71 research outputs found

    Methodology for high resolution spatial analysis of the physical flood susceptibility of buildings in large river floodplains

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    The impacts of floods on buildings in urban areas are increasing due to the intensification of extreme weather events, unplanned or uncontrolled settlements and the rising vulnerability of assets. There are some approaches available for assessing the flood damage to buildings and critical infrastructure. To this point, however, it is extremely difficult to adapt these methods widely, due to the lack of high resolution classification and characterisation approaches for built structures. To overcome this obstacle, this work presents: first, a conceptual framework for understanding the physical flood vulnerability and the physical flood susceptibility of buildings, second, a methodological framework for the combination of methods and tools for a large-scale and high-resolution analysis and third, the testing of the methodology in three pilot sites with different development conditions. The conceptual framework narrows down an understanding of flood vulnerability, physical flood vulnerability and physical flood susceptibility and its relation to social and economic vulnerabilities. It describes the key features causing the physical flood susceptibility of buildings as a component of the vulnerability. The methodological framework comprises three modules: (i) methods for setting up a building topology, (ii) methods for assessing the susceptibility of representative buildings of each building type and (iii) the integration of the two modules with technological tools. The first module on the building typology is based on a classification of remote sensing data and GIS analysis involving seven building parameters, which appeared to be relevant for a classification of buildings regarding potential flood impacts. The outcome is a building taxonomic approach. A subsequent identification of representative buildings is based on statistical analyses and membership functions. The second module on the building susceptibility for representative buildings bears on the derivation of depth-physical impact functions. It relates the principal building components, including their heights, dimensions and materials, to the damage from different water levels. The material’s susceptibility is estimated based on international studies on the resistance of building materials and a fuzzy expert analysis. Then depth-physical impact functions are calculated referring to the principal components of the buildings which can be affected by different water levels. Hereby, depth-physical impact functions are seen as a means for the interrelation between the water level and the physical impacts. The third module provides the tools for implementing the methodology. This tool compresses the architecture for feeding the required data on the buildings with their relations to the building typology and the building-type specific depth-physical impact function supporting the automatic process. The methodology is tested in three flood plains pilot sites: (i) in the settlement of the Barrio Sur in MaganguĂ© and (ii) in the settlement of La Peña in Cicuco located on the flood plain of Magdalena River, Colombia and (iii) in a settlement of the city of Dresden, located on the Elbe River, Germany. The testing of the methodology covers the description of data availability and accuracy, the steps for deriving the depth-physical impact functions of representative buildings and the final display of the spatial distribution of the physical flood susceptibility. The discussion analyses what are the contributions of this work evaluating the findings of the methodology’s testing with the dissertation goals. The conclusions of the work show the contributions and limitations of the research in terms of methodological and empirical advancements and the general applicability in flood risk management.:1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 State of the art 2 1.3 Problem statement 6 1.4 Objectives 6 1.5 Approach and outline 6 2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 9 2.1 Flood vulnerability 10 2.2 Physical flood vulnerability 12 2.3 Physical flood susceptibility 14 3 METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK 23 3.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy for settlements 24 3.1.1 Extraction of building features 24 3.1.2 Derivation of building parameters for setting up a building taxonomy 38 3.1.3 Selection of representative buildings for a building susceptibility assessment 51 3.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings 57 3.2.1 Identification of building components 57 3.2.2 Qualification of building material susceptibility 62 3.2.3 Derivation of a depth-physical impact function 71 3.3 Module 3: Technological integration 77 3.3.1 Combination of the depth-physical impact function with the building taxonomic code 77 3.3.2 Tools supporting the physical susceptibility analysis 78 3.3.3 The users and their requirements 79 4 RESULTS OF THE METHODOLOGY TESTING 83 4.1 Pilot site “Kleinzschachwitz” – Dresden, Germany – Elbe River 83 4.1.