23 research outputs found


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    Phase Change Memory (PCM) is an emerging non-volatile memory technology that could either replace or augment DRAM and NAND flash that are hindered by scalability challenges. PCM suffers from a limited endurance problem that needs to be alleviated before it can be endorsed into the memory stack. This thesis is based on the observation that the endurance problem and its ramification depend on the write data. Accordingly, a data-aware approach is applied to salvage the endurance of PCM at three different stages: pre-write fault avoidance, post-write fault tolerance and post-failure recovery. The pre-write fault avoidance stage aims at reducing the endurance cost of servicing write requests. To this end, Cost Aware Flip Optimization (CAFO) is presented as an efficient technique to lessen the endurance degradation. Essentially, CAFO relies on a cost model that captures the endurance cost of programming memory cells based on their already stored values. Subsequently,the write data is encoded into a form that incurs a lower endurance cost than the original write data. Overall, CAFO is capable of reducing the endurance cost by up to 65% more than the existing schemes. Worn out PCM cells exhibit a stuck-at fault model which makes the manifestation of errors dependent on the values that cells are stuck at. When a write fails, the data is rewritten inverted. This dissertation shows that applying data inversion at the post-write fault tolerance stage exploits the data dependent nature of errors which enables ECCs to tolerate faults up to double their nominal capability. Furthermore, extensions to RDIS which is an ECC designed specifically for the stuck-at fault model are presented. At the post-failure recovery stage, Data Dependent Sparing is presented to manage bad blocks in PCM. Departing from the observation that defective blocks in the context of the stuck-at fault model still exhibit a low write failure probability due to the data dependent nature of errors, this thesis takes the approach of reusing blocks that are defective yet better-than-bad through a dynamic management of the reserve spare space. Data Dependent Sparing is capable of increasing the lifetime of PCM by up to 18%

    A (Nearly) Free Lunch:Extending NAND Flash Lifetime by Exploiting Neglected Physical Properties

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    NAND flash is a key storage technology in modern computing systems. Without it, many devices would probably not exist today or would at least not benefit from as many features. The very large success of this technology motivated massive efforts to scale it down in order to increase its density further. However, NAND flash is currently facing physical limitations that prevent it reaching smaller cell sizes without severely reducing its storage reliability and lifetime. Accordingly, in the present thesis we aim at relieving some constraints from device manufacturing by addressing flash irregularities at a higher level. For example, we acknowledge the fact that process variation plus other factors render some regions of a flash device more sensitive than others. This difference usually leads to sensitive regions exhausting their lifetime early, which then causes the device to become unusable, while the rest of the device is still healthy, yet not exploitable. Consequently, we propose to postpone this exhaustion point with new strategies that require minimal resources to be implemented and effectively extend flash devices lifetime. Sometimes, our strategies involve unconventional methods to access the flash that are not supported by specification document and, therefore, should not be used lightly. Hence, we also present thorough characterization experiments on actual NAND flash chips to validate these methods and model their effect on a flash device. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our methods by implementing a trace-driven flash device simulator and execute a large set of realistic disk traces. Overall, we exploit properties that are either neglected or not understood to propose methods that are nearly free to implement and systematically extend NAND flash lifetime. We are convinced that future NAND flash architectures will regularly bring radical physical changes, which will inevitably come together with a new set of physical properties to investigate and to exploit

    Flash memory management with cooperation, adaptation and assistance

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    Architectural Techniques for Multi-Level Cell Phase Change Memory Based Main Memory

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    Phase change memory (PCM) recently has emerged as a promising technology to meet the fast growing demand for large capacity main memory in modern computing systems. Multi-level cell (MLC) PCM storing multiple bits in a single cell offers high density with low per-byte fabrication cost. However, PCM suffers from long write latency, short cell endurance, limited write throughput and high peak power, which makes it challenging to be integrated in the memory hierarchy. To address the long write latency, I propose write truncation to reduce the number of write iterations with the assistance of an extra error correction code (ECC). I also propose form switch (FS) to reduce the storage overhead of the ECC. By storing highly compressible lines in single level cell (SLC) form, FS improves read latency as well. To attack the short cell endurance and large peak power, I propose elastic RESET (ER) to construct triple-level cell PCM. By reducing RESET energy, ER significantly reduces peak power and prolongs PCM lifetime. To improve the write concurrency, I propose fine-grained write power budgeting (FPB) observing a global power budget and regulates power across write iterations according to the step-down power demand of each iteration. A global charge pump is also integrated onto a DIMM to boost power for hot PCM chips while staying within the global power budget. To further reduce the peak power, I propose intra-write RESET scheduling distributing cell RESET initializations in the whole write operation duration, so that the on-chip charge pump size can also be reduced

