8 research outputs found

    An agent-oriented programming language for computing in context

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    Context aware intelligent agents are key components in the development of pervasive systems. In this paper, we present an extension of a BDI programming language to support ontological reasoning and ontology-based speech act communication. These extensions were guided by the new requirements brought about by such emerging computing styles. These new features are essential for the development multi-agent systems with context awareness, given that ontologies have been widely pointed out as an appropriate way to model contexts.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - AgentsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    Es prioritario mejorar el desempeño y la eficiencia de los procesos administrativos de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES), para lo cual se requiere de Sistemas de Gestión Digital (SGD) que apoyen las funciones sustantivas de la IES y ofrezcan mecanismos para mantener la disponibilidad de los servicios. El objetivo fue diseñar la Arquitectura del Sistema de Monitoreo y Generación de Notificaciones (SMGN) basada en agentes. La función de los agentes fue el monitoreo de servidores y servicios en tiempo real, integrando el envío de notificaciones y generación de estadísticas. La implementación del SMGN se probó con los servidores donde se localizan los componentes del SGD, los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios, se obtuvieron mejores tiempos de respuesta al atender las fallas antes de que el usuario se percate de que el servicio no está activo. Por tanto, el SMGN se encarga de mejorar la eficiencia y disponibilidad de los servicios del SGD, mejorando la productividad, los tiempos de respuesta y la atención para la comunidad universitaria, beneficiando hasta a 3960 usuarios de la IES con una inversión mínima

    handling, declarative goals, and planning

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    A BDI agent programming language with failur

    A BDI agent programming language with failure handling, declarative goals, and planning

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    Agents are an important technology that have the potential to take over contemporary methods for analysing, designing, and implementing complex software. The Belief- Desire-Intention (BDI) agent paradigm has proven to be one of the major approaches to intelligent agent systems, both in academia and in industry. Typical BDI agent-oriented programming languages rely on user-provided ''plan libraries'' to achieve goals, and online context sensitive subgoal selection and expansion. These allow for the development of systems that are extremely flexible and responsive to the environment, and as a result, well suited for complex applications with (soft) real-time reasoning and control requirements. Nonetheless, complex decision making that goes beyond, but is compatible with, run-time context-dependent plan selection is one of the most natural and important next steps within this technology. In this paper we develop a typical BDI-style agent-oriented programming language that enhances usual BDI programming style with three distinguished features: declarative goals, look-ahead planning, and failure handling. First, an account that mixes both procedural and declarative aspects of goals is necessary in order to reason about important properties of goals and to decouple plans from what these plans are meant to achieve. Second, lookahead deliberation about the effects of one choice of expansion over another is clearly desirable or even mandatory in many circumstances so as to guarantee goal achievability and to avoid undesired situations. Finally, a failure handling mechanism, suitably integrated with both declarative goals and planning, is required in order to model an adequate level of commitment to goals, as well as to be consistent with most real BDI implemented systems

    Time constraint agents? coordination and learning in cooperative multi-agent system

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    Specifying and verifying communities of Web services using argumentative agents

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    This thesis includes two main contributions: the first one is specifying the use of argumentative agents in the design and development of communities of Web services; the second is using a formal technique to verify communication protocols against given properties for these communities. Web services that provide a similar functionality are gathered into a single community, independently of their origins, locations, and ways of doing. Associating Web services with argumentative agents that are able to persuade and negotiate with others organizes these Web services in a better way so that they can achieve the goals they set in an efficient way. A community is led by a master component, which is responsible among others for attracting new Web services to the community, retaining existing Web services in the community, and identifying the Web services in the community that will participate in composite scenarios. Besides FIPA-ACL, argumentative dialogue games are also used for agent interaction. In this thesis, we use tableau-based model checking algorithm to verify our argumentative agent-base community of Web services negotiation protocol. This algorithm aims at verifying systems designed as a set of autonomous interacting agents. We provide the soundness, completeness, termination and complexity results. We also simulate our specification with Jadex BDI programming language and implement our verification with a modified and enhanced version of CWB-NC model checker. Keywords. Multi-agent systems, BDI agent architecture, model checking, agent oriented programming, FIPA-ACL, dialogue game, agent-based negotiation protocol, Jadex, CWB-NC

    Planning in BDI agent systems

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     Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent systems are a popular approach to developing agents for complex and dynamic environments. These agents rely on context sensitive expansion of plans, acting as they go, and consequently, they do not incorporate a generic mechanism to do any kind of “look-ahead” or offline planning. This is useful when, for instance, important resources may be consumed by executing steps that are not necessary for a goal; steps are not reversible and may lead to situations in which a goal cannot be solved; and side effects of steps are undesirable if they are not useful for a goal. In this thesis, we incorporate planning techniques into BDI systems. First, we provide a general mechanism for performing “look-ahead” planning, using Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning techniques, so that an agent may guide its selection of plans for the purpose of avoiding negative interactions between them. Unlike past work on adding such planning into BDI agents, which do so only at the implementation level without any precise semantics, we provide a solid theoretical basis for such planning. Second, we incorporate first principles planning into BDI systems, so that new plans may be created for achieving goals. Unlike past work, which focuses on creating low-level plans, losing much of the domain knowledge encoded in BDI agents, we introduce a novel technique where plans are created by respecting and reusing the procedural domain knowledge encoded in such agents; our abstract plans can be executed in the standard BDI engine using this knowledge. Furthermore, we recognise an intrinsic tension between striving for abstract plans and, at the same time, ensuring that unnecessary actions, unrelated to the specific goal to be achieved, are avoided. To explore this tension, we characterise the set of “ideal” abstract plans that are non-redundant while maximally abstract, and then develop a more limited but feasible account where an abstract plan is “specialised” into a plan that is non-redundant and as abstract as possible. We present theoretical properties of the planning frameworks, as well as insights into their practical utility