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy – “Kleinzschachwitz” 85 4.1.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings – “Kleinzschachwitz” 97 4.1.3 Module 3: Technological integration – “Kleinzschachwitz” 103 4.2 Pilot site “La Peña” – Cicuco, Colombia – Magdalena River 107 4.2.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy – “La Peña” 108 4.2.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings – “La Peña” 121 4.2.3 Module 3: Technological integration– “La Peña” 129 4.3 Pilot site “Barrio Sur” – MaganguĂ©, Colombia – Magdalena River 133 4.3.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy – “Barrio Sur” 133 4.3.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings – “Barrio Sur” 141 4.3.3 Module 3: Technological integration – “Barrio Sur” 147 4.4 Empirical findings 151 4.4.1 Empirical findings of Module 1 151 4.4.2 Empirical findings of Module 2 155 4.4.3 Empirical findings of Module 3 157 4.4.4 Guidance of the methodology 157 5 DISCUSSION 161 5.1 Discussion on the conceptual framework 161 5.2 Discussion on the methodological framework 161 5.2.1 Discussion on Module 1: the building taxonomic approach 162 5.2.2 Discussion on Module 2: the depth-physical impact function 164 6 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK 167 6.1 Conclusions 167 6.2 Outlook 168 REFERENCES 171 INDEX OF FIGURES 199 INDEX OF TABLES 201 APPENDICES 203In vielen StĂ€dten nehmen die Auswirkungen von Hochwasser auf GebĂ€ude aufgrund immer extremerer Wetterereignisse, unkontrollierbarer Siedlungsbauten und der steigenden VulnerabilitĂ€t von BesitztĂŒmern stetig zu. Es existieren zwar bereits AnsĂ€tze zur Beurteilung von WasserschĂ€den an GebĂ€uden und Infrastrukturknotenpunkten. Doch ist es bisher schwierig, diese Methoden großrĂ€umig anzuwenden, da es an einer prĂ€zisen Klassifizierung und Charakterisierung von GebĂ€uden und anderen baulichen Anlagen fehlt. Zu diesem Zweck sollen in dieser Arbeit erstens ein Konzept fĂŒr ein genaueres VerstĂ€ndnis der physischen VulnerabilitĂ€t von GebĂ€uden gegenĂŒber Hochwasser dargelegt, zweitens ein methodisches Verfahren zur Kombination der bestehenden Methoden und Hilfsmittel mit dem Ziel einer großrĂ€umigen und hochauflösenden Analyse erarbeitet und drittens diese Methode an drei Pilotstandorten mit unterschiedlichem Ausbauzustand erprobt werden. Die Rahmenbedingungen des Konzepts grenzen die Begriffe der VulnerabilitĂ€t, der physischen VulnerabilitĂ€t und der physischen AnfĂ€lligkeit gegenĂŒber Hochwasser ein und erörtern deren Beziehung zur sozialen und ökonomischen VulnerabilitĂ€t. Es werden die Merkmale der physischen AnfĂ€lligkeit von GebĂ€uden gegenĂŒber Hochwasser als Bestandteil der VulnerabilitĂ€t definiert. Das methodische Verfahren umfasst drei Module: (i) Methoden zur Erstellung einer GebĂ€udetypologie, (ii) Methoden zur Bewertung der AnfĂ€lligkeit reprĂ€sentativer GebĂ€ude jedes GebĂ€udetyps und (iii) die Kombination der beiden Module mit Hilfe technologischer Hilfsmittel. Das erste Modul zur GebĂ€udetypologie basiert auf der Klassifizierung von Fernerkundungsdaten und GIS-Analysen anhand von sieben GebĂ€udeparametern, die sich fĂŒr die Klassifizierung von GebĂ€uden bezĂŒglich ihres Risikopotenzials bei Hochwasser als wichtig erweisen. Daraus ergibt sich ein Ansatz zur GebĂ€udeklassifizierung. Die anschließende Ermittlung reprĂ€sentativer GebĂ€ude beruht auf statistischen Analysen und Zugehörigkeitsfunktionen. Das zweite Modul zur AnfĂ€lligkeit reprĂ€sentativer GebĂ€ude beruht auf der Ableitung von Funktion von Wasserstand und physischer Einwirkung. Es setzt die relevanten GebĂ€udemerkmale, darunter Höhe, Maße und Materialien, in Beziehung zum erwartbaren Schaden bei unterschiedlichen WasserstĂ€nden. Die MaterialanfĂ€lligkeit wird aufgrund internationaler Studien zur Festigkeit von Baustoffen sowie durch Anwendung eines Fuzzy-Logic-Expertensystems eingeschĂ€tzt. Anschließend werden Wasserstand-Schaden-Funktionen unter Einbeziehung der HauptgebĂ€udekomponenten berechnet, die durch unterschiedliche WasserstĂ€nde in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden können. Funktion von Wasserstand und physischer Einwirkung dienen hier dazu, den jeweiligen Wasserstand und die physischen Auswirkung in Beziehung zueinander zu setzen. Das dritte Modul stellt die zur Umsetzung der Methoden notwendigen Hilfsmittel vor. Zur UnterstĂŒtzung des automatisierten Verfahrens dienen Hilfsmittel, die die GebĂ€udetypologie mit der Funktion von Wasserstand und physischer Einwirkung fĂŒr GebĂ€ude in Hochwassergebieten kombinieren. Die Methoden wurden anschließend in drei hochwassergefĂ€hrdeten Pilotstandorten getestet: (i) in den Siedlungsgebieten von Barrio Sur in MaganguĂ© und (ii) von La Pena in Cicuco, zwei Überschwemmungsgebiete des