26 research outputs found

    How to Build Online Consumer Trust in an Islamic Perspective Through TikTok Live Streaming Shopping

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    This research aims to explore the importance of paying attention to Islamic values in marketing activities and how to choose streamers of TikTok live streaming who are by the Sharia perspective as well as effective marketing techniques to build consumer trust and consumer purchase decisions. The data analysis method used in this study is an interactive data analysis model developed by Miles and Huberman. Data analysis for qualitative purposes is carried out interactively. Based on the results and discussions described earlier, it can be concluded that Islamic values related to the five guidelines of muamalah play an important role in building consumer trust and purchase decisions in TikTok live streaming shopping in Indonesia. There has been no research that uses the 5 Muamalah Guidelines approach in using TikTok Live Streaming Shopping in Indonesia. The subjects studied were only respondents who had followed live-streaming shopping on the TikTok platform in Indonesia. This research has implications for entrepreneurs who want to sell their products through live streaming on the TikTok platform. Principle 5 Muamalah guidelines can not only be applied in social life but also need to be internalized in business activities

    Softs Skills Teacher Camp of Adventure Training to increase teachers' commitment in Pathani Thailand

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    Commitment is needed to overcome various obstacles while teaching in conflict areas. This study aimed to increase teacher commitment in the Pathani conflict area, Southern Thailand, through Soft Skills Teacher Camp of Adventure Training. A quantitative approach using a quasi-experimental method was used in this study. Thirty teachers from six schools with a maximum age of 35 years participated in soft skills training. The Soft Skills Teacher Camp of Adventure Training consists of six sessions on six different soft skills, which are motivation, stress management, creativity, teamwork, communication skills, and leadership. The commitment scale consisting of three aspects: affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment, was used to collect the data. Paired Sample t-test was used to analyze the data. The result highlighted a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of teachers’ commitment in the Pathani, Southern Thailand. These findings imply that the Soft Skills Teacher Camp of Adventure Training increases the commitment of teachers who teach in the Pathani, Southern Thailand. 

    Modeling IT Value based on Meta-Analysis

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    Over the last two decades, research about IT value has been done. The main purpose of IT values research is to determine how IT investment gives impact and value to organization performance. Because of vital role and function of IT, the organization required to understand how IT could create business value. Therefore, an understanding of IT value is needed. Systematic literature review in meta-analysis is required to determine the relationship between IT resources, organization capabilities, organization core competencies, and organization performances. The research was conducted on 53 publications which generate the classification matrix components that have an impact on organization performance. Hypothesis testing results that organization has the best performance on financial, efficiency, and other performance through external capability and core competence. So, indirect effect model is better than direct effect model in explaining IT value

    An Elite Sporting Organization’s Perceptions to the Uptake of Information Technology

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    In recent years, technology has enabled sporting organizations to become innovators in the global sports arena. Elite sporting teams and bodies are becoming increasingly dependent on technology for daily operations and subsequently these organizations are more and more reliant on technological developments in sport. Player training and management technologies and team performance tools have given sporting organizations the avenues to become more competitive. Organizations invest in information technology for many reasons, for example cutting costs, increase in production and services without increasing costs, improving the quality of services or products and sporting organizations and bodies are no different in looking to technology to gain competitive edges as well as improvement of athlete preparation. However, in spite of these innovations and the potential to gain competitive edges, some seem to struggle with technology resulting in ambiguous and sometimes negative perceptions of IT services. Through a qualitative case study and using interviews with a short survey, the building of credibility in sporting organizations through education and the development of positive perceptions of information technology was examined. The findings provide a basis for further studies and possible trials of differing education formats in technology to further develop both the positive acceptance of sports related technologies and assist in improving the sporting organization’s environment

    Percepción de la calidad de atención de los usuarios de un centro de salud en el Perú

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    Objetivo. Determinar la percepción sobre la calidad presente durante la atención que reciben los usuarios de un centro de salud en el Perú y describir sus diferentes características y sus variables asociadas. Materiales y Métodos. Estudio se realizó con un nivel descriptivo, en 120 usuarios que recibieron atención en un centro ambulatorio de atención en salud y reclutados por un muestreo intencional. La percepción del paciente sobre la calidad que se brinda en la atención fue evaluada con la encuesta SERVQUAL de 5 dimensiones adaptada y validada en el contexto peruano. Los resultados fueron presentados mediante análisis descriptivos e inferenciales. Resultados. En los participantes, más del 75% reportaron encontrarse extremadamente satisfechos con la calidad de atención recibida. Asimismo, respecto a la dimensión de fiabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, seguridad y empatía se encontró más del 63.3% de los usuarios se encontraron extremadamente satisfechos, mientras que en cuanto a los aspectos tangibles el 10% se encontraron insatisfechos. Asimismo, contar con Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS) reportó una asociación significativa (p<0.05) la percepción de la Calidad de atención. Conclusión. Entre los usuarios que participaron del estudio, más de la mitad partes reportaron satisfacción de acuerdo a la calidad que se brinda durante la atención, sin embargo, un reducido porcentaje reportó un bajo nivel sobre los aspectos tangibles del centro salud. Los factores sociodemográficos mostraron que una proporción de los usuarios atendidos nacieron en la capital limeña, se encontraron en el rango de edad adulta, trabajaban y contaban con seguro integral de saludespecialmente este último factor fue significativo cuando se asoció con la percepción de la atención en salud.LIMAEscuela Profesional de Ciencias de la ComunicaciónComunicación, Arte, Cultura y Socieda

