4,109 research outputs found

    Knowledge-based Biomedical Data Science 2019

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    Knowledge-based biomedical data science (KBDS) involves the design and implementation of computer systems that act as if they knew about biomedicine. Such systems depend on formally represented knowledge in computer systems, often in the form of knowledge graphs. Here we survey the progress in the last year in systems that use formally represented knowledge to address data science problems in both clinical and biological domains, as well as on approaches for creating knowledge graphs. Major themes include the relationships between knowledge graphs and machine learning, the use of natural language processing, and the expansion of knowledge-based approaches to novel domains, such as Chinese Traditional Medicine and biodiversity.Comment: Manuscript 43 pages with 3 tables; Supplemental material 43 pages with 3 table

    Explainable Deep Learning

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    Il grande successo che il Deep Learning ha ottenuto in ambiti strategici per la nostra società quali l'industria, la difesa, la medicina etc., ha portanto sempre più realtà a investire ed esplorare l'utilizzo di questa tecnologia. Ormai si possono trovare algoritmi di Machine Learning e Deep Learning quasi in ogni ambito della nostra vita. Dai telefoni, agli elettrodomestici intelligenti fino ai veicoli che guidiamo. Quindi si può dire che questa tecnologia pervarsiva è ormai a contatto con le nostre vite e quindi dobbiamo confrontarci con essa. Da questo nasce l’eXplainable Artificial Intelligence o XAI, uno degli ambiti di ricerca che vanno per la maggiore al giorno d'oggi in ambito di Deep Learning e di Intelligenza Artificiale. Il concetto alla base di questo filone di ricerca è quello di rendere e/o progettare i nuovi algoritmi di Deep Learning in modo che siano affidabili, interpretabili e comprensibili all'uomo. Questa necessità è dovuta proprio al fatto che le reti neurali, modello matematico che sta alla base del Deep Learning, agiscono come una scatola nera, rendendo incomprensibile all'uomo il ragionamento interno che compiono per giungere ad una decisione. Dato che stiamo delegando a questi modelli matematici decisioni sempre più importanti, integrandole nei processi più delicati della nostra società quali, ad esempio, la diagnosi medica, la guida autonoma o i processi di legge, è molto importante riuscire a comprendere le motivazioni che portano questi modelli a produrre determinati risultati. Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi consiste proprio nello studio e nella sperimentazione di algoritmi di Deep Learning integrati con tecniche di Intelligenza Artificiale simbolica. Questa integrazione ha un duplice scopo: rendere i modelli più potenti, consentendogli di compiere ragionamenti o vincolandone il comportamento in situazioni complesse, e renderli interpretabili. La tesi affronta due macro argomenti: le spiegazioni ottenute grazie all'integrazione neuro-simbolica e lo sfruttamento delle spiegazione per rendere gli algoritmi di Deep Learning più capaci o intelligenti. Il primo macro argomento si concentra maggiormente sui lavori svolti nello sperimentare l'integrazione di algoritmi simbolici con le reti neurali. Un approccio è stato quelli di creare un sistema per guidare gli addestramenti delle reti stesse in modo da trovare la migliore combinazione di iper-parametri per automatizzare la progettazione stessa di queste reti. Questo è fatto tramite l'integrazione di reti neurali con la Programmazione Logica Probabilistica (PLP) che consente di sfruttare delle regole probabilistiche indotte dal comportamento delle reti durante la fase di addestramento o ereditate dall'esperienza maturata dagli esperti del settore. Queste regole si innescano allo scatenarsi di un problema che il sistema rileva durate l'addestramento della rete. Questo ci consente di ottenere una spiegazione di cosa è stato fatto per migliorare l'addestramento una volta identificato un determinato problema. Un secondo approccio è stato quello di far cooperare sistemi logico-probabilistici con reti neurali per la diagnosi medica da fonti di dati eterogenee. La seconda tematica affrontata in questa tesi tratta lo sfruttamento delle spiegazioni che possiamo ottenere dalle rete neurali. In particolare, queste spiegazioni sono usate per creare moduli di attenzione che aiutano a vincolare o a guidare le reti neurali portandone ad avere prestazioni migliorate. Tutti i lavori sviluppati durante il dottorato e descritti in questa tesi hanno portato alle pubblicazioni elencate nel Capitolo 14.2.The great success that Machine and Deep Learning has achieved in areas that are strategic for our society such as industry, defence, medicine, etc., has led more and more realities to invest and explore the use of this technology. Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms and learned models can now be found in almost every area of our lives. From phones to smart home appliances, to the cars we drive. So it can be said that this pervasive technology is now in touch with our lives, and therefore we have to deal with it. This is why eXplainable Artificial Intelligence or XAI was born, one of the research trends that are currently in vogue in the field of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The idea behind this line of research is to make and/or design the new Deep Learning algorithms so that they are interpretable and comprehensible to humans. This necessity is due precisely to the fact that neural networks, the mathematical model underlying Deep Learning, act like a black box, making the internal reasoning they carry out to reach a decision incomprehensible and untrustable to humans. As we are delegating more and more important decisions to these mathematical models, it is very important to be able to understand the motivations that lead these models to make certain decisions. This is because we have integrated them into the most delicate processes of our society, such as medical diagnosis, autonomous driving or legal processes. The work presented in this thesis consists in studying and testing Deep Learning algorithms integrated with symbolic Artificial Intelligence techniques. This integration has a twofold purpose: to make the models more powerful, enabling them to carry out reasoning or constraining their behaviour in complex situations, and to make them interpretable. The thesis focuses on two macro topics: the explanations obtained through neuro-symbolic integration and the exploitation of explanations to make the Deep Learning algorithms more capable or intelligent. The neuro-symbolic integration was addressed twice, by experimenting with the integration of symbolic algorithms with neural networks. A first approach was to create a system to guide the training of the networks themselves in order to find the best combination of hyper-parameters to automate the design of these networks. This is done by integrating neural networks with Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP). This integration makes it possible to exploit probabilistic rules tuned by the behaviour of the networks during the training phase or inherited from the experience of experts in the field. These rules are triggered when a problem occurs during network training. This generates an explanation of what was done to improve the training once a particular issue was identified. A second approach was to make probabilistic logic systems cooperate with neural networks for medical diagnosis on heterogeneous data sources. The second topic addressed in this thesis concerns the exploitation of explanations. In particular, the explanations one can obtain from neural networks are used in order to create attention modules that help in constraining and improving the performance of neural networks. All works developed during the PhD and described in this thesis have led to the publications listed in Chapter 14.2