Magdalenas in Kolumbien, und (iii) im Stadtgebiet von Dresden, das an der Elbe liegt. Das Testverfahren umfasst die Beschreibung der DatenverfĂŒgbarkeit und genauigkeit, die einzelnen Schritte zur Analyse der. Funktion von Wasserstand und physischer Einwirkung reprĂ€sentativer GebĂ€ude sowie die Darstellung der rĂ€umlichen Verteilung der physischen AnfĂ€lligkeit fĂŒr Hochwasser. In der Diskussion wird der Beitrag dieser Arbeit zur Beurteilung der Erkenntnisse der getesteten Methoden anhand der Ziele dieser Dissertation analysiert. Die Folgerungen beleuchten abschließend die Fortschritte und auch Grenzen der Forschung hinsichtlich methodischer und empirischer Entwicklungen sowie deren allgemeine Anwendbarkeit im Bereich des Hochwasserschutzes.:1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 State of the art 2 1.3 Problem statement 6 1.4 Objectives 6 1.5 Approach and outline 6 2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 9 2.1 Flood vulnerability 10 2.2 Physical flood vulnerability 12 2.3 Physical flood susceptibility 14 3 METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK 23 3.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy for settlements 24 3.1.1 Extraction of building features 24 3.1.2 Derivation of building parameters for setting up a building taxonomy 38 3.1.3 Selection of representative buildings for a building susceptibility assessment 51 3.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings 57 3.2.1 Identification of building components 57 3.2.2 Qualification of building material susceptibility 62 3.2.3 Derivation of a depth-physical impact function 71 3.3 Module 3: Technological integration 77 3.3.1 Combination of the depth-physical impact function with the building taxonomic code 77 3.3.2 Tools supporting the physical susceptibility analysis 78 3.3.3 The users and their requirements 79 4 RESULTS OF THE METHODOLOGY TESTING 83 4.1 Pilot site “Kleinzschachwitz” – Dresden, Germany – Elbe River 83 4.1.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy – “Kleinzschachwitz” 85 4.1.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings – “Kleinzschachwitz” 97 4.1.3 Module 3: Technological integration – “Kleinzschachwitz” 103 4.2 Pilot site “La Peña” – Cicuco, Colombia – Magdalena River 107 4.2.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy – “La Peña” 108 4.2.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings – “La Peña” 121 4.2.3 Module 3: Technological integration– “La Peña” 129 4.3 Pilot site “Barrio Sur” – MaganguĂ©, Colombia – Magdalena River 133 4.3.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy – “Barrio Sur” 133 4.3.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings – “Barrio Sur” 141 4.3.3 Module 3: Technological integration – “Barrio Sur” 147 4.4 Empirical findings 151 4.4.1 Empirical findings of Module 1 151 4.4.2 Empirical findings of Module 2 155 4.4.3 Empirical findings of Module 3 157 4.4.4 Guidance of the methodology 157 5 DISCUSSION 161 5.1 Discussion on the conceptual framework 161 5.2 Discussion on the methodological framework 161 5.2.1 Discussion on Module 1: the building taxonomic approach 162 5.2.2 Discussion on Module 2: the depth-physical impact function 164 6 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK 167 6.1 Conclusions 167 6.2 Outlook 168 REFERENCES 171 INDEX OF FIGURES 199 INDEX OF TABLES 201 APPENDICES 203El impacto de las inundaciones sobre los edificios en zonas urbanas es cada vez mayor debido a la intensificaciĂłn de los fenĂłmenos meteorolĂłgicos extremos, asentamientos no controlados o no planificados y su creciente vulnerabilidad. Hay mĂ©todos disponibles para evaluar los daños por inundaciĂłn en edificios e infraestructuras crĂ­ticas. Sin embargo, es muy difĂ­cil implementar estos mĂ©todos sistemĂĄticamente en grandes ĂĄreas debido a la falta de clasificaciĂłn y caracterizaciĂłn de estructuras construidas en resoluciones detalladas. Para superar este obstĂĄculo, este trabajo se enfoca, en primer lugar, en desarrollar un marco conceptual para comprender la vulnerabilidad y susceptibilidad fĂ­sica de edificios por inudaciones, en segundo lugar, en desarrollar un marco metodolĂłgico para la combinaciĂłn de los mĂ©todos y herramientas para una anĂĄlisis de alta resoluciĂłn y en tercer lugar, la prueba de la metodologĂ­a en tres sitios experimentales, con distintas condiciones de desarrollo. El marco conceptual se enfoca en comprender la vulnerabilidad y susceptibility de las edificaciones frente a inundaciones, y su relaciĂłn con la vulnerabilidad social y econĂłmica. En Ă©l se describen las principales caracterĂ­sticas fĂ­sicas de la susceptibilidad de edificicaiones como un componente de la vulnerabilidad. El marco metodolĂłgico consta de tres mĂłdulos: (i) mĂ©todos para la derivaciĂłn de topologĂ­a de construcciones, (ii) mĂ©todos para evaluar la susceptibilidad de edificios representativos y (iii) la integraciĂłn de los dos mĂłdulos a travĂ©s herramientas tecnolĂłgicas. El primer mĂłdulo de topologĂ­a de