    Improving Phase Change Memory (PCM) and Spin-Torque-Transfer Magnetic-RAM (STT-MRAM) as Next-Generation Memories: A Circuit Perspective

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    In the memory hierarchy of computer systems, the traditional semiconductor memories Static RAM (SRAM) and Dynamic RAM (DRAM) have already served for several decades as cache and main memory. With technology scaling, they face increasingly intractable challenges like power, density, reliability and scalability. As a result, they become less appealing in the multi/many-core era with ever increasing size and memory-intensity of working sets. Recently, there is an increasing interest in using emerging non-volatile memory technologies in replacement of SRAM and DRAM, due to their advantages like non-volatility, high device density, near-zero cell leakage and resilience to soft errors. Among several new memory technologies, Phase Change Memory (PCM) and Spin-Torque-Transfer Magnetic-RAM (STT-MRAM) are most promising candidates in building main memory and cache, respectively. However, both of them possess unique limitations that preventing them from being effectively adopted. In this dissertation, I present my circuit design work on tackling the limitations of PCM and STT-MRAM. At bit level, both PCM and STT-MRAM suffer from excessive write energy, and PCM has very limited write endurance. For PCM, I implement Differential Write to remove large number of unnecessary bit-writes that do not alter the stored data. It is then extended to STT-MRAM as Early Write Termination, with specific optimizations to eliminate the overhead of pre-write read. At array level, PCM enjoys high density but could not provide competitive throughput due to its long write latency and limited number of read/write circuits. I propose a Pseudo-Multi-Port Bank design to exploit intra-bank parallelism by recycling and reusing shared peripheral circuits between accesses in a time-multiplexed manner. On the other hand, although STT-MRAM features satisfactory throughput, its conventional array architecture is constrained on density and scalability by the pitch of the per-column bitline pair. I propose a Common-Source-Line Array architecture which uses a shared source-line along the row, essentially leaving only one bitline per column. For these techniques, I provide circuit level analyses as well as architecture/system level and/or process/device level discussions. In addition, relevant background and work are thoroughly surveyed and potential future research topics are discussed, offering insights and prospects of these next-generation memories

    Smokejumper Magazine, July 2019

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    Message from the President; Smokejumper Defines a Smokejumper; The 2017 Lolo Peak Fire-and Others-They Didn\u27t Have to Happen; In the Shadows of Tora Bora; The Jump List; Jack Price Feature Member; Forest Fire Mitigation and the Potential Profits Involved; Rosie ; Odds and Ends; Early Redding Smokejumper Days; End of an Era-Not So Fast Partner, Smokejumpers Buy Their Base!; Blast from the Past; Some of a Smokejumper\u27s Stories; First Fire Jump; Snapshots from the Past; Achieving Resilient Forests Through Effective Biomass Uses: Part III; Sounding Off from the Editor; Cuisine of an Idaho Fire Lookout; Smokejumpers Honored, Recognized by Peers; A Short Story about Margarita Phillips; Continued Hiring Problems; Remembering Rich Farmer; The Story of Frank Derry, Inventor of the Derry Slot ; Final Chapter-Edward J. Weissenback; Off the List; Get a life membership? I Probably Won\u27t Live Long Enough to Make It Pay Off; Joe Kroeber Selected as 2018 TRAMPS Volunteer of the Year; NSA Trails Project New Mexico-August 2018; Thank You Trooper Tom;https://dc.ewu.edu/smokejumper_mag/1111/thumbnail.jp

    Proceedings of VikingPLoP 2012 Conference

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    The papers in this proceedings are updated versions of the papers workshopped in the conference. Participants submitted their papers for shepherding process. In shepherding process, experienced pattern writer gave ideas and feedback for the author, colloquially known as a sheep. The sheep incorporated this feedback in to her paper. After three iterations of shepherding the paper was discussed at the conference in writer's workshop. Workshop group gave comments, criticism and praise. After the conference sheep updated their papers according to the workshop feedback. This process of giving feedback was made possible by having community of trust. Mutual trust was built by playing non-competitive games and by having social activities. VikingPLoP 2012 focused on patterns and their usage in various fields of expertise. These fields included a wide range of topics from language teaching to embedded system's software architecture. Bringing people together from various fields of expertise, stimulates creativity and new ideas might emerge. These innovations are reflected in the papers in these proceedings. VikingPLoP 2012 was especially a conference for newcomers and over half of the participants were first time PLoP participants. These proceedings contain 10 papers and description of one focus group. In addition, a shepherding workshop was arranged and updated version of the demo pattern used in this workshop is also presented in the proceedings. The conference had two writer's workshop groups. Papers are organized as follows: in the first part of the proceedings patterns for embedded systems are presented and the second part contains general software related patterns. Finally in the third part, interdisciplinary patterns are included.<br/