10 research outputs found

    First-order belief and paraconsistency

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    A first-order logic of belief with identity is proposed, primarily to give an account of possible de re contradictory beliefs, which sometimes occur as consequences of de dicto non-contradictory beliefs. A model has two separate, though interconnected domains: the domain of objects and the domain of appearances. The satisfaction of atomic formulas is defined by a particular S-accessibility relation between worlds. Identity is non-classical, and is conceived as an equivalence relation having the classical identity relation as a subset. A tableau system with labels, signs, and suffixes is defined, extending the basic language LQB by quasiformulas (to express the denotations of predicates). The proposed logical system is paraconsistent since φ ∧ ÂŹÏ† does not “explode” with arbitrary syntactic consequences

    In what sense is Kantian principle of contradiction non-classical?

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    On the ground of Kant’s reformulation of the principle of contradiction, a non-classical logic KC and its extension KC+ are constructed. In KC and KC+, ÂŹ(φ ∧ ÂŹÏ†),φ → (ÂŹÏ† → ψ), and φ √ ÂŹÏ† are not valid due to specific changes in the meaning of connectives and quantifiers, although there is the explosion of derivable consequences from {φ,ÂŹÏ†} (the deduction theorem lacking). KC and KC+ are interpreted as fragments of an S5-based first-order modal logic M. The quantification in M is combined with a “subject abstraction” device, which excepts predicate letters from the scope of modal operators. Derivability is defined by an appropriate labeled tableau system rules. Informally, KC is mainly ontologically motivated (in contrast, for example, to Jaƛkowski’s discussive logic), relativizing state of affairs with respect to conditions such as time

    Reinterpreting Rigidity : Rigid and Non-Rigid Reference of Proper Names in Alethic, Doxastic, and Mixed Contexts

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    Työni tarkastelee erisnimien asemaa mahdollisuuksien ja uskomuslauseiden konteksteissa. Sen lĂ€htökohtana on nykyisin yleisesti hyvĂ€ksytty teoria, jonka mukaan nimet ovat “jĂ€ykkiĂ€â€ aleettisten tai metafyysisten mahdollisuuksien suhteen. Mahdollisten maailmojen semantiikan kehyksessĂ€ tĂ€mĂ€ tarkoittaa sitĂ€, ettĂ€ nimi viittaa samaan olioon jokaisessa mahdollisessa maailmassa. JĂ€ykkyys on usein kĂ€sitetty erisnimien semanttiseksi ominaisuudeksi, mikĂ€ on tuottanut uusia ongelmia konteksteissa, joissa nimet eivĂ€t kĂ€yttĂ€ydy odotusten mukaan. Tunnetuimpia esimerkkejĂ€ ovat propositionaaliset asenteet kuten uskomuslauseet. Tarkoituksenani on nĂ€yttÀÀ, ettĂ€ oletus jĂ€ykkyydestĂ€ nimien semanttisena ominaisuutena johtaa hajanaisuuteen, jossa poikkeamia on kĂ€siteltĂ€vĂ€ tarpeettoman monimutkaisilla teorioilla, jotka voivat erkaantua vahvastikin aleettisen logiikan mallien yksinkertaisuudesta. Sen sijaan jĂ€ykkyyden nĂ€keminen modaalisten kontekstien ominaisuutena mahdollistaa propositionaalisten asenteiden ja aleettisten modaalisuuksien yhtenĂ€isemmĂ€n kĂ€sittelyn. Argumenttini jakautuu kahteen osaan: negatiiviseen teesiin, jonka tarkoitus on osoittaa, ettĂ€ teoria jĂ€ykkyydestĂ€ nimien semanttisena ominaisuutena on ristiriidassa monien luonnollisen kielen ilmiöiden kanssa, sekĂ€ positiiviseen teesiin siitĂ€, miten erisnimiĂ€ voidaan kohdella yhtenevĂ€sti useissa epĂ€suorissa konteksteissa. Vastaesimerkkini keskittyvĂ€t erityisesti yksinkertaisiin luonnollisen kielen lauseisiin, joissa filosofit kuten Saul Kripke ja Scott Soames ovat vĂ€ittĂ€neet nimien esiintyvĂ€n jĂ€ykkinĂ€, sekĂ€ erisnimien “demonstratiiviseen” ja “attributiiviseen” kĂ€yttöön. Oman teesini kehyksenĂ€ on Kathrin GlĂŒerin ja Peter Paginin suhteellisten modaliteettien (relational modalities) semantiikka, joka mahdollistaa kaksitasoisen (aktuaalisen tai mahdollisen) evaluoinnin erisnimille. TĂ€mĂ€ semantiikka on uskomuslauseille tietyssĂ€ mielessĂ€ alimÀÀrittynyt: nimien jĂ€ykkyys yksinomaan uskomuskonteksteissa voidaan mÀÀrittÀÀ kvanttorien avulla, mutta vain puhujan intentio mÀÀrittÀÀ oikean tulkinnan. TĂ€ydennĂ€n puhujan intention roolia soveltamalla Jaakko Hintikan individuoinnin teoriaa. Hintikan mukaan nimet eivĂ€t voi suoraan viitata jĂ€ykĂ€sti: puhujan on kyettĂ€vĂ€ ensin jossain viitekehyksessĂ€ tunnistamaan se henkilö tai asia, josta hĂ€n puhuu. Nimen referentti on siis tietyssĂ€ mielessĂ€ tunnettava. Toisin kuin Hintikka, rajaan individuoinnin roolin vain propositionaalisiin asenteisiin tai muihin puhujan suhteen subjektiivisiin konteksteihin. Sen tarkoitus on tarjota pragmaattinen metodi suhteellisten modaliteettien mallien rinnalle tĂ€ydentĂ€mÀÀn erisnimien semanttista alimÀÀrittyneisyyttĂ€ uskomuslauseiden sekĂ€ muiden propositionaalisten asenteiden yhteydessĂ€

