63 research outputs found


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    Along with the development of time, a new branch of sport emerged called e-Sport (electronic Sport) or electronic sports. One of the games competed was Dota 2. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumption values on virtual purchase intentions in game items. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive and causal data analysis, the respondents studied in this study amounted to 200 people who have played Dota 2 games and become members of online communities obtained using non-probability sampling techniques and the method used is judgmental sampling. With data analysis using multiple linear regeresi. The results showed that emotional value and social value influence the purchase intention of Dota 2 virtual items. While the functional value variable does not affect purchase intention. Keywords: consumption value; emotional value; functional value; purchase intention; social valu

    Analysis of the Influence of Factors Affecting Purchase Intention of Premium Items in MOBA-Type Online Games

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    Increased mobile gaming revenue can’t be separated from the rapid growth of technology, especially on smartphones. The popularity of free-to-play games also supports the increase in mobile gaming revenue. The Mobile Legends and AoV, games with Multiplayer Online Battle Arena type, are popular today, where they can be played on any smart phone anywhere and anytime. One of the main commodities in this game is the premium items. to get the virtual goods players have to exchange some money that can be purchased through google play store or electronics stores. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of enjoyment value, character competency value, visual authority value, monetary value, character identification, and the satisfaction of the game against the intention of repurchase. This research uses survey method to collect data. The Sampling method is non- probabilities with purposive sampling approach. The number of samples in this study is 130 respondents, with the criteria playing a Mobile Legends or AoV and make purchases of premium items on the games. Hypothesis testing was analyzed using multiple linier regression. The result of hypothesis testing shows that the six independent variables, namely the value of pleasure, the value of character competence, the value of visual authority, the value of money, the character identification, and the satisfaction of the game have a positive effect on the intention of repurchasing premium items

    Pengaruh Nilai Konsumsi dan Pembelian Impulsif terhadap Intensi Pembelian Virtual Item Pada Pemain Mobile Legends: Adventure

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    The main research of this study was to determine the influence of the value of consumption and impulsive purchases against the intention of purchase of virtual items on players of Mobile Legends: Adventure. The method used in this research is quantitative correlational. The population used in this research is the player of Mobile Legends: Adventure in the server SEA (South East Asia), which amounted to 34.852 people. The results of this study show that: (1) there is positive and not significant between the value of consumption to the intention of the purchase with a correlation coefficient of -0,002 and the coefficient of the significance of 0,980; (2) there is positive and not significant between impulsive purchases against the intention of the purchase with a correlation coefficient of -0.151 and the coefficient of the significance of 0,114; (3) there is a positive and significant influence between the value of consumption to the intention of the purchase simultaneous with a coefficient of multiple correlations of 0,238

    “Virtual” v.s. “Reality”— On Taxing E-Sports Virtual Goods Transaction in Indonesia

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    In technological advances, the emergence of various online games that have generated billion dollars has attracted the attention of the government currently. The most of its revenue comes from the sale of virtual item (item in-game) which have almost zero marginal cost of production. In 2019, Indonesia contributed 624 million dollars, equivalent to 8.7 trillion rupiah for mobile gaming.According to Mirza Adityaswara, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Indonesia (BI), this phenomenon will bring the money out of Indonesia, then it makes Indonesia’s balance of trade (BOT) deficit.Indonesia’s BOT has been facing shortfalls in recent years. In 2019, the BOT decreased by 61.7%, the deficit reached -US$1,933,90 million. This paper argue that Indonesia should take the case aquo as new tax base in order to resolve her deficit. An online game has its own currency which obtained through purchases using real money. This lead to trading real money for virtual objects, ‘land’ and ‘characters’ in-game. Uniquely, item in-game transaction is not only done by the developers to players but also players to players. Therefore, the phenomenon brings with it familiar legal issue such as sales tax. This paper intends to introduce the situation the current situation of case a quo in Indonesia and asserting the urgency and challenges of case aquo taxation in Indonesia


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    Along with the development of time, a new branch of sport emerged called e-Sport (electronic Sport) or electronic sports. One of the games competed was Dota 2. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumption values on virtual purchase intentions in game items. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive and causal data analysis, the respondents studied in this study amounted to 200 people who have played Dota 2 games and become members of online communities obtained using non-probability sampling techniques and the method used is judgmental sampling. With data analysis using multiple linear regeresi. The results showed that emotional value and social value influence the purchase intention of Dota 2 virtual items. While the functional value variable does not affect purchase intention. Keywords: consumption value; emotional value; functional value; purchase intention; social valu

    PENGARUH FUNCTIONAL VALUE, EMOTIONAL VALUE, DAN SOCIAL VALUE TERHADAP INTENT TO PURCHASE ITEM VIRTUAL (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Pemain Game Mobile Legend Program Studi Manajemen di Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo)

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    This study aims to determine how the influence of Functional Value, Emotional Value, and Social Value of Intent to Purchase Virtual Items on Mobile Legend game players in the Management Study Program at Muhammadiyah University Ponorogo. The method used in this research is quantitative. Population in this study are students who play Mobile Legend game management study program Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. Sampling technique in research using snowball sampling in order to obtain a total sample of 100 respondents. The data in this study uses primary data, where the researchers spread out questionnaire for data collection. The results of this study indicate that, (1) Functional Value (X1) affects Intent to Purchase Virtual Item (Y). (2) Emotional Value (X2) has no effect on Intent to Purchase Virtual Items (Y). (3) Social Value (X3) has an effect on Intent to Purchase Virtual Items (Y)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh antara emotional value, price value, quality value dan social value terhadap repurchase intention, willingness to pay dan word of mouth game MMORPG di Surabaya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausal dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan purposive sampling yang merupakan teknik pengambilan sampel berdasarkan pertimbangan atau penilaian pribadi peneliti terkait dengan karakteristik populasi yang sesuai untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian. Adapun karakteristiknya adalah responden yang pernah bermain game MMORPG dalam satu tahun terakhir. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 209 orang. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) dan diolah menggunakan software SPSS versi 18.0 for Windows serta AMOS versi 22.0 for Windows untuk pengujian Model Measurement dan Structural. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 4 dari 12 hipotesis tidak terdukung yaitu emotional value terhadap repurchase intention, price value terhadap word of mouth, quality value terhadap word of mouth dan social value terhadap word of mouth


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    Abstract Consumers around the world have increased demand for halal goods today. Similarly, food ingredients in the Halal category have increased income throughout the world. The purpose of this research paper is to examine halal product intentions to purchase  predictors among Muslim communities from the perspective of halal awareness, halal certification, religious beliefs, personal social perceptions and halal marketing. A survey of 145 respondents aged 17-40 years was carried out using a structured questionnaire. Construction is measured using a set scale. The results showed that intention to purchase halal product were positively related to halal awareness, personal societal perception and religiousity belief. Meanwhile, halal marketing and halal certification have no effect on intention to purchase halal productKeywords: Halal Awareness, Halal Certification, Halal Marketing, Personal Societal Perception, Purchase Intention, Religiosity Belief