10,404 research outputs found

    3D virtualization of an underground semi-submerged cave system

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    Underwater caves represent the most challenging scenario for exploration, mapping and 3D modelling. In such complex environment, unsuitable to humans, highly specialized skills and expensive equipment are normally required. Technological progress and scientific innovation attempt, nowadays, to develop safer and more automatic approaches for the virtualization of these complex and not easily accessible environments, which constitute a unique natural, biological and cultural heritage. This paper presents a pilot study realised for the virtualization of 'Grotta Giusti' (Fig. 1), an underground semi-submerged cave system in central Italy. After an introduction on the virtualization process in the cultural heritage domain and a review of techniques and experiences for the virtualization of underground and submerged environments, the paper will focus on the employed virtualization techniques. In particular, the developed approach to simultaneously survey the semi-submersed areas of the cave relying on a stereo camera system and the virtualization of the virtual cave will be discussed

    Digital Heritage

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    One of the most challenging problem in architecture is the automated construction of 3D (and 4D) digital models of cultural objects with the aim of implementing open data repositories, scientifically authenticated and responding to well accepted standards of validation, evaluation, preservation, publication, updating and dissemination. The realization of such an ambitious objective requires the adoption of special technological instruments. In this paper we plan to use portable devices (i.e. smartphones, tablets or PDAs eventually extended to wearable ones), extended with a small plug-in, for automatically extracting 3D models of single objects and building-scale mapping of the surrounding environment. At the same time, the device will provide the capability of inserting notes and observations. Where the instrument cannot be directly applied, for example for exploring the top of a complex building, we consider mounting our device, or using equivalent existing equipment, on a drone, in a modular approach for obtaining data de-facto interchangeable. The approach based on the expansion packs has the advantage of anticipating (or even promoting) future extensions of new mobile devices, when the spectrum of possible applications justify the corresponding increased costs. In order to experiment and verify this approach we plan to test it in two specific scenarios of the cultural heritage domain in which such devices seem particularly promising: Strada Nuova in Genoa and Palazzo Ducale in Urbino, both located in Italy

    Extending a mobile device with low-cost 3D modeling and building-scale mapping capabilities, for application in architecture and archaeology

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    One of the most challenging problem in architecture is the automated construction of 3D (and 4D) digital models of cultural objects with the aim of implementing open data repositories, scientifically authenticated and responding to well accepted standards of validation, evaluation, preservation, publication, updating and dissemination. The realization of such an ambitious objective requires the adoption of special technological instruments. In this paper we plan to use portable devices (i.e. smartphones, tablets or PDAs eventually extended to wearable ones), extended with a small plug-in, for automatically extracting 3D models of single objects and building-scale mapping of the surrounding environment. At the same time, the device will provide the capability of inserting notes and observations. Where the instrument cannot be directly applied, for example for exploring the top of a complex building, we consider mounting our device, or using equivalent existing equipment, on a drone, in a modular approach for obtaining data de-facto interchangeable. The approach based on the expansion packs has the advantage of anticipating (or even promoting) future extensions of new mobile devices, when the spectrum of possible applications justify the corresponding increased costs. In order to experiment and verify this approach we plan to test it in two specific scenarios of the cultural heritage domain in which such devices seem particularly promising: Strada Nuova in Genoa and Palazzo Ducale in Urbino, both located in Italy

    Trends and concerns in digital cartography

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    CISRG discussion paper ;


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    In recent years research works have shown that augmented reality tools can offer effective support for the dissemination of architectural heritage, when integrated into the information data extracted with surveying and representation tools and further data from other sources, e.g., history. The development and permanent updating of software platforms dedicated to augmented reality, i.e., Apple's ARKit and Google's ARCore, as well as the introduction of new features, offer today affordable support for the development of AR solutions. Some operational difficulties are due to the rapid and constant evolution of the technologies; the available solutions can be compared to prototypes and the development of user experience effective solutions appears still lacking. The main subject in the construction of AR solutions is still linked to the development of effective methods to properly set up the visualization of 3D models and their interaction with the real scene. The chosen case study for the test of persistent AR solution for the visualization of works of art is the ‘Tribuna’, i.e., a monumental and sculptural marble apparatus, that decorated the main apse of the Cathedral of Palermo

