111 research outputs found

    Feature-rich distance-based terrain synthesis

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    This thesis describes a novel terrain synthesis method based on distances in a weighted graph. The method begins with a regular lattice with arbitrary edge weights; heights are determined by path cost from a set of generator nodes. The shapes of individual terrain features, such as mountains, hills, and craters, are specified by a monotonically decreasing profile describing the cross-sectional shape of a feature, while the locations of features in the terrain are specified by placing the generators. Pathing places ridges whose initial location have a dendritic shape. The method is robust and easy to control, making it possible to create pareidolia effects. It can produce a wide range of realistic synthetic terrains such as mountain ranges, craters, faults, cinder cones, and hills. The algorithm incorporates random graph edge weights, permits the inclusion of multiple topography profiles, and allows precise control over placement of terrain features and their heights. These properties all allow the artist to create highly heterogeneous terrains that compare quite favorably to existing methods

    Image editing and interaction tools for visual expression

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    Digital photography is becoming extremely common in our daily life. However, images are difficult to edit and interact with. From a user's perspective, it is important to interact freely with the images on his/her smartphone or ipad. In this thesis we develop several image editing and interaction systems with this idea in mind. We aim for creating visual models with pre-computed internal structures such that interaction is readily supported. We demonstrate that such interactable models, driven by a user's hand, can render powerful visual expressiveness, and make static pixel arrays much more fun to play with. The first system harnesses the editing power of vector graphics. We convert raster images into a vector representation using Loop's subdivision surfaces. An image is represented by a multi-resolution feature-preserving sparse control mesh, with which image editing can be done at semantic level. A user can easily put a smile on a face image, or adjust the level of scene abstractness through a simple slider. The second system allows one to insert an object from image into a new scene. The key is to correct the shading on the object such that it goes consistently with the scene. Unlike traditional approach, we use a simple shape to capture gross shading effects and a set of shading detail images to account for visual complexities. The high-frequency nature of these detail images allows a moderate range of interactive composition effects without causing alarming visual artifacts. The third system is on video clips instead of a single image. We proposed a fully automated algorithm to creat

