17 research outputs found

    Audio-to-Visual Speech Conversion using Deep Neural Networks

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    We study the problem of mapping from acoustic to visual speech with the goal of generating accurate, perceptually natural speech animation automatically from an audio speech signal. We present a sliding window deep neural network that learns a mapping from a window of acoustic features to a window of visual features from a large audio-visual speech dataset. Overlapping visual predictions are averaged to generate continuous, smoothly varying speech animation. We outperform a baseline HMM inversion approach in both objective and subjective evaluations and perform a thorough analysis of our results

    A Photo-realistic Voice-bot

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    Technology is at the point where systems are capable of synthesizing video of human actors indistinguishably from ones in which the actor is present. This research investigates whether or not it is possible to use this technology in order to create a system which, allows video generation of a human actor, that is able to interact with a user through speech in real-time, whilst also remaining indistinguishable from a real human actor. In other words, a photo-realistic voicebot. The work discusses the motivations and ethics, but also presents and tests a prototype system. The prototype aims to take advantage of the latest in real-time video manipulation software to create a natural sounding conversation with an artificially synthesized video

    Expressive visual text-to-speech using active appearance models

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    This paper presents a complete system for expressive visual text-to-speech (VTTS), which is capable of producing expressive output, in the form of a 'talking head', given an input text and a set of continuous expression weights. The face is modeled using an active appearance model (AAM), and several extensions are proposed which make it more applicable to the task of VTTS. The model allows for normalization with respect to both pose and blink state which significantly reduces artifacts in the resulting synthesized sequences. We demonstrate quantitative improvements in terms of reconstruction error over a million frames, as well as in large-scale user studies, comparing the output of different systems. © 2013 IEEE