    Intensional Cyberforensics

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    This work focuses on the application of intensional logic to cyberforensic analysis and its benefits and difficulties are compared with the finite-state-automata approach. This work extends the use of the intensional programming paradigm to the modeling and implementation of a cyberforensics investigation process with backtracing of event reconstruction, in which evidence is modeled by multidimensional hierarchical contexts, and proofs or disproofs of claims are undertaken in an eductive manner of evaluation. This approach is a practical, context-aware improvement over the finite state automata (FSA) approach we have seen in previous work. As a base implementation language model, we use in this approach a new dialect of the Lucid programming language, called Forensic Lucid, and we focus on defining hierarchical contexts based on intensional logic for the distributed evaluation of cyberforensic expressions. We also augment the work with credibility factors surrounding digital evidence and witness accounts, which have not been previously modeled. The Forensic Lucid programming language, used for this intensional cyberforensic analysis, formally presented through its syntax and operational semantics. In large part, the language is based on its predecessor and codecessor Lucid dialects, such as GIPL, Indexical Lucid, Lucx, Objective Lucid, and JOOIP bound by the underlying intensional programming paradigm.Comment: 412 pages, 94 figures, 18 tables, 19 algorithms and listings; PhD thesis; v2 corrects some typos and refs; also available on Spectrum at http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/977460


