21 research outputs found

    FPGA Implementation of Higher Order FIR Filter

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    The digital Finite-Impulse-Response (FIR) filters are mainly employed in digital signal processing applications. The main components of digital FIR filters designed on FPGAs are the register bank to save the samples of signals, adder to implement sum operations and multiplier for multiplication of filter coefficients to signal samples. Although, design and implementation of digital FIR filters seem simple but the design bottleneck is multiplier block for speed, power consumption and FPGA chip area occupation. The multipliers are an integral part in FIR structures and these use a large part of the chip area. This limits the number of processing elements (PE) available on the chip to realize a higher order of filter. A model is developed in the Matlab/Simulink environment to investigate the performance of the desired higher order FIR filter. An equivalent FIR filter representation is designed by the Xilinx FIR Compiler by using the exported FIR filter coefficients. The Xilinx implementation flow is completed with the help of Xilinx ISE 14.5. It is observed how the use of higher order FIR filter impacts the resource utilization of the FPGA and it’s the maximum operating frequency

    Error Analysis of CORDIC Processor with FPGA Implementation

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    The coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) is a shift-add based fast computing algorithm which has been found in many digital signal processing (DSP) applications. In this paper, a detailed error analysis based on mean square error criteria and its implementation on FPGA is presented. Two considered error sources are an angle approximation error and a quantization error due to finite word length in fixed-point number system. The error bound and variance are discussed in theory. The CORDIC algorithm is implemented on FPGA using the Xilinx Zynq-7000 development board called ZedBoard. Those results of theoretical error analysis are practically investigated by implementing it on actual FPGA board. In addition, Matlab is used to provide theoretical value as a baseline model by being set up in double-precision floating-point to compare it with the practical value of errors on FPGA implementation.Comment: 5 pages, 7 Figure

    FIR filter optimization for video processing on FPGAs

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    A multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital signal processing (DSP) systems. Typical DSP applications where a multiplier plays an important role include digital filtering, digital communications and spectral analysis (Ayman.A et al (2001)). Many current DSP applications are targeted at portable, battery-operated systems, so that power dissipation becomes one of the primary design constraints. Since multipliers are rather complex circuits and must typically operate at a high system clock rate, reducing the delay of a multiplier is an essential part of satisfying the overall design. In this project two different multipliers are designed which are array multiplier and modified dada multiplier along with the combination of truncated multiplier. The comparison is carried out using the EDA tool XILINX ISE 12.3i by developing the RTL (Register Transfer Level) using the VERILOG HDL

    A Project-based Approach to FPGA-aided Teaching of Digital Systems

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    This article shares experience and lessons learned in teaching course on programmable logic design at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia This course is part of bachelor of engineering (electrical) degree program. Project- based approach is chosen to strengthen these students’ un- derstanding and practical skills. Each year’s project involves challenges for the students to solve by implementing digital system on an FPGA design board. Here, background and curriculum context of the course will be presented. The projects and their challenges will be discussed. Finally, lessons learned and future improvement on the student projects will be discussed. Index Terms—project-based learning, field programmable gate arrays, education, programmable logic design, hardware design languages, laboratories    


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    : A multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital signal processing (DSP) systems. Typical DSP applications where a multiplier plays an important role include digital filtering, digital communications and spectral analysis (Ayman.A et al (2001)). Many current DSP applications are targeted at portable, battery-operated systems, so that power dissipation becomes one of the primary design constraints. Since multipliers are rather complex circuits and must typically operate at a high system clock rate, reducing the delay of a multiplier is an essential part of satisfying the overall design. In this project a multiplier block has been designed through the algorithmic noise tolerance architectures (ANT) by using Wallace multiplier. A reliable low power multiplier design with the fixed width multiplier block through the reduced precision replica redundancy (RPR) and main block design with Wallace multiplier . The new architecture can meet the high accuracy, low power consumption and area efficiency when compared with previous multiplier circuit

