6 research outputs found

    Robust schedules for tardiness optimization in job shop with interval uncertainty

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    This paper addresses a variant of the job shop scheduling problem with total tardiness minimization where task durations and due dates are uncertain. This uncertainty is modelled with intervals. Different ranking methods for intervals are considered and embedded into a genetic algorithm. A new robustness measure is proposed to compare the different ranking methods and assess their capacity to predict ‘expected delays’ of jobs. Experimental results show that dealing with uncertainty during the optimization process yields more robust solutions. A sensitivity analysis also shows that the robustness of the solutions given by the solving method increases when the uncertainty grows.This research has been supported by the Spanish Government under research grants PID2019-106263RB-I00 and TIN2017-87600-P

    A discrete simulated kalman filter optimizer for combinatorial optimization problems

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    Combinatorial optimization problems are ubiquitous in many fields, including healthcare, economics, engineering, manufacturing, and others. A solution to a combinatorial optimization problem is frequently expressed in terms of a permutation, arrangement, or combination of elements. Due to the practical significance of this problem in real-world issues, numerous algorithms have been proposed to solve it. These algorithms specifically refer to those that operate in discrete search space, often known as combinatorial algorithms. Another type of algorithm is called numerical algorithms. These algorithms were built specifically to address numerical optimization problems. In the last few decades, significant research effort has been spent on the development of numerical algorithms, particularly for solving combinatorial problems. An example of a numerical algorithm is the simulated Kalman filter (SKF). Various method has been introduced as an extension of a numerical algorithm to adapt it to a discrete search space. There are currently three extensions to the SKF, resulting in three combinatorial algorithms: the binary SKF (BSKF), the distance evaluated SKF (DESKF), and the angle modulated SKF (AMSKF). However, these extensions may result in increased execution times for the algorithm. In this research, a new combinatorial algorithm named discrete simulated Kalman filter optimizer (DSKFO) is proposed to solve combinatorial optimization problem. This new algorithm is originated by the concept of the simulated Kalman filter (SKF). Due to the limitation of the SKF algorithm which only able to operate in continuous search space, the proposed algorithm makes use of a new interpretation that incorporates mutation and Hamming distance, allowing the proposed algorithm to function in discrete search space. In this research, three combinatorial problems namely the travelling salesman problem (TSP), assembly sequence planning (ASP), and the hole drilling proble are used to evaluate the proposed algorithm. Two types of analysis are used to evaluate the proposed algorithm. First, the DSKFO algorithm is used to solve the travelling salesman problem (TSP), and then the algorithm's execution time is measured. Existing SKF methods are then compared to the findings of the DSKFO algorithm. DSKFO performs the fastest, requiring just 13 seconds to solve a small TSP instance such as eil51, whereas DESKF, AMSKF, BSKF, and SEDESKF require around 36, 42, 34, and 14 seconds, respectively. To solve larger TSP instance such as rl1889, DSKFO requires 139 seconds to execute a single run, whereas DESKF, AMSKF, BSKF, and SEDESKF require around 1587, 1590, 2418, and 208 seconds, respectively. For the second analysis, the performance of the proposed method is evaluated using three combinatorial problems: the travelling salesman problem (TSP), the assembly sequence planning (ASP), and the hole drilling problem. The results are compared to four previously published combinatorial SKFs: the BSKF, the AMSKF, the DESKF, and the SEDESKF. The DSKFO may be considered the best algorithm for solving the TSP and hole drilling problem, as it has the highest number of best performances. For solving the ASP, the DSKFO ranked third, while the AMSKF came in first, followed by the DESKF in second

    A dynamic scheduling method with Conv-Dueling and generalized representation based on reinforcement learning