construcciones se basa en una clasificaciĂłn de datos de sensoramiento rĂ©moto y procesamiento SIG para la extracciĂłn de siete parĂĄmetros de las edficaciones. Este mĂłdulo parece ser aplicable para una clasificaciĂłn de los edificios en relaciĂłn con los posibles impactos de las inundaciones. El resultado es una taxonomĂ­a de las edificaciones y una posterior identificaciĂłn de edificios representativos que se basa en anĂĄlisis estadĂ­sticos y funciones de pertenencia. El segundo mĂłdulo consiste en el anĂĄlisis de susceptibilidad de las construcciones representativas a travĂ©s de funciones de profundidad del impacto fĂ­sico. Las cuales relacionan los principales componentes de la construcciĂłn, incluyendo sus alturas, dimensiones y materiales con los impactos fĂ­sicos a diferentes niveles de agua. La susceptibilidad del material se calcula con base a estudios internacionales sobre la resistencia de los materiales y un anĂĄlisis a travĂ©s de sistemas expertos difusos. AquĂ­, las funciones de profundidad de impacto fĂ­sico son considerados como un medio para la interrelaciĂłn entre el nivel del agua y los impactos fĂ­sicos. El tercer mĂłdulo proporciona las herramientas necesarias para la aplicaciĂłn de la metodologĂ­a. Estas herramientas tecnolĂłgicas consisten en la arquitectura para la alimentaciĂłn de los datos relacionados a la tipologĂ­a de construcciones con las funciones de profundidad del impacto fĂ­sico apoyado en procesos automĂĄticos. La metodologĂ­a es probada en tres sitios piloto: (i) en el Barrio Sur en MaganguĂ© y (ii) en la barrio de La Peña en Cicuco situado en la llanura inundable del RĂ­o Magdalena, Colombia y (iii) en barrio Kleinzschachwitz de la ciudad de Dresden, situado a orillas del rĂ­o Elba, en Alemania. Las pruebas de la metodologĂ­a abarca la descripciĂłn de la disponibilidad de los datos y la precisiĂłn, los pasos a seguir para obtener las funciones profundidad de impacto fĂ­sico de edificios representativos y la presentaciĂłn final de la distribuciĂłn espacial de la susceptibilidad fĂ­sica frente inundaciones El discusiĂłn analiza las aportaciones de este trabajo y evalua los resultados de la metodologĂ­a con relaciĂłn a los objetivos. Las conclusiones del trabajo, muestran los aportes y limitaciones de la investigaciĂłn en tĂ©rminos de avances metodolĂłgicos y empĂ­ricos y la aplicabilidad general de gestiĂłn del riesgo de inundaciones.:1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 State of the art 2 1.3 Problem statement 6 1.4 Objectives 6 1.5 Approach and outline 6 2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 9 2.1 Flood vulnerability 10 2.2 Physical flood vulnerability 12 2.3 Physical flood susceptibility 14 3 METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK 23 3.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy for settlements 24 3.1.1 Extraction of building features 24 3.1.2 Derivation of building parameters for setting up a building taxonomy 38 3.1.3 Selection of representative buildings for a building susceptibility assessment 51 3.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings 57 3.2.1 Identification of building components 57 3.2.2 Qualification of building material susceptibility 62 3.2.3 Derivation of a depth-physical impact function 71 3.3 Module 3: Technological integration 77 3.3.1 Combination of the depth-physical impact function with the building taxonomic code 77 3.3.2 Tools supporting the physical susceptibility analysis 78 3.3.3 The users and their requirements 79 4 RESULTS OF THE METHODOLOGY TESTING 83 4.1 Pilot site “Kleinzschachwitz” – Dresden, Germany – Elbe River 83 4.1.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy – “Kleinzschachwitz” 85 4.1.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings – “Kleinzschachwitz” 97 4.1.3 Module 3: Technological integration – “Kleinzschachwitz” 103 4.2 Pilot site “La Peña” – Cicuco, Colombia – Magdalena River 107 4.2.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy – “La Peña” 108 4.2.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings – “La Peña” 121 4.2.3 Module 3: Technological integration– “La Peña” 129 4.3 Pilot site “Barrio Sur” – MaganguĂ©, Colombia – Magdalena River 133 4.3.1 Module 1: Building taxonomy – “Barrio Sur” 133 4.3.2 Module 2: Physical susceptibility of representative buildings – “Barrio Sur” 141 4.3.3 Module 3: Technological integration – “Barrio Sur” 147 4.4 Empirical findings 151 4.4.1 Empirical findings of Module 1 151 4.4.2 Empirical findings of Module 2 155 4.4.3 Empirical findings of Module 3 157 4.4.4 Guidance of the methodology 157 5 DISCUSSION 161 5.1 Discussion on the conceptual framework 161 5.2 Discussion on the methodological framework 161 5.2.1 Discussion on Module 1: the building taxonomic approach 162 5.2.2 Discussion on Module 2: the depth-physical impact function 164 6 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK 167 6.1 Conclusions 167 6.2 Outlook 168 REFERENCES 171 INDEX OF FIGURES 199 INDEX OF TABLES 201 APPENDICES 20