    Methods for 3D Geometry Processing in the Cultural Heritage Domain

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    This thesis presents methods for 3D geometry processing under the aspects of cultural heritage applications. After a short overview over the relevant basics in 3D geometry processing, the present thesis investigates the digital acquisition of 3D models. A particular challenge in this context are on the one hand difficult surface or material properties of the model to be captured. On the other hand, the fully automatic reconstruction of models even with suitable surface properties that can be captured with Laser range scanners is not yet completely solved. This thesis presents two approaches to tackle these challenges. One exploits a thorough capture of the object’s appearance and a coarse reconstruction for a concise and realistic object representation even for objects with problematic surface properties like reflectivity and transparency. The other method concentrates on digitisation via Laser-range scanners and exploits 2D colour images that are typically recorded with the range images for a fully automatic registration technique. After reconstruction, the captured models are often still incomplete, exhibit holes and/or regions of insufficient sampling. In addition to that, holes are often deliberately introduced into a registered model to remove some undesired or defective surface part. In order to produce a visually appealing model, for instance for visualisation purposes, for prototype or replica production, these holes have to be detected and filled. Although completion is a well-established research field in 2D image processing and many approaches do exist for image completion, surface completion in 3D is a fairly new field of research. This thesis presents a hierarchical completion approach that employs and extends successful exemplar-based 2D image processing approaches to 3D and fills in detail-equipped surface patches into missing surface regions. In order to identify and construct suitable surface patches, selfsimilarity and coherence properties of the surface context of the hole are exploited. In addition to the reconstruction and repair, the present thesis also investigates methods for a modification of captured models via interactive modelling. In this context, modelling is regarded as a creative process, for instance for animation purposes. On the other hand, it is also demonstrated how this creative process can be used to introduce human expertise into the otherwise automatic completion process. This way, reconstructions are feasible even of objects where already the data source, the object itself, is incomplete due to corrosion, demolition, or decay.Methoden zur 3D-Geometrieverarbeitung im Kulturerbesektor In dieser Arbeit werden Methoden zur Bearbeitung von digitaler 3D-Geometrie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Anwendungsbereichs im Kulturerbesektor vorgestellt. Nach einem kurzen Überblick über die relevanten Grundlagen der dreidimensionalen Geometriebehandlung wird zunächst die digitale Akquise von dreidimensionalen Objekten untersucht. Eine besondere Herausforderung stellen bei der Erfassung einerseits ungünstige Oberflächen- oder Materialeigenschaften der Objekte dar (wie z.B. Reflexivität oder Transparenz), andererseits ist auch die vollautomatische Rekonstruktion von solchen Modellen, die sich verhältnismäßig problemlos mit Laser-Range Scannern erfassen lassen, immer noch nicht vollständig gelöst. Daher bilden zwei neuartige Verfahren, die diesen Herausforderungen begegnen, den Anfang. Auch nach der Registrierung sind die erfassten Datensätze in vielen Fällen unvollständig, weisen Löcher oder nicht ausreichend abgetastete Regionen auf. Darüber hinaus werden in vielen Anwendungen auch, z.B. durch Entfernen unerwünschter Oberflächenregionen, Löcher gewollt hinzugefügt. Für eine optisch ansprechende Rekonstruktion, vor allem zu Visualisierungszwecken, im Bildungs- oder Unterhaltungssektor oder zur Prototyp- und Replik-Erzeugung müssen diese Löcher zunächst automatisch detektiert und anschließend geschlossen werden. Obwohl dies im zweidimensionalen Fall der Bildbearbeitung bereits ein gut untersuchtes Forschungsfeld darstellt und vielfältige Ansätze zur automatischen Bildvervollständigung existieren, ist die Lage im dreidimensionalen Fall anders, und die Übertragung von zweidimensionalen Ansätzen in den 3D stellt vielfach eine große Herausforderung dar, die bislang keine zufriedenstellenden Lösungen erlaubt hat. Nichtsdestoweniger wird in dieser Arbeit ein hierarchisches Verfahren vorgestellt, das beispielbasierte Konzepte aus dem 2D aufgreift und Löcher in Oberflächen im 3D unter Ausnutzung von Selbstähnlichkeiten und Kohärenzeigenschaften des Oberflächenkontextes schließt. Um plausible Oberflächen zu erzeugen werden die Löcher dabei nicht nur glatt gefüllt, sondern auch feinere Details aus dem Kontext rekonstruiert. Abschließend untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit noch die Modifikation der vervollständigten Objekte durch Freiformmodellierung. Dies wird dabei zum einen als kreativer Prozess z.B. zu Animationszwecken betrachtet. Zum anderen wird aber auch untersucht, wie dieser kreative Prozess benutzt werden kann, um etwaig vorhandenes Expertenwissen in die ansonsten automatische Vervollständigung mit einfließen zu lassen. Auf diese Weise werden auch Rekonstruktionen ermöglicht von Objekten, bei denen schon die Datenquelle, also das Objekt selbst z.B. durch Korrosion oder mutwillige Zerstörung unvollständig ist

    Hairstyle modelling based on a single image.

