15,620 research outputs found

    Expressing advanced user preferences in component installation

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    State of the art component-based software collections - such as FOSS distributions - are made of up to dozens of thousands components, with complex inter-dependencies and conflicts. Given a particular installation of such a system, each request to alter the set of installed components has potentially (too) many satisfying answers. We present an architecture that allows to express advanced user preferences about package selection in FOSS distributions. The architecture is composed by a distribution-independent format for describing available and installed packages called CUDF (Common Upgradeability Description Format), and a foundational language called MooML to specify optimization criteria. We present the syntax and semantics of CUDF and MooML, and discuss the partial evaluation mechanism of MooML which allows to gain efficiency in package dependency solvers

    The KB paradigm and its application to interactive configuration

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    The knowledge base paradigm aims to express domain knowledge in a rich formal language, and to use this domain knowledge as a knowledge base to solve various problems and tasks that arise in the domain by applying multiple forms of inference. As such, the paradigm applies a strict separation of concerns between information and problem solving. In this paper, we analyze the principles and feasibility of the knowledge base paradigm in the context of an important class of applications: interactive configuration problems. In interactive configuration problems, a configuration of interrelated objects under constraints is searched, where the system assists the user in reaching an intended configuration. It is widely recognized in industry that good software solutions for these problems are very difficult to develop. We investigate such problems from the perspective of the KB paradigm. We show that multiple functionalities in this domain can be achieved by applying different forms of logical inferences on a formal specification of the configuration domain. We report on a proof of concept of this approach in a real-life application with a banking company. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Mass Customisation Along Lifecycle of Autonomic Homes

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    Autonomic homes adapt themselves to give the user the best possible experience of the services they provide. They dynamically adapt its behavior at run-time in response to changing conditions in end-user needs and the surrounding environment devices. From the development point of view, producing and maintaining a large amount of autonomic homes need an affordable solution such as dynamic software product lines (DSPL). DSPL produce a set of products that share features and have the ability of reconfiguring at runtime. Since users maintain and modify their preferences in opportunistic and improvisational ways, an autonomic home must evolve in time according to user expectations. Current DSPL architectures implement the ability of recon- figuring a product but ignore user preferences. We present an extension to our DSPL architecture to incorporate user preferences so user customisation of autonomic homes is not limited to installation time but all along the lifetime

    A Document centric approach for supporting Incremental Deployment of Pervasive Applications

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    Dynamic management of virtual infrastructures

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10723-014-9296-5Cloud infrastructures are becoming an appropriate solution to address the computational needs of scientific applications. However, the use of public or on-premises Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds requires users to have non-trivial system administration skills. Resource provisioning systems provide facilities to choose the most suitable Virtual Machine Images (VMI) and basic configuration of multiple instances and subnetworks. Other tasks such as the configuration of cluster services, computational frameworks or specific applications are not trivial on the cloud, and normally users have to manually select the VMI that best fits, including undesired additional services and software packages. This paper presents a set of components that ease the access and the usability of IaaS clouds by automating the VMI selection, deployment, configuration, software installation, monitoring and update of Virtual Appliances. It supports APIs from a large number of virtual platforms, making user applications cloud-agnostic. In addition it integrates a contextualization system to enable the installation and configuration of all the user required applications providing the user with a fully functional infrastructure. Therefore, golden VMIs and configuration recipes can be easily reused across different deployments. Moreover, the contextualization agent included in the framework supports horizontal (increase/decrease the number of resources) and vertical (increase/decrease resources within a running Virtual Machine) by properly reconfiguring the software installed, considering the configuration of the multiple resources running. This paves the way for automatic virtual infrastructure deployment, customization and elastic modification at runtime for IaaS clouds.The authors would like to thank to thank the financial support received from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for the project CodeCloud (TIN2010-17804).Caballer Fernández, M.; Blanquer Espert, I.; Moltó, G.; Alfonso Laguna, CD. (2015). Dynamic management of virtual infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing. 13(1):53-70. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-014-9296-5S5370131de Alfonso, C., Caballer, M., Alvarruiz, F., Molto, G., Hernández, V.: Infrastructure deployment over the cloud. In: 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, pp. 517–521. IEEE. (2011). doi: 10.1109/CloudCom.2011.77Alvarruiz, F., De Alfonso, C., Caballer, M., Hernández, V.: An energy manager for high performance computer clusters. 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    A DSL for multi-scale and autonomic software deployment

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present an ongoing work which aims at defining and experimenting a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) dedicated to multi-scale and autonomic software deployment. Autonomic software deployment in open environments is an open issue. There, the topology of target hosts is not always known due either to unforeseen hardware failures or limitations (network links, hosts, etc.) or to device arrival and disappearance. In a previous work, we proposed to describe deployment constraints using a DSL and then to satisfy them using a middleware for autonomic deployment, rather than classically building and executing a deployment plan. As deployment of multi-scale distributed systems demands the expression of specific constraints related to dimensions and scales, it is necessary to think over and define a new Domain-Specific Language. In this paper, we propose a new DSL designed to support the expression of constraints and properties related to multi-scale and autonomic software deployment

    Multisensory Integration Design in Music for Cochlear Implant Users

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    Cochlear implant (CI) users experience several challenges when listening to music. However, their hearing abilities are greatly diverse and their musical experiences may significantly vary from each other. In this research, we investigate this diversity in CI users' musical experience, preferences, and practices. We integrate multisensory feedback into their listening experiences to support the perception of specific musical features and elements. Four installations are implemented, each exploring a different sensory modality assisting or supporting CI users' listening experience. We study these installations throughout semi-structured and exploratory workshops with participants. We report the results of our process-oriented assessment of CI users' experience with music. Because the CI community is a minority participant group in music, musical instrument design frameworks and practices vary from those of hearing cultures. We share guidelines for designing multisensory integration that derived from our studies with individual CI users and specifically aimed to enrich their experiences