    Extractıng Semantıc Buıldıng Models From Aerıal Stereo Images And Conversıon To Cıtygml

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    Tez (YĂŒksek Lisans) -- Ä°stanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri EnstitĂŒsĂŒ, 2010Thesis (M.Sc.) -- Ä°stanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010Son yıllarda ĂŒĂ§ boyutlu (3D) Ɵehir modelleri ve coğrafi bilgi sistemleri (CBS) gĂŒnden gĂŒne önem kazanmaktadır. Üç boyutlu Ɵehir modelleri, Ɵehir detaylarının ve yeryĂŒzĂŒnde ki cisimlerin sayısal gosterimleridir. ƞehir hakkında gerekli bilgileri belirlemek için birçok kaynaktan veri toplamak mĂŒmkĂŒndĂŒr. Bu veriler LIDAR, lazer tarama, geleneksel ölçme yöntemleri, uydu ve hava fotoğraflarından yararlanılan çeƟitli yöntemler yardımı ile elde edilir. Üç boyutlu Cografi Bilgi Sistemleri için toplanan veriler mekansal modelleme, coğrafi analizler, 3D görsellik ve simĂŒlasyon uygulamalarında kullanılır. Coğrafi verinin toplanması bir bilgi sisteminin yaratılması için en önemli aƟamalardan biridir. Elde edilen verilerin coğrafi, topolojik, mekansal ve görĂŒnĂŒĆŸ özelliklerini amaca en uygun Ɵekilde,arasında ki iliƟkileri ve sınıfları ile birlikte CityGML veri modeli içerisinde tanımlanır. Ana problem fotogrametrik yöntemle elde edilen sanal Ɵehir modellerinin CityGML e dönĂŒĆŸtĂŒrĂŒlmesi hakkında bir boƟluk bulunmasıdır. Yapılan tez çalÄ±ĆŸmasının ana amacı fotogrametrik yöntemler kullanılarak olusturulan model ile City GML veri modeli arasında bulunan bu boƟluğu doldurmaktır. Bu yapılan tez çalÄ±ĆŸması sırasında bu belirtilen boƟluk FME programı ile doldurulmustur.In recent years establishing three-dimensional (3D) city models and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are getting more popular day by day. 3D City Models are digital representations of the Earth’s surface and related objects belonging to urban areas. In order to get information about a city is necessary to collect data from different sources. There are several methods of collecting the data such as LIDAR, laser scanning, surveying measurements, aerial and satellite images
 etc. The 3D GIS data collected using with 3D geographic imaging can be used for spatial modeling, GIS analysis, 3D visualization and simulation applications. The collection of geographic data is of primary importance for the creation and maintenance of a GIS. CityGML defines the classes and relations for the most relevant topographic objects in cities and regional models with respect to their geometrical, topological, semantical and topological properties. The main problem, there is a gap between CityGML and traditional photogrammetric measurement methods. The main aim of the thesis study is how to create a link between the photogrammetric methods and CityGML, which is a common information model for the representation of 3D urban objects. In order to fıll the gap FME (The Feature Manipulation Engine) is used during the thesis studyYĂŒksek LisansM.Sc

