3,450 research outputs found

    An Integrated Routing and Distributed Scheduling Approach for Hybrid IEEE 802.16E Mesh Networks For Vehicular Broadband Communications

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    An integrated routing and distributed scheduling approach for fast deployable IEEE 802.16e networks is presented where distributed base stations with dual radios form a mesh backhaul and subscriber stations communicate through these base stations. The mesh backhaul is formed via an IEEE 802.16e mesh mode radio on each base station, while the subscriber stations communicate with base stations via PMP mode radios. The proposed routing scheme divides the deployed network into several routing zones. Each routing zone contains several base stations that form the mesh backhaul with one base station equipped with either a fiber, satellite or any other point-to-point backhaul link to reach a gateway on the core network (for example, Internet or Enterprise Network). Traffic from the subscriber stations is routed by the serving base station through the mesh to the gateway-connected base station using min-hop routing metric. Mobile IP scheme is used to assign a care-of address to a subscriber station that moves from one routing zone to the other, thereby avoiding a change in IP address for network layer applications. The scheduling approach consists of two phases. In the first phase, a centralized mesh scheduling algorithm is applied with collected information on network topology, radio parameters, and initial QoS provisioning requirements. At the same time, each base station derives a PMP schedule for actual demands from associated subscriber stations constrained by the initial mesh schedule. In the second phase, each base station monitors its carried PMP traffic load statistics; to accommodate traffic load changes in a distributed fashion, each base station lends or borrows time slots from neighboring base stations to adjust its mesh and PMP radio schedules. The distributed schedule adaptation method not only allows individual base stations to accommodate short-term increases in bandwidth demands, it also provides the means for optimizing the mesh and PMP schedules with respect to actual bandwidth demands. Several deployment strategies are considered and an analytical model is developed to identify the achievable increase in overall network throughput using the proposed scheduling approach. Simulations are run in network simulator ns-2 to verify results obtained using the analytical model

    MPLS layer 3 VPN

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesMultiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is the principal technology used in Service Provider. Networks as this mechanism forwarding packet quickly. MPLS is a new way to increase the speed, capability and service supplying abilities for optimization of transmission resources. Service Provider networks use this technology to connect different remote sites. MPLS technology provides lower network delay, effective forwarding mechanism, ascendable and predictable performance of the services which makes it more appropriate for carry out real-time applications such as Voice and video. MPLS can be used to transport any type of data whether it is layer 2 data such as frame relay, Ethernet, ATM data etc. or layer 3 data such as IPV4, IPV6.Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) é a principal tecnologia usada no Service Provider. Redes como este mecanismo fazem o encaminhamento de pacotes de dados rapidamente. MPLS é uma nova maneira de aumentar a velocidade, a capacidades de fornecimento, a capacidade de serviço para otimização de recursos de transmissão. As redes Service Provider usam essa tecnologia para ligar diferentes sites remotos. A tecnologia MPLS oferece menor atraso de rede, mecanismo de encaminhamento eficaz, desempenho e serviços previsíveis o que o tornam mais apropriado para executar aplicativos em tempo real, como voz e vídeo. O MPLS pode ser usado para transportar qualquer tipo de dados, seja dados de camada 2, como frame relay, Ethernet, dados ATM, etc., ou dados da camada 3, como IPV4, IPV6.N/


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    A difference module determines differences between an outdoor ambient temperature and an indoor temperature, determines a first average of the differences , and determines a second average of the differences. A storing module stores a first data point, the first data point including the first average and a first total run time of a heating, ventilation, and/or air conditioning (HVAC) system, and stores a second data point, the second data point including the second average and a second total run time of the HVAC system. A fitting module fits a line to the first and second data points. An envelope grading module generates a grade for an exterior envelope of a building based on a first characteristic of the line. An interior grading module generates a grade for an interior of the building based on a second characteristic of the line. A reporting module generates a displayable report for the building including the grade of the exterior envelope and the grade of the interior of the building


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    A difference module determines differences between an out door ambient temperature and an indoor temperature, deter mines a first average of the differences, and determines a second average of the differences. A storing module stores a first data point, the first data point including the first average and a first total run time of a heating, ventilation, and/or air conditioning (HVAC) system, and stores a second data point, the second data point including the second average and a second total run time of the HVAC system. A fitting module fits a line to the first and second data points. An envelope grading module generates a grade for an exterior envelope of a building based on a first characteristic of the line. An interior grading module generates a grade for an interior of the building based on a second characteristic of the line. A reporting module generates a displayable report for the building including the grade of the exterior envelope and the grade of the interior of the building

