88 research outputs found

    End-to-end congestion control protocols for remote programming of robots, using heterogeneous networks: A comparative analysis

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    There are many interesting aspects of Internet Telerobotics within the network robotics context, such as variable bandwidth and time-delays. Some of these aspects have been treated in the literature from the control point of view. Moreover, only a little work is related to the way Internet protocols can help to minimize the effect of delay and bandwidth fluctuation on network robotics. In this paper, we present the capabilities of TCP, UDP, TCP Las Vegas, TEAR, and Trinomial protocols, when performing a remote experiment within a network robotics application, the UJI Industrial Telelaboratory. Comparative analysis is presented through simulations within the NS2 platform. Results show how these protocols perform in two significant situations within the network robotics context, using heterogeneous wired networks: (1) an asymmetric network when controlling the system through a ADSL connection, and (2) a symmetric network using the system on Campus. Conclusions show a set of characteristics the authors of this paper consider very important when designing an End-to-End Congestion Control transport protocol for Internet Telerobotics

    Analiza FPGA implementacije bilateralnih algoritama upravljanja za dodirnu teleoperaciju

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    This paper presents the FPGA implementation of sliding mode control algorithm for bilateral teleoperation, such that, the problem of haptic teleoperation is addressed. The presented study improves haptic fidelity by widening the control bandwidth. For wide control bandwidth, short control periods as well as short sampling periods are required that was achieved by the FPGA. The presented FPGA design methodology applies basic optimization methods in order to meet the required control period as well as the required hardware resource consumption. The circuit specification was performed by the high-level programing language LabVIEW using the fixed-point data type. Hence, short design times for producing the FPGA logic circuit can be achieved. The proposed FPGA-based bilateral teleoperation was validated by master-slave experimental device.Ovaj rad opisuje FPGA implementaciju algoritama upravljanja kliznim režimima za bilateralnu teleoperaciju, pri čemu je opisan problem haptičke teleoperacije. Prikazano istraživanje poboljšava dodirnu pouzdanost proširenjem upravljačkog propusnog pojasa. Za široki propusni pojas, potrebni su kratki upravljački periodi i brzo vrijeme uzorkovanja, što je postignuto primjenom FPGA sklopovlja. Prikazana metodologija za projektiranje FPGA sklopovlja koristi osnovne optimizacijske metode s ciljem postizanja potrebnih upravljačkih perioda i zahtijevane fizičke iskorištenosti sklopovlja. Specifikacije sklopovlja su provedene programskim jezikom visoke razine LabVIEW uz korištenje podataka s nepomičnim decimalnim zarezom. Stoga je moguće implementirati traženu logiku na FPGA sklopovlje u kratkom vremenu. Opisana bilateralna teleoperacija temeljena na FPGA slopovlju je testirana na eksperimentalnom postavu s nadre.enim i podre.enim čvorom

    Wavelet packet transform based compression for bilateral teleoperation

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    This paper introduces a codec scheme for compressing the control and feedback signals in bilateral control systems. The method makes use of Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and Inverse Wavelet Packet Transform (IWPT) for coding and decoding operations respectively. Data compression is carried out in low pass filter output by reducing the sampling rate; and in high pass filter output by truncating the wavelet coefficients. The proposed codec works on both directions of signal transmission between a master robot and a slave robot over a networked motion control architecture. Following the formulation of the compression/decompression methodology, experimental validation is conducted on a single degree of freedom (DOF) motion control system. In the experiments, responses from different Wavelet structures are analyzed and a comparative study is carried out considering the factors of compression rate, reconstruction power error and real time computational complexity. It is confirmed that the controller using the proposed compression algorithm performs very close to the uncompressed one while enabling transmission of much less data over network