    Innovative techniques for survey and communication of cultural heritage

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    This paper deals with the survey and communications of Cultural Heritage through the development of innovative methodologies. The case of study is the polychrome wooden ceiling in the \u201cMagna\u201d Hall of \u201cPalazzo Steri\u201d. The \u201cSteri\u201d, built in the XIVth century by the noble family Chiaromonte, is at the present the headquarter of the Rector\u2019s Office of Palermo University. A 3D model of the wooden ceiling has initially been carried out with laser-scanning and digital photogrammetric techniques; successively a multimodal interactive guide has been realized. The guide is integrated to the 3D model, so that visitors can navigate the virtual representation of the ancient wood ceiling and achieve, interacting vocally, relevant meta information about history and sense of painted scenes

    Surveying, modeling and communication techniques for the documentation of medieval wooden painted ceilings in the Mediterranean area

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    Wooden painted ceilings of the Mediterranean area in the middle age have their origin in the islamic culture and were then spread in the countries under the dominion of the Arabs; some of the surviving ceilings are now located in Sicily and Spain. In the historic centre of Palermo two well preserved medieval ceilings are still surviving; the first, built in the XII century, is located in the Palatine chapel; the second one, built in the XIV century covers the “Sala Magna” in the Steri of Palermo. The research, focused on the ceiling in the Steri, deals with the definition of a process for the integration of surveying techniques (photogrammetry, laser scanning), modelling processes and communication technologies for the documentation of such artefacts. The documentation of painted ceilings requires the strict integration of photographic and 3D metric data; the existing documentation is usually made of documents (drawings, photographs) that keep geometric and metric data separated from the photographic documentation of the paintings. The first stage in this work is therefore addressed to produce a digital document that combines metric and photographic data in a 3D textured model; in the second stage a vocal guide interacting with the 3D model has been developed; such guide, thought as a support to people visiting the Steri, uses a database with historic contents and symbolic interpretation of the painted scenes to answer specific questions and “take” the visitor close to the related paintings


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    The Altamura Man and the paleontological remains are situated within a complex context encompassing logistical, geological, paleoenvironmental, and cultural perspectives. This context is exceptionally well-preserved but also fragile, requiring its preservation due to its unique nature. Unresolved inquiries exist in various disciplines, such as archaeology, biocultural studies, ecology, and geology, pertaining to karst formation, taphonomic dynamics, and the cultural and ecological context of the Neanderthal individual found in the cave. Interdisciplinary research was necessary to address these complex questions and understand the broader context of the Lamalunga Cave. Climate change also necessitated attention to preserving the cave’s microclimate and monitoring potential biodegradation. Digital technologies, including photogrammetry and laser scanning, were crucial for monitoring and safeguarding the cave’s cultural heritage. Digital representation, 3D modelling and Digital Twin were essential for managing the cave’s intricacies, analysing its values, and enhancing visual communication. The management of the Lamalunga cave aimed to promote scientific interpretation, safeguard the cave, and provide tools for understanding, storytelling, and further investigation. It was essential to utilise available methodologies and technologies while avoiding destructive interventions. Contemporary technologies have revolutionised the archaeological and paleoanthropological domains, enabling remote study and preservation. Protecting and comprehending the cultural heritage of the cave is linked to its usability, which can be enhanced through digital documentation methodologies to inform visitors about the karst context and promote social and economic development

    Geoinformatics for the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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    Cultural Heritage (CH) is recognised as being of historical, social, and anthropological value and is considered as an enabler of sustainable development. As a result, it is included in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 and 8. SDG 11.4 emphasises the protection and safeguarding of heritage, and SDG 8.9 aims to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products. This paper briefly reviews the geoinformatics technologies of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information science and their application to CH. Detailed aspects of CH-related SDGs, comprising protection and safeguarding, as well as the promotion of sustainable tourism are outlined. Contributions of geoinformatics technologies to each of these aspects are then identified and analysed. Case studies in both developing and developed countries, supported by funding directed at the UN SDGs, are presented to illustrate the challenges and opportunities of geoinformatics to enhance CH protection and to promote sustainable tourism. The potential and impact of geoinformatics for the measurement of official SDG indicators, as well as UNESCO's Culture for Development Indicators, are discussed. Based on analysis of the review and the presented case studies, it is concluded that the contribution of geoinformatics to the achievement of CH SDGs is necessary, significant and evident. Moreover, following the UNESCO initiative to introduce CH into the sustainable development agenda and related ICOMOS action plan, the concept of Sustainable Cultural Heritage is defined, reflecting the significance of CH to the United Nations' ambition to "transform our world"