1,983 research outputs found

    An extensional Kleene realizability semantics for the Minimalist Foundation

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    We build a Kleene realizability semantics for the two-level Minimalist Foundation MF, ideated by Maietti and Sambin in 2005 and completed by Maietti in 2009. Thanks to this semantics we prove that both levels of MF are consistent with the (Extended) formal Church Thesis CT. MF consists of two levels, an intensional one, called mTT and an extensional one, called emTT, based on versions of Martin-L\"of's type theory. Thanks to the link between the two levels, it is enough to build a semantics for the intensional level to get one also for the extensional level. Hence here we just build a realizability semantics for the intensional level mTT. Such a semantics is a modification of the realizability semantics in Beeson 1985 for extensional first order Martin-L\"of's type theory with one universe. So it is formalised in Feferman's classical arithmetic theory of inductive definitions. It is called extensional Kleene realizability semantics since it validates extensional equality of type-theoretic functions extFun, as in Beeson 1985. The main modification we perform on Beeson's semantics is to interpret propositions, which are defined primitively in MF, in a proof-irrelevant way. As a consequence, we gain the validity of CT. Recalling that extFun+ CT+ AC are inconsistent over arithmetics with finite types, we conclude that our semantics does not validate the full Axiom of Choice AC. On the contrary, Beeson's semantics does validate AC, being this a theorem of Martin-L\"of's theory, but it does not validate CT. The semantics we present here appears to be the best Kleene realizability semantics for the extensional level emTT of MF. Indeed Beeson's semantics is not an option for emTT since the full AC added to it entails the excluded middle

    Decidability of Conversion for Type Theory in Type Theory

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    Type theory should be able to handle its own meta-theory, both to justify its foundational claims and to obtain a verified implementation. At the core of a type checker for intensional type theory lies an algorithm to check equality of types, or in other words, to check whether two types are convertible. We have formalized in Agda a practical conversion checking algorithm for a dependent type theory with one universe \ue0 la Russell, natural numbers, and η-equality for Π types. We prove the algorithm correct via a Kripke logical relation parameterized by a suitable notion of equivalence of terms. We then instantiate the parameterized fundamental lemma twice: once to obtain canonicity and injectivity of type formers, and once again to prove the completeness of the algorithm. Our proof relies on inductive-recursive definitions, but not on the uniqueness of identity proofs. Thus, it is valid in variants of intensional Martin-L\uf6f Type Theory as long as they support induction-recursion, for instance, Extensional, Observational, or Homotopy Type Theory

    Quotient types in type theory

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    Martin-Lof's intuitionistic type theory (Type Theory) is a formal system that serves not only as a foundation of constructive mathematics but also as a dependently typed programming language. Dependent types are types that depend on values of other types. Type Theory is based on the Curry-Howard isomorphism which relates computer programs with mathematical proofs so that we can do computer-aided formal reasoning and write certified programs in programming languages like Agda, Epigram etc. Martin Lof proposed two variants of Type Theory which are differentiated by the treatment of equality. In Intensional Type Theory, propositional equality defined by identity types does not imply definitional equality, and type checking is decidable. In Extensional Type Theory, propositional equality is identified with definitional equality which makes type checking undecidable. Because of the good computational properties, Intensional Type Theory is more popular, however it lacks some important extensional concepts such as functional extensionality and quotient types. This thesis is about quotient types. A quotient type is a new type whose equality is redefined by a given equivalence relation. However, in the usual formulation of Intensional Type Theory, there is no type former to create a quotient. We also lose canonicity if we add quotient types into Intensional Type Theory as axioms. In this thesis, we first investigate the expected syntax of quotient types and explain it with categorical notions. For quotients which can be represented as a setoid as well as defined as a set without a quotient type former, we propose to define an algebraic structure of quotients called definable quotients. It relates the setoid interpretation and the set definition via a normalisation function which returns a normal form (canonical choice) for each equivalence class. It can be seen as a simulation of quotient types and it helps theorem proving because we can benefit from both representations. However this approach cannot be used for all quotients. It seems that we cannot define a normalisation function for some quotients in Type Theory, e.g. Cauchy reals and finite multisets. Quotient types are indeed essential for formalisation of mathematics and reasoning of programs. Then we consider some models of Type Theory where types are interpreted as structured objects such as setoids, groupoids or weak omega-groupoids. In these models equalities are internalised into types which means that it is possible to redefine equalities. We present an implementation of Altenkirch's setoid model and show that quotient types can be defined within this model. We also describe a new extension of Martin-Lof type theory called Homotopy Type Theory where types are interpreted as weak omega-groupoids. It can be seen as a generalisation of the groupoid model which makes extensional concepts including quotient types available. We also introduce a syntactic encoding of weak omega-groupoids which can be seen as a first step towards building a weak omega-groupoids model in Intensional Type Theory. All of these implementations were performed in the dependently typed programming language Agda which is based on intensional Martin-Lof type theory

    W-types in setoids

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    W-types and their categorical analogue, initial algebras for polynomial endofunctors, are an important tool in predicative systems to replace transfinite recursion on well-orderings. Current arguments to obtain W-types in quotient completions rely on assumptions, like Uniqueness of Identity Proofs, or on constructions that involve recursion into a universe, that limit their applicability to a specific setting. We present an argument, verified in Coq, that instead uses dependent W-types in the underlying type theory to construct W-types in the setoid model. The immediate advantage is to have a proof more type-theoretic in flavour, which directly uses recursion on the underlying W-type to prove initiality. Furthermore, taking place in intensional type theory and not requiring any recursion into a universe, it may be generalised to various categorical quotient completions, with the aim of finding a uniform construction of extensional W-types.Comment: 17 pages, formalised in Coq; v2: added reference to formalisatio