    Perception-motivated parallel algorithms for haptics

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    Negli ultimi anni l\u2019utilizzo di dispositivi aptici, atti cio\ue8 a riprodurre l\u2019interazione fisica con l\u2019ambiente remoto o virtuale, si sta diffondendo in vari ambiti della robotica e dell\u2019informatica, dai videogiochi alla chirurgia robotizzata eseguita in teleoperazione, dai cellulari alla riabilitazione. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo voluto considerare nuovi punti di vista sull\u2019argomento, allo scopo di comprendere meglio come riportare l\u2019essere umano, che \ue8 l\u2019unico fruitore del ritorno di forza, tattile e di telepresenza, al centro della ricerca sui dispositivi aptici. Allo scopo ci siamo focalizzati su due aspetti: una manipolazione del segnale di forza mutuata dalla percezione umana e l\u2019utilizzo di architetture multicore per l\u2019implementazione di algoritmi aptici e robotici. Con l\u2019aiuto di un setup sperimentale creato ad hoc e attraverso l\u2019utilizzo di un joystick con ritorno di forza a 6 gradi di libert\ue0, abbiamo progettato degli esperimenti psicofisici atti all\u2019identificazione di soglie differenziali di forze/coppie nel sistema mano-braccio. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti abbiamo determinato una serie di funzioni di scalatura del segnale di forza, una per ogni grado di libert\ue0, che permettono di aumentare l\u2019abilit\ue0 umana nel discriminare stimoli differenti. L\u2019utilizzo di tali funzioni, ad esempio in teleoperazione, richiede la possibilit\ue0 di variare il segnale di feedback e il controllo del dispositivo sia in relazione al lavoro da svolgere, sia alle peculiari capacit\ue0 dell\u2019utilizzatore. La gestione del dispositivo deve quindi essere in grado di soddisfare due obbiettivi tendenzialmente in contrasto, e cio\ue8 il raggiungimento di alte prestazioni in termini di velocit\ue0, stabilit\ue0 e precisione, abbinato alla flessibilit\ue0 tipica del software. Una soluzione consiste nell\u2019affidare il controllo del dispositivo ai nuovi sistemi multicore che si stanno sempre pi\uf9 prepotentemente affacciando sul panorama informatico. Per far ci\uf2 una serie di algoritmi consolidati deve essere portata su sistemi paralleli. In questo lavoro abbiamo dimostrato che \ue8 possibile convertire facilmente vecchi algoritmi gi\ue0 implementati in hardware, e quindi intrinsecamente paralleli. Un punto da definire rimane per\uf2 quanto costa portare degli algoritmi solitamente descritti in VLSI e schemi in un linguaggio di programmazione ad alto livello. Focalizzando la nostra attenzione su un problema specifico, la pseudoinversione di matrici che \ue8 presente in molti algoritmi di dinamica e cinematica, abbiamo mostrato che un\u2019attenta progettazione e decomposizione del problema permette una mappatura diretta sulle unit\ue0 di calcolo disponibili. In aggiunta, l\u2019uso di parallelismo a livello di dati su macchine SIMD permette di ottenere buone prestazioni utilizzando semplici operazioni vettoriali come addizioni e shift. Dato che di solito tali istruzioni fanno parte delle implementazioni hardware la migrazione del codice risulta agevole. Abbiamo testato il nostro approccio su una Sony PlayStation 3 equipaggiata con un processore IBM Cell Broadband Engine.In the last years the use of haptic feedback has been used in several applications, from mobile phones to rehabilitation, from video games to robotic aided surgery. The haptic devices, that are the interfaces that create the stimulation and reproduce the physical interaction with virtual or remote environments, have been studied, analyzed and developed in many ways. Every innovation in the mechanics, electronics and technical design of the device it is valuable, however it is important to maintain the focus of the haptic interaction on the human being, who is the only user of force feedback. In this thesis we worked on two main topics that are relevant to this aim: a perception based force signal manipulation and the use of modern multicore architectures for the implementation of the haptic controller. With the help of a specific experimental setup and using a 6 dof haptic device we designed a psychophysical experiment aimed at identifying of the force/torque differential thresholds applied to the hand-arm system. On the basis of the results obtained we determined a set of task dependent scaling functions, one for each degree of freedom of the three-dimensional space, that can be used to enhance the human abilities in discriminating different stimuli. The perception based manipulation of the force feedback requires a fast, stable and configurable controller of the haptic interface. Thus a solution is to use new available multicore architectures for the implementation of the controller, but many consolidated algorithms have to be ported to these parallel systems. Focusing on specific problem, i.e. the matrix pseudoinversion, that is part of the robotics dynamic and kinematic computation, we showed that it is possible to migrate code that was already implemented in hardware, and in particular old algorithms that were inherently parallel and thus not competitive on sequential processors. The main question that still lies open is how much effort is required in order to write these algorithms, usually described in VLSI or schematics, in a modern programming language. We show that a careful task decomposition and design permit a mapping of the code on the available cores. In addition, the use of data parallelism on SIMD machines can give good performance when simple vector instructions such as add and shift operations are used. Since these instructions are present also in hardware implementations the migration can be easily performed. We tested our approach on a Sony PlayStation 3 game console equipped with IBM Cell Broadband Engine processor

