1,745 research outputs found

    Database Learning: Toward a Database that Becomes Smarter Every Time

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    In today's databases, previous query answers rarely benefit answering future queries. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we change this paradigm in an approximate query processing (AQP) context. We make the following observation: the answer to each query reveals some degree of knowledge about the answer to another query because their answers stem from the same underlying distribution that has produced the entire dataset. Exploiting and refining this knowledge should allow us to answer queries more analytically, rather than by reading enormous amounts of raw data. Also, processing more queries should continuously enhance our knowledge of the underlying distribution, and hence lead to increasingly faster response times for future queries. We call this novel idea---learning from past query answers---Database Learning. We exploit the principle of maximum entropy to produce answers, which are in expectation guaranteed to be more accurate than existing sample-based approximations. Empowered by this idea, we build a query engine on top of Spark SQL, called Verdict. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world query traces from a large customer of a major database vendor. Our results demonstrate that Verdict supports 73.7% of these queries, speeding them up by up to 23.0x for the same accuracy level compared to existing AQP systems.Comment: This manuscript is an extended report of the work published in ACM SIGMOD conference 201

    Automatic physical database design : recommending materialized views

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    This work discusses physical database design while focusing on the problem of selecting materialized views for improving the performance of a database system. We first address the satisfiability and implication problems for mixed arithmetic constraints. The results are used to support the construction of a search space for view selection problems. We proposed an approach for constructing a search space based on identifying maximum commonalities among queries and on rewriting queries using views. These commonalities are used to define candidate views for materialization from which an optimal or near-optimal set can be chosen as a solution to the view selection problem. Using a search space constructed this way, we address a specific instance of the view selection problem that aims at minimizing the view maintenance cost of multiple materialized views using multi-query optimization techniques. Further, we study this same problem in the context of a commercial database management system in the presence of memory and time restrictions. We also suggest a heuristic approach for maintaining the views while guaranteeing that the restrictions are satisfied. Finally, we consider a dynamic version of the view selection problem where the workload is a sequence of query and update statements. In this case, the views can be created (materialized) and dropped during the execution of the workload. We have implemented our approaches to the dynamic view selection problem and performed extensive experimental testing. Our experiments show that our approaches perform in most cases better than previous ones in terms of effectiveness and efficiency

    Query optimization by using derivability in a data warehouse environment

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    Materialized summary tables and cached query results are frequently used for the optimization of aggregate queries in a data warehouse. Query rewriting techniques are incorporated into database systems to use those materialized views and thus avoid the access of the possibly huge raw data. A rewriting is only possible if the query is derivable from these views. Several approaches can be found in the literature to check the derivability and find query rewritings. The specific application scenario of a data warehouse with its multidimensional perspective allows the consideration of much more semantic information, e.g. structural dependencies within the dimension hierarchies and different characteristics of measures. The motivation of this article is to use this information to present conditions for derivability in a large number of relevant cases which go beyond previous approaches

    Apache Calcite: A Foundational Framework for Optimized Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Data Sources

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    Apache Calcite is a foundational software framework that provides query processing, optimization, and query language support to many popular open-source data processing systems such as Apache Hive, Apache Storm, Apache Flink, Druid, and MapD. Calcite's architecture consists of a modular and extensible query optimizer with hundreds of built-in optimization rules, a query processor capable of processing a variety of query languages, an adapter architecture designed for extensibility, and support for heterogeneous data models and stores (relational, semi-structured, streaming, and geospatial). This flexible, embeddable, and extensible architecture is what makes Calcite an attractive choice for adoption in big-data frameworks. It is an active project that continues to introduce support for the new types of data sources, query languages, and approaches to query processing and optimization.Comment: SIGMOD'1

    Using Fuzzy Linguistic Representations to Provide Explanatory Semantics for Data Warehouses

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    A data warehouse integrates large amounts of extracted and summarized data from multiple sources for direct querying and analysis. While it provides decision makers with easy access to such historical and aggregate data, the real meaning of the data has been ignored. For example, "whether a total sales amount 1,000 items indicates a good or bad sales performance" is still unclear. From the decision makers' point of view, the semantics rather than raw numbers which convey the meaning of the data is very important. In this paper, we explore the use of fuzzy technology to provide this semantics for the summarizations and aggregates developed in data warehousing systems. A three layered data warehouse semantic model, consisting of quantitative (numerical) summarization, qualitative (categorical) summarization, and quantifier summarization, is proposed for capturing and explicating the semantics of warehoused data. Based on the model, several algebraic operators are defined. We also extend the SQL language to allow for flexible queries against such enhanced data warehouses

    Optimizing Analytical Queries over Semantic Web Sources

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    Ronciling Differences

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    In this paper we study a problem motivated by the management of changes in databases. It turns out that several such change scenarios, e.g., the separately studied problems of view maintenance (propagation of data changes) and view adaptation (propagation of view definition changes) can be unified as instances of query reformulation using views provided that support for the relational difference operator exists in the context of query reformulation. Exact query reformulation using views in positive relational languages is well understood, and has a variety of applications in query optimization and data sharing. Unfortunately, most questions about queries become undecidable in the presence of difference (or negation), whether we use the foundational set semantics or the more practical bag semantics. We present a new way of managing this difficulty by defining a novel semantics, Z- relations, where tuples are annotated with positive or negative integers. Z-relations conveniently represent data, insertions, and deletions in a uniform way, and can apply deletions with the union operator (deletions are tuples with negative counts). We show that under Z-semantics relational algebra (R A) queries have a normal form consisting of a single difference of positive queries, and this leads to the decidability of their equivalence.We provide a sound and complete algorithm for reformulating R A queries, including queries with difference, over Z-relations. Additionally, we show how to support standard view maintenanc
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