    Power, trust and relationship commitment in dealer-supplier relationship in Thailand automobile industry

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    In supplier-dealer relationships, commitment is referred to as a desire to develop a stable relationship and a willingness to make short-term sacrifices to realize long-term benefits from the relationship. Despite the many past studies conducted in the area of relationship commitment, little is known to what extent the power and trust factors influence relationship commitment. The present research examines the factors that influence relationship commitment, particularly the roles of the supplier’s power and trust in enhancing relationship commitment among the dealers. Based on the Social Exchange Theory, this research endeavored to develop a conceptual model of relationship commitment that links the element of relationship commitment with the mediated and non-mediated power of the supplier as perceived by the dealer and the trust of the dealer towards the supplier. Using a questionnaire, data from 317 car dealers in Thailand were collected and analyzed to test the hypotheses. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlational analysis and regression analysis. The results show that the level of relationship commitment among car dealers towards their suppliers is at high level. Trust influences relationship commitment among the car dealers. However only non-mediated power (expert and referent) show significant influences on relationship commitment while mediated power (reward, coercive and legal legitimate) show no significant influence on relationship commitment. It was also found that trust plays a role as a partial mediator that links non-mediated power and relationship commitment. Theoretical, methodological and managerial implications are discussed along with suggestions for future research avenues

    Gestión de la calidad de servicios apoyados en la aplicación del estándar ITIL

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    [EN] The modern world has led companies to become increasingly competitive, highlighting the customer as the core element of commercialization processes, and also recognizing the need to treat all internal activities as customers in the delivery of products/services to final consumers. An important element to ensure an adequate level of customer satisfaction is the need to properly manage the required services inside business processes, where the management of technology services becomes an imperative in almost every company. This paper presents the ITIL standard, which is a framework that allows the delivery of technology services to be efficiently managed, in order to improve internal business processes and obtain other benefits such as better internal communication. After that, the use of ITIL as a frame of reference for enhancing quality is proposed, focused not only on IT but on any type of service in general.[ES] El mundo moderno ha llevado a las empresas a ser cada vez más competitivas, volviendo al cliente el eje central de los procesos de comercialización, pero evidenciando la necesidad de tratar todas las actividades internas como clientes parciales en el proceso de entrega del producto o servicio a los consumidores finales. Un elemento necesario para asegurar un adecuado nivel de satisfacción a los clientes radica en la necesidad de gestionar adecuadamente los servicios requeridos en los procesos empresariales, donde la gestión de los servicios de tecnología se vuelve un imperativo en casi todas las empresas. Este artículo presenta el estándar ITIL, el cual es un marco de referencia que permite administrar de manera eficiente la prestación de servicios de tecnología, de cara a mejorar los procesos internos de las empresas y obtener otros beneficios, como potencializar la comunicación interna. Tras ello, se propone el uso de ITIL como marco de referencia para la mejora de la calidad, no solo centrado en las TI, sino de cualquier tipo de servicio en general.Gil Gómez, H.; Oltra Badenes, RF.; Adarme-Jaimes, W. (2014). Service quality management based on the application of the ITIL standard. DYNA. 81(186):51-56. doi:10.15446/dyna.v81n186.37953S51568118

    Conveying Message Distortion: A Synchronous and Asynchronous Approach to Effective Aviation Communication Services

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    The study focuses on message distortion in aviation communication services, seen from the problem of using the media both synchronously and asynchronously. In doing so, 65 articles from reputable international journals, international journals, and accredited national journals were analyzed. The constructivism paradigm involves multidisciplinary information systems, communications, and media services. Excellent service in aviation is hampered by message distortion from customer service and customers exchanging information because communication media is dominated by asynchronous communication. The combination of approaches using synchronous and asynchronous media bridges the problem of message distortion in aviation communication services. Message distortions include physical disturbances, semantic disturbances, cultural and language differences, no feedback, status or position level differences, and information overload between communicators and communicants

    The influence of Effective Communication and Interpersonal Trust on Employee Engagement: The Role of Employee Involvement

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    Employee Engagement has become a more frequent area of organizational study. Engaged Employees are believed to raise performance, customer satisfaction, and overall growth to the organizations (Hough, Green, & Plumlee, 2015). This dissertation aims to investigate how effective communication, broadly defined to include the quality of feedback, and interpersonal trust relates to employee engagement through the influence of employee involvement. The dissertation uses employee voice theory as theoretical foundation to explain the direct and indirect effects of effective communication and trust on employee engagement through employee involvement. An online survey was conducted using MTurk with about 250 employees from different organizations and sectors. Although, the dissertation uses previously validated instruments, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed to assess the factor structure of the data. The hypothesized direct relationships were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) and mediation analysis using Hayes (2012) Process Macro. Results for the direct relationships revealed that effective communication was positively related to employee involvement. Results also showed that interpersonal trust was positively related to employee engagement and employee involvement, which also served as a partial mediator in the relationship between interpersonal trust and employee engagement. Finally, results revealed that employee involvement fully mediated the relationship between effective communication and employee engagement. Implications of these findings are discussed