98 research outputs found

    A Practical Study of E-mail Communication through SMTP

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    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an application layer protocol for e-mail communication. It has been adopted as a standard by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). SMTP has set conversational and grammatical rules for exchanging messages between connected computers. It has evolved through several revisions and extensions since its formation by Jon Postel in 1981. In SMTP, the sender establishes a full-duplex transmission channel with a receiver. The receiver may be either the ultimate destination or an intermediate forwarding agent. SMTP commands are issued by the sender and are sent to the receiver, which responds to these commands through codes. Each SMTP session between the sender and the receiver consists of three phases namely: connection establishment, mail transactions and connection termination. This paper describes and illustrates the process of e-mail communication through SMTP by issuing the individual SMTP commands directly to transmit e-mail messages. It also describes individual SMTP commands and extensions with practical implementation using a Telnet client

    ICANN Internet Governance: Is it Working?

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    Addressing the challenges of modern DNS:a comprehensive tutorial

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    The Domain Name System (DNS) plays a crucial role in connecting services and users on the Internet. Since its first specification, DNS has been extended in numerous documents to keep it fit for today’s challenges and demands. And these challenges are many. Revelations of snooping on DNS traffic led to changes to guarantee confidentiality of DNS queries. Attacks to forge DNS traffic led to changes to shore up the integrity of the DNS. Finally, denial-of-service attack on DNS operations have led to new DNS operations architectures. All of these developments make DNS a highly interesting, but also highly challenging research topic. This tutorial – aimed at graduate students and early-career researchers – provides a overview of the modern DNS, its ongoing development and its open challenges. This tutorial has four major contributions. We first provide a comprehensive overview of the DNS protocol. Then, we explain how DNS is deployed in practice. This lays the foundation for the third contribution: a review of the biggest challenges the modern DNS faces today and how they can be addressed. These challenges are (i) protecting the confidentiality and (ii) guaranteeing the integrity of the information provided in the DNS, (iii) ensuring the availability of the DNS infrastructure, and (iv) detecting and preventing attacks that make use of the DNS. Last, we discuss which challenges remain open, pointing the reader towards new research areas

    Library and Tools for Server-Side DNSSEC Implementation

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    Tato práce se zabývá analýzou současných open source řešení pro zabezpečení DNS zón pomocí technologie DNSSEC. Na základě provedené rešerše je navržena a implementována nová knihovna pro použití na autoritativních DNS serverech. Cílem knihovny je zachovat výhody stávajících řešení a vyřešit jejich nedostatky. Součástí návrhu je i sada nástrojů pro správu politiky a klíčů. Funkčnost vytvořené knihovny je ukázána na jejím použití v serveru Knot DNS.This thesis deals with currently available open-source solutions for securing DNS zones using the DNSSEC mechanism. Based on the findings, a new DNSSEC library for an authoritative name server is designed and implemented. The aim of the library is to keep the benefits of existing solutions and to eliminate their drawbacks. Also a set of utilities to manage keys and signing policy is proposed. The functionality of the library is demonstrated by it's use in the Knot DNS server.

    Ochrana doménových jmen

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    Ochrana doménových mien Život každého z nás je v súčasnosti stále viac závislý od informácií, pričom ich najbežnejším zdrojom sa stáva internet. Jedným z hlavných aspektov, s ktorým sa užívateľ internetu musí vysporiadať, je doménové meno, teda internetová adresa. Napriek tomu je bežné, že užívatelia internetu nerozlišujú medzi pojmami internet, prehliadač, vyhľadávač, či webová stránka. Nie sú oboznámený ani s právnym a technickým konceptom doménových mien. Tie sú prideľované na základe pravidla "first come, first served" teda prednosť má ten, kto si doménové meno zaregistruje ako prvý. To z neho robí cenný artikel a teda aj častý predmet právnych sporov. Cieľom mojej práce je analýza možností ochrany doménových mien, v súvislosti s absenciou ich komplexnej právnej regulácie, čo je jav nie výnimočný len pre Český právny poriadok. Prvá kapitola práce sa zaoberá sieťou Internet a jej základnou infraštruktúrou. Dôraz je kladený na doménové mená, ich technické aspekty, hierarchickú štruktúru a typológiu. Nasledujúca kapitola uvádza najdôležitejšie organizácie zapojené do procesu tvorby pravidiel a postupov, ktoré slúžia na zaistenie spolupráce medzi inštitúciami poverenými dohľadom nad chodom siete Internet a správou registrácie zdrojov číselných adries a systému doménových mien. Kapitola taktiež...Protection of domain names Life nowadays is much more dependent on information and the most common source of them right now is Internet. One of the main aspects, that users of Internet have to deal with, is a domain names, as a website address. Nevertheless it's common, that users do not differentiate between internet, browser, search engine or web page, nor are familiar with the legal and technical concept of domain names. Domains are allocated according to a first come first serve basis and that makes them valuable article and thus subject of common legal disputes. The purpose of my thesis is to analyze ways of legal protection of domain names and the absence of its legal regulation, which is not unique for Czech legal system. First chapter of my thesis deals briefly with internet and its basic infrastructure, including internet protocol, with deeper focus on domain names, their technical aspects, hierarchical structure and typology. Next chapter mentions the main organizations involved in creating rules and policies for cooperation among institutions authorized to oversee internet and managing the registration of internet number resources and domain name system. This chapter includes the description of main characteristics for the process for resolution of disputes according to UDRP (Uniform...Department of Business LawKatedra obchodního právaPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La
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