11 research outputs found

    Towards quantifiable boundaries for elastic horizontal scaling of microservices

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    One of the most useful features of a microservices architecture is its versatility to scale horizontally. However, not all services scale in or out uniformly. The performance of an application composed of microservices depends largely on a suitable combination of replica count and resource capacity. In practice, this implies limitations to the efficiency of autoscalers which often overscale based on an isolated consideration of single service metrics. Consequently, application providers pay more than necessary despite zero gain in overall performance. Solving this issue requires an application-specific determination of scaling limits due to the general infeasibility of an application-agnostic solution. In this paper, we study microservices scalability, the auto-scaling of containers as microservice implementations and the relation between the number of replicas and the resulting application task performance. We contribute a replica count determination solution with a mathematical approach. Furthermore, we offer a calibration software tool which places scalability boundaries into declarative composition descriptions of applications ready to be consumed by cloud platforms

    Hierarchical hybrid logic

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    We introduce HHL, a hierarchical variant of hybrid logic. We study first order correspondence results and prove a Hennessy-Milner like theorem relating (hierarchical) bisimulation and modal equivalence for HHL. Combining hierarchical transition structures with the ability to refer to specific states at different levels, this logic seems suitable to express and verify properties of hierarchical transition systems, a pervasive semantic structure in Computer Science.ERDF European Regional Development Fund, through the COMPETE Programme, and by National Funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - within projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016692 and UID/MAT/04106/2013, as well by project “SmartEGOV: Harnessing EGOV for Smart Governance (Foundations, Methods, Tools) / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000037”, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement. A. Madeira and R. Neves are further supported by the FCT individual grants SFRH/BPD/103004/2014 and SFRH/BD/52234/201

    Verifying parameterized timed security protocols

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    Quantitative timing is often explicitly used in systems for better security, e.g., the credentials for automatic website logon often has limited lifetime. Verifying timing relevant security protocols in these systems is very challenging as timing adds another dimension of complexity compared with the untimed protocol verification. In our previous work, we proposed an approach to check the correctness of the timed authentication in security protocols with fixed timing constraints. However, a more difficult question persists, i.e., given a particular protocol design, whether the protocol has security flaws in its design or it can be configured secure with proper parameter values? In this work, we answer this question by proposing a parameterized verification framework, where the quantitative parameters in the protocols can be intuitively specified as well as automatically analyzed. Given a security protocol, our verification algorithm either produces the secure constraints of the parameters, or constructs an attack that works for any parameter values. The correctness of our algorithm is formally proved. We implement our method into a tool called PTAuth and evaluate it with several security protocols. Using PTAuth, we have successfully found a timing attack in Kerberos V which is unreported before.No Full Tex

    Coalgebra for the working software engineer

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    Often referred to as ‘the mathematics of dynamical, state-based systems’, Coalgebra claims to provide a compositional and uniform framework to spec ify, analyse and reason about state and behaviour in computing. This paper addresses this claim by discussing why Coalgebra matters for the design of models and logics for computational phenomena. To a great extent, in this domain one is interested in properties that are preserved along the system’s evolution, the so-called ‘business rules’ or system’s invariants, as well as in liveness requirements, stating that e.g. some desirable outcome will be eventually produced. Both classes are examples of modal assertions, i.e. properties that are to be interpreted across a transition system capturing the system’s dynamics. The relevance of modal reasoning in computing is witnessed by the fact that most university syllabi in the area include some incursion into modal logic, in particular in its temporal variants. The novelty is that, as it happens with the notions of transition, behaviour, or observational equivalence, modalities in Coalgebra acquire a shape . That is, they become parametric on whatever type of behaviour, and corresponding coinduction scheme, seems appropriate for addressing the problem at hand. In this context, the paper revisits Coalgebra from a computational perspective, focussing on three topics central to software design: how systems are modelled, how models are composed, and finally, how properties of their behaviours can be expressed and verified.Fuzziness, as a way to express imprecision, or uncertainty, in computation is an important feature in a number of current application scenarios: from hybrid systems interfacing with sensor networks with error boundaries, to knowledge bases collecting data from often non-coincident human experts. Their abstraction in e.g. fuzzy transition systems led to a number of mathematical structures to model this sort of systems and reason about them. This paper adds two more elements to this family: two modal logics, framed as institutions, to reason about fuzzy transition systems and the corresponding processes. This paves the way to the development, in the second part of the paper, of an associated theory of structured specification for fuzzy computational systems

