1,024 research outputs found

    Nlcviz: Tensor Visualization And Defect Detection In Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    Visualization and exploration of nematic liquid crystal (NLC) data is a challenging task due to the multidimensional and multivariate nature of the data. Simulation study of an NLC consists of multiple timesteps, where each timestep computes scalar, vector, and tensor parameters on a geometrical mesh. Scientists developing an understanding of liquid crystal interaction and physics require tools and techniques for effective exploration, visualization, and analysis of these data sets. Traditionally, scientists have used a combination of different tools and techniques like 2D plots, histograms, cut views, etc. for data visualization and analysis. However, such an environment does not provide the required insight into NLC datasets. This thesis addresses two areas of the study of NLC data---understanding of the tensor order field (the Q-tensor) and defect detection in this field. Tensor field understanding is enhanced by using a new glyph (NLCGlyph) based on a new design metric which is closely related to the underlying physical properties of an NLC, described using the Q-tensor. A new defect detection algorithm for 3D unstructured grids based on the orientation change of the director is developed. This method has been used successfully in detecting defects for both structured and unstructured models with varying grid complexity

    Development of a Self-Learning Approach Applied to Pattern Recognition and Fuzzy Control

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    Systeme auf Basis von Fuzzy-Regeln sind in der Entwicklung der Mustererkennung und Steuersystemen weit verbreitet verwendet. Die meisten aktuellen Methoden des Designs der Fuzzy-Regel-basierte Systeme leiden unter folgenden Problemen 1. Das Verfahren der Fuzzifizierung berĂŒcksichtigt weder die statistischen Eigenschaften noch reale Verteilung der betrachteten Daten / Signale nicht. Daher sind die generierten Fuzzy- Zugehörigkeitsfunktionen nicht wirklich in der Lage, diese Daten zu Ă€ußern. DarĂŒber hinaus wird der Prozess der Fuzzifizierung manuell definiert. 2. Die ursprĂŒngliche GrĂ¶ĂŸe der Regelbasis ist pauschal bestimmt. Diese Feststellung bedeutet, dass dieses Verfahren eine Redundanz in den verwendeten Regeln produzieren kann. Somit wird diese Redundanz zum Auftreten der Probleme von KomplexitĂ€t und DimensionalitĂ€t fĂŒhren. Der Prozess der Vermeidung dieser Probleme durch das Auswahlverfahren der einschlĂ€gigen Regeln kann zum Rechenaufwandsproblem fĂŒhren. 3. Die Form der Fuzzy-Regel leidet unter dem Problem des Verlusts von Informationen, was wiederum zur Zuschreibung diesen betrachteten Variablen anderen unrealen Bereich fĂŒhren kann. 4. Ferner wird die Anpassung der Fuzzy- Zugehörigkeitsfunktionen mit den Problemen von KomplexitĂ€t und Rechenaufwand, wegen der damit verbundenen Iteration und mehrerer Parameter, zugeordnet. Auch wird diese Anpassung im Bereich jeder einzelner Regel realisiert; das heißt, der Anpassungsprozess im Bereich der gesamten Fuzzy-Regelbasis wird nicht durchgefĂŒhrt

    From approximative to descriptive fuzzy models

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    Unsupervised Algorithms for Microarray Sample Stratification

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    The amount of data made available by microarrays gives researchers the opportunity to delve into the complexity of biological systems. However, the noisy and extremely high-dimensional nature of this kind of data poses significant challenges. Microarrays allow for the parallel measurement of thousands of molecular objects spanning different layers of interactions. In order to be able to discover hidden patterns, the most disparate analytical techniques have been proposed. Here, we describe the basic methodologies to approach the analysis of microarray datasets that focus on the task of (sub)group discovery.Peer reviewe

