1,564 research outputs found

    Hybrid approach for disease comorbidity and disease gene prediction using heterogeneous dataset

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    High throughput analysis and large scale integration of biological data led to leading researches in the field of bioinformatics. Recent years witnessed the development of various methods for disease associated gene prediction and disease comorbidity predictions. Most of the existing techniques use network-based approaches and similarity-based approaches for these predictions. Even though network-based approaches have better performance, these methods rely on text data from OMIM records and PubMed abstracts. In this method, a novel algorithm (HDCDGP) is proposed for disease comorbidity prediction and disease associated gene prediction. Disease comorbidity network and disease gene network were constructed using data from gene ontology (GO), human phenotype ontology (HPO), protein-protein interaction (PPI) and pathway dataset. Modified random walk restart algorithm was applied on these networks for extracting novel disease-gene associations. Experimental results showed that the hybrid approach has better performance compared to existing systems with an overall accuracy around 85%

    Motif Discovery through Predictive Modeling of Gene Regulation

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    We present MEDUSA, an integrative method for learning motif models of transcription factor binding sites by incorporating promoter sequence and gene expression data. We use a modern large-margin machine learning approach, based on boosting, to enable feature selection from the high-dimensional search space of candidate binding sequences while avoiding overfitting. At each iteration of the algorithm, MEDUSA builds a motif model whose presence in the promoter region of a gene, coupled with activity of a regulator in an experiment, is predictive of differential expression. In this way, we learn motifs that are functional and predictive of regulatory response rather than motifs that are simply overrepresented in promoter sequences. Moreover, MEDUSA produces a model of the transcriptional control logic that can predict the expression of any gene in the organism, given the sequence of the promoter region of the target gene and the expression state of a set of known or putative transcription factors and signaling molecules. Each motif model is either a kk-length sequence, a dimer, or a PSSM that is built by agglomerative probabilistic clustering of sequences with similar boosting loss. By applying MEDUSA to a set of environmental stress response expression data in yeast, we learn motifs whose ability to predict differential expression of target genes outperforms motifs from the TRANSFAC dataset and from a previously published candidate set of PSSMs. We also show that MEDUSA retrieves many experimentally confirmed binding sites associated with environmental stress response from the literature.Comment: RECOMB 200

    Large-scale automated protein function prediction

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    Includes bibliographical references.2016 Summer.Proteins are the workhorses of life, and identifying their functions is a very important biological problem. The function of a protein can be loosely defined as everything it performs or happens to it. The Gene Ontology (GO) is a structured vocabulary which captures protein function in a hierarchical manner and contains thousands of terms. Through various wet-lab experiments over the years scientists have been able to annotate a large number of proteins with GO categories which reflect their functionality. However, experimentally determining protein functions is a highly resource-intensive task, and a large fraction of proteins remain un-annotated. Recently a plethora automated methods have emerged and their reasonable success in computationally determining the functions of proteins using a variety of data sources – by sequence/structure similarity or using various biological network data, has led to establishing automated function prediction (AFP) as an important problem in bioinformatics. In a typical machine learning problem, cross-validation is the protocol of choice for evaluating the accuracy of a classifier. But, due to the process of accumulation of annotations over time, we identify the AFP as a combination of two sub-tasks: making predictions on annotated proteins and making predictions on previously unannotated proteins. In our first project, we analyze the performance of several protein function prediction methods in these two scenarios. Our results show that GOstruct, an AFP method that our lab has previously developed, and two other popular methods: binary SVMs and guilt by association, find it hard to achieve the same level of accuracy on these two tasks compared to the performance evaluated through cross-validation, and that predicting novel annotations for previously annotated proteins is a harder problem than predicting annotations for uncharacterized proteins. We develop GOstruct 2.0 by proposing improvements which allows the model to make use of information of a protein's current annotations to better handle the task of predicting novel annotations for previously annotated proteins. Experimental results on yeast and human data show that GOstruct 2.0 outperforms the original GOstruct, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed improvements. Although the biomedical literature is a very informative resource for identifying protein function, most AFP methods do not take advantage of the large amount of information contained in it. In our second project, we conduct the first ever comprehensive evaluation on the effectiveness of literature data for AFP. Specifically, we extract co-mentions of protein-GO term pairs and bag-of-words features from the literature and explore their effectiveness in predicting protein function. Our results show that literature features are very informative of protein function but with further room for improvement. In order to improve the quality of automatically extracted co-mentions, we formulate the classification of co-mentions as a supervised learning problem and propose a novel method based on graph kernels. Experimental results indicate the feasibility of using this co-mention classifier as a complementary method that aids the bio-curators who are responsible for maintaining databases such as Gene Ontology. This is the first study of the problem of protein-function relation extraction from biomedical text. The recently developed human phenotype ontology (HPO), which is very similar to GO, is a standardized vocabulary for describing the phenotype abnormalities associated with human diseases. At present, only a small fraction of human protein coding genes have HPO annotations. But, researchers believe that a large portion of currently unannotated genes are related to disease phenotypes. Therefore, it is important to predict gene-HPO term associations using accurate computational methods. In our third project, we introduce PHENOstruct, a computational method that directly predicts the set of HPO terms for a given gene. We compare PHENOstruct with several baseline methods and show that it outperforms them in every respect. Furthermore, we highlight a collection of informative data sources suitable for the problem of predicting gene-HPO associations, including large scale literature mining data

    Automated generation of gene summaries at the Alliance of Genome Resources.

