7 research outputs found

    Relationship between Academic Self-Efficacy and Cognitive Load for Students in Distance Learning .

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    The COVID-19 global pandemic has forced the education process worldwide to change its form to distance learning. This empirical study contributes to recently limited knowledge about the remote learning process. The study aimed to determine how academic self-efficacy is related to subjective cognitive load to predict achievement results in different forms of distance learning. The research method used was a quasi-experimental pilot study. The research questions were: (1) What is the relationship between academic self-efficacy, subjective cognitive load, and achievement results in teacher-directed distance learning? (2) What is the relationship between academic self-efficacy, subjective cognitive load, and achievement in student-directed distance learning? (3) What is the difference between teacher-directed and student self-directed distance learning settings regarding relationships between academic self-efficacy, subjective cognitive load, and achievement results? The measurement of academic self-efficacy and subjective cognitive load in the context of task assessment results were compared in different distance learning settings in two independent groups of 9th graders. The results suggest a significant relationship between subjective cognitive load and achievement results in student self-directed but non-significant between all variables in teacher-directed distance learning settings. In contrast, settings themselves demonstrated no influence on any measured factors.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    A case study: what attracts teachers to augmented reality

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    This study aimed to identify the reasons why teachers are interested in augmented reality (AR) technology. AR is a technology that allows simultaneous enrichment of real-world images with virtual objects. AR is used at all levels of education from preschool to graduate school. The teachers who liked the Facebook page were sent the online survey via a message. 205 teachers who responded voluntarily to the questionnaire constituted the study group. Criterion sampling method, which is a purposeful sampling method, was used in the research. Case study design which is one of the qualitative research methods was used in this research. To ensure the reliability of the study, the coding process was conducted by the first researcher and another domain expert, and the codes were cross-checked. The results of the study showed that the reasons teachers are interested in AR were classified under three themes: educational benefit (teaching more effective lessons, attracting students' attention to lessons, enriching the content of the course, facilitating easier understanding of subjects, ensuring more permanent learning, making lessons more fun were attractive for teachers), professional development (follow current educational technologies, develop specialized course materials, share what they know with other teachers, use this information with other subjects) and personal development (learning new things, benefit from academic studies, prepare projects). © 2022, Ozgen Korkmaz. All rights reserved

    Implicaciones pedagógicas de la realidad aumentada para la mejora de la enseñanza de las ciencias en primaria

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    Augmented reality (AR), with its ability to bridge the real and the virtual, opens new opportunities to build attractive learning contexts in the current context of crisis as a result of COVID-19. AR is seen as one of the pedagogical means of promoting the quality of teaching in the coming generations and is therefore that this article presents a systematic literature review of how AR is being implemented in primary schools for science learning. The eighteen selected journal articles, indexed in Web of Science and covering the last five years, have been analysed in depth. The purpose has been to know how the use of AR influences the motivation, academic performance and cognitive burden of students in the study of science. It also analyses the AR resources for scientific education most cited in the research with which they have been worked. The results have shown that AR significantly improves students' motivation and academic performance during use. About cognitive burden, it has been shown that the inclusion of AR in scientific education does not carry a greater mental burden for students. Some of the AR materials emerging from the analysis of this selection are exploration applications (augmented books, AR markers, and points of interest to activate digital information), simulation tools, and games.La realidad aumentada (RA), con su capacidad para tender puentes entre lo real y lo virtual, abre nuevas oportunidades para construir atractivos entornos de aprendizaje en el actual contexto de crisis a consecuencia de la COVID-19. La RA se considera como uno de los medios pedagógicos para promover la calidad de la enseñanza en las próximas generaciones y es, por ello, que en este artículo se presenta una revisión sistemática de literatura de cómo se está implementando la RA en los centros de primaria para el aprendizaje de las ciencias naturales. Se han analizado en profundidad dieciocho artículos de revistas, todos ellos indexados en Web of Science y que han sido publicados en los últimos cinco años. El propósito de esta investigación ha sido conocer cómo influye el uso de la RA en la motivación, rendimiento académico y en la carga cognitiva del alumnado que estudia ciencias en primaria y con esta tecnología. También, se analizan los recursos de RA para la educación científica más citados en las investigaciones consultadas. Los resultados han mostrado que la RA mejora significativamente la motivación y rendimiento académico del alumnado durante su utilización. Con respecto a la carga cognitiva, se ha demostrado que la inclusión de la RA en la educación científica no conlleva una mayor carga mental para el alumnado. Algunos de los materiales basados en la RA que emergen del análisis de esta selección son las aplicaciones de exploración (libros aumentados, marcadores de RA y puntos de interés para activar la información digital), las herramientas de simulación y los juegos

    Arcs Motivation Model: Content Analysis of Applied Articles Between the Years 1997-2018