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    Hair is an important feature to form character appearance in both film and video game industry. Hair grooming and combing for virtual characters was traditionally an exclusive task for professional designers because of its requirements for both technical manipulation and artistic inspiration. However, this manual process is time-consuming and further limits the flexibility of customised hairstyle modelling. In addition, it is hard to manipulate virtual hairstyle due to intrinsic hair shape. The fast development of related industrial applications demand an intuitive tool for efficiently creating realistic hairstyle for non-professional users. Recently, image-based hair modelling has been investigated for generating realistic hairstyle. This thesis demonstrates a framework Struct2Hair that robustly captures a hairstyle from a single portrait input. Specifically, the 2D hair strands are traced from the input with the help of image processing enhancement first. Then the 2D hair sketch of a hairstyle on a coarse level is extracted from generated 2D hair strands by clustering. To solve the inherently ill-posed single-view reconstruction problem, a critical hair shape database has been built by analysing an existing hairstyle model database. The critical hair shapes is a group of hair strands which possess similar shape appearance and close space location. Once the prior shape knowledge is prepared, the hair shape descriptor (HSD) is introduced to encode the structure of the target hairstyle. The HSD is constructed by retrieving and matching corresponding critical hair shape centres in the database. The full-head hairstyle is reconstructed by uniformly diffusing the hair strands on the scalp surface under the guidance of extracted HSD. The produced results are evaluated and compared with the state-of-the-art image based hair modelling methods. The findings of this thesis lead to some promising applications such as blending hairstyles to populate novel hair model, editing hairstyle (adding fringe hair, curling and cutting/extending hairstyle) and a case study of Bas-relief hair modelling on pre-processed hair images

    Hierarchical processing, editing and rendering of acquired geometry

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    La représentation des surfaces du monde réel dans la mémoire d’une machine peut désormais être obtenue automatiquement via divers périphériques de capture tels que les scanners 3D. Ces nouvelles sources de données, précises et rapides, amplifient de plusieurs ordres de grandeur la résolution des surfaces 3D, apportant un niveau de précision élevé pour les applications nécessitant des modèles numériques de surfaces telles que la conception assistée par ordinateur, la simulation physique, la réalité virtuelle, l’imagerie médicale, l’architecture, l’étude archéologique, les effets spéciaux, l’animation ou bien encore les jeux video. Malheureusement, la richesse de la géométrie produite par ces méthodes induit une grande, voire gigantesque masse de données à traiter, nécessitant de nouvelles structures de données et de nouveaux algorithmes capables de passer à l’échelle d’objets pouvant atteindre le milliard d’échantillons. Dans cette thèse, je propose des solutions performantes en temps et en espace aux problèmes de la modélisation, du traitement géométrique, de l’édition intéractive et de la visualisation de ces surfaces 3D complexes. La méthodologie adoptée pendant l’élaboration transverse de ces nouveaux algorithmes est articulée autour de 4 éléments clés : une approche hiérarchique systématique, une réduction locale de la dimension des problèmes, un principe d’échantillonage-reconstruction et une indépendance à l’énumération explicite des relations topologiques aussi appelée approche basée-points. En pratique, ce manuscrit propose un certain nombre de contributions, parmi lesquelles : une nouvelle structure hiérarchique hybride de partitionnement, l’Arbre Volume-Surface (VS-Tree) ainsi que de nouveaux algorithmes de simplification et de reconstruction ; un système d’édition intéractive de grands objets ; un noyau temps-réel de synthèse géométrique par raffinement et une structure multi-résolution offrant un rendu efficace de grands objets. Ces structures, algorithmes et systèmes forment une chaîne capable de traiter les objets en provenance du pipeline d’acquisition, qu’ils soient représentés par des nuages de points ou des maillages, possiblement non 2-variétés. Les solutions obtenues ont été appliquées avec succès aux données issues des divers domaines d’application précités.Digital representations of real-world surfaces can now be obtained automatically using various acquisition devices such as 3D scanners and stereo camera systems. These new fast and accurate data sources increase 3D surface resolution by several orders of magnitude, borrowing higher precision to applications which require digital surfaces. All major computer graphics applications can take benefit of this automatic modeling process, including: computer-aided design, physical simulation, virtual reality, medical imaging, architecture, archaeological study, special effects, computer animation and video games. Unfortunately, the richness of the geometry produced by these media comes at the price of a large, possibility gigantic, amount of data which requires new efficient data structures and algorithms offering scalability for processing such objects. This thesis proposes time and space efficient solutions for modeling, editing and rendering such complex surfaces, solving these problems with new algorithms sharing 4 fundamental elements: a systematic hierarchical approach, a local dimension reduction, a sampling-reconstruction paradigm and a pointbased basis. Basically, this manuscript proposes several contributions, including: a new hierarchical space subdivision structure, the Volume-Surface Tree, for geometry processing such as simplification and reconstruction; a streaming system featuring new algorithms for interactive editing of large objects, an appearancepreserving multiresolution structure for efficient rendering of large point-based surfaces, and a generic kernel for real-time geometry synthesis by refinement. These elements form a pipeline able to process acquired geometry, either represented by point clouds or non-manifold meshes. Effective results have been successfully obtained with data coming from the various applications mentioned

