76 research outputs found

    The Design of an XMPP-based Service Integration Scheme

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    [[abstract]]The advances in network-enabled software development raises the demands on the service oriented architecture (SOA). Popular implementations of SOA uses XML-based representations, such as SOAP and WSDL, to enable remote function invocation and service discovery. Our previous experiences show that a sophisticated XML representation is often over-complex for a controlled environment. We also found that the application composition is a high-level operation. Therefore, a proper infrastructure for hosting and delivering various kinds of services is required. We then proposed an XMPP-based solution to overcome these issues. A service is an XMPP client, and focus on how to interact with the other clients, the management of the service can be flexibly arranged through the proposed format of its full JID, and the fundamental security are handled by the XMPP server and the publisher-subscriber pattern.[[incitationindex]]EI[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20111014~20111016[[conferencelocation]]Dalian, Chin

    Analyzation Of The Scalability Problems Of Distributed Presence Server Architectures

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    A mobile presence service is an important factor of social network services in cloud computing environments. The key function of a mobile presence service is to maintain an up-to-date list of presence information of all mobile users. The presence information includes details about a mobile user’s location, availability, activity, device capability and preferences. The service must also connect the user’s ID to his/her current presence information as well as regain and subscribe to changes in the presence information of the user’s friends. We suggest competent and scalable server architecture, called Presence Cloud which facilitates mobile presence services to hold up large-scale social network applications. When a mobile user joins a network Presence Cloud searches for the presence of his/her friends and notifies them of his/her arrival. Presence Cloud categorizes presence servers into a quorum-based server-to-server architecture for efficient presence searching

    Protocolo para la notificación y alerta de eventos de seguridad en redes ad-hoc

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    Las líneas de defensa de seguridad tradicionales para proteger un sistema dado son prevención, detección y respuesta. A pesar de que sobre el papel dichos módulos deben inter-operar a fin de conseguir una seguridad integral, por lo general se plantean y adoptan como soluciones independientes. El presente trabajo aborda el estudio y desarrollo de un protocolo de notificación y alerta de eventos de seguridad cuyo fin principal es servir de interfaz entre los módulos de detección y respuesta. Ideado específicamente para redes ad-hoc, su uso posibilita poner en conocimiento de los elementos constitutivos del entorno monitorizado la ocurrencia de un cierto comportamiento malicioso detectado. Este conocimiento será clave para la ejecución posterior de los mecanismos de respuesta oportunos. También susceptible de ser usada para la distribución de información en procesos de detección/respuesta colaborativos, nuestra propuesta viene a cubrir una carencia manifiesta en el campo objeto de estudio.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el MICINN a través del proyecto TEC2011-22579 y por el MECD a través de la beca del programa de “Formación de Profesorado Universitario” (FPU, Ref.: AP2009-2926)

    Personal Information Management over XMPP

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    Tato práce se zabývá implementací správce osobních informací pomocí protokolu XMPP. Zaměřuje se hlavně na nejčastější potřebné funkce při plánování času. Těmito funkcemi se myslí: uchovávání poznámek, plánování událostí a práce s elektronickou poštou. To vše v co nejjednodušší formě, aby byla zachována možnost využití pomocí mobilních zařízení s přístupem k internetu.This work deals with implementation of personal information manager using the XMPP protocol. It is aimed mainly at most needed tasks in time planning. These task are: keeping of notes, events planning and work with electronic mail. This all in the easiest form so that the functionality could be used by mobile devices with internet access.

    Diseño de una pasarela de acceso a sistemas propietarios de videoconferencia

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    Los sistemas de videoconferencia han utilizado tradicionalmente protocolos propietarios que los impedían interoperar. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se está imponiendo la tendencia a usar protocolos abiertos para solucionar este problema. Este artículo describe la arquitectura de una pasarela genérica para acceder desde los clientes más típicos a los sistemas de videoconferencia propietarios ya existentes. Esta arquitectura se ha validado implementando una pasarela de acceso a Isabel, un sistema de videoconferencia con opciones avanzadas de colaboración

    Information System for Monitoring of a Presence State from Multiple Points

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje problému sledování prezence osob z více zdrojů. První část je věnována analýze způsobů propagace prezence osob v různých systémech a problematice sledování prezence z více zdrojů obecně. Následuje analýza požadavků a návrh informačního systému vyhodnocujícího prezenci osob z různých zdrojů s různými vlastnostmi a zobrazujícího prezenci osob graficky na mapách nebo plánech. Na závěr je popsána implementace a testování vytvořeného informačního systému.This master's thesis deals with the problem of monitoring of a presence state from multiple points. It begins with analysis of presence information propagation in various systems and also with multiple points of presence in general terms. After that follows requirements analysis and design of information system which will evaluate presence information from multiple sources with various features and than display it graphically on plans or maps. At the conclusion there is described implementation and testing of developed information system.

    Scalable Architecture for Distributed Video

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    As video applications become more important in organization’s communication, they require a new kind of architecture that meets the scalability requirements. Video applications are distributed in nature, and run almost exclusively over IP networks today. This paper investigates the architectural approaches for creating a scalable video network, and discusses the key potential bottlenecks in performance that the architecture has to address. Due to the limited size, the paper may not be able to cover scalable recording, streaming, firewall traversal, and integrations with scheduling and management applications. Since this content exists, the outstanding issues will be addresses during the presentation and in the Q&A session

    Epidemic Dissemination of Presence Information in Mobile Instant Messaging Systems

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    This paper presents an approach for exchanging presence information between users of an instant messaging system in a mobile ad hoc network. As major feature, presence information is transferred when mobile users get in direct contact, similar to the spread of an infections disease. By exploiting node mobility, presence information is epidemically distributed throughout the network, effectively overcoming network partitions. We show how to apply the Passive Distributed Indexing Protocol, which implements a general-purpose lookup service for mobile applications building upon epidemic data dissemination, for implementing the exchange of presence information. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated in a simulation study using the network simulator ns-2. Building upon the results, we present the architecture of a mobile instant messaging system that supports the widely adopted Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), an IETF standardized protocol for instant messaging