    Design and evaluation of an educational platform for implementing and testing bilateral control algorithms

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    This paper describes the design and evaluation of a new platform created in order to improve the learning experience of bilateral control algorithms in teleoperation. This experimental platform, developed at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, is used by the students of the Master on Automation and Robotics in the practices of the subject called “Telerobotics and Teleoperation”. The main objective is to easily implement different control architectures in the developed platform and evaluate them under different conditions to better understand the main advantages and drawbacks of each control scheme. So, the student’s tasks are focused on adjusting the control parameters of the predefined controllers and designing new ones to analyze the changes in the behavior of the whole system. A description of the subject, main topics and the platform constructed are detailed in the paper. Furthermore, the methodology followed in the practices and the bilateral control algorithms are presented. Finally, the results obtained in the experiments with students are also shown

    Wavelet packet transform-based compression for teleoperation

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    This paper introduces a codec scheme for compressing the control and feedback signals in networked control and teleoperation systems. The method makes use of Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and Inverse Wavelet Packet Transform (IWPT) for coding and decoding operations, respectively. Data compression is carried out in low-pass filter output by reducing the sampling rate, and in high-pass filter output by truncating the wavelet coefficients. The proposed codec works on both directions of signal transmission between a master robot and a slave robot over a networked motion control architecture. Following the formulation of the compression/decompression methodology, experimental validation is conducted on a single-degree-of-freedom motion control system. In the experiments, responses from different Wavelet structures are analyzed and a comparative study is carried out considering the factors of compression rate, reconstruction power error and real-time computational complexity. It is confirmed that the controller using the proposed compression algorithm performs very close to the uncompressed one while enabling transmission of much less data over the network

    FPGA based time domain Passivity Observer and Passivity Controller

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    A field programmable gate array based modular motion control platform

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    The expectations from motion control systems have been rising day by day. As the systems become more complex, conventional motion control systems can not achieve to meet all the specifications with optimized results. This creates the necessity of fundamental changes in the infrastructure of the system. Field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology enables the reconfiguration of the digital hardware, thus dissolving the necessity of infrastructural changes for minor manipulations in the hardware even if the system is deployed. An FPGA based hardware system shrinks the size of the hardware hence the cost. FPGAs also provide better power ratings for the systems as well as a more reliable system with improved performance. As a trade off, the development is rather more difficult than software based systems, which also affects the research and development time of the overall system. In this paper a level of abstraction is introduced in order to diminish the requirement of advanced hardware description language (HDL) knowledge for implementing motion control systems thoroughly on an FPGA. The intellectual property library consists of synthesizable hardware modules specifically implemented for motion control purposes. Other parts of a motion control system, like user interface and trajectory generation, are implemented as software functions in order to protect the modularity of the system. There are also several external hardware designs for interfacing and driving various types of actuators