    Diplomado de profundización cisco prueba de habilidades prácticas CCNP

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    Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se utilizó el simulador GNS3 y protocolos de enrutamiento: OSPF protocolo de enrutamiento interior y un BGP protocolo de enrutamiento exterior; estos protocolos tienen la habilidad de almacenar rutas independientes de otros routers para así seleccionar la conmutación de paquetes y hacer más rápido el tráfico entre ellos. El Diplomado de profundización Cisco prueba de habilidades prácticas CCNP está dividido en cuatro partes Construir la red y configurar los parámetros básicos de los dispositivos y el direccionamiento de las interfaces. Configurar la capa 2 de la red y el soporte del Host Configurar los protocolos de enrutamiento Configurar la redundancia del primer salto Configurar varios mecanismos de seguridad en los dispositivos de la topología Configurar las funciones de administración en red Estas partes pretenden dotar a los estudiantes de los conocimientos suficientes para que sean capaces de reproducir simulaciones y por medio de estas poder analizar su comportamiento e impacto frente a las distintas variables que se presenten lo cual es de gran ayuda a la hora de medir el riesgo y optimizar decisiones en la parte de redes electrónicas.For the development of this work we used the GNS3 simulator and routing protocols: OSPF interior routing protocol and BGP exterior routing protocol. These protocols have the ability to store routes independent of other routers in order to select the that a packet switching and make the traffic between them faster. The Cisco proficiency has practical skills CCNP and is divided into four parts Build the network and configure the basic parameters of the devices and interface addressing. Configure the network layer 2 and Host support Configure routing protocols Configure first hop redundancy Configure several security mechanisms on the topology devices. Configure network administration functions These parts are intended to provide students with sufficient knowledge to be able to reproduce simulations and through these to be able to analyze their behavior and impact against of the different variables that are presented, making it a great help in measuring risk and optimizing decisions electronics networks

    Computer Aided Home Energy Management system

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    High prices are associated with the peak electricity demand and thus, price can be used as an indicator of power system condition in the peak load management programs. This paper investigates the potential of peak load management based on price-responsive load control for the residential sector. The Computer Aided Home Energy Management (CAHEM) system controls residential demand in response to the hourly market data including price, load and temperature data. A fuzzy demand controller incorporates customer preferences in determining operational settings of residential appliances. A prototype CAHEM system is demonstrated using X10 home networking technology. The aggregate level effects of the CAHEM system on peak load reduction are simulated for the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland market during the summer of 1999. The study also estimates the optimal level of large-scale adoption of the CAHEM system

    Diplomado de Profundización CISCO, Prueba de Habilidades Prácticas CCNP

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    A través de las prácticas realizadas en el diplomado de profundización CCNP de Cisco, se desarrollan habilidades para la implementación y administración de redes de comunicaciones empresariales, sobre las cuales se busca optimizar los recursos, obteniendo redes confiables, seguras, tolerantes a fallos y escalables, con el objetivo de lograr la mejor experiencia de usuario posible. Durante el desarrollo de este diplomado se utilizó el software de simulación GNS3, sobre el cual se configuraron dispositivos de capa 2 y capa 3, simulando enlaces troncales con redundancia, diferentes subredes en los que se utilizaron diferentes métodos de enrutamiento estático y dinámico, y asignación de direccionamiento estático y dinámico por DHCP. Adicional se configuró redundancia de Gateway de red con el protocolo HSRP.Through the practices carried out in the Cisco CCNP deepening diploma, skills are developed for the implementation and administration of business communications networks, on which it is sought to optimize resources, obtaining reliable, secure, fault-tolerant and scalable networks, with the aim of achieving the best possible user experience. During the development of this diploma, the GNS3 simulation software was used, on which layer 2 and layer 3 devices were configured, simulating trunk links with redundancy, different subnets in which different static and dynamic routing methods were used, and assignment static and dynamic addressing by DHCP. Additionally, network gateway redundancy was configured with the HSRP protocol