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    Ovaj doktorski rad sastoji se od dva glavna dijela. Prvi se dio bavi pitanjem ĆĄto sustava čine funkcije u razgranatoj teoriji tipova Bertranda Russella, kako ju je izloĆŸio u ïŹlozoïŹjskome uvodu prvoga izdanja Principia Mathematica.U tome se dijelu rada brani eliminativističko tumačenje i pokuĆĄava pokazati da Russell sam stavačne funkcije u Principia razumije samo kao izraze, kao tzv. nepotpune simbole, koji ne označavaju nikakve izvanjezične predmete poput pojmova ili atributa.This doctoral thesis consists of two main sections. The ïŹrst section addresses the background ontology of Bertrand Russell’s ramiïŹed type theory as described in Principia Mathematica. More precisely, it deals with the question of the ontological status of propositional functions. The concept of a propositional function is one of the central concepts of Russell’s theory of types, both in the ïŹrst draft of the theory in “Appendix B” of The Principles of Mathematics andinitsmatureformulationintheïŹrsteditionofPrincipia.However,howtounderstandwhat Russell meant by “propositional functions” remains controversial. What are propositional functions? Are they some sort of intensional abstract entities, like properties and relations, or just expressionsofthelanguageoftypetheory,i.e.openformulas?Aneliminativistinterpretationis proposedandclaimedthatRussell’spropositionalfunctionsaretobeunderstoodonlyasexpressions,astheso-called“incompletesymbols”,whichdonotdenoteanyextra-linguisticobjects, such as attributes, whether in realist or constructivist sense. It is argued that the ramiïŹed type theory of Principia should not be understood as an abandonment of Russell’s earlier substitutional theory, but rather as its continuation. The ramiïŹed type hierarchy is a consequence of Russell’s belief that the paradoxes of propositions that plagued the substitutional theory can only be avoided by some kind of a type differentiation of propositions. On the other hand, the elimination of propositional functions (as well as propositions) from the ontology of Principia is a consequence of Russell’s conception of logic as universal science, which must contain only one type of genuine variables – viz., completely unrestricted entity variables, with everything that exists as their values. The doctrine of the unrestricted variable has been formulated by Russell in The Principles of Mathematics and is an inseparable part of his understanding of logic. The theory of denoting phrases he developed in “On Denoting” provided the tool for the elimination of higher-order entities from the background ontology of his logic. This way, Russell managed to retain a complex type hierarchy of expressions needed to avoid the paradoxes and at the same time preserve the doctrine of the unrestricted variable. At the end of the ïŹrst section, certain advantages of rejecting the doctrine of the unrestricted variable and Russell’s understanding of propositional functions as incomplete symbols are recognized, and suggested that the interpretation of the ramiïŹed hierarchy as an ontological hierarchy of concepts might be philosophically justiïŹed. Inthesecondsection,aformalsystemofcumulativeintensionalramiïŹedtypetheory(KIRTT) is presented, guided by a realist interpretation of a ramiïŹed type hierarchy and with semantics based on an intensional generalization of Henkin models. The aim was to formalize certain metaphysical intuitions concerning the nature of intensional entities and to sketch one possible formal theory of concept


