122 research outputs found

    Exploring the Resilience of Some Lightweight Ciphers Against Profiled Single Trace Attacks

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    This paper compares attack outcomes w.r.t. profiled single trace attacks of four different lightweight ciphers in order to investigate which of their properties, if any, contribute to attack success. We show that mainly the diffusion properties of both the round function and the key schedule play a role. In particular, the more (reasonably statistically independent) intermediate values are produced in a target implementation, the better attacks succeed. A crucial aspect for lightweight ciphers is hence the key schedule which is often designed to be particularly light. This design choice implies that information from all round keys can be easily combined which results in attacks that succeed with ease

    Efficient and Secure Implementations of Lightweight Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives

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    This thesis is devoted to efficient and secure implementations of lightweight symmetric cryptographic primitives for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and actuators that are typically deployed in remote locations. In this setting, cryptographic algorithms must consume few computational resources and withstand a large variety of attacks, including side-channel attacks. The first part of this thesis is concerned with efficient software implementations of lightweight symmetric algorithms on 8, 16, and 32-bit microcontrollers. A first contribution of this part is the development of FELICS, an open-source benchmarking framework that facilitates the extraction of comparative performance figures from implementations of lightweight ciphers. Using FELICS, we conducted a fair evaluation of the implementation properties of 19 lightweight block ciphers in the context of two different usage scenarios, which are representatives for common security services in the Internet of Things (IoT). This study gives new insights into the link between the structure of a cryptographic algorithm and the performance it can achieve on embedded microcontrollers. Then, we present the SPARX family of lightweight ciphers and describe the impact of software efficiency in the process of shaping three instances of the family. Finally, we evaluate the cost of the main building blocks of symmetric algorithms to determine which are the most efficient ones. The contributions of this part are particularly valuable for designers of lightweight ciphers, software and security engineers, as well as standardization organizations. In the second part of this work, we focus on side-channel attacks that exploit the power consumption or the electromagnetic emanations of embedded devices executing unprotected implementations of lightweight algorithms. First, we evaluate different selection functions in the context of Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) to infer which operations are easy to attack. Second, we show that most implementations of the AES present in popular open-source cryptographic libraries are vulnerable to side-channel attacks such as CPA, even in a network protocol scenario where the attacker has limited control of the input. Moreover, we describe an optimal algorithm for recovery of the master key using CPA attacks. Third, we perform the first electromagnetic vulnerability analysis of Thread, a networking stack designed to facilitate secure communication between IoT devices. The third part of this thesis lies in the area of side-channel countermeasures against power and electromagnetic analysis attacks. We study efficient and secure expressions that compute simple bitwise functions on Boolean shares. To this end, we describe an algorithm for efficient search of expressions that have an optimal cost in number of elementary operations. Then, we introduce optimal expressions for first-order Boolean masking of bitwise AND and OR operations. Finally, we analyze the performance of three lightweight block ciphers protected using the optimal expressions

    Electromagnetic Side-Channel Resilience against Lightweight Cryptography

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    Side-channel attacks are an unpredictable risk factor in cryptography. Therefore, observations of leakages through physical parameters, i.e., power and electromagnetic (EM) radiation, etc., of digital devices are essential to minimise vulnerabilities associated with cryptographic functions. Compared to costs in the past, performing side-channel attacks using inexpensive test equipment is becoming a reality. Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices are resource-constrained, and lightweight cryptography is a novel approach in progress towards IoT security. Thus, it would provide sufficient data and privacy protection in such a constrained ecosystem. Therefore, cryptanalysis of physical leakages regarding these emerging ciphers is crucial. EM side-channel attacks seem to cause a significant impact on digital forensics nowadays. Within existing literature, power analysis seems to have considerable attention in research whereas other phenomena, such as EM, should continue to be appropriately evaluated in playing a role in forensic analysis.The emphasis of this thesis is on lightweight cryptanalysis. The preliminary investigations showed no Correlation EManalysis (CEMA) of PRESENT lightweight algorithm. The PRESENT is a block cipher that promises to be adequate for IoT devices, and is expected to be used commercially in the future. In an effort to fill in this research gap, this work examines the capabilities of a correlation EM side-channel attack against the PRESENT. For that, Substitution box (S-box) of the PRESENT was targeted for its 1st round with the use of a minimum number of EM waveforms compared to other work in literature, which was 256. The attack indicates the possibility of retrieving 8 bytes of the secret key out of 10 bytes. The experimental process started from a Simple EMA (SEMA) and gradually enhanced up to a CEMA. The thesis presents the methodology of the attack modelling and the observations followed by a critical analysis. Also, a technical review of the IoT technology and a comprehensive literature review on lightweight cryptology are included

    SoK: Assisted Fault Simulation - Existing Challenges and Opportunities Offered by AI

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    Fault injection attacks have caused implementations to behave unexpectedly, resulting in a spectacular bypass of security features and even the extraction of cryptographic keys. Clearly, developers want to ensure the robustness of the software against faults and eliminate production weaknesses that could lead to exploitation. Several fault simulators have been released that promise cost-effective evaluations against fault attacks. In this paper, we set out to discover how suitable such tools are, for a developer who wishes to create robust software against fault attacks. We found four open-source fault simulators that employ different techniques to navigate faults, which we objectively compare and discuss their benefits and drawbacks. Unfortunately, none of the four open-source fault simulators employ artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. However, AI was successfully applied to improve the fault simulation of cryptographic algorithms, though none of these tools is open source. We suggest improvements to open-source fault simulators inspired by the AI techniques used by cryptographic fault simulators

    A reliable trust-aware reinforcement learning based routing protocol for wireless medical sensor networks.