    Fehlerkaschierte Bildbasierte Darstellungsverfahren

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    Creating photo-realistic images has been one of the major goals in computer graphics since its early days. Instead of modeling the complexity of nature with standard modeling tools, image-based approaches aim at exploiting real-world footage directly,as they are photo-realistic by definition. A drawback of these approaches has always been that the composition or combination of different sources is a non-trivial task, often resulting in annoying visible artifacts. In this thesis we focus on different techniques to diminish visible artifacts when combining multiple images in a common image domain. The results are either novel images, when dealing with the composition task of multiple images, or novel video sequences rendered in real-time, when dealing with video footage from multiple cameras.Fotorealismus ist seit jeher eines der großen Ziele in der Computergrafik. Anstatt die Komplexität der Natur mit standardisierten Modellierungswerkzeugen nachzubauen, gehen bildbasierte Ansätze den umgekehrten Weg und verwenden reale Bildaufnahmen zur Modellierung, da diese bereits per Definition fotorealistisch sind. Ein Nachteil dieser Variante ist jedoch, dass die Komposition oder Kombination mehrerer Quellbilder eine nichttriviale Aufgabe darstellt und häufig unangenehm auffallende Artefakte im erzeugten Bild nach sich zieht. In dieser Dissertation werden verschiedene Ansätze verfolgt, um Artefakte zu verhindern oder abzuschwächen, welche durch die Komposition oder Kombination mehrerer Bilder in einer gemeinsamen Bilddomäne entstehen. Im Ergebnis liefern die vorgestellten Verfahren neue Bilder oder neue Ansichten einer Bildsammlung oder Videosequenz, je nachdem, ob die jeweilige Aufgabe die Komposition mehrerer Bilder ist oder die Kombination mehrerer Videos verschiedener Kameras darstellt

    Shape classification: towards a mathematical description of the face

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    Recent advances in biostereometric techniques have led to the quick and easy acquisition of 3D data for facial and other biological surfaces. This has led facial surgeons to express dissatisfaction with landmark-based methods for analysing the shape of the face which use only a small part of the data available, and to seek a method for analysing the face which maximizes the use of this extensive data set. Scientists working in the field of computer vision have developed a variety of methods for the analysis and description of 2D and 3D shape. These methods are reviewed and an approach, based on differential geometry, is selected for the description of facial shape. For each data point, the Gaussian and mean curvatures of the surface are calculated. The performance of three algorithms for computing these curvatures are evaluated for mathematically generated standard 3D objects and for 3D data obtained from an optical surface scanner. Using the signs of these curvatures, the face is classified into eight 'fundamental surface types' - each of which has an intuitive perceptual meaning. The robustness of the resulting surface type description to errors in the data is determined together with its repeatability. Three methods for comparing two surface type descriptions are presented and illustrated for average male and average female faces. Thus a quantitative description of facial change, or differences between individual's faces, is achieved. The possible application of artificial intelligence techniques to automate this comparison is discussed. The sensitivity of the description to global and local changes to the data, made by mathematical functions, is investigated. Examples are given of the application of this method for describing facial changes made by facial reconstructive surgery and implications for defining a basis for facial aesthetics using shape are discussed. It is also applied to investigate the role played by the shape of the surface in facial recognition

    EigenFIT : a statistical learning approach to facial composites

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
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