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    Ovaj doktorski rad sastoji se od dva glavna dijela. Prvi se dio bavi pitanjem ĆĄto sustava čine funkcije u razgranatoj teoriji tipova Bertranda Russella, kako ju je izloĆŸio u ïŹlozoïŹjskome uvodu prvoga izdanja Principia Mathematica.U tome se dijelu rada brani eliminativističko tumačenje i pokuĆĄava pokazati da Russell sam stavačne funkcije u Principia razumije samo kao izraze, kao tzv. nepotpune simbole, koji ne označavaju nikakve izvanjezične predmete poput pojmova ili atributa.This doctoral thesis consists of two main sections. The ïŹrst section addresses the background ontology of Bertrand Russell’s ramiïŹed type theory as described in Principia Mathematica. More precisely, it deals with the question of the ontological status of propositional functions. The concept of a propositional function is one of the central concepts of Russell’s theory of types, both in the ïŹrst draft of the theory in “Appendix B” of The Principles of Mathematics andinitsmatureformulationintheïŹrsteditionofPrincipia.However,howtounderstandwhat Russell meant by “propositional functions” remains controversial. What are propositional functions? Are they some sort of intensional abstract entities, like properties and relations, or just expressionsofthelanguageoftypetheory,i.e.openformulas?Aneliminativistinterpretationis proposedandclaimedthatRussell’spropositionalfunctionsaretobeunderstoodonlyasexpressions,astheso-called“incompletesymbols”,whichdonotdenoteanyextra-linguisticobjects, such as attributes, whether in realist or constructivist sense. It is argued that the ramiïŹed type theory of Principia should not be understood as an abandonment of Russell’s earlier substitutional theory, but rather as its continuation. The ramiïŹed type hierarchy is a consequence of Russell’s belief that the paradoxes of propositions that plagued the substitutional theory can only be avoided by some kind of a type differentiation of propositions. On the other hand, the elimination of propositional functions (as well as propositions) from the ontology of Principia is a consequence of Russell’s conception of logic as universal science, which must contain only one type of genuine variables – viz., completely unrestricted entity variables, with everything that exists as their values. The doctrine of the unrestricted variable has been formulated by Russell in The Principles of Mathematics and is an inseparable part of his understanding of logic. The theory of denoting phrases he developed in “On Denoting” provided the tool for the elimination of higher-order entities from the background ontology of his logic. This way, Russell managed to retain a complex type hierarchy of expressions needed to avoid the paradoxes and at the same time preserve the doctrine of the unrestricted variable. At the end of the ïŹrst section, certain advantages of rejecting the doctrine of the unrestricted variable and Russell’s understanding of propositional functions as incomplete symbols are recognized, and suggested that the interpretation of the ramiïŹed hierarchy as an ontological hierarchy of concepts might be philosophically justiïŹed. Inthesecondsection,aformalsystemofcumulativeintensionalramiïŹedtypetheory(KIRTT) is presented, guided by a realist interpretation of a ramiïŹed type hierarchy and with semantics based on an intensional generalization of Henkin models. The aim was to formalize certain metaphysical intuitions concerning the nature of intensional entities and to sketch one possible formal theory of concept

