7 research outputs found

    Extending Hyperspectral Imaging for Plant Phenotyping to the UV-Range

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    Previous plant phenotyping studies have focused on the visible (VIS, 400–700 nm), near-infrared (NIR, 700–1000 nm) and short-wave infrared (SWIR, 1000–2500 nm) range. The ultraviolet range (UV, 200–380 nm) has not yet been used in plant phenotyping even though a number of plant molecules like flavones and phenol feature absorption maxima in this range. In this study an imaging UV line scanner in the range of 250–430 nm is introduced to investigate crop plants for plant phenotyping. Observing plants in the UV-range can provide information about important changes of plant substances. To record reliable and reproducible time series results, measurement conditions were defined that exclude phototoxic effects of UV-illumination in the plant tissue. The measurement quality of the UV-camera has been assessed by comparing it to a non-imaging UV-spectrometer by measuring six different plant-based substances. Given the findings of these preliminary studies, an experiment has been defined and performed monitoring the stress response of barley leaves to salt stress. The aim was to visualize the effects of abiotic stress within the UV-range to provide new insights into the stress response of plants. Our study demonstrated the first use of a hyperspectral sensor in the UV-range for stress detection in plant phenotyping

    Sensor-based phenotyping of above-ground plant-pathogen interactions

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    Plant pathogens cause yield losses in crops worldwide. Breeding for improved disease resistance and management by precision agriculture are two approaches to limit such yield losses. Both rely on detecting and quantifying signs and symptoms of plant disease. To achieve this, the field of plant phenotyping makes use of non-invasive sensor technology. Compared to invasive methods, this can offer improved throughput and allow for repeated measurements on living plants. Abiotic stress responses and yield components have been successfully measured with phenotyping technologies, whereas phenotyping methods for biotic stresses are less developed, despite the relevance of plant disease in crop production. The interactions between plants and pathogens can lead to a variety of signs (when the pathogen itself can be detected) and diverse symptoms (detectable responses of the plant). Here, we review the strengths and weaknesses of a broad range of sensor technologies that are being used for sensing of signs and symptoms on plant shoots, including monochrome, RGB, hyperspectral, fluorescence, chlorophyll fluorescence and thermal sensors, as well as Raman spectroscopy, X-ray computed tomography, and optical coherence tomography. We argue that choosing and combining appropriate sensors for each plant-pathosystem and measuring with sufficient spatial resolution can enable specific and accurate measurements of above-ground signs and symptoms of plant disease

    Image Analysis and Machine Learning in Agricultural Research

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    Agricultural research has been a focus for academia and industry to improve human well-being. Given the challenges in water scarcity, global warming, and increased prices of fertilizer, and fossil fuel, improving the efficiency of agricultural research has become even more critical. Data collection by humans presents several challenges including: 1) the subjectiveness and reproducibility when doing the visual evaluation, 2) safety when dealing with high toxicity chemicals or severe weather events, 3) mistakes cannot be avoided, and 4) low efficiency and speed. Image analysis and machine learning are more versatile and advantageous in evaluating different plant characteristics, and this could help with agricultural data collection. In the first chapter, information related to different types of imaging (e.g., RGB, multi/hyperspectral, and thermal imaging) was explored in detail for its advantages in different agriculture applications. The process of image analysis demonstrated how target features were extracted for analysis including shape, edge, texture, and color. After acquiring features information, machine learning can be used to automatically detect or predict features of interest such as disease severity. In the second chapter, case studies of different agricultural applications were demonstrated including: 1) leaf damage symptoms, 2) stress evaluation, 3) plant growth evaluation, 4) stand/insect counting, and 5) evaluation for produce quality. Case studies showed that the use of image analysis is often more advantageous than visual rating. Advantages of image analysis include increased objectivity, speed, and more reproducibly reliable results. In the third chapter, machine learning was explored using romaine lettuce images from RD4AG to automatically grade for bolting and compactness (two of the important parameters for lettuce quality). Although the accuracy is at 68.4 and 66.6% respectively, a much larger data base and many improvements are needed to increase the model accuracy and reliability. With the advancement in cameras, computers with high computing power, and the development of different algorithms, image analysis and machine learning have the potential to replace part of the labor and improve the current data collection procedure in agricultural research. Advisor: Gary L. Hei

    Image processing techniques for plant phenotyping using RGB and thermal imagery = Técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes RGB y térmicas como herramienta para fenotipado de cultivos