    Quotient types in type theory

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    Martin-Lof's intuitionistic type theory (Type Theory) is a formal system that serves not only as a foundation of constructive mathematics but also as a dependently typed programming language. Dependent types are types that depend on values of other types. Type Theory is based on the Curry-Howard isomorphism which relates computer programs with mathematical proofs so that we can do computer-aided formal reasoning and write certified programs in programming languages like Agda, Epigram etc. Martin Lof proposed two variants of Type Theory which are differentiated by the treatment of equality. In Intensional Type Theory, propositional equality defined by identity types does not imply definitional equality, and type checking is decidable. In Extensional Type Theory, propositional equality is identified with definitional equality which makes type checking undecidable. Because of the good computational properties, Intensional Type Theory is more popular, however it lacks some important extensional concepts such as functional extensionality and quotient types. This thesis is about quotient types. A quotient type is a new type whose equality is redefined by a given equivalence relation. However, in the usual formulation of Intensional Type Theory, there is no type former to create a quotient. We also lose canonicity if we add quotient types into Intensional Type Theory as axioms. In this thesis, we first investigate the expected syntax of quotient types and explain it with categorical notions. For quotients which can be represented as a setoid as well as defined as a set without a quotient type former, we propose to define an algebraic structure of quotients called definable quotients. It relates the setoid interpretation and the set definition via a normalisation function which returns a normal form (canonical choice) for each equivalence class. It can be seen as a simulation of quotient types and it helps theorem proving because we can benefit from both representations. However this approach cannot be used for all quotients. It seems that we cannot define a normalisation function for some quotients in Type Theory, e.g. Cauchy reals and finite multisets. Quotient types are indeed essential for formalisation of mathematics and reasoning of programs. Then we consider some models of Type Theory where types are interpreted as structured objects such as setoids, groupoids or weak omega-groupoids. In these models equalities are internalised into types which means that it is possible to redefine equalities. We present an implementation of Altenkirch's setoid model and show that quotient types can be defined within this model. We also describe a new extension of Martin-Lof type theory called Homotopy Type Theory where types are interpreted as weak omega-groupoids. It can be seen as a generalisation of the groupoid model which makes extensional concepts including quotient types available. We also introduce a syntactic encoding of weak omega-groupoids which can be seen as a first step towards building a weak omega-groupoids model in Intensional Type Theory. All of these implementations were performed in the dependently typed programming language Agda which is based on intensional Martin-Lof type theory

    On choice rules in dependent type theory

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    In a dependent type theory satisfying the propositions as types correspondence together with the proofs-as-programs paradigm, the validity of the unique choice rule or even more of the choice rule says that the extraction of a computable witness from an existential statement under hypothesis can be performed within the same theory. Here we show that the unique choice rule, and hence the choice rule, are not valid both in Coquand\u2019s Calculus of Constructions with indexed sum types, list types and binary disjoint sums and in its predicative version implemented in the intensional level of the Minimalist Founda- tion. This means that in these theories the extraction of computational witnesses from existential statements must be performed in a more ex- pressive proofs-as-programs theory

    Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-L\"of type theory

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    In this work, we study the notions of relative comonad and comodule over a relative comonad, and use these notions to give a terminal coalgebra semantics for the coinductive type families of streams and of infinite triangular matrices, respectively, in intensional Martin-L\"of type theory. Our results are mechanized in the proof assistant Coq.Comment: 14 pages, ancillary files contain formalized proof in the proof assistant Coq; v2: 20 pages, title and abstract changed, give a terminal semantics for streams as well as for matrices, Coq proof files updated accordingl

    A realizability semantics for inductive formal topologies, Church's Thesis and Axiom of Choice

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    We present a Kleene realizability semantics for the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation, for short mtt, extended with inductively generated formal topologies, Church's thesis and axiom of choice. This semantics is an extension of the one used to show consistency of the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation with the axiom of choice and formal Church's thesis in previous work. A main novelty here is that such a semantics is formalized in a constructive theory represented by Aczel's constructive set theory CZF extended with the regular extension axiom

    Extensional Collapse Situations I: non-termination and unrecoverable errors

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    We consider a simple model of higher order, functional computation over the booleans. Then, we enrich the model in order to encompass non-termination and unrecoverable errors, taken separately or jointly. We show that the models so defined form a lattice when ordered by the extensional collapse situation relation, introduced in order to compare models with respect to the amount of "intensional information" that they provide on computation. The proofs are carried out by exhibiting suitable applied {\lambda}-calculi, and by exploiting the fundamental lemma of logical relations

    Constructing categories and setoids of setoids in type theory

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    In this paper we consider the problem of building rich categories of setoids, in standard intensional Martin-L\"of type theory (MLTT), and in particular how to handle the problem of equality on objects in this context. Any (proof-irrelevant) family F of setoids over a setoid A gives rise to a category C(A, F) of setoids with objects A. We may regard the family F as a setoid of setoids, and a crucial issue in this article is to construct rich or large enough such families. Depending on closure conditions of F, the category C(A, F) has corresponding categorical constructions. We exemplify this with finite limits. A very large family F may be obtained from Aczel's model construction of CZF in type theory. It is proved that the category so obtained is isomorphic to the internal category of sets in this model. Set theory can thus establish (categorical) properties of C(A, F) which may be used in type theory. We also show that Aczel's model construction may be extended to include the elements of any setoid as atoms or urelements. As a byproduct we obtain a natural extension of CZF, adding atoms. This extension, CZFU, is validated by the extended model. The main theorems of the paper have been checked in the proof assistant Coq which is based on MLTT. A possible application of this development is to integrate set-theoretic and type-theoretic reasoning in proof assistants.Comment: 14 page
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