    ExtensĂ”es de primeira ordem para a lĂłgica do anĂșncio pĂșblico

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e CiĂȘncias Humanas, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Filosofia, FlorianĂłpolis, 2015.Dentre as lĂłgicas multimodais, a lĂłgica epistĂȘmica dinĂąmica foi desenvolvida para modelar as mudanças de estados epistĂȘmicos em grupos de agentes. Inspirada em recursos da lĂłgica dinĂąmica (concebida para lidar com programas computacionais), aquela lĂłgica permite representar a prĂłpria transição entre estados epistĂȘmicos, tanto individuais como grupais, dos agentes considerados. Essa transição pode ser devida a diferentes açÔes epistĂȘmicas (p.ex., o compartilhamento de uma informação com uma pessoa ou grupo em privado). A versĂŁo mais simples (e inicial) dessa lĂłgica ficou conhecida como lĂłgica do anĂșncio pĂșblico, que considera apenas um tipo de ação epistĂȘmica: a divulgação pĂșblica e simultĂąnea de uma informação para todos os agentes. Essa divulgação Ă© referida genericamente como "anĂșncio pĂșblico"; porĂ©m, nĂŁo precisa consistir, a rigor, em um anĂșncio tĂ­pico, podendo ser um evento percebido simultaneamente por todos os agentes, contanto que cada agente saiba que todos os agentes estĂŁo acessando essa informação juntos, e que todos saibam desse mesmo fato, etc. A lĂłgica do anĂșncio pĂșblico apresenta pelo menos duas especificidades, nĂŁo necessariamente preservadas por suas extensĂ”es que incluam outras açÔes epistĂȘmicas: trata-se de uma lĂłgica funcional (quando um anĂșncio for exequĂ­vel, haverĂĄ somente uma maneira de fazĂȘ-lo) e dispensa o emprego de definiçÔes e provas por dupla indução (nĂŁo hĂĄ necessidade de se definir fĂłrmulas e açÔes como duas categorias distintas e mutuamente dependentes de expressĂ”es da linguagem). Alguns trabalhos foram publicados sobre essa lĂłgica, explorando diferentes axiomatizaçÔes, tratamentos semĂąnticos e extensĂ”es; entretanto, quase todos se dedicam exclusivamente ao nĂ­vel proposicional. Em nossa pesquisa bibliogrĂĄfica, encontramos somente um artigo que desenvolve satisfatoriamente uma versĂŁo de primeira ordem para a lĂłgica do anĂșncio pĂșblico (KISHIDA, K. Public announcements under sheaves. In: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, p. 96-108, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-39930-5). Contudo, apesar da extrema sofisticação e elevado rigor tĂ©cnico encontrados naquele trabalho, seu tratamento considera linguagens com anĂșncios pĂșblicos contendo somente fĂłrmulas fechadas (sentenças), bem como um Ășnico agente epistĂȘmico. AlĂ©m disso, sua semĂąntica, uma combinação de semĂąntica de vizinhanças com semĂąntica de feixes, motivada por um interesse filosĂłfico bem especĂ­fico (a interpretação intuitiva do operador epistĂȘmico usual como representando conhecimento verificĂĄvel), pode ser vista como desnecessariamente complicada se estamos interessados em uma interpretação standard para aquele operador, alĂ©m de comprometer-se com uma perspectiva (um tanto polĂȘmica) de contrapartes individuais, segundo a qual o mesmo objeto do domĂ­nio de interpretação nĂŁo pode estar associado a mais de um ponto no modelo. Nossa contribuição propĂ”e duas famĂ­lias, por assim dizer, de extensĂ”es de primeira ordem para a lĂłgica do anĂșncio pĂșblico, para quaisquer conjuntos finitos nĂŁo-vazios de agentes epistĂȘmicos e para anĂșncios contendo quaisquer fĂłrmulas de suas respectivas linguagens. Os sistemas da primeira famĂ­lia estendem os correspondentes sistemas epistĂȘmicos estĂĄticos, providos com os usuais operadores epistĂȘmicos para agentes individuais; e os da segunda fazem o mesmo com seus correspondentes sistemas estĂĄticos, os quais, alĂ©m de operadores epistĂȘmicos individuais, adotam operadores de conhecimento distribuĂ­do em grupos de agentes. AlĂ©m disso, nosso framework Ă© o tradicional (modelos relacionais), o que simplifica consideravelmente o tratamento do assunto e nĂŁo se compromete com indivĂ­duos world-bounded. Antes de construir aquelas extensĂ”es dinĂąmicas, dedicamos alguns capĂ­tulos ao estudo dos vĂĄrios sistemas epistĂȘmicos estĂĄticos que servirĂŁo como lĂłgicas de base para nossa lĂłgica do anĂșncio pĂșblico, inclusive detalhando sistemas epistĂȘmicos com conhecimento distribuĂ­do, e mostramos a completude em cada caso. Em se tratando de lĂłgica epistĂȘmica de primeira ordem, tambĂ©m fazemos brevemente uma defesa filosĂłfica do emprego de quantificadores atualistas na lĂłgica modal, com curiosos resultados relacionados com os esquemas conhecidos como FĂłrmula de Barcan e sua recĂ­proca.Abstract : Among multimodal logics, Dynamic Epistemic Logic has been developed for modelling changes in epistemic states for groups of agents. Inspired by resources from Dynamic Logic (designed for dealing with computational programs), Dynamic Epistemic Logic manages to represent the very transition between epistemic states, either individual or collective, involving relevant agents. That transition might be caused by several epistemic actions (ex., sharing privately an information with a person or group). The simplest (and earliest) version for that logic became known as Public Announcement Logic, which considers a single type of epistemic action: a public and simultaneous disclosure of an information for all agents. This disclosure is generically referred as a "public announcement"; however, it doesn't have to be a typical announcement, and it might be an event, provided that this event be simultaneously realized by every agent, and that each agent knows that everybody is accessing that information together, and that everyone know this later fact, etc. Public Announcement Logic displays at least two peculiarities, not necessarily shared with its extensions including other epistemic actions: it's a functional logic (meaning that, when an announcement is feasible, there should be a unique way of doing it), and it dispenses with definitions and proofs based on double induction (i.e, there's no need for defining formulas and actions as two distinct and mutually dependent categories of language expressions). Some results have been published on this logic, exploring different axiomatizations, semantic treatments and extensions; however, almost all of them deal exclusively with propositional level. In our bibliographical survey, we found a single paper with a satisfactory study on first-order Public Announcement Logic (KISHIDA, K. Public announcements under sheaves. In: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, p. 96-108, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-39930-5). Nevertheless, in spite of its extreme refinement and high technical rigor, its approach is restricted to single-agent languages where announcements contain only closed formulas (sentences). Besides, its semantics, a combination of neighborhood semantics with sheaf semantics, motivated by a peculiar philosophical interest (the intuitive interpretation of the usual epistemic operator as representing verifiable knowledge), might be seen as unnecessarily complicated, especially if we are interested in the standard interpretation for that operator, and it forcibly commits itself with the (somewhat controversial) perspective of individual counterparts, according to which the same object in the interpretation domain must be uniquely associated to a point in the model. Our contribution provides two families, so to speak, of first-order extensions for Public Announcement Logic, for any non-empty finite sets of agents, as well as for announcements containing any formulas from their respective languages. The systems in the first family extend their correspondent static epistemic systems, containing the usual epistemic operators for individual agents; and the systems in the second one, do the same with their correspondent static systems, which, beside individual epistemic operators, include operators for distributed knowledge in groups of agents. Moreover, our framework is traditional (relational models), which considerably simplifies the approach and doesn't commit itself to world-bounded individuals. Before presenting those dynamic extensions, we dedicate a few chapters to the study of those static epistemic systems which shall be the basis for our Public Announcement Logic, also detailing some epistemic systems with distributed knowledge, and we prove completeness for each case. Concerning first-order epistemic logic, we additionally make a brief philosophical defense for actualist quantification in modal logic, with interesting results related to the schemes known as Barcan Formula and its converse

