252,335 research outputs found

    Development of Mobile Application to Report Criminal Acts in Young Areas of Peru

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    This research work entitled "Design of a mobile application for complaints in real time to the national police", being that the police officer must be in his office or in front of a computer with an Internet connection so that he can see the complaints that are in charge, or manually search for documents, cases, folders.For this reason, a mobile application called "mobile application" was proposed and developed; as a solution proposal. Its purpose is to solve different problems without having to be in the police station and / or in the office. We want to help the population to carry out any complaint in a more EASY AND QUICK way, and this will be achieved through the application "MOBILE APPLICATION", with Android operating system, resulting in a friendly and easy-to-use mobile complaint management application.For the present project, XP Extreme Programming (eXtreme programming) methodology was used, which adapts to the necessary characteristics required for the application to have optimal performance, in addition to facilitating the development and design work of the application. We made use of a series of technologies and tools for the development and design work of the application, we will use IDE (integrated development environment) Android Studio that provides us with comprehensive services, which facilitates the task in time of programming our mobile application

    Towards Extreme and Sustainable Graph Processing for Urgent Societal Challenges in Europe

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    The Graph-Massivizer project, funded by the Horizon Europe research and innovation program, researches and develops a high-performance, scalable, and sustainable platform for information processing and reasoning based on the massive graph (MG) representation of extreme data. It delivers a toolkit of five open-source software tools and FAIR graph datasets covering the sustainable lifecycle of processing extreme data as MGs. The tools focus on holistic usability (from extreme data ingestion and MG creation), automated intelligence (through analytics and reasoning), performance modelling, and environmental sustainability tradeoffs, supported by credible data-driven evidence across the computing continuum. The automated operation uses the emerging serverless computing paradigm for efficiency and event responsiveness. Thus, it supports experienced and novice stakeholders from a broad group of large and small organisations to capitalise on extreme data through MG programming and processing. Graph-Massivizer validates its innovation on four complementary use cases considering their extreme data properties and coverage of the three sustainability pillars (economy, society, and environment): sustainable green finance, global environment protection foresight, green AI for the sustainable automotive industry, and data centre digital twin for exascale computing. Graph-Massivizer promises 70% more efficient analytics than AliGraph, and 30 % improved energy awareness for extract, transform and load storage operations than Amazon Redshift. Furthermore, it aims to demonstrate a possible two-fold improvement in data centre energy efficiency and over 25 % lower greenhouse gas emissions for basic graph operations.</p


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    Basically a safe and comfortable environment is a condition that must be realized, for the sake of the continuation of harmonious and harmonious neighbourhood. Technological advances that are increasingly developing, can be used to make it easier to monitor and control security in an environment, with an application that can help in terms of security control. So that a smart environment can be realized that uses technology in managing various things. This study proposes the design of an Android-based smart residence security system. This smart residence security system uses the Agile Development Methods system development method with the extreme programming model. This research produces a prototype of an Android-based smart residence security system that has the ability to provide access to housing and community security, so that it is expected to assist in fast and precise security management.Pada dasarnya lingkungan yang aman dan nyaman merupakan sebuah keadaan yang harus di &nbsp;wujudkan, demi keberlangsungan hidup bertetangga yang harmonis dan selaras. Kemajuan &nbsp;teknologi &nbsp;yang &nbsp;semakin &nbsp;hari, &nbsp;semakin &nbsp;berkembang, &nbsp;dapat &nbsp;dimanfatkan &nbsp;untuk mempermudah dalam pengawasan dan pengendalian keamanan disebuah lingkungan, dengan sebuah &nbsp;aplikasi &nbsp;yang &nbsp;dapat &nbsp;membantu &nbsp;dalam &nbsp;hal &nbsp;pengendalian &nbsp;keamanan. &nbsp;Sehingga &nbsp;dapat terwujudnya sebuah lingkungan pintar yang menggunakan sebuah teknologi dalam pengelolaan berbagai hal. Studi ini mengajukan perancangan sistem keamanan smart residence berbasis android. Sistem keamanan smart residence ini menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem Agile Development Methods dengan model extreme &nbsp;programming. &nbsp;Penelitian &nbsp;ini &nbsp;menghasilkan &nbsp;prototype &nbsp;sistem keamanan &nbsp;smart &nbsp;residence &nbsp;berbasis &nbsp;android &nbsp;yang &nbsp;memiliki &nbsp;kemampuan &nbsp;memberikan &nbsp;akses &nbsp;kepada &nbsp;pihak keamanan &nbsp;perumahan &nbsp;dan &nbsp;masyarakat, &nbsp;sehingga &nbsp;diharapkan &nbsp;dapat &nbsp;membantu dalam pengelolaan keamanan yang cepat dan tepat

    A framework for understanding the factors influencing pair programming success

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    Pair programming is one of the more controversial aspects of several Agile system development methods, in particular eXtreme Programming (XP). Various studies have assessed factors that either drive the success or suggest advantages (and disadvantages) of pair programming. In this exploratory study the literature on pair programming is examined and factors distilled. These factors are then compared and contrasted with those discovered in our recent Delphi study of pair programming. Gallis et al. (2003) have proposed an initial framework aimed at providing a comprehensive identification of the major factors impacting team programming situations including pair programming. However, this study demonstrates that the framework should be extended to include an additional category of factors that relate to organizational matters. These factors will be further refined, and used to develop and empirically evaluate a conceptual model of pair programming (success)

    Pair programming and the re-appropriation of individual tools for collaborative software development

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    Although pair programming is becoming more prevalent in software development, and a number of reports have been written about it [10] [13], few have addressed the manner in which pairing actually takes place [12]. Even fewer consider the methods used to manage issues such as role change or the communication of complex issues. This paper highlights the way resources designed for individuals are re-appropriated and augmented by pair programmers to facilitate collaboration. It also illustrates that pair verbalisations can augment the benefits of the collocated team, providing examples from ethnographic studies of pair programmers 'in the wild'

    Incorporating Agile with MDA Case Study: Online Polling System

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    Nowadays agile software development is used in greater extend but for small organizations only, whereas MDA is suitable for large organizations but yet not standardized. In this paper the pros and cons of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Extreme programming have been discussed. As both of them have some limitations and cannot be used in both large scale and small scale organizations a new architecture has been proposed. In this model it is tried to opt the advantages and important values to overcome the limitations of both the software development procedures. In support to the proposed architecture the implementation of it on Online Polling System has been discussed and all the phases of software development have been explained.Comment: 14 pages,1 Figure,1 Tabl