    Assessing Building Vulnerability to Tsunami Hazard Using Integrative Remote Sensing and GIS Approaches

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    Risk and vulnerability assessment for natural hazards is of high interest. Various methods focusing on building vulnerability assessment have been developed ranging from simple approaches to sophisticated ones depending on the objectives of the study, the availability of data and technology. In-situ assessment methods have been widely used to measure building vulnerability to various types of hazards while remote sensing methods, specifically developed for assessing building vulnerability to tsunami hazard, are still very limited. The combination of remote sensing approaches with in-situ methods offers unique opportunities to overcome limitations of in-situ assessments. The main objective of this research is to develop remote sensing techniques in assessing building vulnerability to tsunami hazard as one of the key elements of risk assessment. The research work has been performed in the framework of the GITEWS (German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System) project. This research contributes to two major components of tsunami risk assessment: (1) the provision of infrastructure vulnerability information as an important element in the exposure assessment; (2) tsunami evacuation modelling which is a critical element for assessing immediate response and capability to evacuate as part of the coping capacity analysis. The newly developed methodology is based on the combination of in-situ measurements and remote sensing techniques in a so-called “bottom-up remote sensing approach”. Within this approach, basic information was acquired by in-situ data collection (bottom level), which was then used as input for further analysis in the remote sensing approach (upper level). The results of this research show that a combined in-situ measurement and remote sensing approach can be successfully employed to assess and classify buildings into 4 classes based on their level of vulnerability to tsunami hazard with an accuracy of more than 80 percent. Statistical analysis successfully revealed key spatial parameters which were regarded to link parameters between in-situ and remote sensing approach such as size, height, shape, regularity, orientation, and accessibility. The key spatial parameters and their specified threshold values were implemented in a decision tree algorithm for developing a remote sensing rule-set of building vulnerability classification. A big number of buildings in the study area (Cilacap city, Indonesia) were successfully classified into the building vulnerability classes. The categorization ranges from high to low vulnerable buildings (A to C) and includes also a category of buildings which are potentially suitable for tsunami vertical evacuation (VE). A multi-criteria analysis was developed that incorporates three main components for vulnerability assessment: stability, tsunami resistance and accessibility. All the defined components were configured in a decision tree algorithm by applying weighting, scoring and threshold definition based on the building sample data. Stability components consist of structure parameters, which are closely related to the building stability against earthquake energy. Building stability needs to be analyzed because most of tsunami events in Indonesia are preceded by major earthquakes. Stability components analysis was applied in the first step of the newly developed decision tree algorithm to evaluate the building stability when earthquake strikes. Buildings with total scores below the defined threshold of stability were classified as the most vulnerable class A. Such the buildings have a high probability of being damaged after earthquake events. The remaining buildings with total scores above the defined threshold of stability were further analyzed using tsunami components and accessibility components to classify them into the vulnerability classes B, C and VE respectively. This research is based on very high spatial resolution satellite images (QuickBird) and object-based image analysis. Object-based image analysis is was chosen, because it allows the formulation of rule-sets based on image objects instead of pixels, which has significant advantages especially for the analysis of very high resolution satellite images. In the pre-processing stage, three image processing steps were performed: geometric correction, pan-sharpening and filtering. Adaptive Local Sigma and Morphological Opening filter techniques were applied as basis for the subsequent building edge detection. The data pre-processing significantly increased the accuracy of the following steps of image classification. In the next step image segmentation was developed to extract adequate image objects to be used for further classification. Image classification was carried out by grouping resulting objects into desired classes based on the derived object features. A single object was assigned by its feature characteristics calculated in the segmentation process. The characteristic features of an object - which were grouped into spectral signature, shape, size, texture, and neighbouring relations - were analysed, selected and semantically modelled to classify objects into object classes. Fuzzy logic algorithm and object feature separation analysis was performed to set the member¬ship values of objects that were grouped into particular classes. Finally this approach successfully detected and mapped building objects in the study area with their spatial attributes which provide base information for building vulnerability classification. A building vulnerability classification rule-set has been developed in this research and successfully applied to categorize building vulnerability classes. The developed approach was applied for Cilacap city, Indonesia. In order to analyze the transferability of this newly developed approach, the algorithm was also applied to Padang City, Indonesia. The results showed that the developed methodology is in general transferable. However, it requires some adaptations (e.g. thresholds) to provide accurate results. The results of this research show that Cilacap City is very vulnerable to tsunami hazard. Class A (very vulnerable) buildings cover the biggest portion of area in Cilacap City (63%), followed by class C (28%), class VE (6%) and class B (3%). Preventive measures should be carried out for the purpose of disaster risk reduction, especially for people living in such the most vulnerable buildings. Finally, the results were applied for tsunami evacuation modeling. The buildings, which were categorized as potential candidates for vertical evacuation, were selected and a GIS approach was applied to model evacuation time and evacuation routes. The results of this analysis provide important inputs to the disaster management authorities for future evacuation planning and disaster mitigation