    Intensional Cyberforensics

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    This work focuses on the application of intensional logic to cyberforensic analysis and its benefits and difficulties are compared with the finite-state-automata approach. This work extends the use of the intensional programming paradigm to the modeling and implementation of a cyberforensics investigation process with backtracing of event reconstruction, in which evidence is modeled by multidimensional hierarchical contexts, and proofs or disproofs of claims are undertaken in an eductive manner of evaluation. This approach is a practical, context-aware improvement over the finite state automata (FSA) approach we have seen in previous work. As a base implementation language model, we use in this approach a new dialect of the Lucid programming language, called Forensic Lucid, and we focus on defining hierarchical contexts based on intensional logic for the distributed evaluation of cyberforensic expressions. We also augment the work with credibility factors surrounding digital evidence and witness accounts, which have not been previously modeled. The Forensic Lucid programming language, used for this intensional cyberforensic analysis, formally presented through its syntax and operational semantics. In large part, the language is based on its predecessor and codecessor Lucid dialects, such as GIPL, Indexical Lucid, Lucx, Objective Lucid, MARFL, and JOOIP bound by the underlying intensional programming paradigm

    FOIL Axiomatized

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    In an earlier paper, [5], I gave semantics and tableau rules for a simple first-order intensional logic called FOIL, in which both objects and intensions are explicitly present and can be quantified over. Intensions, being non-rigid, are represented in FOIL as (partial) functions from states to objects. Scoping machinery, predicate abstraction, is present to disambiguate sentences like that asserting the necessary identity of the morning and the evening star, which is true in one sense and not true in another. In this paper I address the problem of axiomatizing FOIL. I begin with an interesting sublogic with predicate abstraction and equality but no quantifiers. In [2] this sublogic was shown to be undecidable if the underlying modal logic was at least K4, though it is decidable in other cases. The axiomatization given is shown to be complete for standard logics without a symmetry condition. The general situation is not known. After this an axiomatization for the full FOIL is given, which is straightforward after one makes a change in the point of view.