    Exploring AI Tool's Versatile Responses: An In-depth Analysis Across Different Industries and Its Performance Evaluation

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    AI Tool is a large language model (LLM) designed to generate human-like responses in natural language conversations. It is trained on a massive corpus of text from the internet, which allows it to leverage a broad understanding of language, general knowledge, and various domains. AI Tool can provide information, engage in conversations, assist with tasks, and even offer creative suggestions. The underlying technology behind AI Tool is a transformer neural network. Transformers excel at capturing long-range dependencies in text, making them well-suited for language-related tasks. AI Tool has 175 billion parameters, making it one of the largest and most powerful LLMs to date. This work presents an overview of AI Tool's responses on various sectors of industry. Further, the responses of AI Tool have been cross-verified with human experts in the corresponding fields. To validate the performance of AI Tool, a few explicit parameters have been considered and the evaluation has been done. This study will help the research community and other users to understand the uses of AI Tool and its interaction pattern. The results of this study show that AI Tool is able to generate human-like responses that are both informative and engaging. However, it is important to note that AI Tool can occasionally produce incorrect or nonsensical answers. It is therefore important to critically evaluate the information that AI Tool provides and to verify it from reliable sources when necessary. Overall, this study suggests that AI Tool is a promising new tool for natural language processing, and that it has the potential to be used in a wide variety of applications

