of CoI. Specifically when using E-tivities to design online learning Affective Expression was the highest reported Social Presence design factor. All four components of Cognitive Presence appeared to be present in E-tivities design. The most important component for adequate Teaching Presence factors was the initial Design and Organisation of the course. E-tivities and the 5-Stage Model provides a solid framework for this to occur
