4,230 research outputs found

    Improving Outfit Recommendation with Co-supervision of Fashion Generation

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    The task of fashion recommendation includes two main challenges: visual understanding and visual matching. Visual understanding aims to extract effective visual features. Visual matching aims to model a human notion of compatibility to compute a match between fashion items. Most previous studies rely on recommendation loss alone to guide visual understanding and matching. Although the features captured by these methods describe basic characteristics (e.g., color, texture, shape) of the input items, they are not directly related to the visual signals of the output items (to be recommended). This is problematic because the aesthetic characteristics (e.g., style, design), based on which we can directly infer the output items, are lacking. Features are learned under the recommendation loss alone, where the supervision signal is simply whether the given two items are matched or not. To address this problem, we propose a neural co-supervision learning framework, called the FAshion Recommendation Machine (FARM). FARM improves visual understanding by incorporating the supervision of generation loss, which we hypothesize to be able to better encode aesthetic information. FARM enhances visual matching by introducing a novel layer-to-layer matching mechanism to fuse aesthetic information more effectively, and meanwhile avoiding paying too much attention to the generation quality and ignoring the recommendation performance. Extensive experiments on two publicly available datasets show that FARM outperforms state-of-the-art models on outfit recommendation, in terms of AUC and MRR. Detailed analyses of generated and recommended items demonstrate that FARM can encode better features and generate high quality images as references to improve recommendation performance

    Computational Technologies for Fashion Recommendation: A Survey

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    Fashion recommendation is a key research field in computational fashion research and has attracted considerable interest in the computer vision, multimedia, and information retrieval communities in recent years. Due to the great demand for applications, various fashion recommendation tasks, such as personalized fashion product recommendation, complementary (mix-and-match) recommendation, and outfit recommendation, have been posed and explored in the literature. The continuing research attention and advances impel us to look back and in-depth into the field for a better understanding. In this paper, we comprehensively review recent research efforts on fashion recommendation from a technological perspective. We first introduce fashion recommendation at a macro level and analyse its characteristics and differences with general recommendation tasks. We then clearly categorize different fashion recommendation efforts into several sub-tasks and focus on each sub-task in terms of its problem formulation, research focus, state-of-the-art methods, and limitations. We also summarize the datasets proposed in the literature for use in fashion recommendation studies to give readers a brief illustration. Finally, we discuss several promising directions for future research in this field. Overall, this survey systematically reviews the development of fashion recommendation research. It also discusses the current limitations and gaps between academic research and the real needs of the fashion industry. In the process, we offer a deep insight into how the fashion industry could benefit from fashion recommendation technologies. the computational technologies of fashion recommendation

    Human Shape and Clothing Estimation

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    Human shape and clothing estimation has gained significant prominence in various domains, including online shopping, fashion retail, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and gaming. The visual representation of human shape and clothing has become a focal point for computer vision researchers in recent years. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the major works in the field, focusing on four key aspects: human shape estimation, fashion generation, landmark detection, and attribute recognition. For each of these tasks, the survey paper examines recent advancements, discusses their strengths and limitations, and qualitative differences in approaches and outcomes. By exploring the latest developments in human shape and clothing estimation, this survey aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the field and inspire future research in this rapidly evolving domain

    Leveraging Predictive Modeling, Machine Learning Personalization, NLP Customer Support, and AI Chatbots to Increase Customer Loyalty