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    DergiPark: 520477tredARCSmotivasyon modelinin eğitimsel kullanımına ilişkin uygulamalı makalelerin geneleğilimlerini belirlemeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada, içerik analizi yöntemikullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, Web of Science, ERIC, SCOPUS, ULAKBİM ve GoogleScholar’da dizinlenen dergilerdeki 128 uygulamalı makale incelenmiş veelektronik ortamda oluşturulan formla sınıflandırılmıştır. Çalışmalar GoogleFormlar ve Microsoft Excel programları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.Çalışmada makalelerinin çoğunluğunun Web of Science’da dizinlenen dergilerdenelde edildiği; en sık 2018 yılında yayın yapıldığı; en fazla sayıda makaleninComputers amp; Education dergisinde yayınlandığı; bilgisayar destekli/webtabanlı eğitim alanının sıklıkla çalışıldığı; en sık nicel yöntemin tercihedildiği; veri toplama aracı olarak en yaygın motivasyon anketi /ölçeği veyaenvanterinin kullanıldığı; örneklem grubu olarak sıklıkla üniversiteöğrencilerinin tercih edildiği; veri analiz tekniğinde ise en yaygın olarak ttestinin kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir.In this study whichaims to determine the general tendencies of the applied articles related toeducational use of ARCS motivational model, content analysis method was used.In this study, 128 applied articles in journals indexed in Web of Science,ERIC, SCOPUS, ULAKBIM and Google Scholar were examined and classified byelectronic form. The studies analyzed with Google Forms and Microsoft Excel. Itis determined that the majority of the articles in the study were obtained fromthe journals indexed in Web of Science; the largest number of publications werepublished in the year 2018; most articles are published in Computers amp;Education; the most studied subject area is computer assisted/web basedtraining; the most used method is quantitative method; the most common datacollection tool is the motivation questionnaire; the most used sample group isuniversity students; and the most commonly used data analysis technique is thet test

    Profiling the learning style preferences of students at a sport university in Vietnam

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    Evidence-based research has repeatedly shown that adjusting instruction to accommodate students’ learning styles can positively impact student learning. The purpose of the study was to identify the preferred learning styles of students taking undergraduate courses in Physical Education, Sport Coaching, and Sport Management at Danang Sport University (DSU). The relationships between students’ learning styles and gender, age, year of study, major, and student type were also examined. Additionally, the study explored lecturers’ understanding of learning styles and their application in teaching to best fit individuals’ learning styles. A total of 586 students completed the Honey and Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (2006) to identify preferences from the four learning styles: Reflector, Activist, Theorist, and Pragmatist. Individual interviews with 16 students were conducted to gain deeper insights into their learning styles as well as their perceptions of lecturers’ teaching styles. Interviews with 19 lecturers explored their understanding and knowledge about learning styles. Observations of eight practical sessions were undertaken to gain a better understanding of how lecturers applied their knowledge of learning styles in their instruction. The findings revealed that preference for the Reflector learning style was the most dominant among DSU students, followed by the Pragmatist, Activist, and Theorist. Additionally, students showed a strong preference for the Reflector and Pragmatist learning styles and exhibited a moderate preference in both the Theorist and Activist learning styles. There was a statistically significant relationship between the Reflector style and gender, age, and year of study, and between the Theorist style and student type, but there was no statistically significant relationship between learning styles and major. The lecturers in this study demonstrated only a limited understanding of student learning styles. They did not clearly and frequently adapt to the different learning styles of students and from the perspective of the university lecturers, students’ preferred learning styles was not their primary concern. Based on the evidence drawn from this research, recommendations on learning styles and teaching styles are proposed. These include enhancing students’ awareness of their own learning styles, increasing teachers’ understanding and knowledge of a variety of learning styles, and providing training sessions on learning styles for lecturers

    Hybridization of signaling principle and Nielsen's design guideline in a mobile application

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    Many educational mobile applications available in the market use multimedia principles in several aspects. However, the user interface design component is often disregarded. Therefore, such applications are less effective in engaging users in learning content with excitement and motivation. Therefore, this project is being worked on to meet those needs. A study on mobile applications hybridized with the Signaling principle and Nielsen guidelines through the construction of the NSPIxD model was carried out. Two mobile applications were designed, developed, and evaluated, and the Alessi and Trollip Instructional Design Models were adapted in both applications. The first mobile application, AHMA-0, serves as the base model. Instead, the AHMA-NSPIxD is integrated with the NSPIxD model, accompanied by a hybridization of the Signal principles and Nielsen design guidelines. Three parameters were measured, evaluated, and compared between AHMA-0 and AHMA-NSPIxD. The relevant parameters are; students’ knowledge and awareness of the topic and student motivation to use learning materials on the subject. It was found that AHMA-NSPIxD outperformed AHMA-0. Accordingly, it proves that practical applications can be produced at all levels by considering users' needs. Further, these findings emphasize the importance of critically considering user interfaces' technical and aesthetic aspects, contributing to advancing interaction design knowledge

    Formación Inicial del Profesorado de Educación General Básica en Chile, en el Contexto de su Ley de Inclusión

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    [ES] La formación de profesores de educación primaria o educación general básica no ha considerado una actualización en su preparación que considere las normativas vigentes (decretos y leyes) que han requerido a los docentes adaptaciones, adecuaciones e información especializada que no recibieron en su proceso inicial y en muy pocas oportunidades en su proceso continuo. Esta investigación de carácter mixto, revela la necesidad de una actualización de las mallas curriculares de las universidades chilenas que ofertan en sus posibilidades de estudios de nivel superior esta carrera, ya que las conclusiones a las que se llegan así lo sugieren. Entre las principales conclusiones a nivel teórico se sugiere una actualización conceptual, normativa y legislativa vigente en Chile. A nivel práctico, se sugiere una actualización de recursos que permitan atender a la diversidad, reconocer y compartir prácticas educativas exitosas que atiendan a la diversidad, considerar la participación de todos en el proceso de educación inclusiva, incorporar estrategias inclusivas en las nuevas mallas curriculares de la formación de nuevos docentes y también la incorporación de TIC para atender la diversidad, dado lo clave que ha sido en estos últimos años de pandemia para todos los estudiantes