6 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Dynamic Modeling for Prediction of Molten Iron Silicon Content Using ELM with Self-Feedback

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    Silicon content ([Si] for short) of the molten metal is an important index reflecting the product quality and thermal status of the blast furnace (BF) ironmaking process. Since the online detection of [Si] is difficult and larger time delay exists in the offline assay procedure, quality modeling is required to achieve online estimation of [Si]. Focusing on this problem, a data-driven dynamic modeling method is proposed using improved extreme learning machine (ELM) with the help of principle component analysis (PCA). First, data-driven PCA is introduced to pick out the most pivotal variables from multitudinous factors to serve as the secondary variables of modeling. Second, a novel data-driven ELM modeling technology with good generalization performance and nonlinear mapping capability is presented by applying a self-feedback structure on traditional ELM. The feedback outputs at previous time together with input variables at different time constitute a dynamic ELM structure which has a storage ability to tackle data in different time and overcomes the limitation of static modeling of traditional ELM. At last, industrial experiments demonstrate that the proposed method has a better modeling and estimating accuracy as well as a faster learning speed when compared with different modeling methods with different model structures

    An Efficient Approach for Real-Time Prediction of Rate of Penetration in Offshore Drilling

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    Predicting the rate of penetration (ROP) is critical for drilling optimization because maximization of ROP can greatly reduce expensive drilling costs. In this work, the typical extreme learning machine (ELM) and an efficient learning model, upper-layer-solution-aware (USA), have been used in ROP prediction. Because formation type, rock mechanical properties, hydraulics, bit type and properties (weight on the bit and rotary speed), and mud properties are the most important parameters that affect ROP, they have been considered to be the input parameters to predict ROP. The prediction model has been constructed using industrial reservoir data sets that are collected from an oil reservoir at the Bohai Bay, China. The prediction accuracy of the model has been evaluated and compared with the commonly used conventional artificial neural network (ANN). The results indicate that ANN, ELM, and USA models are all competent for ROP prediction, while both of the ELM and USA models have the advantage of faster learning speed and better generalization performance. The simulation results have shown a promising prospect for ELM and USA in the field of ROP prediction in new oil and gas exploration in general, as they outperform the ANN model. Meanwhile, this work provides drilling engineers with more choices for ROP prediction according to their computation and accuracy demand

    Imágenes hiperespectrales y sus aplicaciones en estudios de suelos, cultivos y   bosques, en la era de la cuarta revolución industrial.

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      To implement sustainable agriculture and rational management of the environment, it is necessary to have a better knowledge of soils, crops, forests, water and other related resources. This implies, among others, using state-of-the-art technologies, such as hyperspectral imaging (HSI), which present practical solutions to understand, model and map the main characteristics of terrestrial resources, as well as to monitor their dynamics over time and space. HSIs capture the energy reflected or emitted from the earth's surface, in hundreds of narrow and contiguous bands, between the visible and short-wave infrared regions (0.4-2.5 µm), of the electromagnetic spectrum, a situation that allows them to characterize and differentiate between more efficiently the objects and phenomena that are in it. The main objective of this article is to review the use made of HSI in the past (before 2011) and trends in the present and in the future (after 2011), for the study of soils , crops and forests, considering, for the second period, the advances in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and the effects of the integration of hyperspectral data with disruptive technologies, products of the fourth industrial revolution proclaimed in 2011, in especially with big data, internet of things, data mining, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, seeking to contribute to the knowledge of the benefits of this Integration.Para implementar una agricultura  sostenible y un manejo racional del medio ambiente, es necesario tener un mejor conocimiento de los suelos, de los cultivos, de los bosques, del agua y de otros recursos relacionados.  Esto implica, entre otros, utilizar tecnologías de última generación, como las imágenes hiperespectrales (HSI), que presentan soluciones prácticas para entender, modelar y mapear las principales características de los recursos terrestres, además, para monitorear sus dinámicas en el tiempo y en el espacio.  Las HSI capturan la energía reflejada o emitida desde la superficie terrestre, en cientos de bandas estrechas y contiguas, comprendida entre las regiones visible e infrarrojo de onda corta (0.4-2.5 µm), del espectro electromagnético, situación que les permite caracterizar y diferenciar de manera más eficiente los objetos y fenómenos que se encuentran en ella.  El objetivo principal de este artículo es hacer una revisión del uso que se ha hecho de las HSI en el pasado (antes del año 2011) y las tendencias en el presente y hacia el futuro (después del año 2011), para el estudio de suelos, cultivos y bosques, considerando, para el segundo período, los avances en el uso de vehículos aéreos no tripulados y los efectos de la integración de los datos hiperespectrales con las tecnologías disruptivas, productos de la cuarta revolución industrial proclamada en el año 2011, en especial con los big data, internet de las cosas, minería de datos, computación en la nube e inteligencia artificial, buscando aportar al conocimiento de los beneficios de esa integración