    Self-disclosure model for classifying & predicting text-based online disclosure

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    Les médias sociaux et les sites de réseaux sociaux sont devenus des babillards numériques pour les internautes à cause de leur évolution accélérée. Comme ces sites encouragent les consommateurs à exposer des informations personnelles via des profils et des publications, l'utilisation accrue des médias sociaux a généré des problèmes d’invasion de la vie privée. Des chercheurs ont fait de nombreux efforts pour détecter l'auto-divulgation en utilisant des techniques d'extraction d'informations. Des recherches récentes sur l'apprentissage automatique et les méthodes de traitement du langage naturel montrent que la compréhension du sens contextuel des mots peut entraîner une meilleure précision que les méthodes d'extraction de données traditionnelles. Comme mentionné précédemment, les utilisateurs ignorent souvent la quantité d'informations personnelles publiées dans les forums en ligne. Il est donc nécessaire de détecter les diverses divulgations en langage naturel et de leur donner le choix de tester la possibilité de divulgation avant de publier. Pour ce faire, ce travail propose le « SD_ELECTRA », un modèle de langage spécifique au contexte. Ce type de modèle détecte les divulgations d'intérêts, de données personnelles, d'éducation et de travail, de relations, de personnalité, de résidence, de voyage et d'accueil dans les données des médias sociaux. L'objectif est de créer un modèle linguistique spécifique au contexte sur une plate-forme de médias sociaux qui fonctionne mieux que les modèles linguistiques généraux. De plus, les récents progrès des modèles de transformateurs ont ouvert la voie à la formation de modèles de langage à partir de zéro et à des scores plus élevés. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que SD_ELECTRA a surpassé le modèle de base dans toutes les métriques considérées pour la méthode de classification de texte standard. En outre, les résultats montrent également que l'entraînement d'un modèle de langage avec un corpus spécifique au contexte de préentraînement plus petit sur un seul GPU peut améliorer les performances. Une application Web illustrative est conçue pour permettre aux utilisateurs de tester les possibilités de divulgation dans leurs publications sur les réseaux sociaux. En conséquence, en utilisant l'efficacité du modèle suggéré, les utilisateurs pourraient obtenir un apprentissage en temps réel sur l'auto-divulgation.Social media and social networking sites have evolved into digital billboards for internet users due to their rapid expansion. As these sites encourage consumers to expose personal information via profiles and postings, increased use of social media has generated privacy concerns. There have been notable efforts from researchers to detect self-disclosure using Information extraction (IE) techniques. Recent research on machine learning and natural language processing methods shows that understanding the contextual meaning of the words can result in better accuracy than traditional data extraction methods. Driven by the facts mentioned earlier, users are often ignorant of the quantity of personal information published in online forums, there is a need to detect various disclosures in natural language and give them a choice to test the possibility of disclosure before posting. For this purpose, this work proposes "SD_ELECTRA," a context-specific language model to detect Interest, Personal, Education and Work, Relationship, Personality, Residence, Travel plan, and Hospitality disclosures in social media data. The goal is to create a context-specific language model on a social media platform that performs better than the general language models. Moreover, recent advancements in transformer models paved the way to train language models from scratch and achieve higher scores. Experimental results show that SD_ELECTRA has outperformed the base model in all considered metrics for the standard text classification method. In addition, the results also show that training a language model with a smaller pre-training context-specific corpus on a single GPU can improve its performance. An illustrative web application designed allows users to test the disclosure possibilities in their social media posts. As a result, by utilizing the efficiency of the suggested model, users would be able to get real-time learning on self-disclosure

    Application of Predicted Models in Debt Management: Developing a Machine Learning Algorithm to Predict Customer Risk at EDP Comercial

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Data ScienceThis report is a result of a nine-month internship at EDP Comercial where the main project of research was the application of artificial intelligence tools in the field of debt management. Debt management involves a set of strategies and processes aimed at reducing or eliminating debt and the use of artificial intelligence has shown great potential to optimize these processes and minimize the risk of debt for individuals and organizations. In terms of monitoring and controlling the creditworthiness and quality of clients, debt management has mainly been responsive and reactive, attempting to recover losses after a client has become delinquent. There is a gap in the knowledge of how to proactively identify at-risk accounts before they fall behind on payments. To avoid the constant reactive response in the field, it was developed a machine-learning algorithm that predicts the risk of a client becoming in debt by analyzing their scorecard, which measures the quality of a client based on their infringement history. After preprocessing the data, XGBoost was implemented to a dataset of 3M customers with at least one active contract on EDP, on electricity or gas. Hyperparameter tuning was performed on the model to reach an F1 score of 0.7850 on the training set and 0.7835 on the test set. The results were discussed and based on those, recommendations and improvements were also identified