    Computer aided diagnosis system using dermatoscopical image

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    Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems for melanoma detection aim to mirror the expert dermatologist decision when watching a dermoscopic or clinical image. Computer Vision techniques, which can be based on expert knowledge or not, are used to characterize the lesion image. This information is delivered to a machine learning algorithm, which gives a diagnosis suggestion as an output. This research is included into this field, and addresses the objective of implementing a complete CAD system using ‘state of the art’ descriptors and dermoscopy images as input. Some of them are based on expert knowledge and others are typical in a wide variety of problems. Images are initially transformed into oRGB, a perceptual color space, looking for both enhancing the information that images provide and giving human perception to machine algorithms. Feature selection is also performed to find features that really contribute to discriminate between benign and malignant pigmented skin lesions (PSL). The problem of robust model fitting versus statistically significant system evaluation is critical when working with small datasets, which is indeed the case. This topic is not generally considered in works related to PSLs. Consequently, a method that optimizes the compromise between these two goals is proposed, giving non-overfitted models and statistically significant measures of performance. In this manner, different systems can be compared in a fairer way. A database which enjoys wide international acceptance among dermatologists is used for the experiments.Ingeniería de Sistemas Audiovisuale

    Towards Comprehensive Foundations of Computational Intelligence

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    Abstract. Although computational intelligence (CI) covers a vast variety of different methods it still lacks an integrative theory. Several proposals for CI foundations are discussed: computing and cognition as compression, meta-learning as search in the space of data models, (dis)similarity based methods providing a framework for such meta-learning, and a more general approach based on chains of transformations. Many useful transformations that extract information from features are discussed. Heterogeneous adaptive systems are presented as particular example of transformation-based systems, and the goal of learning is redefined to facilitate creation of simpler data models. The need to understand data structures leads to techniques for logical and prototype-based rule extraction, and to generation of multiple alternative models, while the need to increase predictive power of adaptive models leads to committees of competent models. Learning from partial observations is a natural extension towards reasoning based on perceptions, and an approach to intuitive solving of such problems is presented. Throughout the paper neurocognitive inspirations are frequently used and are especially important in modeling of the higher cognitive functions. Promising directions such as liquid and laminar computing are identified and many open problems presented.

    A comparative study of algorithms for automatic segmentation of dermoscopic images

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    Melanoma is the most common as well as the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Nevertheless, it can be effectively treated if detected early. Dermoscopy is one of the major non-invasive imaging techniques for the diagnosis of skin lesions. The computer-aided diagnosis based on the processing of dermoscopic images aims to reduce the subjectivity and time-consuming analysis related to traditional diagnosis. The first step of automatic diagnosis is image segmentation. In this project, the implementation and evaluation of several methods were proposed for the automatic segmentation of lesion regions in dermoscopic images, along with the corresponding implemented phases for image preprocessing and postprocessing. The developed algorithms include methods based on different state of the art techniques. The main groups of techniques which have been selected to be studied and implemented are thresholding-based methods, region-based methods, segmentation based on deformable models, as well as a new proposed approach based on the bag-of-words model. The implemented methods incorporate modifications for a better adaptation to features associated with dermoscopic images. Each implemented method was applied to a database constituted by 724 dermoscopic images. The output of the automatic segmentation procedure for each image was compared with the corresponding manual segmentation in order to evaluate the performance. The comparison between algorithms was carried out regarding the obtained evaluation metrics. The best results were achieved by the combination of region-based segmentation based on the multi-region adaptation of the k-means algorithm and the subIngenierĂ­a de Sistemas Audiovisuale

    Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Data Visualization: An Unsupervised Fuzzy Rule-based Approach

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    Here, we propose an unsupervised fuzzy rule-based dimensionality reduction method primarily for data visualization. It considers the following important issues relevant to dimensionality reduction-based data visualization: (i) preservation of neighborhood relationships, (ii) handling data on a non-linear manifold, (iii) the capability of predicting projections for new test data points, (iv) interpretability of the system, and (v) the ability to reject test points if required. For this, we use a first-order Takagi-Sugeno type model. We generate rule antecedents using clusters in the input data. In this context, we also propose a new variant of the Geodesic c-means clustering algorithm. We estimate the rule parameters by minimizing an error function that preserves the inter-point geodesic distances (distances over the manifold) as Euclidean distances on the projected space. We apply the proposed method on three synthetic and three real-world data sets and visually compare the results with four other standard data visualization methods. The obtained results show that the proposed method behaves desirably and performs better than or comparable to the methods compared with. The proposed method is found to be robust to the initial conditions. The predictability of the proposed method for test points is validated by experiments. We also assess the ability of our method to reject output points when it should. Then, we extend this concept to provide a general framework for learning an unsupervised fuzzy model for data projection with different objective functions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to manifold learning using unsupervised fuzzy modeling
