562 research outputs found


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    In this paper we study a variable-exponent fourth-order viscoelastic equation of the formutρ(x)utt+Δ[(a+bΔum(x)2)Δu]0tg(ts)Δ2u(s)ds=up(x)2u,|u_{t}|^{\rho(x)}u_{tt}+\Delta[(a+b|\Delta u|^{m(x)-2})\Delta u]-\int_{0}^{t}g(t-s)\Delta^{2}u(s)ds=|u|^{p(x)-2}u,in a bounded domain of RnR^{n}. Under suitable conditions on variable exponents and initial data, we prove that the solutions will grow up as an exponential function with positive initial energy level. Our result improves and extends many earlier results in the literature such as the on by Mahdi and Hakem (Ser. Math. Inform. 2020, https://doi.org/10.22190/FUMI2003647M)

    On a viscoelastic heat equation with logarithmic nonlinearity

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    This work deals with the following viscoelastic heat equations with logarithmic nonlinearity ut − ∆u + Z t 0 g(t − s)∆u(s)ds = |u| p−2u ln |u|. In this paper, we show the effects of the viscoelastic term and the logarithmic nonlinearity to the asymptotic behavior of weak solutions. Our results extend the results of Peng and Zhou [Appl. Anal. 100(2021), 2804–2824] and Messaoudi [Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 64(2005), 351–356.]

    Interior feedback stabilization of wave equations with dynamic boundary delay

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    In this paper we consider an interior stabilization problem for the wave equation with dynamic boundary delay.We prove some stability results under the choice of damping operator. The proof of the main result is based on a frequency domain method and combines a contradiction argument with the multiplier technique to carry out a special analysis for the resolvent

    Finite-dimensional attractors for the quasi-linear strongly-damped wave equation

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    We present a new method of investigating the so-called quasi-linear strongly damped wave equations t2uγtΔxuΔxu+f(u)=xϕ(xu)+g \partial_t^2u-\gamma\partial_t\Delta_x u-\Delta_x u+f(u)= \nabla_x\cdot \phi'(\nabla_x u)+g in bounded 3D domains. This method allows us to establish the existence and uniqueness of energy solutions in the case where the growth exponent of the non-linearity ϕ\phi is less than 6 and ff may have arbitrary polynomial growth rate. Moreover, the existence of a finite-dimensional global and exponential attractors for the solution semigroup associated with that equation and their additional regularity are also established. In a particular case ϕ0\phi\equiv0 which corresponds to the so-called semi-linear strongly damped wave equation, our result allows to remove the long-standing growth restriction f(u)C(1+u5)|f(u)|\leq C(1+ |u|^5).Comment: 36 page

    Stability and Well-posedness of a Nonlinear Railway Track Model

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    Railway tracks rest on a foundation known for exhibiting nonlinear viscoelastic behavior. Railway track deflections are modeled by a semilinear partial differential equation. This paper studies the stability of solutions to this equation in presence of an input. With the aid of a suitable Lyapunov function, existence and exponential stability of classical solutions is established for certain inputs. The Lyapunov function is further used to find an a-priori estimate of the solutions, and also to study the input-to-state stability (ISS) of mild solutions