    Convergent types for shared memory

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Computer ScienceIt is well-known that consistency in shared memory concurrent programming comes with the price of degrading performance and scalability. Some of the existing solutions to this problem end up with high-level complexity and are not programmer friendly. We present a simple and well-defined approach to obtain relevant results for shared memory environments through relaxing synchronization. For that, we will look into Mergeable Data Types, data structures analogous to Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types but designed to perform in shared memory. CRDTs were the first formal approach engaging a solid theoretical study about eventual consistency on distributed systems, answering the CAP Theorem problem and providing high-availability. With CRDTs, updates are unsynchronized, and replicas eventually converge to a correct common state. However, CRDTs are not designed to perform in shared memory. In large-scale distributed systems the merge cost is negligible when compared to network mediated synchronization. Therefore, we have migrated the concept by developing the already existent Mergeable Data Types through formally defining a programming model that we named Global-Local View. Furthermore, we have created a portfolio of MDTs and demonstrated that in the appropriated scenarios we can largely benefit from the model.É bem sabido que para garantir coerência em programas concorrentes num ambiente de memória partilhada sacrifica-se performance e escalabilidade. Alguns dos métodos existentes para garantirem resultados significativos introduzem uma elevada complexidade e não são práticos. O nosso objetivo é o de garantir uma abordagem simples e bem definida de alcançar resultados notáveis em ambientes de memória partilhada, quando comparados com os métodos existentes, relaxando a coerência. Para tal, vamos analisar o conceito de Mergeable Data Type, estruturas análogas aos Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types mas concebidas para memória partilhada. CRDTs foram a primeira abordagem a desenvolver um estudo formal sobre eventual consistency, respondendo ao problema descrito no CAP Theorem e garantindo elevada disponibilidade. Com CRDTs os updates não são síncronos e as réplicas convergem eventualmente para um estado correto e comum. No entanto, não foram concebidos para atuar em memória partilhada. Em sistemas distribuídos de larga escala o custo da operação de merge é negligenciável quando comparado com a sincronização global. Portanto, migramos o conceito desenvolvendo os já existentes Mergeable Data Type através da criação de uma formalização de um modelo de programação ao qual chamamos de Global-Local View. Além do mais, criamos um portfolio de MDTs e demonstramos que nos cenários apropriados podemos beneficiar largamente do modelo

    SCJ-Circus: specification and refinement of Safety-Critical Java programs

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    Safety-Critical Java (SCJ) is a version of Java for real-time, embedded, safety-critical applications. It supports certification via abstractions that enforce a particular program architecture, with controlled concurrency and memory models. SCJ is an Open Group standard, with a reference implementation, but little support for reasoning. Here, we present SCJ-Circus, a refinement notation for specification and verification of low-level models of SCJ programs. SCJ-Circus is part of the Circus family of state-rich process algebras: it includes the Circus constructs for modelling of sequential and concurrent behaviour based on Z and CSP, and the real-time and object-oriented extensions of Circus, in addition to the SCJ abstractions. We present the syntax of SCJ-Circus and its semantics, defined by mapping SCJ-Circus constructs to those of Circus. We also detail a refinement strategy that takes a Circus design that adheres to a multiprocessor cyclic executive pattern and produces an SCJ program design, described in SCJ-Circus. Finally, we show how this refinement strategy can be extended for more complex program architectures

    A Formal Executable Semantics of Orc using the K Framework

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    A Formal Executable Semantics of Orc using the K Framework

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