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    AI, ML, and NLP are profoundly altering the way organizations work. With the increasing influx of data and the development of AI systems to understand it in order to solve business challenges, the excitement surrounding AI has grown. Massive datasets, computer capacity, improved algorithms, accessible algorithm libraries, and frameworks have compelled today's organizations to use AI to enhance their operations and profits. These technologies aid every kind of industry, from agriculture to finance. More specifically, AI and ML, and NLP are assisting organizations in areas such as customer service, predictive modeling, customer personalization, picture identification, sentiment analysis, offline and online document processing. The purpose of this study was twofold. We first review the several applications of AI in business and then empirically test whether these applications increase customer loyalty using the datasets of 910 firms around the world.  The datasets include the integration scores of four different AI features, namely, AI-powered customer service, predictive modeling, ML-powered personalization, and natural language processing integration. The target is the customer loyalty measure as binary. All the features are measured on a 5-pint Likert scale. We applied six different supervised machine learning algorithms, namely, Logistic regression, KNN, SVM, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Ada boost Classifiers. the performance of each algorithm was evaluated using confusion matrices and ROC curves. The Ada boost and logistic classifiers performed better with test accuracies of 0.639 and 0.631, respectively. The decision tree and KNN had the performance with accuracies of 0.532 and 0.570, respectively.  The findings of this study highlight that by incorporating AI, ML, and NLP, businesses may analyze data to uncover what's useful, gaining valuable insights that can be used to automate processes and drive business strategies. As a result, firms that wish to remain competitive and increase customer loyalty should adopt them

    Consumption of fashionable clothing brands: an exploratory study of fashion purchases by South African teenage girls

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management (August 2016)The purpose of this research paper is to explore the proposition around the factors influencing fashion choices for teenage girls which include attitude, impulse consumption, peer pressure, self-congruency and socialisation agents which all lead to their intention to purchase fashionable clothing brands. The research problem was to identify whether the factors influencing teenagers’ attitudes and decision making styles actually affect their intention to consume fashionable clothing brands. The design approach and methodology was the gathering of qualitative data from conducting five focus groups consisting of six female respondents each. The respondents were teenage girls aged between 13 and 19 years old, from different social backgrounds. Findings showed relatively high levels of consumption of fashion brands among the respondents, but not necessarily conducted in the traditional consumer decision-making processes. The manner in which teenage girls consume fashion brands creates a clear distinction and gap in the market of how to connect with this age segment. Key findings of the research show that teenagers no longer conform to typical adolescent ways, and it is through their consumption behaviour that marketers need to identify ways in which retail marketers can engage with them.MT 201

    Visual Co-occurence Learning using Denoising Autoencoders

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    Modern recommendation systems are leveraging the recent advances in deep neural networks to provide better recommendations. In addition to making accurate recommendations to users, we are interested in the recommendation of items that are complementary to a set of other items. More specifically, given a user query containing items from different categories, we seek to recommend one or more items from our inventory based on latent representations of their visual appearance. For this purpose, a denoising autoencoder (DAE) is used. The capacity of DAEs to remove the noise from corrupted inputs by predicting their corresponding uncorrupted counterparts is investigated. Used with the right corruption process, we show that they can be used as regular prediction models. Furthermore, we measure experimentally two of their specificities. The first is their capacity to predict any potentially missing variable from their inputs. The second is their ability to predict multiple missing variables at the same time given a limited amount of information at their disposal. Finally, we experiment with the use of DAEs to recommend fashion items that are jointly fashionable with a user query. Latent representations of items contained in the user query are being fed into a DAE to predict the latent representation of the ideal item to recommend. This ideal item is then matched to a real item from our inventory that we end up recommending to the user

    Goodbye Pareto Principle, Hello Long Tail: The Effect of Search Costs on the Concentration of Product Sales

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    Many markets have historically been dominated by a small number of best-selling products. The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, describes this common pattern of sales concentration. However, information technology in general and Internet markets in particular have the potential to substantially increase the collective share of niche products, thereby creating a longer tail in the distribution of sales. This paper investigates the Internet's “long tail” phenomenon. By analyzing data collected from a multichannel retailer, it provides empirical evidence that the Internet channel exhibits a significantly less concentrated sales distribution when compared with traditional channels. Previous explanations for this result have focused on differences in product availability between channels. However, we demonstrate that the result survives even when the Internet and traditional channels share exactly the same product availability and prices. Instead, we find that consumers' usage of Internet search and discovery tools, such as recommendation engines, are associated with an increase the share of niche products. We conclude that the Internet's long tail is not solely due to the increase in product selection but may also partly reflect lower search costs on the Internet. If the relationships we uncover persist, the underlying trends in technology portend an ongoing shift in the distribution of product sales.MIT Center for Digital BusinessNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant IIS-0085725
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