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    [eng] World cereal stocks need to increase in order to meet growing demands. Currently, maize, rice, wheat, are the main crops worldwide, while other cereals such as barley, sorghum, oat or different millets are also well placed in the top list. Crop productivity is affected directly by climate change factors such as heat, drought, floods or storms. Researchers agree that global climate change is having a major impact on crop productivity. In that way, several studies have been focused on climate change scenarios and more specifically abiotic stresses in cereals. For instance, in the case of heat stress, high temperatures between anthesis to grain filling can decrease grain yield. In order to deal with the climate change and future environmental scenarios, plant breeding is one of the main alternatives breeding is even considered to contribute to the larger component of yield growth compared to management. Plant breeding programs are focused on identifying genotypes with high yields and quality to act as a parentals and further the best individuals among the segregating population thus develop new varieties of plants. Breeders use the phenotypic data, plant and crop performance, and genetic information to improve the yield by selection (GxE, with G and E indicating genetic and environmental factors). More factors must be taken into account to increase the yield, such as, for instance, the education of farmers, economic incentives and the use of new technologies (GxExM, with M indicating management). Plant phenotyping is related with the observable (or measurable) characteristics of the plant while the crop growing as well as the association between the plant genetic background and its response to the environment (GxE). In traditional phenotyping the measurements are collated manually, which is tedious, time consuming and prone to subjective errors. Nowadays the technology is involved in many applications. From the point of view of plan phenotyping, technology has been incorporated as a tool. The use of image processing techniques integrating sensors and algorithm processes, is therefore, an alternative to asses automatically (or semi-automatically) these traits. Images have become a useful tool for plant phenotyping because most frequently data from the sensors are processed and analyzed as an image in two (2D) or three (3D) dimensions. An image is the arrangement of pixels in a regular Cartesian coordinates as a matrix, each pixel has a numerical value into the matrix which represents the number of photons captured by the sensor within the exposition time. Therefore, an image is the optical representation of the object illuminated by a radiating source. The main characteristics of images can be defined by the sensor spectral and spatial properties, with the spatial properties of the resulting image also heavily dependent on the sensor platform (which determines the distance from the target object).[spa] Las existencias mundiales de cereales deben aumentar para satisfacer la creciente demanda. Actualmente, el maíz, el arroz y el trigo son los principales cultivos a nivel mundial, otros cereales como la cebada, el sorgo y la avena están también bien ubicados en la lista. La productividad de los cultivos se ve afectada directamente por factores del cambio climático como el calor, la sequía, las inundaciones o las tormentas. Los investigadores coinciden en que el cambio climático global está teniendo un gran impacto en la productividad de los cultivos. Es por esto que muchos estudios se han centrado en escenarios de cambio climático y más específicamente en estrés abiótico. Por ejemplo, en el caso de estrés por calor, las altas temperaturas entre antesis y llenado de grano pueden disminuir el rendimiento del grano. Para hacer frente al cambio climático y escenarios ambientales futuros, el mejoramiento de plantas es una de las principales alternativas; incluso se considera que las técnicas de mejoramiento contribuyen en mayor medida al aumento del rendimiento que el manejo del cultivo. Los programas de mejora se centran en identificar genotipos con altos rendimientos y calidad para actuar como progenitores y promover los mejores individuos para desarrollar nuevas variedades de plantas. Los mejoradores utilizan los datos fenotípicos, el desempeño de las plantas y los cultivos, y la información genética para mejorar el rendimiento mediante selección (GxE, donde G y E indican factores genéticos y ambientales). El fenotipado plantas está relacionado con las características observables (o medibles) de la planta mientras crece el cultivo, así como con la asociación entre el fondo genético de la planta y su respuesta al medio ambiente (GxE). En el fenotipado tradicional, las mediciones se clasifican manualmente, lo cual es tedioso, consume mucho tiempo y es propenso a errores subjetivos. Sin embargo, hoy en día la tecnología está involucrada en muchas aplicaciones. Desde el punto de vista del fenotipado de plantas, la tecnología se ha incorporado como una herramienta. El uso de técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes que integran sensores y algoritmos son por lo tanto una alternativa para evaluar automáticamente (o semiautomáticamente) estas características

    Extending Hyperspectral Imaging for Plant Phenotyping to the UV-Range

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    Previous plant phenotyping studies have focused on the visible (VIS, 400–700 nm), near-infrared (NIR, 700–1000 nm) and short-wave infrared (SWIR, 1000–2500 nm) range. The ultraviolet range (UV, 200–380 nm) has not yet been used in plant phenotyping even though a number of plant molecules like flavones and phenol feature absorption maxima in this range. In this study an imaging UV line scanner in the range of 250–430 nm is introduced to investigate crop plants for plant phenotyping. Observing plants in the UV-range can provide information about important changes of plant substances. To record reliable and reproducible time series results, measurement conditions were defined that exclude phototoxic effects of UV-illumination in the plant tissue. The measurement quality of the UV-camera has been assessed by comparing it to a non-imaging UV-spectrometer by measuring six different plant-based substances. Given the findings of these preliminary studies, an experiment has been defined and performed monitoring the stress response of barley leaves to salt stress. The aim was to visualize the effects of abiotic stress within the UV-range to provide new insights into the stress response of plants. Our study demonstrated the first use of a hyperspectral sensor in the UV-range for stress detection in plant phenotyping