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    Short paragraphs that describe gene function, referred to as gene summaries, are valued by users of biological knowledgebases for the ease with which they convey key aspects of gene function. Manual curation of gene summaries, while desirable, is difficult for knowledgebases to sustain. We developed an algorithm that uses curated, structured gene data at the Alliance of Genome Resources (Alliance; www.alliancegenome.org) to automatically generate gene summaries that simulate natural language. The gene data used for this purpose include curated associations (annotations) to ontology terms from the Gene Ontology, Disease Ontology, model organism knowledgebase (MOK)-specific anatomy ontologies and Alliance orthology data. The method uses sentence templates for each data category included in the gene summary in order to build a natural language sentence from the list of terms associated with each gene. To improve readability of the summaries when numerous gene annotations are present, we developed a new algorithm that traverses ontology graphs in order to group terms by their common ancestors. The algorithm optimizes the coverage of the initial set of terms and limits the length of the final summary, using measures of information content of each ontology term as a criterion for inclusion in the summary. The automated gene summaries are generated with each Alliance release, ensuring that they reflect current data at the Alliance. Our method effectively leverages category-specific curation efforts of the Alliance member databases to create modular, structured and standardized gene summaries for seven member species of the Alliance. These automatically generated gene summaries make cross-species gene function comparisons tenable and increase discoverability of potential models of human disease. In addition to being displayed on Alliance gene pages, these summaries are also included on several MOK gene pages

    Automated generation of gene summaries at the Alliance of Genome Resources

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    Short paragraphs that describe gene function, referred to as gene summaries, are valued by users of biological knowledgebases for the ease with which they convey key aspects of gene function. Manual curation of gene summaries, while desirable, is difficult for knowledgebases to sustain. We developed an algorithm that uses curated, structured gene data at the Alliance of Genome Resources (Alliance; www.alliancegenome.org) to automatically generate gene summaries that simulate natural language. The gene data used for this purpose include curated associations (annotations) to ontology terms from the Gene Ontology, Disease Ontology, model organism knowledgebase (MOK)-specific anatomy ontologies and Alliance orthology data. The method uses sentence templates for each data category included in the gene summary in order to build a natural language sentence from the list of terms associated with each gene. To improve readability of the summaries when numerous gene annotations are present, we developed a new algorithm that traverses ontology graphs in order to group terms by their common ancestors. The algorithm optimizes the coverage of the initial set of terms and limits the length of the final summary, using measures of information content of each ontology term as a criterion for inclusion in the summary. The automated gene summaries are generated with each Alliance release, ensuring that they reflect current data at the Alliance. Our method effectively leverages category-specific curation efforts of the Alliance member databases to create modular, structured and standardized gene summaries for seven member species of the Alliance. These automatically generated gene summaries make cross-species gene function comparisons tenable and increase discoverability of potential models of human disease. In addition to being displayed on Alliance gene pages, these summaries are also included on several MOK gene pages

    SemEHR:A general-purpose semantic search system to surface semantic data from clinical notes for tailored care, trial recruitment, and clinical research

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    OBJECTIVE: Unlocking the data contained within both structured and unstructured components of electronic health records (EHRs) has the potential to provide a step change in data available for secondary research use, generation of actionable medical insights, hospital management, and trial recruitment. To achieve this, we implemented SemEHR, an open source semantic search and analytics tool for EHRs. METHODS: SemEHR implements a generic information extraction (IE) and retrieval infrastructure by identifying contextualized mentions of a wide range of biomedical concepts within EHRs. Natural language processing annotations are further assembled at the patient level and extended with EHR-specific knowledge to generate a timeline for each patient. The semantic data are serviced via ontology-based search and analytics interfaces. RESULTS: SemEHR has been deployed at a number of UK hospitals, including the Clinical Record Interactive Search, an anonymized replica of the EHR of the UK South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust, one of Europe's largest providers of mental health services. In 2 Clinical Record Interactive Search-based studies, SemEHR achieved 93% (hepatitis C) and 99% (HIV) F-measure results in identifying true positive patients. At King's College Hospital in London, as part of the CogStack program (github.com/cogstack), SemEHR is being used to recruit patients into the UK Department of Health 100 000 Genomes Project (genomicsengland.co.uk). The validation study suggests that the tool can validate previously recruited cases and is very fast at searching phenotypes; time for recruitment criteria checking was reduced from days to minutes. Validated on open intensive care EHR data, Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III, the vital signs extracted by SemEHR can achieve around 97% accuracy. CONCLUSION: Results from the multiple case studies demonstrate SemEHR's efficiency: weeks or months of work can be done within hours or minutes in some cases. SemEHR provides a more comprehensive view of patients, bringing in more and unexpected insight compared to study-oriented bespoke IE systems. SemEHR is open source, available at https://github.com/CogStack/SemEHR