    Creating 3D city models from satellite imagery for integrated assessment and forecasting of solar energy

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    Buildings are the most prominent component in the urban environment. The geometric identification of urban buildings plays an important role in a range of urban applications, including 3D representations of buildings, energy consumption analysis, sustainable development, urban planning, risk assessment, and change detection. In particular, 3D building models can provide a comprehensive assessment of surfaces exposed to solar radiation. However, the identification of the available surfaces on urban structures and the actual locations which receive a sufficient amount of sunlight to increase installed power capacity (e.g. Photovoltaic systems) are crucial considerations for solar energy supply efficiency. Although considerable research has been devoted to detecting the rooftops of buildings, less attention has been paid to creating and completing 3D models of urban buildings. Therefore, there is a need to increase our understanding of the solar energy potential of the surfaces of building envelopes so we can formulate future adaptive energy policies for improving the sustainability of cities. The goal of this thesis was to develop a new approach to automatically model existing buildings for the exploitation of solar energy potential within an urban environment. By investigating building footprints and heights based on shadow information derived from satellite images, 3D city models were generated. Footprints were detected using a two level segmentation process: (1) the iterative graph cuts approach for determining building regions and (2) the active contour method and the adjusted-geometry parameters method for modifying the edges and shapes of the extracted building footprints. Building heights were estimated based on the simulation of artificial shadow regions using identified building footprints and solar information in the image metadata at pre-defined height increments. The difference between the actual and simulated shadow regions at every height increment was computed using the Jaccard similarity coefficient. The 3D models at the first level of detail were then obtained by extruding the building footprints based on their heights by creating image voxels and using the marching cube approach. In conclusion, 3D models of buildings can be generated solely from 2D data of the buildings’attributes in any selected urban area. The approach outperforms the past attempts, and mean error is reduced by at least 21%. Qualitative evaluations of the study illustrate that it is possible to achieve 3D building models based on satellite images with a mean error of less than 5 m. This comprehensive study allows for 3D city models to be generated in the absence of elevation attributes and additional data. Experiments revealed that this novel, automated method can be useful in a number of spatial analyses and urban sustainability applications