    Automatisoitu vuo suodinten laitteistokuvauksen tuottamiseen

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    Digitaalisia suotimia käytetään signaalien käsittelyyn monilla eri tekniikan alueilla, kuten telekommunikaatiossa, kuvankäsittelyssä ja lääketieteellisissä laitteissa. Ne ovat niin yleisiä, että insinöörit käyttävät paljon aikaa ja resursseja niiden toteuttamiseen ja verifioimiseen. Koska yleisimpien suotimien rakenne on melko yksinkertainen, niiden luominen voidaan automatisoida generaattorin avulla. Tässä diplomityössä Nokia Networksin vaatimukset kartoitetaan automatisoidun suodinten laitteistokuvauksen tuottamisvuon kehittämiseksi. Erilaisia tuottamismenetelmiä vertaillaan, mutta lopulta päädytään kehittämään oma generaattori. Se luo suotimia yhdistelemällä osia käsinkirjoitetusta RTL:stä. Lopputuloksena on automatisoitu vuo, joka tukee vakiokertoimilla varustettuja, yhden tai useamman kanavan FIR-suotimia. Käyttäjän tulee syöttää kertoimet ja haluttu datanleveys Matlab-skriptiin. Ajettaessa skripti luo suotimen ja verifioi sen. Vuo tukee sekä ASIC- että FPGA-teknologioita.Digital filters are used to process signals in many fields like telecommunications, image processing and in medical equipment. They are so omnipresent that engineers are building and verifying those all the time, using a lot of resources. As the structure of a basic filter is quite simple, savings could be made by automatizing the creation of filters. In this Thesis the requirements of Nokia Networks are analyzed to build an automatized filter generation flow. Different tools are evaluated, but finally a custom generator is built. It crafts filters from pieces of hand-written RTL. The end result is an automated flow which supports single and multichannel FIR filters with constant coefficients. The user has to input the coefficients to a Matlab script with the desired data widths. The filter is then generated and verified by running the script. The flow supports both ASIC and FPGA technologies

    Real-time DSP-enabled digital subcarrier cross-connect (DSXC) for optical communication networks

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    Elastic optical networking (EON) is intended to offer flexible channel wavelength granularity to meet the requirement of high spectral efficiency (SE) in today’s optical networks. However, optical cross-connects (OXC) and switches based on optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) are not flexible enough due to the coarse bandwidth granularity imposed by optical filtering. Thus, OXC may not meet the requirements of many applications which require finer bandwidth granularities than that carried by an entire wavelength channel. In order to achieve highly flexible and fine enough bandwidth granularities, electrical digital subcarrier cross-connect (DSXC) can be utilized in EON. As presented in this dissertation, my research work focuses on the investigation and implementation of real-time digital signal processing (DSP) enabled DSXC which can dynamically assign both bandwidth and power to each individual sub-wavelength channel, known as subcarrier. This DSXC is based on digital subcarrier multiplexing (DSCM), which is a frequency division multiplexing (FDM) technique that multiplexes a large number of digitally created subcarriers on each optical wavelength. Compared with OXC based on optical WDM, DSXC based on DSCM has much finer bandwidth granularities and flexibilities for dynamic bandwidth allocation. Based on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware platform, we have designed and implemented a real-time DSP-enabled DSXC which uses Nyquist FDM as the multiplexing scheme. For the first time, we demonstrated real-time DSP enabled real-time DSXC which uses resampling filters for channel selection and frequency translation. This circuit-based DSXC supports flexible and fine data-rate subcarrier channel granularities, offering a low latency data plane, transparency to modulation formats, and the capability of compensating transmission impairments in the digital domain. The experimentally demonstrated 8×8 DSXC makes use of a Virtex-7 FPGA platform, which supports any-to-any switching of eight subcarrier channels with mixed modulation formats and data rates. Digital resampling filters, which enable frequency selections and translations of multiple subcarrier channels, have much lower DSP complexity and reduced FPGA resources requirements (DSP slices used in FPGA) in comparison to the traditional technique based on I/Q mixing and filtering. We have also investigated the feasibility of using distributed arithmetic (DA) for real-time DSXC to completely eliminate the usage of DSP slices in FPGA implementation. For the first time, we experimentally demonstrated the implementation of real-time frequency translation and channel selection based on the DA architecture in the same FPGA platform. Compared with resampling filters that leverage multipliers, the DA-based approach eliminates the need of DSP slices in the FPGA implementation and significantly reduces the hardware cost. In addition, with a processing latency that equals to a few clock cycles, a DA-based resampling filter is significantly faster when compared to a conventional direct-structured FIR filter whose overall latency is proportional to the filter order. The DA-based DSXC is, therefore, able to achieve not only the improved spectral efficiency, programmability of multiple orthogonal subcarrier channels, and low hardware resources requirements, but also much reduced cross-connect switching latency when implemented in a real-time DSP hardware platform. This reduced latency can be critically important for time-sensitive applications such as 5G mobile fronthaul, cloud radio access network (C-RAN), cloud-based robot control, tele-surgery and network gaming