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    The ability to quantify soil moisture spatial variability and its temporal dynamics over entire fields through direct soil observations using remote sensing will improve early detection of water stress before crop physiological or economic damage has occurred, and it will contribute to the identification of zones within a field in which soil water is depleted faster than in other zones of a field. The overarching objective of this research is to develop tools and methods for remotely estimating soil moisture variability in agricultural crop production. Index-based and machine learning methods were deployed for processing hyperspectral data collected from moisture-controlled samples. In the first of five studies described in this dissertation, the feasibility of using “low-cost” index-based multispectral reflectance sensing for remotely delineating soil moisture content from direct soil and crop residue measurements using down-sampled spectral data were determined. The relative reflectance from soil and wheat stalk residue were measured using visible and near-infrared spectrometers. The optimal pair of wavelengths was chosen using a script to create an index for estimating soil and wheat stalk residue moisture levels. Wavelengths were selected to maximize the slope of the linear index function (i.e., sensitivity to moisture) and either maximize the coefficient of determination (R2) or minimize the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the index. Results showed that wavelengths centered near 1300 nm and 1500 nm, within the range of 400 to 1700 nm, produced the best index for individual samples; however, this index worked poorly on estimating stalk residue moisture. In the second of five studies, 20 machine learning algorithms were applied to full spectral datasets for moisture prediction and comparing them to the index-based method from the previous objective. Cubic support vector machine (SVM) and ensemble bagged trees methods produced the highest composite prediction accuracies of 96% and 93% for silt-loam soil samples, and 86% and 93% for wheat stalk residue samples, respectively. Prediction accuracy using the index-based method was 86% for silt-loam soil and 30% for wheat stalk residue. In the third study, a spectral measurement platform capable of being deployed on a UAS was developed for future use in quantifying and delineating moisture zones within agricultural landscapes. A series of portable spectrometers covering ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths were instrumented using a Raspberry Pi embedded computer that was programmed to interface with the UAS autopilot for autonomous reflectance data acquisition. A similar ground-based system was developed to keep track of ambient light during reflectance target measurement. The systems were tested under varying ambient light conditions during the 2017 Great American Eclipse. In the fourth study, the data acquisition system from the third study was deployed for recognizing different targets in the grayscale range using machine learning methods and under ambient light conditions. In this study, a dynamic method was applied to update integration time on spectrometers to optimize sensitivity of the instruments. It was found that by adjusting the integration time on each spectrometer such that a maximum intensity across all wavelengths was reached, the targets could be recognized simply based on the reflectance measurements with no need of a separate ambient light measurement. Finally, in the fifth study, the same data acquisition system and variable integration time method were used for estimating soil moisture under ambient light condition. Among 22 machine learning algorithms, linear and quadratic discriminant analysis achieved the maximum prediction accuracy. A UAS-deployable hyperspectral data acquisition system containing three portable spectrometers and an embedded computer was developed to classify moisture content from spectral data. Partial least squares regression and machine learning algorithms were shown to be effective to generate predictive models for classifying soil moisture

    Investigating the Potential of UAV-Based Low-Cost Camera Imagery for Measuring Biophysical Variables in Maize

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    The potential for improved crop productivity is readily investigated in agronomic field experiments. Frequent measurements of biophysical crop variables are necessary to allow for confident statements on crop performance. Commonly, in-field measurements are tedious, labour-intensive, costly and spatially selective and therefore pose a challenge in field experiments. With the versatile, flexible employment of the platform and the high spatial and temporal resolution of the sensor data, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing offers the possibility to derive variables quickly, contactless and at low cost. This thesis examined if UAV-borne modified low-cost camera imagery allowed for remote estimation of the crop variables green leaf area index (gLAI) and radiation use efficiency (RUE) in a maize field trial under different management influences. For this, a field experiment was established at the university's research station Campus Klein-Altendorf southwest of Bonn in the years 2015 and 2016. In four treatments (two levels of nitrogen fertilisation and two levels of plant density) with five repetitions each, leaf growth of maize plants was supposed to occur differently. gLAI and biomass was measured destructively, UAV-based data was acquired in 14-day intervals over the entire experiment. Three studies were conducted and submitted for peer-review in international journals. In study I, three selected spectral vegetation indices (NDVI, GNDVI, 3BSI) were related to the gLAI measurements. Differing but definite relationships per treatment factor were found. gLAI estimation using the two-band indices (NDVI, GNDVI) yielded good results up to gLAI values of 3. The 3-bands approach (3BSI) did not provide improved accuracies. Comparing gLAI results to the spectral vegetation indices, it was determined that sole reliance on these was insufficient to draw the right conclusions on the impact of management factors on leaf area development in maize canopies. Study II evaluated parametric and non-parametric regression methods on their capability to estimate gLAI in maize, relying on UAV-based low-cost camera imagery with non-plants pixels (i.e. shaded and illuminated soil background) a) included in and b) excluded from the analysis. With regard to the parametric regression methods, all possible band combinations for a selected number of two- and three-band formulations as well as different fitting functions were tested. With regard to non-parametric methods, six regression algorithms (Random Forests Regression, Support Vector Regression, Relevance Vector Machines, Gaussian Process Regression, Kernel Regularized Least Squares, Extreme Learning Machine) were tested. It was found that all non-parametric methods performed better than the parametric methods, and that kernel-based algorithms outperformed the other tested algorithms. Excluding non-plant pixels from the analysis deteriorated models' performances. When using parametric regression methods, signal saturation occurred at gLAI values of about 3, and at values around 4 when employing non-parametric methods. Study III investigated if a) UAV-based low-cost camera imagery allowed estimating RUEs in different experimental plots where maize was cultivated in the growing season of 2016, b) those values were different from the ones previously reported in literature and c) there was a difference between RUEtotal and RUEgreen. Fractional cover and canopy reflectance was determined based on the RS imagery. Our study showed that RUEtotal ranges between 4.05 and 4.59, and RUEgreen between 4.11 and 4.65. These values were higher than those published in other research articles, but not outside the range of plausibility. The difference between RUEtotal and RUEgreen was minimal, possibly due to prolonged canopy greenness induced by the stay-green trait of the cultivar grown. In conclusion, UAV-based low-cost camera imagery allows for estimation of plant variables within a range of limitations