    Building Energy Model Generation Using a Digital Photogrammetry-Based 3D Model

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    Buildings consume a large amount of energy and environmental resources. At the same time, current practices for whole-building energy simulation are costly and require skilled labor. As Building Energy Modeling (BEM) and simulations are becoming increasingly important, there is a growing need to make environmental assessments of buildings more efficient and accessible. A building energy model is based on collecting input data from the real, physical world and representing them as a digital energy model. Real-world data is also collected in the field of 3D reconstruction and image analysis, where major developments have been happening in recent years. Current digital photogrammetry software can automatically match photographs taken with a simple smartphone camera and generate a 3D model. This thesis presents methods and techniques that can be used to generate a building energy model from a digital photogrammetry-based 3D model. To accomplish this, a prototype program was developed that uses 3D reconstructed data as geometric modeling inputs for BEM. To validate the prototype, an experiment was conducted where a case-study building was selected. Photographs of the building were taken using a small remotelycontrolled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) drone. Then, using photogrammetry software, the photographs were used to automatically generate a textured 3D model. The texture map, which is an image that represents the color information in the 3D model, was semantically annotated to extract building elements. The window annotations were iii used as inputs for the BEM process. In addition, a number of algorithms were applied to automatically convert both the 3D model and the annotated texture map into geometry that is compatible for a building energy model. Through the prototype, pre-defined templates were used with the geometric inputs to generate an EnergyPlus model (as an example building energy model). The feasibility of this experiment was verified by running a successful energy simulation. The results of this thesis contribute towards creating an automated and user-friendly photo-to-BEM method

    Mobile mapping system for historic built heritage and GIS integration: a challenging case study

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    Abstract To manage the historic built heritage, it is of fundamental importance to fully understand the urban area under study, so that all its characteristics and critical issues related to historical conformation, stratifcation, and transformations can be better understood and described. Geometric surveying allows a deeper investigation of these characteristics through analytical investigation in support of urban planning theories as well. To date, geomatics provides various tools and techniques to meet the above-mentioned needs, and mobile mapping system (MMS) is a technology that can survey large areas in a short time, with good results in terms of density, accuracy, and coverage of the data. In this context, the article aims to verify whether this approach can also be useful in the complex and stratifed reality of the historic urban context. The case analyzed—the historical center of Sabbioneta—presents some criticalities found in many urban centers of historical layout. Examples are narrow streets inserted in an urban context with multi-story buildings and consequent difculty in receiving the GNSS signal and difculty in following general MMS survey guidelines (trajectories with closed loops, wide radius curves). The analysis presented, relating to a survey carried out with Leica Pegasus:Two instrumentation, in addition to describing the strategies used to properly develop the survey, aims to analyze the resulting datum by discussing its possibilities for use in urban modeling, for cartographic or three-dimensional information modeling purposes. Particular attention is paid to assessing whether the quality of the data (accuracy, density) is suitable for the urban scale. Finally, an analysis of the data obtained from MMS was made with the geographic-topographic database (DBGT), in a GIS (Geographic Information System) environment, to check the possibilities of use and integration between the two models

    Proceedings. 9th 3DGeoInfo Conference 2014, [11-13 November 2014, Dubai]

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    It is known that, scientific disciplines such as geology, geophysics, and reservoir exploration intrinsically use 3D geo-information in their models and simulations. However, 3D geo-information is also urgently needed in many traditional 2D planning areas such as civil engineering, city and infrastructure modeling, architecture, environmental planning etc. Altogether, 3DGeoInfo is an emerging technology that will greatly influence the market within the next few decades. The 9th International 3DGeoInfo Conference aims at bringing together international state-of-the-art researchers and practitioners facilitating the dialogue on emerging topics in the field of 3D geo-information. The conference in Dubai offers an interdisciplinary forum of sub- and above-surface 3D geo-information researchers and practitioners dealing with data acquisition, modeling, management, maintenance, visualization, and analysis of 3D geo-information

    EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering

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    The 28th EG-ICE International Workshop 2021 brings together international experts working at the interface between advanced computing and modern engineering challenges. Many engineering tasks require open-world resolutions to support multi-actor collaboration, coping with approximate models, providing effective engineer-computer interaction, search in multi-dimensional solution spaces, accommodating uncertainty, including specialist domain knowledge, performing sensor-data interpretation and dealing with incomplete knowledge. While results from computer science provide much initial support for resolution, adaptation is unavoidable and most importantly, feedback from addressing engineering challenges drives fundamental computer-science research. Competence and knowledge transfer goes both ways

    Elements at risk

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