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    Interest in the Wireless Medical Sensor Network (WMSN) is rapidly gaining attention thanks to recent advances in semiconductors and wireless communication. However, by virtue of the sensitive medical applications and the stringent resource constraints, there is a need to develop a routing protocol to fulfill WMSN requirements in terms of delivery reliability, attack resiliency, computational overhead and energy efficiency. This doctoral research therefore aims to advance the state of the art in routing by proposing a lightweight, reliable routing protocol for WMSN. Ensuring a reliable path between the source and the destination requires making trustaware routing decisions to avoid untrustworthy paths. A lightweight and effective Trust Management System (TMS) has been developed to evaluate the trust relationship between the sensor nodes with a view to differentiating between trustworthy nodes and untrustworthy ones. Moreover, a resource-conservative Reinforcement Learning (RL) model has been proposed to reduce the computational overhead, along with two updating methods to speed up the algorithm convergence. The reward function is re-defined as a punishment, combining the proposed trust management system to defend against well-known dropping attacks. Furthermore, with a view to addressing the inborn overestimation problem in Q-learning-based routing protocols, we adopted double Q-learning to overcome the positive bias of using a single estimator. An energy model is integrated with the reward function to enhance the network lifetime and balance energy consumption across the network. The proposed energy model uses only local information to avoid the resource burdens and the security concerns of exchanging energy information. Finally, a realistic trust management testbed has been developed to overcome the limitations of using numerical analysis to evaluate proposed trust management schemes, particularly in the context of WMSN. The proposed testbed has been developed as an additional module to the NS-3 simulator to fulfill usability, generalisability, flexibility, scalability and high-performance requirements

    Dagstuhl News January - December 2007

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    "Dagstuhl News" is a publication edited especially for the members of the Foundation "Informatikzentrum Schloss Dagstuhl" to thank them for their support. The News give a summary of the scientific work being done in Dagstuhl. Each Dagstuhl Seminar is presented by a small abstract describing the contents and scientific highlights of the seminar as well as the perspectives or challenges of the research topic

    Why Cryptography Should Not Rely on Physical Attack Complexity

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    This book presents two practical physical attacks. It shows how attackers can reveal the secret key of symmetric as well as asymmetric cryptographic algorithms based on these attacks, and presents countermeasures on the software and the hardware level that can help to prevent them in the future. Though their theory has been known for several years now, since neither attack has yet been successfully implemented in practice, they have generally not been considered a serious threat. In short, their physical attack complexity has been overestimated and the implied security threat has been underestimated. First, the book introduces the photonic side channel, which offers not only temporal resolution, but also the highest possible spatial resolution. Due to the high cost of its initial implementation, it has not been taken seriously. The work shows both simple and differential photonic side channel analyses. Then, it presents a fault attack against pairing-based cryptography. Due to the need for at least two independent precise faults in a single pairing computation, it has not been taken seriously either. Based on these two attacks, the book demonstrates that the assessment of physical attack complexity is error-prone, and as such cryptography should not rely on it. Cryptographic technologies have to be protected against all physical attacks, whether they have already been successfully implemented or not. The development of countermeasures does not require the successful execution of an attack but can already be carried out as soon as the principle of a side channel or a fault attack is sufficiently understood

    Failure Analysis in Next-Generation Critical Cellular Communication Infrastructures

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    The advent of communication technologies marks a transformative phase in critical infrastructure construction, where the meticulous analysis of failures becomes paramount in achieving the fundamental objectives of continuity, security, and availability. This survey enriches the discourse on failures, failure analysis, and countermeasures in the context of the next-generation critical communication infrastructures. Through an exhaustive examination of existing literature, we discern and categorize prominent research orientations with focuses on, namely resource depletion, security vulnerabilities, and system availability concerns. We also analyze constructive countermeasures tailored to address identified failure scenarios and their prevention. Furthermore, the survey emphasizes the imperative for standardization in addressing failures related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the ambit of the sixth-generation (6G) networks, accounting for the forward-looking perspective for the envisioned intelligence of 6G network architecture. By identifying new challenges and delineating future research directions, this survey can help guide stakeholders toward unexplored territories, fostering innovation and resilience in critical communication infrastructure development and failure prevention

    Cryptanalysis of Selected Block Ciphers

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