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    In modern industrial manufacturing, there are uncertain dynamic disturbances between processing machines and jobs which will disrupt the original production plan. This research focuses on dynamic multi-objective flexible scheduling problems such as the multi-constraint relationship among machines, jobs, and uncertain disturbance events. The possible disturbance events include job insertion, machine breakdown, and processing time change. The paper proposes a conv-dueling network model, a multidimensional state representation of the job processing information, and multiple scheduling objectives for minimizing makespan and delay time, while maximizing the completion punctuality rate. We design a multidimensional state space that includes job and machine processing information, an efficient and complete intelligent agent scheduling action space, and a compound scheduling reward function that combines the main task and the branch task. The unsupervised training of the network model utilizes the dueling-double-deep Q-network (D3QN) algorithm. Finally, based on the multi-constraint and multi-disturbance production environment information, the multidimensional state representation matrix of the job is used as input and the optimal scheduling rules are output after the feature extraction of the conv-dueling network model and decision making. This study carries out simulation experiments on 50 test cases. The results show the proposed conv-dueling network model can quickly converge for DQN, DDQN, and D3QN algorithms, and has good stability and universality. The experimental results indicate that the scheduling algorithm proposed in this paper outperforms DQN, DDQN, and single scheduling algorithms in all three scheduling objectives. It also demonstrates high robustness and excellent comprehensive scheduling performance

    An evolutionary approach to the vehicle route planning in e-waste mobile collection on demand

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    The article discusses the utilitarian problem of the mobile collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Due to its NP-hard nature, implies the application of approximate methods to discover suboptimal solutions in an acceptable time. The paper presents the proposal of a novel method of designing the Evolutionary and Memetic Algorithms, which determine favorable route plans. The recommended methods are determined using quality evaluation indicators for the techniques applied herein, subject to the limits characterizing the given company. The proposed Memetic Algorithm with Tabu Search provides much better results than the metaheuristics described in the available literature

    Energy Efficient Policies, Scheduling, and Design for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems

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    Climate mitigation, more stringent regulations, rising energy costs, and sustainable manufacturing are pushing researchers to focus on energy efficiency, energy flexibility, and implementation of renewable energy sources in manufacturing systems. This thesis aims to analyze the main works proposed regarding these hot topics, and to fill the gaps in the literature. First, a detailed literature review is proposed. Works regarding energy efficiency in different manufacturing levels, in the assembly line, energy saving policies, and the implementation of renewable energy sources are analyzed. Then, trying to fill the gaps in the literature, different topics are analyzed more in depth. In the single machine context, a mathematical model aiming to align the manufacturing power required to a renewable energy supply in order to obtain the maximum profit is developed. The model is applied to a single work center powered by the electric grid and by a photovoltaic system; afterwards, energy storage is also added to the power system. Analyzing the job shop context, switch off policies implementing workload approach and scheduling considering variable speed of the machines and power constraints are proposed. The direct and indirect workloads of the machines are considered to support the switch on/off decisions. A simulation model is developed to test the proposed policies compared to others presented in the literature. Regarding the job shop scheduling, a fixed and variable power constraints are considered, assuming the minimization of the makespan as the objective function. Studying the factory level, a mathematical model to design a flow line considering the possibility of using switch-off policies is developed. The design model for production lines includes a targeted imbalance among the workstations to allow for defined idle time. Finally, the main findings, results, and the future directions and challenges are presented

    Four decades of research on the open-shop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan

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    One of the basic scheduling problems, the open-shop scheduling problem has a broad range of applications across different sectors. The problem concerns scheduling a set of jobs, each of which has a set of operations, on a set of different machines. Each machine can process at most one operation at a time and the job processing order on the machines is immaterial, i.e., it has no implication for the scheduling outcome. The aim is to determine a schedule, i.e., the completion times of the operations processed on the machines, such that a performance criterion is optimized. While research on the problem dates back to the 1970s, there have been reviving interests in the computational complexity of variants of the problem and solution methodologies in the past few years. Aiming to provide a complete road map for future research on the open-shop scheduling problem, we present an up-to-date and comprehensive review of studies on the problem that focuses on minimizing the makespan, and discuss potential research opportunities