    GA-Optimized Multivariate CNN-LSTM Model for Predicting Multi-channel Mobility in the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The primary factor that contributes to the transmission of COVID-19 infection is human mobility. Positive instances added on a daily basis have a substantial positive association with the pace of human mobility, and the reverse is true. Thus, having the ability to predict human mobility trend during a pandemic is critical for policymakers to help in decreasing the rate of transmission in the future. In this regard, one approach that is commonly used for time-series data prediction is to build an ensemble with the aim of getting the best performance. However, building an ensemble often causes the performance of the model to decrease, due to the increasing number of parameters that are not being optimized properly. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a deep learning ensemble model, which is optimized using a genetic algorithm (GA) that incorporates a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a long short-term memory (LSTM). A CNN is used to conduct feature extraction from mobility time-series data, while an LSTM is used to do mobility prediction. The parameters of both layers are adjusted using GA. As a result of the experiments conducted with data from the Google Community Mobility Reports in Indonesia that ranges from the beginning of February 2020 to the end of December 2020, the GA-Optimized Multivariate CNN-LSTM ensemble outperforms stand-alone CNN and LSTM models, as well as the non-optimized CNN-LSTM model, in terms of predicting human movement in the future. This may be useful in assisting policymakers in anticipating future human mobility trends. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01300 Full Text: PD

    LSTM Networks for Detection and Classification of Anomalies in Raw Sensor Data

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    In order to ensure the validity of sensor data, it must be thoroughly analyzed for various types of anomalies. Traditional machine learning methods of anomaly detections in sensor data are based on domain-specific feature engineering. A typical approach is to use domain knowledge to analyze sensor data and manually create statistics-based features, which are then used to train the machine learning models to detect and classify the anomalies. Although this methodology is used in practice, it has a significant drawback due to the fact that feature extraction is usually labor intensive and requires considerable effort from domain experts. An alternative approach is to use deep learning algorithms. Research has shown that modern deep neural networks are very effective in automated extraction of abstract features from raw data in classification tasks. Long short-term memory networks, or LSTMs in short, are a special kind of recurrent neural networks that are capable of learning long-term dependencies. These networks have proved to be especially effective in the classification of raw time-series data in various domains. This dissertation systematically investigates the effectiveness of the LSTM model for anomaly detection and classification in raw time-series sensor data. As a proof of concept, this work used time-series data of sensors that measure blood glucose levels. A large number of time-series sequences was created based on a genuine medical diabetes dataset. Anomalous series were constructed by six methods that interspersed patterns of common anomaly types in the data. An LSTM network model was trained with k-fold cross-validation on both anomalous and valid series to classify raw time-series sequences into one of seven classes: non-anomalous, and classes corresponding to each of the six anomaly types. As a control, the accuracy of detection and classification of the LSTM was compared to that of four traditional machine learning classifiers: support vector machines, Random Forests, naive Bayes, and shallow neural networks. The performance of all the classifiers was evaluated based on nine metrics: precision, recall, and the F1-score, each measured in micro, macro and weighted perspective. While the traditional models were trained on vectors of features, derived from the raw data, that were based on knowledge of common sources of anomaly, the LSTM was trained on raw time-series data. Experimental results indicate that the performance of the LSTM was comparable to the best traditional classifiers by achieving 99% accuracy in all 9 metrics. The model requires no labor-intensive feature engineering, and the fine-tuning of its architecture and hyper-parameters can be made in a fully automated way. This study, therefore, finds LSTM networks an effective solution to anomaly detection and classification in sensor data
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